14:28:48 INFO global [104c] - Creating console 0 14:28:48 INFO global [104c] - Initialization: 1 14:28:48 INFO global [104c] - Data loading: 127 14:28:48 INFO global [104c] - Mod handler: 3 14:28:48 INFO global [104c] - Mod filesystems: 2 14:28:48 INFO global [104c] - Basic initialization: 134 14:28:48 INFO global [104c] - Initialized logging system based on settings successfully. 14:28:48 ERROR global [104c] - Error: campaign movies was not found! 14:28:48 ERROR global [104c] - Error: campaign music was not found! 14:28:48 INFO global [104c] - Loading settings: 148 14:28:48 INFO global [104c] - VCMI 0.93 (client) 14:28:48 INFO global [104c] - New screen flags: 0 14:28:48 INFO global [104c] - Initializing screen: 542 14:28:48 INFO global [104c] - Initializing video: 3 14:28:48 INFO global [6bc] - Initializing minors: 0 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Initializing sound: 173 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Initializing screen and sound handling: 175 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_ATTACK 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type AIR_IMMUNITY 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RETALIATION 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type CHARGE_IMMUNITY 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type DAEMON_SUMMONING 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type DARKNESS 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type DEATH_STARE 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type DEFENSIVE_STANCE 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type DRAGON_NATURE 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type EARTH_IMMUNITY 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTED 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTER 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type FEAR 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type FEARLESS 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_IMMUNITY 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_SHIELD 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type FLYING 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type FREE_SHOOTING 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type FULL_HP_REGENERATION 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type HATE 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type HEALER 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type HP_REGENERATION 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type JOUSTING 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type KING1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type KING2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type KING3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type LIFE_DRAIN 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_MIRROR 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_RESISTANCE 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type MANA_CHANNELING 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type MANA_DRAIN 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type MIND_IMMUNITY 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type NON_LIVING 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type NO_MELEE_PENALTY 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type NO_MORALE 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type NO_WALL_PENALTY 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type RANDOM_SPELLCASTER 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type REBIRTH 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type RECEPTIVE 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type SELF_LUCK 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type SELF_MORALE 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type SHOOTER 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type SPELLCASTER 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_IMMUNITY 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type THREE_HEADED_ATTACK 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type UNDEAD 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Loaded bonus type WATER_IMMUNITY 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Bonus type handler: 10 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - General text handler: 9 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Hero handler: 10 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Artifact handler: 2 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Creature handler: 1 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Town handler: 1 14:28:49 TRACE global [6bc] - Reading cregens 14:28:49 TRACE global [6bc] - Done loading cregens! 14:28:49 TRACE global [6bc] - Reading resources prices 14:28:49 TRACE global [6bc] - Done loading resource prices! 14:28:49 TRACE global [6bc] - Reading banks configs 14:28:49 TRACE global [6bc] - Done loading banks configs 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Object handler: 10 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Def information handler: 65 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Spell handler: 10 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Initializing handlers: 120 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Initializing content handler: 37 ms 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Parsing original game data: 38 ms 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - VCMI essential files 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Parsing mod data: 4 ms 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Loading original game data: 75 ms 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - VCMI essential files 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Loading mod data: 4ms 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Pikemen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Halberdiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Archers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Marksmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Royal Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Swordsmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Crusaders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Monks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Zealots" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Cavaliers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Champions" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Angels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Archangels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Centaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Centaur Captains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Battle Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Wood Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Grand Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Silver Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Dendroid Guards" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Dendroid Soldiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "War Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Green Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Gold Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Master Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Stone Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Obsidian Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Stone Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Iron Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Arch Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Master Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Nagas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Naga Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Giants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Titans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Imps" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Familiars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Gogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Magogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Hell Hounds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Cerberi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Horned Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Pit Fiends" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Pit Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Efreet" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Efreet Sultans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Arch Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Skeletons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Skeleton Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Walking Dead" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Zombies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Wights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Wraiths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Vampires" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Vampire Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Power Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Black Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Dread Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Bone Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Ghost Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Infernal Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Harpies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Harpy Hags" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Beholders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Evil Eyes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Medusas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Medusa Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Minotaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Minotaur Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Manticores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Scorpicores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Red Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Black Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Goblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Hobgoblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Wolf Riders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Wolf Raiders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Orcs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Orc Chieftains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Ogres" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Ogre Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Rocs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Thunderbirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Cyclopes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Cyclops Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Ancient Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Gnolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Gnoll Marauders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Lizardmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Lizard Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Mighty Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Serpent Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Dragon Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Greater Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Wyverns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Wyvern Monarchs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Chaos Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Air Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Earth Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Fire Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Water Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Gold Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Diamond Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Pixies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Sprites" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Psychic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Magic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "NOT USED (1)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Ice Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "NOT USED (2)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Magma Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "NOT USED (3)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Storm Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "NOT USED (4)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Energy Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Firebirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Phoenixes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Azure Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Crystal Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Faerie Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Rust Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Enchanters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Halflings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Peasants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Boars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Mummies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Nomads" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Rogues" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Trolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Catapults" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Ballistas" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "First Aid Tents" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Ammo Carts" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - "Arrow Towers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Creatures of unnormalized tier #attached to# All creatures 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Creatures of tier 1 #attached to# All creatures 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Creatures of tier 2 #attached to# All creatures 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Creatures of tier 3 #attached to# All creatures 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Creatures of tier 4 #attached to# All creatures 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Creatures of tier 5 #attached to# All creatures 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Creatures of tier 6 #attached to# All creatures 14:28:49 TRACE bonus [6bc] - Creatures of tier 7 #attached to# All creatures 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Resolving identifiers: 12 ms 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - All game content loaded in 172 ms 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Initializing VCMI_Lib: 300 14:28:49 INFO global [288] - Loading and transforming heroes' flags: 16 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Screen handler: 20 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Main graphics: 50 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Initializing game graphics: 2 14:28:49 INFO global [6bc] - Message handler: 3 14:28:51 INFO global [104c] - Initialization of VCMI (together): 3702 14:28:51 TRACE global [136c] - Loading music file Music/MainMenu 14:28:51 TRACE global [136c] - Playing music file Music/MainMenu 14:28:51 ERROR global [136c] - bink failed to open CREDITS.SMK 14:28:51 ERROR global [136c] - Error 127 encountered! 14:28:51 ERROR global [136c] - Error: Den angitte prosedyren ble ikke funnet. 14:28:51 WARN global [136c] - Failed to open video file CREDITS.SMK: Den angitte prosedyren ble ikke funnet. 14:29:10 WARN global [136c] - Closing no opened player...? 14:29:22 ERROR global [136c] - bink failed to open CREDITS.SMK 14:29:22 ERROR global [136c] - Error 127 encountered! 14:29:22 ERROR global [136c] - Error: Den angitte prosedyren ble ikke funnet. 14:29:22 WARN global [136c] - Failed to open video file CREDITS.SMK: Den angitte prosedyren ble ikke funnet. 14:29:22 WARN global [136c] - Closing no opened player...? 14:29:22 TRACE global [136c] - Stoping music file Music/MainMenu 14:29:22 INFO network [444] - Setting up thread calling server: 0 14:29:23 INFO network [444] - Waiting for server: 392 14:29:23 INFO network [444] - Establishing connection... 14:29:23 INFO network [444] - Found endpoints: 14:29:23 INFO network [444] - 0: 14:29:23 INFO network [444] - Trying connection to (0) 14:29:23 INFO network [444] - Established connection with VCMI 0.93 (server) 14:29:23 INFO network [444] - Connecting to the server: 7 14:29:23 INFO network [444] - Will send info to server... 14:29:23 INFO network [444] - Server opened map properly. 14:29:23 INFO network [444] - Sending/Getting info to/from the server: 103 14:29:23 INFO network [444] - Creating gamestate: 3 14:29:23 INFO global [444] - Using random seed: 1370521763 14:29:23 INFO global [444] - Open map file: MAPS/ARROGANCE 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 30 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 30 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Everpouring Vial of Mercury type #attached to# Artifact: Everpouring Vial of Mercury 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Eversmoking Ring of Sulfur type #attached to# Artifact: Eversmoking Ring of Sulfur 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 30 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 30 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Everflowing Crystal Cloak type #attached to# Artifact: Everflowing Crystal Cloak 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Ring of Infinite Gems type #attached to# Artifact: Ring of Infinite Gems 14:29:23 INFO global [444] - Map loaded! 14:29:23 INFO global [444] - Our checksum for the map: 1596882971 14:29:23 DEBUG global [444] - Initialization: 14:29:23 DEBUG global [444] - Picking grail position 14:29:23 DEBUG global [444] - Picking random factions for players 14:29:23 DEBUG global [444] - Randomizing objects 14:29:23 DEBUG global [444] - Creating player entries in gs 14:29:23 DEBUG global [444] - Giving starting hero 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Synca 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 15 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Coronius 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Coronius 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 21 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Aislinn 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Aislinn 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Hero Aislinn 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 23 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Erdamon 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Erdamon 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Erdamon 14:29:23 DEBUG global [444] - Setting up resources 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 19 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Orrin 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero Orrin 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero Valeska 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero Valeska 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero Valeska 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 18 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Edric 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Edric 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 18 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Sylvia 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero Sylvia 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 17 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Sorsha 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero Sorsha 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 19 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Christian 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Christian #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 16 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Tyris 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 19 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Rion 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Rion #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 2 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Rion 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 17 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Adela 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero Adela 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 10 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Cuthbert 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero Cuthbert 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 2 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Cuthbert 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 13 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Adelaide 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 18 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Ingham 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero Ingham 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Sanya 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero Sanya 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 13 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Loynis 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero Loynis 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 20 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Caitlin 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 24 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Mephala 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Ufretin 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 13 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Jenova 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Jenova 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 15 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Ryland 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Ryland 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 23 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Thorgrim 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Thorgrim 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 16 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Ivor 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Ivor 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Ivor 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 14 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Clancy 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Clancy 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Clancy 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 23 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Kyrre 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Kyrre 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 19 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Uland 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Uland 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 16 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Elleshar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Elleshar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 21 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Gem 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Gem #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 19 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Malcom 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Malcom 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 22 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Melodia 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 21 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Alagar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Alagar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 12 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Aeris 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Aeris 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Piquedram 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Piquedram 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 34 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Thane 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Thane 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 31 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Josephine 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero Josephine 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 35 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Neela 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Neela 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 36 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Torosar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Torosar #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero Torosar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 38 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Fafner 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Fafner 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero Fafner 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 34 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Rissa 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Rissa 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 35 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Iona 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Astral 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Astral 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 37 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Halon 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Serena 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 34 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Daremyth 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Daremyth 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero Daremyth 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 33 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Theodorus 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Theodorus 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero Theodorus 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 38 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Solmyr 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Solmyr 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 30 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Cyra 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Cyra 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 40 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Aine 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Aine 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 25 of Imps #attached to# Hero Fiona 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero Fiona 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 24 of Imps #attached to# Hero Rashka 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Rashka 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 19 of Imps #attached to# Hero Marius 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Marius 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 19 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ignatius 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 23 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ignatius 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Hero Octavia 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Octavia 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Calh 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Calh 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 16 of Imps #attached to# Hero Pyre 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Pyre #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 25 of Imps #attached to# Hero Nymus 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Nymus 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 21 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ayden 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Hero Xyron 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Xyron 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 22 of Imps #attached to# Hero Axsis 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Axsis 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero Axsis 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 19 of Imps #attached to# Hero Olema 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Olema 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 17 of Imps #attached to# Hero Calid 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 21 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ash 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Ash 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 24 of Imps #attached to# Hero Zydar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Zydar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Hero Xarfax 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Xarfax 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Straker 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 25 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Vokial 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Vokial 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 29 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Moandor 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Moandor 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 24 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Charna 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Wights #attached to# Hero Charna 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Hero Charna 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Tamika 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Tamika 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 30 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Isra 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Isra 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 25 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Clavius 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Clavius 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 27 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Galthran 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Galthran 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 28 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Septienna 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Septienna 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 25 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Sandro 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Sandro 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Hero Sandro 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 28 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Nimbus 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Nimbus 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Thant 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 25 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Xsi 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Xsi 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 30 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Vidomina 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Vidomina 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 24 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Nagash 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Nagash 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Lorelei 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Lorelei 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 31 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Arlach 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Arlach #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 33 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Dace 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Dace 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Ajit 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Beholders #attached to# Hero Ajit 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Beholders #attached to# Hero Ajit 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 37 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Damacon 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Damacon 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Gunnar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Shakti 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 31 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Shakti 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 35 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Alamar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Alamar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 37 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Jaegar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Jaegar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 36 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Malekith 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Malekith 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 31 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Jeddite 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Jeddite 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Geon 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Geon 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Beholders #attached to# Hero Geon 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Deemer 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Deemer 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 33 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Sephinroth 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Sephinroth 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Darkstorn 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Darkstorn 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Yog 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Yog 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 21 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gurnisson 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 19 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Jabarkas 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Jabarkas 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Shiva 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 20 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gretchin 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 17 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gretchin 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 22 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Krellion 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Krellion 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Crag Hack 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Crag Hack 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Crag Hack 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Tyraxor 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Tyraxor 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 20 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gird 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Gird 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 22 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Vey 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Vey 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 22 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Dessa 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Dessa 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 22 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Terek 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Terek 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Zubin 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Zubin 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 22 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gundula 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Gundula 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Gundula 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 22 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Oris 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Oris 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Oris 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 23 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Saurug 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 19 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Bron 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Bron 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Drakon 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 18 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Drakon 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Wystan 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 14 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Tazar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Tazar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 16 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Alkin 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Alkin 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 18 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Korbac 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Korbac 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Gerwulf 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Gerwulf #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Gerwulf 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Broghild 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Broghild 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 15 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Mirlanda 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Mirlanda 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 18 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Rosic 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Rosic 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 10 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Voy 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Voy 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Verdish 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Verdish #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 20 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Merist 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Merist 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Styg 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Styg 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 11 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Andra 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Andra 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 15 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Tiva 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Tiva 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 16 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Pasis 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Pasis 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Pasis 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 19 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Thunar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Thunar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Thunar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Ignissa 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Ignissa 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Ignissa 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 18 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Lacus 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 15 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Monere 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Monere 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 24 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Fiur 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Fiur 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Fiur 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 16 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Kalt 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Kalt 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 25 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Luna 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Luna 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Luna 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Brissa 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Brissa 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 15 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Ciele 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Ciele 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 15 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Labetha 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Labetha 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Labetha 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Inteus 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Inteus 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 21 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Aenain 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Aenain 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Aenain 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 17 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Gelare 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Gelare 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 25 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Grindan 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Grindan 14:29:23 DEBUG global [444] - Fog of war 14:29:23 DEBUG global [444] - Starting bonuses 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Mystic Orb of Mana type #attached to# Artifact: Mystic Orb of Mana 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Coronius #attached to# Artifact instance of Mystic Orb of Mana type 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Artifact instance of Charm of Mana type #attached to# Artifact: Charm of Mana 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Erdamon #attached to# Artifact instance of Charm of Mana type 14:29:23 DEBUG global [444] - Towns 14:29:23 DEBUG global [444] - Object initialization 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Sprites #attached to# "Sprites" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 30 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# "Dendroid Soldiers" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Battle Dwarves #attached to# "Battle Dwarves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Ice Elementals #attached to# "Ice Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Ogres #attached to# "Ogres" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Evil Eyes #attached to# "Evil Eyes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Earth Elementals #attached to# "Earth Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Ice Elementals #attached to# "Ice Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 30 of Gorgons #attached to# "Gorgons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Naga Queens #attached to# "Naga Queens" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Familiars #attached to# "Familiars" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Peasants #attached to# "Peasants" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Grand Elves #attached to# "Grand Elves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 30 of Magma Elementals #attached to# "Magma Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Medusa Queens #attached to# "Medusa Queens" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Harpy Hags #attached to# "Harpy Hags" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Cerberi #attached to# "Cerberi" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Fire Elementals #attached to# "Fire Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Storm Elementals #attached to# "Storm Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 30 of Dendroid Guards #attached to# "Dendroid Guards" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Efreet #attached to# "Efreet" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Stack of 0 of Black Knights #attached to# "Black Knights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Synca #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Coronius #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Aislinn #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Erdamon #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Player Red #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Player Blue #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Player Purple #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Player Teal #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Red 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Blue 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Teal 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Purple 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Synca #attached to# Player Red 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Coronius #attached to# Player Blue 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Aislinn #attached to# Player Purple 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Erdamon #attached to# Player Teal 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Town (Dungeon) of Darkhold #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Town (Dungeon) of Evernight #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Town (Rampart) of Forest #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Town (Rampart) of Wise Oak #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Town (Necropolis) of Haunt's Wind #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Town (Conflux) of Vluchton #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Town (Conflux) of Lanting #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Town (Necropolis) of Blackquarter #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Synca #detached from# Player Red 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Synca #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Coronius #detached from# Player Blue 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Coronius #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Aislinn #detached from# Player Purple 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Aislinn #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Erdamon #detached from# Player Teal 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [444] - Hero Erdamon #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:29:23 DEBUG global [444] - Checking objectives 14:29:23 INFO global [444] - Seed after init is 1056711504 (before was 1370521763) 14:29:23 INFO network [444] - Initializing GameState (together): 109 14:29:23 INFO network [444] - Creating mapHandler: 2 14:29:23 INFO global [444] - Unpacking and handling defs: 41 14:29:23 INFO global [444] - Preparing FoW, roads, rivers,borders: 12 14:29:23 INFO global [444] - Making object rects: 4 14:29:23 INFO network [444] - Initializing mapHandler (together): 60 14:29:23 TRACE network [444] - Preparing interface for player 0 14:29:23 TRACE global [444] - Human player interface for player 0 being constructed 14:29:23 TRACE network [444] - Initializing the interface 14:29:23 TRACE network [444] - Preparing interface for player 1 14:29:23 INFO global [444] - Opening VCAI 14:29:23 INFO global [444] - Loaded VCAI 14:29:23 TRACE ai [444] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 14:29:23 TRACE ai [444] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 14:29:23 INFO network [444] - Player 1 will be lead by VCAI 14:29:23 TRACE network [444] - Initializing the interface 14:29:23 TRACE ai [444] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::init(class CCallback *). 14:29:23 TRACE ai [444] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::init(class CCallback *). 14:29:23 TRACE network [444] - Preparing interface for player 5 14:29:23 INFO global [444] - Opening VCAI 14:29:23 INFO global [444] - Loaded VCAI 14:29:23 TRACE ai [444] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 14:29:23 TRACE ai [444] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 14:29:23 INFO network [444] - Player 5 will be lead by VCAI 14:29:23 TRACE network [444] - Initializing the interface 14:29:23 TRACE ai [444] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::init(class CCallback *). 14:29:23 TRACE ai [444] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::init(class CCallback *). 14:29:23 TRACE network [444] - Preparing interface for player 6 14:29:23 INFO global [444] - Opening VCAI 14:29:23 INFO global [444] - Loaded VCAI 14:29:23 TRACE ai [444] - Entering __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 14:29:23 TRACE ai [444] - Leaving __thiscall VCAI::VCAI(void). 14:29:23 INFO network [444] - Player 6 will be lead by VCAI 14:29:23 TRACE network [444] - Initializing the interface 14:29:23 TRACE ai [444] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::init(class CCallback *). 14:29:23 TRACE ai [444] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::init(class CCallback *). 14:29:23 INFO global [444] - Opening StupidAI 14:29:23 INFO global [444] - Loaded Stupid AI 0.1 14:29:23 TRACE ai [444] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: created 14:29:23 TRACE ai [444] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: init called, saving ptr to IBattleCallback 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 33 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero Dace 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #detached from# Hero Dace 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Dace 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Dace 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 21 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Alagar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero Alagar 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 13 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Alagar 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 13 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Jenova 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero Jenova 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 20 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Jenova 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Jenova 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 15 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero Mirlanda 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero Mirlanda 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 16 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Mirlanda 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Mirlanda 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Mirlanda 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeSpells 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero Straker 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Straker 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Straker 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 18 of Pikemen #detached from# Hero Sylvia 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Archers #detached from# Hero Sylvia 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Archers" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 20 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Sylvia 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero Sylvia 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeSpells 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #detached from# Hero Brissa 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero Brissa 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 17 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Brissa 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Brissa 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero Verdish 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 18 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Verdish 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableArtifacts 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableArtifactsChanged(const class CGBlackMarket *). 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableArtifactsChanged(const class CGBlackMarket *). 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableArtifactsChanged(const class CGBlackMarket *). 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableArtifactsChanged(const class CGBlackMarket *). 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableArtifactsChanged(const class CGBlackMarket *). 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableArtifactsChanged(const class CGBlackMarket *). 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewTurn 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateMapEvents 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InsertNewStack 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 8 of Harpies #attached to# Town (Dungeon) of Evernight 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InsertNewStack 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 8 of Dwarves #attached to# Town (Rampart) of Forest 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 12 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 13 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 8 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 8 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 8 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 8 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 8 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InsertNewStack 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 8 of Walking Dead #attached to# Town (Necropolis) of Haunt's Wind 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InsertNewStack 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #attached to# Town (Conflux) of Vluchton 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 12 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 13 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 2 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 2 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 2 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 2 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 2 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 12 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 12 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 12 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 12 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 12 of Water Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:29:23 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateArtHandlerLists 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SaveGame". It'll have an ID=0. 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SaveGame 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1. 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:29:23 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:29:23 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file Music/MainMenu 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SaveGame 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 INFO global [790] - Saving lib part of game... 14:29:23 INFO global [790] - Saving header 14:29:23 INFO global [790] - Saving options 14:29:23 INFO global [790] - Saving handlers 14:29:23 INFO global [790] - Saving gamestate 14:29:23 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 0 interface. 14:29:23 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:29:23 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 1 interface. 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:29:23 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:29:23 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 5 interface. 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:29:23 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:29:23 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 6 interface. 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:29:23 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:29:23 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SystemMessage 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 ERROR network [790] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Newgame_Autosave_1 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:24 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file Music/MainMenu 14:29:24 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dirt 14:29:27 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=2. 14:29:27 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:29:27 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:29:27 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:27 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:27 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:27 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:27 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:27 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:27 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:27 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:27 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:28 TRACE global [136c] - Loading music file music/Dungeon 14:29:28 TRACE global [136c] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:29:29 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:29:29 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dungeon 14:29:29 TRACE global [136c] - You've clicked on 11 14:29:31 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=3. 14:29:31 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:31 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:34 TRACE global [136c] - You've clicked on 7 14:29:35 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=4. 14:29:35 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct RecruitCreatures 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InsertNewStack 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:35 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:35 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 14 of Troglodytes #attached to# Town (Dungeon) of Darkhold 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:35 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:36 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=5. 14:29:36 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct RecruitCreatures 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InsertNewStack 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:36 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:29:36 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 8 of Harpies #attached to# Town (Dungeon) of Darkhold 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:36 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:37 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=6. 14:29:37 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct RecruitCreatures 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InsertNewStack 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:37 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 14:29:37 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 7 of Beholders #attached to# Town (Dungeon) of Darkhold 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:37 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:38 TRACE bonus [136c] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:29:38 TRACE bonus [136c] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:29:38 TRACE bonus [136c] - Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 14:29:38 TRACE bonus [136c] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:29:38 TRACE bonus [136c] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 14:29:38 TRACE bonus [136c] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Beholders" 14:29:38 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct GarrisonHeroSwap". It'll have an ID=7. 14:29:38 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct GarrisonHeroSwap 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:38 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 14 of Troglodytes #detached from# Town (Dungeon) of Darkhold 14:29:38 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:38 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 8 of Harpies #detached from# Town (Dungeon) of Darkhold 14:29:38 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 8 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Synca 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:38 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 7 of Beholders #detached from# Town (Dungeon) of Darkhold 14:29:38 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 7 of Beholders #attached to# Hero Synca 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHeroesInTown 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:38 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:29:38 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #attached to# Player Red 14:29:38 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #detached from# Player Red 14:29:38 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #attached to# Town (Dungeon) of Darkhold 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:38 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:39 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct GarrisonHeroSwap". It'll have an ID=8. 14:29:39 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct GarrisonHeroSwap 14:29:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHeroesInTown 14:29:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #detached from# Town (Dungeon) of Darkhold 14:29:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #attached to# Player Red 14:29:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #detached from# Player Red 14:29:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:29:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:40 TRACE global [136c] - You've clicked on 1 14:29:40 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct BuyArtifact". It'll have an ID=9. 14:29:40 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuyArtifact 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewArtifact 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PutArtifact 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeSpells 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:41 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=10. 14:29:41 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:29:41 TRACE global [136c] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:29:41 TRACE global [136c] - Stoping music file music/Dungeon 14:29:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:29:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:42 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dungeon 14:29:42 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dirt 14:29:43 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:29:43 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:29:43 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:29:43 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 8 6 0 14:29:43 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=11. 14:29:43 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:29:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:29:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:43 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:29:43 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #attached to# Player Red 14:29:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:29:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:43 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:29:43 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 8 7 0 14:29:43 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=12. 14:29:43 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:29:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:29:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:44 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:29:44 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 7 8 0 14:29:44 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=13. 14:29:44 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BlockingDialog 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:44 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:44 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=14. 14:29:44 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:44 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=203 14:29:44 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 47 of Goblins #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:44 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" 14:29:44 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:44 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:46 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:29:46 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:29:46 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:29:46 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 6 7 0 14:29:46 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=15. 14:29:46 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:46 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects 14:29:46 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Player Red 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:46 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:49 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:29:49 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:29:49 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:29:49 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 7 8 0 14:29:49 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=16. 14:29:49 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:49 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:29:49 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 8 9 0 14:29:49 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=17. 14:29:49 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:49 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:29:49 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 9 9 0 14:29:49 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=18. 14:29:49 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:49 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 14:29:50 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 14:29:50 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 14:29:50 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 6 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStart 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo 14:29:50 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo 14:29:50 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [0]: 53 creatures of Troglodytes from slot 0 of armyobj=605 #attached to# Stack of 53 of Troglodytes 14:29:50 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [3]: 6 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=257 #attached to# Stack of 6 of Obsidian Gargoyles 14:29:50 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 8 creatures of Harpies from slot 1 of armyobj=605 #attached to# Stack of 8 of Harpies 14:29:50 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [4]: 5 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 1 of armyobj=257 #attached to# Stack of 5 of Obsidian Gargoyles 14:29:50 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 7 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=605 #attached to# Stack of 7 of Beholders 14:29:50 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [5]: 5 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 2 of armyobj=257 #attached to# Stack of 5 of Obsidian Gargoyles 14:29:50 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [6]: 6 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 3 of armyobj=257 #attached to# Stack of 6 of Obsidian Gargoyles 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:50 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:29:50 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStart called 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:29:50 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:50 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:50 TRACE ai [10e0] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [3]: 6 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=257 14:29:50 TRACE network [10e0] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=19. 14:29:50 TRACE network [10e0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:29:50 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:50 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:29:51 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:29:51 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:51 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:51 TRACE ai [ee8] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 5 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 1 of armyobj=257 14:29:51 TRACE network [ee8] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=20. 14:29:51 TRACE network [ee8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:29:51 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:51 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:29:52 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:52 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:52 TRACE ai [66c] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [5]: 5 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 2 of armyobj=257 14:29:52 TRACE network [66c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=21. 14:29:52 TRACE network [66c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:29:52 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:52 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:29:53 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:29:53 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:53 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:53 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:53 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:54 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:54 TRACE ai [840] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [6]: 6 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 3 of armyobj=257 14:29:54 TRACE network [840] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=22. 14:29:54 TRACE network [840] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:29:54 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:29:55 TRACE global [10b8] - Loading music file music/Combat02 14:29:55 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Combat02 14:29:55 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:29:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:29:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:55 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:29:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:29:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:55 TRACE global [bb8] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 8 creatures of Harpies from slot 1 of armyobj=605 14:29:58 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MakeCustomAction". It'll have an ID=23. 14:29:58 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeCustomAction 14:29:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:29:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:29:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSpellCast 14:29:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleSpellCast called 14:29:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StacksInjured 14:29:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:59 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:29:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:29:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:59 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:29:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:29:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:29:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:29:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:29:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:29:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:00 TRACE global [136c] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 8 creatures of Harpies from slot 1 of armyobj=605 14:30:00 TRACE global [bb8] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 8 creatures of Harpies from slot 1 of armyobj=605 14:30:00 TRACE network [bb8] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=24. 14:30:00 TRACE network [bb8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:00 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:00 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:00 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:00 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:00 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:00 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:00 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:01 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:01 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:01 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:01 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:01 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:01 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:01 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:01 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:01 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:01 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:01 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:01 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:01 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:02 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:02 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:02 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:02 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:02 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:02 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:02 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:03 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:03 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:03 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:03 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:03 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:03 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:03 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:03 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:03 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:03 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:03 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:03 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:03 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:03 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:03 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:03 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:03 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:03 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:03 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:03 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:03 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:03 TRACE global [c6c] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 7 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=605 14:30:07 TRACE global [136c] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 7 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=605 14:30:07 TRACE global [c6c] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 7 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=605 14:30:07 TRACE network [c6c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=25. 14:30:07 TRACE network [c6c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:07 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:07 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:07 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:07 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:07 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:07 TRACE global [e4c] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 53 creatures of Troglodytes from slot 0 of armyobj=605 14:30:09 TRACE global [136c] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 53 creatures of Troglodytes from slot 0 of armyobj=605 14:30:09 TRACE global [e4c] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 53 creatures of Troglodytes from slot 0 of armyobj=605 14:30:09 TRACE network [e4c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=26. 14:30:09 TRACE network [e4c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:09 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:09 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:09 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:09 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:09 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:09 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:09 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:10 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:10 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:30:10 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:10 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:10 TRACE ai [e08] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [3]: 6 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=257 14:30:10 TRACE network [e08] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=27. 14:30:10 TRACE network [e08] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:10 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:10 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:10 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:10 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:10 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:11 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:11 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:11 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:11 TRACE ai [107c] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 5 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 1 of armyobj=257 14:30:11 TRACE network [107c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=28. 14:30:11 TRACE network [107c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:11 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:11 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:11 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:11 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:12 TRACE ai [544] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [5]: 3 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 2 of armyobj=257 14:30:12 TRACE network [544] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=29. 14:30:12 TRACE network [544] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:12 TRACE ai [934] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [6]: 4 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 3 of armyobj=257 14:30:12 TRACE network [934] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=30. 14:30:12 TRACE network [934] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:13 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:13 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:13 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:13 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:13 TRACE global [5c8] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 8 creatures of Harpies from slot 1 of armyobj=605 14:30:14 TRACE global [136c] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 8 creatures of Harpies from slot 1 of armyobj=605 14:30:14 TRACE global [5c8] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 8 creatures of Harpies from slot 1 of armyobj=605 14:30:14 TRACE network [5c8] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=31. 14:30:14 TRACE network [5c8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:14 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:14 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:14 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:14 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:14 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:14 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:14 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:15 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:15 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:15 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:15 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:15 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:15 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:15 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:15 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:15 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:15 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:15 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:15 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:15 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:15 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:15 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:15 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:15 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:15 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:15 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:15 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:16 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:16 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:16 TRACE global [78c] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 7 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=605 14:30:16 TRACE global [136c] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 7 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=605 14:30:16 TRACE global [78c] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 7 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=605 14:30:16 TRACE network [78c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=32. 14:30:16 TRACE network [78c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:16 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:16 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:17 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:17 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:17 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:17 TRACE global [10dc] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 45 creatures of Troglodytes from slot 0 of armyobj=605 14:30:18 TRACE global [136c] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 45 creatures of Troglodytes from slot 0 of armyobj=605 14:30:18 TRACE global [10dc] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 45 creatures of Troglodytes from slot 0 of armyobj=605 14:30:18 TRACE network [10dc] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=33. 14:30:18 TRACE network [10dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:18 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:19 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:19 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:19 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:30:19 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:19 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:19 TRACE ai [1020] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 4 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 1 of armyobj=257 14:30:19 TRACE network [1020] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=34. 14:30:19 TRACE network [1020] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:19 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:19 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:19 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:20 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:20 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:20 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:20 TRACE ai [11ac] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [6]: 2 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 3 of armyobj=257 14:30:20 TRACE network [11ac] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=35. 14:30:20 TRACE network [11ac] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:20 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:20 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:20 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:21 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:21 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:21 TRACE global [10fc] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 7 creatures of Harpies from slot 1 of armyobj=605 14:30:21 TRACE global [136c] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 7 creatures of Harpies from slot 1 of armyobj=605 14:30:21 TRACE global [10fc] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 7 creatures of Harpies from slot 1 of armyobj=605 14:30:21 TRACE network [10fc] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=36. 14:30:21 TRACE network [10fc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:21 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:21 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:22 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:22 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:22 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:22 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:22 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:22 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:22 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:22 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:22 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:22 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:22 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:22 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:22 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:22 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:22 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:22 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:23 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:23 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:23 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:23 TRACE global [13d8] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 7 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=605 14:30:24 TRACE global [136c] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 7 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=605 14:30:24 TRACE global [13d8] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 7 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=605 14:30:24 TRACE network [13d8] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=37. 14:30:24 TRACE network [13d8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleResult 14:30:24 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file Music/Win Battle 14:30:24 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Combat02 14:30:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleEnd called 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [0]: 42 creatures of Troglodytes from slot 0 of armyobj=605 #detached from# Stack of 53 of Troglodytes 14:30:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [3]: 0 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 0 of armyobj=257 #detached from# Stack of 6 of Obsidian Gargoyles 14:30:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 7 creatures of Harpies from slot 1 of armyobj=605 #detached from# Stack of 8 of Harpies 14:30:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [4]: 0 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 1 of armyobj=257 #detached from# Stack of 5 of Obsidian Gargoyles 14:30:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 7 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=605 #detached from# Stack of 7 of Beholders 14:30:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [5]: 0 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 2 of armyobj=257 #detached from# Stack of 5 of Obsidian Gargoyles 14:30:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [6]: 0 creatures of Obsidian Gargoyles from slot 3 of armyobj=257 #detached from# Stack of 6 of Obsidian Gargoyles 14:30:24 WARN bonus [790] - Warning: an orphaned child! 14:30:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 14:30:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:24 ERROR global [790] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllStacks called when no battle! 14:30:24 ERROR global [790] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 14:30:24 ERROR global [790] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:24 ERROR global [790] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllStacks called when no battle! 14:30:24 ERROR global [790] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 14:30:24 ERROR global [790] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EraseStack 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 6 of Obsidian Gargoyles #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:30:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EraseStack 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Obsidian Gargoyles #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:30:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EraseStack 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Obsidian Gargoyles #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:30:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EraseStack 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 6 of Obsidian Gargoyles #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:30:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Obsidian Gargoyles" 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleResultsApplied 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:24 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=257 14:30:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:25 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Combat02 14:30:25 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file Music/Win Battle 14:30:31 TRACE global [136c] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:30:31 TRACE global [136c] - Stoping music file Music/Win Battle 14:30:31 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file Music/Win Battle 14:30:31 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dirt 14:30:33 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:33 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:33 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:33 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 10 8 0 14:30:33 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=38. 14:30:33 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:33 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:33 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:35 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:35 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:35 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:35 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 9 9 0 14:30:35 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=39. 14:30:35 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:35 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:35 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 8 9 0 14:30:35 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=40. 14:30:35 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:35 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:35 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 7 8 0 14:30:35 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=41. 14:30:35 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:35 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:35 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 8 7 0 14:30:35 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=42. 14:30:35 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:35 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:36 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:36 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:36 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:36 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:36 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:36 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:36 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:36 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:37 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:37 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:37 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [136c] - Player 0 ended his turn. 14:30:39 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=43. 14:30:39 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - Player 1 starting turn 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - Considering goal WIN 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:30:39 TRACE network [b04] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=44. 14:30:39 TRACE network [b04] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [b04] - We'll wait till request 44 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - Considering goal BUILD 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - Looking into Wise Oak 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - Player 1 will build Dendroid Arches in town of Wise Oak at 6 29 0 14:30:39 TRACE network [b04] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=45. 14:30:39 TRACE network [b04] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:30:39 TRACE global [b04] - We'll wait till request 45 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - Looking into Coronius, MP=1500 14:30:39 TRACE network [b04] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=46. 14:30:39 TRACE network [b04] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [b04] - We'll wait till request 46 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - Player 1 ends turn 14:30:39 TRACE global [b04] - Player 1 ended his turn. 14:30:39 TRACE network [b04] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=47. 14:30:39 TRACE network [b04] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:30:39 TRACE global [b04] - We'll wait till request 47 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [b04] - Player 1 ended turn 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file 14:30:39 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Player 5 starting turn 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Considering goal WIN 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=48. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 48 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Considering goal EXPLORE 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=49. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 49 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (3 7 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=50. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 50 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (3 7 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 3 7 1 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=51. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 51 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Aislinn #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:30:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Aislinn #attached to# Player Purple 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 4 7 1. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 2 6 1 to 3 7 1. Returning 1. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=52. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 52 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (2 6 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=53. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 53 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (2 6 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 2 6 1 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=54. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 54 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Aislinn #detached from# Player Purple 14:30:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Aislinn #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisitsTown(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGTownInstance *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisitsTown(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGTownInstance *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Blackquarter, Necropolis at 4 6 1. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 3 7 1 to 2 6 1. Returning 1. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=55. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 55 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (2 7 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=56. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 56 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (2 7 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 2 7 1 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=57. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 57 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Aislinn #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:30:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Aislinn #attached to# Player Purple 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 3 7 1. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 2 6 1 to 2 7 1. Returning 1. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=58. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 58 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (3 8 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=59. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 59 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (3 8 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 3 8 1 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=60. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 60 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 4 8 1. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 2 7 1 to 3 8 1. Returning 1. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=61. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 61 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 3 13 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (4 9 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=62. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 62 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (4 9 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 4 9 1 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=63. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 63 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 5 9 1. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 3 8 1 to 4 9 1. Returning 1. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=64. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 64 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 3 13 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 2 13 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (5 9 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=65. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 65 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (5 9 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 5 9 1 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=66. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 66 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 6 9 1. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 4 9 1 to 5 9 1. Returning 1. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=67. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 67 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 3 13 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 2 13 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (6 9 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=68. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 68 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (6 9 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 6 9 1 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=69. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 69 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 7 9 1. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 5 9 1 to 6 9 1. Returning 1. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=70. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 70 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 3 13 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 2 13 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (6 10 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=71. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 71 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (6 10 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 6 10 1 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=72. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 72 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 7 10 1. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 6 9 1 to 6 10 1. Returning 1. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=73. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 73 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 3 13 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 2 13 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (6 12 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=74. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 74 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (6 12 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 6 12 1 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=75. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 75 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=76. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 76 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '5', val '9'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=569 14:30:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 7 11 1. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 6 10 1 to 6 11 1. Returning 1. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=77. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 77 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 3 13 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 2 13 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (4 12 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=78. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 78 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (4 12 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 4 12 1 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=79. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 79 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=80. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 80 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '2', val '16'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=571 14:30:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 6 12 1. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [101c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 6 11 1 to 5 12 1. Returning 1. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=81. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 81 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 3 13 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 2 13 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (3 13 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=82. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 82 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 3 13 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (3 13 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (3 13 1) (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=83. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 83 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=84. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 84 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 3 13 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 2 13 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (3 13 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=85. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 85 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 3 13 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (3 13 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (3 13 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Considering goal BUILD 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Looking into Blackquarter 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Player 5 will build Estate in town of Blackquarter at 4 6 1 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=86. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 86 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Player 5 ends turn 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - Player 5 ended his turn. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=87. 14:30:39 TRACE network [101c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:30:39 TRACE global [101c] - We'll wait till request 87 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [101c] - Player 5 ended turn 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file 14:30:39 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Player 6 starting turn 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Considering goal WIN 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=88. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 88 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 25 9 1 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=89. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 89 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Considering goal EXPLORE 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=90. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 90 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (26 5 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=91. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 91 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (26 5 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 26 5 1 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=92. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 92 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Erdamon #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:30:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Erdamon #attached to# Player Teal 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE ai [86c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 27 5 1. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [86c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Hero Erdamon moved from 25 4 1 to 26 5 1. Returning 1. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=93. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 93 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 27 10 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (27 7 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=94. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 94 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (27 7 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 27 7 1 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=95. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 95 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=96. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 96 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '1', val '7'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=586 14:30:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE ai [86c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 27 6 1. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [86c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Hero Erdamon moved from 26 5 1 to 26 6 1. Returning 1. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=97. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 97 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 27 10 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 26 10 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (25 4 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=98. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 98 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (25 4 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 25 4 1 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=99. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 99 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=100. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 100 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Erdamon #detached from# Player Teal 14:30:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Erdamon #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisitsTown(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGTownInstance *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisitsTown(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGTownInstance *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE ai [86c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Lanting, Conflux at 27 4 1. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct BuyArtifact". It'll have an ID=101. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuyArtifact 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 101 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '6', val '7000'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewArtifact 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PutArtifact 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Erdamon #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::artifactPut(const struct ArtifactLocation &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::artifactPut(const struct ArtifactLocation &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeSpells 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE ai [86c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Hero Erdamon moved from 26 6 1 to 25 4 1. Returning 1. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=102. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 102 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 27 10 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 26 10 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (25 5 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=103. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 103 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (25 5 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 25 5 1 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=104. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 104 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Erdamon #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:30:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Erdamon #attached to# Player Teal 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE ai [86c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 26 5 1. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [86c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Hero Erdamon moved from 25 4 1 to 25 5 1. Returning 1. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=105. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 105 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 27 10 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 26 10 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 6 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=106. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 106 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (23 6 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 23 6 1 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=107. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 107 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=108. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 108 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '4', val '8'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=587 14:30:39 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE ai [86c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 25 6 1. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [86c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Hero Erdamon moved from 25 5 1 to 24 6 1. Returning 1. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=109. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 109 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 27 10 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 26 10 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (22 5 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=110. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 110 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (22 5 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 22 5 1 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=111. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 111 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE ai [86c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 24 6 1. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [86c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Hero Erdamon moved from 24 6 1 to 23 6 1. Returning 0. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=112. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 112 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 27 10 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 26 10 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (22 5 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=113. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 113 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (22 5 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (22 5 1) (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=114. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 114 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=115. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 115 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 27 10 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 26 10 1 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (22 5 1) 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=116. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 116 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (22 5 1) 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (22 5 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Considering goal BUILD 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Looking into Lanting 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Player 6 will build Altar of Fire in town of Lanting at 27 4 1 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=117. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 117 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Player 6 ends turn 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - Player 6 ended his turn. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=118. 14:30:39 TRACE network [86c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:30:39 TRACE global [86c] - We'll wait till request 118 is answered. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 DEBUG ai [86c] - Player 6 ended turn 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewTurn 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateMapEvents 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateArtHandlerLists 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SaveGame". It'll have an ID=119. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SaveGame 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=120. 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SaveGame 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 INFO global [790] - Saving lib part of game... 14:30:39 INFO global [790] - Saving header 14:30:39 INFO global [790] - Saving options 14:30:39 INFO global [790] - Saving handlers 14:30:39 INFO global [790] - Saving gamestate 14:30:39 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 0 interface. 14:30:39 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:30:39 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 1 interface. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:30:39 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:30:39 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 5 interface. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:30:39 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:30:39 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 6 interface. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:30:39 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:30:39 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SystemMessage 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 ERROR network [790] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_1 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:39 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:39 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 9 6 0 14:30:39 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=121. 14:30:39 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:40 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:40 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 10 6 0 14:30:40 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=122. 14:30:40 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:40 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:30:40 TRACE global [10b8] - Loading music file music/AITheme2 14:30:40 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/AITheme2 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:40 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:40 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 11 6 0 14:30:40 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=123. 14:30:40 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:40 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:30:40 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme2 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:40 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:40 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 12 5 0 14:30:40 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=124. 14:30:40 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:40 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:30:40 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:30:40 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme2 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:40 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:40 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 13 5 0 14:30:40 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=125. 14:30:40 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:40 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:30:40 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:30:40 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme2 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:40 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:41 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme2 14:30:41 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dirt 14:30:42 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:42 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:42 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:42 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 14 5 0 14:30:42 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=126. 14:30:42 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:42 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 15 5 0 14:30:42 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=127. 14:30:42 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Sprites #attached to# "Sprites" 14:30:42 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 9 of Sprites #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Sprites #attached to# "Sprites" 14:30:42 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Sprites #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStart 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo 14:30:42 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo 14:30:42 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [0]: 42 creatures of Troglodytes from slot 0 of armyobj=605 #attached to# Stack of 42 of Troglodytes 14:30:42 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [3]: 10 creatures of Sprites from slot 0 of armyobj=204 #attached to# Stack of 10 of Sprites 14:30:42 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 7 creatures of Harpies from slot 1 of armyobj=605 #attached to# Stack of 7 of Harpies 14:30:42 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [4]: 9 creatures of Sprites from slot 1 of armyobj=204 #attached to# Stack of 9 of Sprites 14:30:42 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 7 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=605 #attached to# Stack of 7 of Beholders 14:30:42 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of Sprites from slot 2 of armyobj=204 #attached to# Stack of 10 of Sprites 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:42 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:30:42 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStart called 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:30:42 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:42 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:42 TRACE ai [fd8] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [3]: 10 creatures of Sprites from slot 0 of armyobj=204 14:30:42 TRACE network [fd8] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=128. 14:30:42 TRACE network [fd8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:42 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:42 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:43 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:43 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:43 TRACE ai [5a8] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 9 creatures of Sprites from slot 1 of armyobj=204 14:30:43 TRACE network [5a8] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=129. 14:30:43 TRACE network [5a8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:43 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:43 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:30:43 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:43 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:43 TRACE ai [420] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of Sprites from slot 2 of armyobj=204 14:30:43 TRACE network [420] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=130. 14:30:43 TRACE network [420] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:43 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:44 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:44 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:44 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:44 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:44 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:44 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:44 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:44 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:44 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:44 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:44 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:44 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:44 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:44 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:44 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:44 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:44 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:44 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:44 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:44 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:44 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:44 TRACE global [1198] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 7 creatures of Harpies from slot 1 of armyobj=605 14:30:45 TRACE global [136c] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 7 creatures of Harpies from slot 1 of armyobj=605 14:30:45 TRACE global [1198] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 7 creatures of Harpies from slot 1 of armyobj=605 14:30:45 TRACE network [1198] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=131. 14:30:45 TRACE network [1198] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:45 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:45 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:45 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:45 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:45 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:45 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:45 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:46 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:46 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:46 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:46 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:47 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:47 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:47 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:47 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:47 TRACE global [e78] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 7 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=605 14:30:48 TRACE global [10b8] - Loading music file music/Combat03 14:30:48 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Combat03 14:30:48 TRACE global [136c] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 7 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=605 14:30:48 TRACE global [e78] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 7 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=605 14:30:48 TRACE network [e78] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=132. 14:30:48 TRACE network [e78] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:48 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:48 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:48 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:48 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:48 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:48 TRACE global [12b0] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [0]: 42 creatures of Troglodytes from slot 0 of armyobj=605 14:30:50 TRACE global [136c] - Setting command for Battle stack [0]: 42 creatures of Troglodytes from slot 0 of armyobj=605 14:30:50 TRACE global [12b0] - Giving command for Battle stack [0]: 42 creatures of Troglodytes from slot 0 of armyobj=605 14:30:50 TRACE network [12b0] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=133. 14:30:50 TRACE network [12b0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:50 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:50 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:50 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:50 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:50 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:50 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:50 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:50 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:50 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:50 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:50 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:50 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:50 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:51 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:51 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:51 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:30:51 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:51 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:51 TRACE ai [f2c] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [5]: 10 creatures of Sprites from slot 2 of armyobj=204 14:30:51 TRACE network [f2c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=134. 14:30:51 TRACE network [f2c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:51 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:51 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:51 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:51 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:52 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:52 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:52 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:52 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:52 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:52 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:52 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:52 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:52 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:52 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:52 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:52 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:52 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:52 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:52 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:52 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:52 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:52 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:52 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:52 TRACE global [904] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 7 creatures of Harpies from slot 1 of armyobj=605 14:30:53 TRACE global [136c] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 7 creatures of Harpies from slot 1 of armyobj=605 14:30:53 TRACE global [904] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 7 creatures of Harpies from slot 1 of armyobj=605 14:30:53 TRACE network [904] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=135. 14:30:53 TRACE network [904] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:53 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:53 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:53 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:53 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:53 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:53 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:53 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:53 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:53 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:53 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:53 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:53 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:53 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:53 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:53 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:53 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:54 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:54 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:54 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:30:54 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:54 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:54 TRACE global [e5c] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 7 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=605 14:30:55 TRACE global [136c] - Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 7 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=605 14:30:55 TRACE global [e5c] - Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 7 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=605 14:30:55 TRACE network [e5c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=136. 14:30:55 TRACE network [e5c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:30:55 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:30:55 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:55 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:55 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleResult 14:30:55 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file Music/Win Battle 14:30:55 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Combat03 14:30:55 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleEnd called 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [0]: 39 creatures of Troglodytes from slot 0 of armyobj=605 #detached from# Stack of 42 of Troglodytes 14:30:55 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [3]: 0 creatures of Sprites from slot 0 of armyobj=204 #detached from# Stack of 10 of Sprites 14:30:55 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 7 creatures of Harpies from slot 1 of armyobj=605 #detached from# Stack of 7 of Harpies 14:30:55 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [4]: 0 creatures of Sprites from slot 1 of armyobj=204 #detached from# Stack of 9 of Sprites 14:30:55 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 7 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=605 #detached from# Stack of 7 of Beholders 14:30:55 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [5]: 0 creatures of Sprites from slot 2 of armyobj=204 #detached from# Stack of 10 of Sprites 14:30:55 WARN bonus [790] - Warning: an orphaned child! 14:30:55 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 14:30:55 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:55 ERROR global [790] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllStacks called when no battle! 14:30:55 ERROR global [790] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 14:30:55 ERROR global [790] - CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetAllObstacles called when no battle! 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EraseStack 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Sprites #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:30:55 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Sprites" 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EraseStack 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 9 of Sprites #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:30:55 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Sprites" 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EraseStack 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 10 of Sprites #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:30:55 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Sprites" 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleResultsApplied 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:55 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=204 14:30:55 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:56 TRACE global [136c] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:30:56 TRACE global [136c] - Del-ing music file Music/Win Battle 14:30:56 TRACE global [136c] - Stoping music file music/Combat03 14:30:56 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Combat03 14:30:56 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dirt 14:30:58 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:58 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:58 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:58 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 15 4 0 14:30:58 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=137. 14:30:58 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects 14:30:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Player Red 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:58 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:30:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:02 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:02 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:02 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:02 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 15 5 0 14:31:02 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=138. 14:31:02 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:02 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:02 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:02 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:02 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:02 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:02 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:02 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:02 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:02 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:02 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:02 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 15 6 0 14:31:02 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=139. 14:31:02 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:02 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:02 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:02 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:02 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:03 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:03 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 16 7 0 14:31:03 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=140. 14:31:03 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:03 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:03 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 17 8 0 14:31:03 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=141. 14:31:03 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:03 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:03 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 17 9 0 14:31:03 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=142. 14:31:03 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:03 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:03 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:04 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=143. 14:31:04 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:04 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:04 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:04 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:04 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:04 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:04 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:04 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:04 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:04 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:04 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:04 TRACE global [136c] - Loading music file music/Dungeon 14:31:04 TRACE global [136c] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:31:05 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:31:05 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dungeon 14:31:05 TRACE global [136c] - You've clicked on 12 14:31:10 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=144. 14:31:10 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:10 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:11 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=145. 14:31:11 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:11 TRACE global [136c] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:31:11 TRACE global [136c] - Stoping music file music/Dungeon 14:31:11 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:11 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:11 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:11 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:11 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:11 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:11 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:11 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:11 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:11 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE global [136c] - Player 0 ended his turn. 14:31:12 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=146. 14:31:12 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:31:12 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dungeon 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - Player 1 starting turn 14:31:12 TRACE network [12e0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=147. 14:31:12 TRACE network [12e0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [12e0] - We'll wait till request 147 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - Considering goal WIN 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:31:12 TRACE network [12e0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=148. 14:31:12 TRACE network [12e0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [12e0] - We'll wait till request 148 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - Considering goal BUILD 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - Looking into Wise Oak 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - Player 1 will build Upg. Centaur Stables in town of Wise Oak at 6 29 0 14:31:12 TRACE network [12e0] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=149. 14:31:12 TRACE network [12e0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:31:12 TRACE global [12e0] - We'll wait till request 149 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [12e0] - Sending a request "struct UpgradeCreature". It'll have an ID=150. 14:31:12 TRACE network [12e0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct UpgradeCreature 14:31:12 TRACE global [12e0] - We'll wait till request 150 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetStackType 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 15 of Centaurs #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 15 of Centaur Captains #attached to# "Centaur Captains" 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stackChangedType(const struct StackLocation &,const class CCreature &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stackChangedType(const struct StackLocation &,const class CCreature &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - Looking into Coronius, MP=1500 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [12e0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=151. 14:31:12 TRACE network [12e0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [12e0] - We'll wait till request 151 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - Player 1 ends turn 14:31:12 TRACE global [12e0] - Player 1 ended his turn. 14:31:12 TRACE network [12e0] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=152. 14:31:12 TRACE network [12e0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:31:12 TRACE global [12e0] - We'll wait till request 152 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [12e0] - Player 1 ended turn 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file 14:31:12 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dungeon 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Player 5 starting turn 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=153. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 153 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Considering goal WIN 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Considering goal RECRUIT HERO 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Decomposing goal of type RECRUIT HERO 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Attempting realizing goal with code RECRUIT HERO 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Trying to recruit a hero in Blackquarter at 2 6 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct HireHero". It'll have an ID=154. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct HireHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 154 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroRecruited 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Straker #attached to# Player Purple 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Straker #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Straker #detached from# Player Purple 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Straker #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroCreated(const class CGHeroInstance *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroCreated(const class CGHeroInstance *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroInGarrisonChange(const class CGTownInstance *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroInGarrisonChange(const class CGTownInstance *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 25 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero Xsi 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero Xsi 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 1 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Xsi 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '6', val '5000'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeSpells 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Considering goal WIN 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=155. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 155 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=156. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 156 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=157. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 157 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 3 13 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 2 13 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (3 13 1) 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=158. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 158 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 3 13 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (3 13 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 3 13 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=159. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 159 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=160. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 160 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '2', val '17'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=572 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [770] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 5 12 1. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [770] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Hero Aislinn moved from 5 12 1 to 4 12 1. Returning 1. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=161. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 161 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 2 13 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (2 13 1) 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=162. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 162 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 2 13 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (2 13 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 2 13 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=163. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 163 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Familiars #attached to# "Familiars" 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 8 of Familiars #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Familiars #attached to# "Familiars" 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 9 of Familiars #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int): reason '0'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=1. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStart 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Aislinn #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [0]: 21 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 #attached to# Stack of 21 of Skeletons 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [3]: 9 creatures of Familiars from slot 0 of armyobj=488 #attached to# Stack of 9 of Familiars 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 6 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 1 of armyobj=607 #attached to# Stack of 6 of Walking Dead 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [4]: 8 creatures of Familiars from slot 1 of armyobj=488 #attached to# Stack of 8 of Familiars 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 5 creatures of Wights from slot 2 of armyobj=607 #attached to# Stack of 5 of Wights 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [5]: 9 creatures of Familiars from slot 2 of armyobj=488 #attached to# Stack of 9 of Familiars 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=2. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 14:31:12 INFO global [790] - Opening StupidAI 14:31:12 INFO global [790] - Loaded Stupid AI 0.1 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: created 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: init called, saving ptr to IBattleCallback 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStart called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStart called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleNewRound called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [c18] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [3]: 9 creatures of Familiars from slot 0 of armyobj=488 14:31:12 TRACE network [c18] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=164. 14:31:12 TRACE network [c18] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1188] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 8 creatures of Familiars from slot 1 of armyobj=488 14:31:12 TRACE network [1188] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=165. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1188] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [eb0] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [5]: 9 creatures of Familiars from slot 2 of armyobj=488 14:31:12 TRACE network [eb0] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=166. 14:31:12 TRACE network [eb0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [848] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 5 creatures of Wights from slot 2 of armyobj=607 14:31:12 TRACE network [848] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=167. 14:31:12 TRACE network [848] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [11a4] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [0]: 21 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 14:31:12 TRACE network [11a4] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=168. 14:31:12 TRACE network [11a4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1360] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [1]: 6 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 1 of armyobj=607 14:31:12 TRACE network [1360] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=169. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1360] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleNewRound called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [12ec] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [3]: 9 creatures of Familiars from slot 0 of armyobj=488 14:31:12 TRACE network [12ec] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=170. 14:31:12 TRACE network [12ec] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1220] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 8 creatures of Familiars from slot 1 of armyobj=488 14:31:12 TRACE network [1220] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=171. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1220] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [f1c] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [5]: 4 creatures of Familiars from slot 2 of armyobj=488 14:31:12 TRACE network [f1c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=172. 14:31:12 TRACE network [f1c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleTriggerEffect 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dungeon 14:31:12 TRACE global [10b8] - Loading music file music/AITheme1 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/AITheme1 14:31:12 TRACE ai [3dc] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 5 creatures of Wights from slot 2 of armyobj=607 14:31:12 TRACE network [3dc] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=173. 14:31:12 TRACE network [3dc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1368] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [0]: 16 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 14:31:12 TRACE network [1368] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=174. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1368] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [13bc] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [1]: 6 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 1 of armyobj=607 14:31:12 TRACE network [13bc] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=175. 14:31:12 TRACE network [13bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleNewRound called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [c04] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [5]: 1 creatures of Familiars from slot 2 of armyobj=488 14:31:12 TRACE network [c04] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=176. 14:31:12 TRACE network [c04] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleResult 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=3. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [790] - Player 5: I won the Starting battle of Aislinn attacking Lots of Familiars Threat: Weak at 2 13 1! 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: battleEnd called 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6AA8]: destroyed 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleEnd called 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [0]: 16 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 #detached from# Stack of 21 of Skeletons 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [3]: 0 creatures of Familiars from slot 0 of armyobj=488 #detached from# Stack of 9 of Familiars 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 6 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 1 of armyobj=607 #detached from# Stack of 6 of Walking Dead 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [4]: 0 creatures of Familiars from slot 1 of armyobj=488 #detached from# Stack of 8 of Familiars 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 5 creatures of Wights from slot 2 of armyobj=607 #detached from# Stack of 5 of Wights 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [5]: 0 creatures of Familiars from slot 2 of armyobj=488 #detached from# Stack of 9 of Familiars 14:31:12 WARN bonus [790] - Warning: an orphaned child! 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Aislinn #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool): isAbsolute '1'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EraseStack 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 9 of Familiars #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Familiars" 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EraseStack 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 8 of Familiars #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Familiars" 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EraseStack 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 9 of Familiars #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Familiars" 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '4', val '104'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '775'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool): isAbsolute '0'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleResultsApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::battleResultsApplied(void). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=0. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::battleResultsApplied(void). 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=177. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 177 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=488 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [770] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 3 13 1. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [770] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Hero Aislinn moved from 4 12 1 to 2 13 1. Returning 1. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=178. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 178 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (0 13 1) 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=179. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 179 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (0 13 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 0 13 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=180. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 180 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=181. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 181 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '6', val '5600'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=570 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [770] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 2 13 1. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [770] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Hero Aislinn moved from 2 13 1 to 1 13 1. Returning 1. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=182. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 182 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (2 12 1) 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=183. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 183 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (2 12 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 2 12 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=184. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 184 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Player Purple 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '328'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE ai [770] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Ore Pit (Owned by purple player) at 3 12 1. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [770] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Hero Aislinn moved from 1 13 1 to 2 12 1. Returning 1. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=185. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 185 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 3 ms. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (6 3 1) 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=186. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 186 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (6 3 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 6 3 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=187. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 187 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=188. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 188 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=189. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 189 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=190. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 190 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=191. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 191 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE ai [770] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 7 10 1. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [770] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Hero Aislinn moved from 2 12 1 to 6 10 1. Returning 0. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=192. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 192 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 2 ms. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (6 3 1) 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=193. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 193 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (6 3 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (6 3 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Considering goal BUILD 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Looking into Blackquarter 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Player 5 will build City Hall in town of Blackquarter at 4 6 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=194. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 194 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Looking into Straker, MP=1500 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=195. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 195 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=568 seems nice 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Straker will try to visit Crystal at (7 6 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Moving hero Straker to tile 7 6 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=196. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 196 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Straker #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Straker #attached to# Player Purple 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=197. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 197 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=198. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 198 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=199. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 199 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=200. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 200 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '4', val '8'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=568 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE ai [770] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Straker and object Straker the Death Knight at 7 7 1. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [770] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Hero Straker moved from 2 6 1 to 6 7 1. Returning 1. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=315 seems nice 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Straker will try to visit Fountain of Youth (Not visited) at (8 2 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Moving hero Straker to tile 8 2 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=201. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 201 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=202. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 202 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=203. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 203 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=204. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 204 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=205. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 205 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct GiveBonus 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroBonusChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,const struct Bonus &,bool): gain '1'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroBonusChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,const struct Bonus &,bool). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetMovePoints 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMovePointsChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMovePointsChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '683'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [770] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Straker and object Fountain of Youth (Visited) at 8 2 1. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [770] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Hero Straker moved from 6 7 1 to 8 2 1. Returning 1. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Nowhere more to go... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Player 5 ends turn 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - Player 5 ended his turn. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=206. 14:31:12 TRACE network [770] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:31:12 TRACE global [770] - We'll wait till request 206 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [770] - Player 5 ended turn 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Player 6 starting turn 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=207. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 207 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Considering goal WIN 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Considering goal RECRUIT HERO 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type RECRUIT HERO 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Attempting realizing goal with code RECRUIT HERO 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Trying to recruit a hero in Lanting at 25 4 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct HireHero". It'll have an ID=208. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct HireHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 208 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroRecruited 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Brissa #attached to# Player Teal 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Brissa #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Brissa #detached from# Player Teal 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Brissa #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroCreated(const class CGHeroInstance *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroCreated(const class CGHeroInstance *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroInGarrisonChange(const class CGTownInstance *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroInGarrisonChange(const class CGTownInstance *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 4 of Archers #detached from# Hero Valeska 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Archers" 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 7 of Archers #detached from# Hero Valeska 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Archers" 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 6 of Archers #detached from# Hero Valeska 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Archers" 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 1 of Archers #attached to# Hero Valeska 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '6', val '3625'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeSpells 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Considering goal WIN 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=209. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 209 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 25 9 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=210. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 210 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Considering goal EXPLORE 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=211. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 211 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 27 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 26 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 2 ms. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (31 6 1) 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=212. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 212 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (31 6 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 31 6 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=213. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 213 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Brissa #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:31:12 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Brissa #attached to# Player Teal 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=214. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 214 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=215. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 215 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=216. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 216 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=217. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 217 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=218. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 218 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1364] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 32 6 1. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1364] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Hero Brissa moved from 25 4 1 to 31 6 1. Returning 1. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=219. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 219 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 27 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 26 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (31 7 1) 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=220. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 220 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (31 7 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 31 7 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=221. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 221 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1364] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 32 7 1. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1364] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Hero Brissa moved from 31 6 1 to 31 7 1. Returning 1. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=222. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 222 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 27 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 26 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (30 8 1) 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=223. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 223 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (30 8 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 30 8 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=224. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 224 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1364] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 31 8 1. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1364] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Hero Brissa moved from 31 7 1 to 30 8 1. Returning 1. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=225. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 225 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 27 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 26 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (30 9 1) 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=226. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 226 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (30 9 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 30 9 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=227. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 227 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1364] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 31 9 1. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1364] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Hero Brissa moved from 30 8 1 to 30 9 1. Returning 1. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=228. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 228 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 27 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 26 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (30 10 1) 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=229. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 229 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (30 10 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 30 10 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=230. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 230 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1364] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 31 10 1. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1364] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Hero Brissa moved from 30 9 1 to 30 10 1. Returning 1. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=231. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 231 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 27 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 26 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (29 11 1) 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=232. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 232 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (29 11 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (29 11 1) (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=233. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 233 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=234. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 234 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 27 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 26 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (22 5 1) 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=235. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 235 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (22 5 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 22 5 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=236. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 236 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '3', val '10'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '359'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1364] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Windmill (Visited) at 23 5 1. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1364] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Hero Erdamon moved from 23 6 1 to 22 5 1. Returning 1. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=237. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 237 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 27 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 26 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (21 6 1) 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=238. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 238 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (21 6 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 21 6 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=239. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 239 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1364] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 22 6 1. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1364] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Hero Erdamon moved from 22 5 1 to 21 6 1. Returning 1. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=240. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 240 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 27 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 26 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (20 6 1) 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=241. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 241 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (20 6 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 20 6 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=242. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 242 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1364] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 21 6 1. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1364] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Hero Erdamon moved from 21 6 1 to 20 6 1. Returning 1. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=243. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 243 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 27 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 26 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 2 ms. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (27 14 1) 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=244. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 244 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (27 14 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 27 14 1 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=245. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 245 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=246. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 246 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=247. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 247 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=248. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 248 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=249. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 249 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=250. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 250 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=251. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 251 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1364] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 28 7 1. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [1364] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Hero Erdamon moved from 20 6 1 to 27 7 1. Returning 0. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=252. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 252 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 27 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 26 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 2 ms. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (27 14 1) 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=253. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 253 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (27 14 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (27 14 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=254. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 254 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=255. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 255 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 27 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 26 10 1 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (29 11 1) 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=256. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 256 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (29 11 1) 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (29 11 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Considering goal BUILD 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Looking into Lanting 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Player 6 ends turn 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - Player 6 ended his turn. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=257. 14:31:12 TRACE network [1364] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:31:12 TRACE global [1364] - We'll wait till request 257 is answered. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 DEBUG ai [1364] - Player 6 ended turn 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewTurn 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateMapEvents 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '2', val '19'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateArtHandlerLists 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SaveGame". It'll have an ID=258. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SaveGame 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=259. 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:31:12 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme1 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SaveGame 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 INFO global [790] - Saving lib part of game... 14:31:12 INFO global [790] - Saving header 14:31:12 INFO global [790] - Saving options 14:31:12 INFO global [790] - Saving handlers 14:31:12 INFO global [790] - Saving gamestate 14:31:12 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 0 interface. 14:31:12 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:12 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 1 interface. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:12 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:12 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 5 interface. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:12 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:12 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 6 interface. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:12 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:12 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SystemMessage 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 ERROR network [790] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_2 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:12 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:13 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:13 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:13 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:13 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 16 9 0 14:31:13 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=260. 14:31:13 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:13 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:31:13 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:31:13 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme1 14:31:13 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme1 14:31:13 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dirt 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:13 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:17 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:17 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:17 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:17 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 17 9 0 14:31:17 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=261. 14:31:17 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:17 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:17 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 17 8 0 14:31:17 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=262. 14:31:17 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:17 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:17 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 16 7 0 14:31:17 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=263. 14:31:17 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:17 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:17 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 15 7 0 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:17 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=264. 14:31:17 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:18 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 14 6 0 14:31:18 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=265. 14:31:18 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:18 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 13 5 0 14:31:18 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=266. 14:31:18 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:18 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 12 5 0 14:31:18 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=267. 14:31:18 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:18 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 11 5 0 14:31:18 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=268. 14:31:18 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:18 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 10 6 0 14:31:18 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=269. 14:31:18 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:19 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 9 6 0 14:31:19 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=270. 14:31:19 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:19 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 8 5 0 14:31:19 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=271. 14:31:19 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #detached from# Player Red 14:31:19 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=272. 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:19 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dungeon 14:31:19 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:20 TRACE global [136c] - You've clicked on 12 14:31:20 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:31:20 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dungeon 14:31:20 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=273. 14:31:20 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:23 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=274. 14:31:23 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:23 TRACE global [136c] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:31:23 TRACE global [136c] - Stoping music file music/Dungeon 14:31:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:23 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:23 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:23 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:23 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:23 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dungeon 14:31:24 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dirt 14:31:24 TRACE global [136c] - Player 0 ended his turn. 14:31:24 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=275. 14:31:24 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - Player 1 starting turn 14:31:24 TRACE network [998] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=276. 14:31:24 TRACE network [998] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [998] - We'll wait till request 276 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - Considering goal WIN 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:31:24 TRACE network [998] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=277. 14:31:24 TRACE network [998] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [998] - We'll wait till request 277 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - Considering goal BUILD 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - Looking into Wise Oak 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - Player 1 will build City Hall in town of Wise Oak at 6 29 0 14:31:24 TRACE network [998] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=278. 14:31:24 TRACE network [998] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:31:24 TRACE global [998] - We'll wait till request 278 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - Looking into Coronius, MP=1500 14:31:24 TRACE network [998] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=279. 14:31:24 TRACE network [998] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [998] - We'll wait till request 279 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - Nowhere more to go... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - Player 1 ends turn 14:31:24 TRACE global [998] - Player 1 ended his turn. 14:31:24 TRACE network [998] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=280. 14:31:24 TRACE network [998] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:31:24 TRACE global [998] - We'll wait till request 280 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [998] - Player 1 ended turn 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file 14:31:24 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Player 5 starting turn 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=281. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 281 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=282. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 282 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Considering goal WIN 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=283. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 283 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=284. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 284 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=285. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 285 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 3 ms. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (6 17 1) 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=286. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 286 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (6 17 1) 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 6 17 1 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=287. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 287 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=288. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 288 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=289. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 289 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=290. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 290 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=291. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 291 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=292. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 292 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=293. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 293 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE ai [1204] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 7 17 1. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE ai [1204] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Hero Aislinn moved from 6 10 1 to 6 17 1. Returning 1. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=294. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 294 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (6 15 1) 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=295. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 295 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (6 15 1) 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 6 15 1 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=296. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 296 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=297. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 297 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '5', val '14'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '295'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE ai [1204] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Mystical Garden (Visited) at 7 15 1. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [1204] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Hero Aislinn moved from 6 17 1 to 6 15 1. Returning 1. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=298. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 298 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 3 ms. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (9 20 1) 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=299. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 299 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (9 20 1) 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 9 20 1 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=300. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 300 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=301. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 301 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=302. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 302 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE ai [1204] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 9 18 1. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [1204] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Hero Aislinn moved from 6 15 1 to 8 18 1. Returning 0. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=303. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 303 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (9 19 1) 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=304. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 304 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (9 19 1) 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (9 19 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Considering goal BUILD 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Looking into Blackquarter 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Player 5 will build Citadel in town of Blackquarter at 4 6 1 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=305. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 305 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Looking into Straker, MP=1560 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=306. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 306 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Nowhere more to go... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Player 5 ends turn 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - Player 5 ended his turn. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=307. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1204] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:31:24 TRACE global [1204] - We'll wait till request 307 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1204] - Player 5 ended turn 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file 14:31:24 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Player 6 starting turn 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=308. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 308 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Considering goal WIN 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Considering goal RECRUIT HERO 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type RECRUIT HERO 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Attempting realizing goal with code RECRUIT HERO 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Trying to recruit a hero in Lanting at 25 4 1 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct HireHero". It'll have an ID=309. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct HireHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 309 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroRecruited 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Valeska #attached to# Player Teal 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Valeska #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Valeska #detached from# Player Teal 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Valeska #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroCreated(const class CGHeroInstance *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroCreated(const class CGHeroInstance *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroInGarrisonChange(const class CGTownInstance *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroInGarrisonChange(const class CGTownInstance *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 30 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero Isra 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero Isra 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 1 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Isra 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '6', val '2250'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Considering goal WIN 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=310. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 310 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=311. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 311 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=312. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 312 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 27 10 1 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 26 10 1 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (29 11 1) 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=313. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 313 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (29 11 1) 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 29 11 1 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=314. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 314 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE ai [ec0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 30 11 1. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [ec0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Hero Brissa moved from 30 10 1 to 29 11 1. Returning 1. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=315. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 315 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 27 10 1 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 26 10 1 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (27 10 1) 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=316. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 316 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 27 10 1 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (27 10 1) 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 27 10 1 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=317. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 317 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=318. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 318 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '0', val '12'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=554 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE ai [ec0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 29 11 1. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [ec0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Hero Brissa moved from 29 11 1 to 28 11 1. Returning 1. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=319. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 319 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 26 10 1 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (26 10 1) 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=320. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 320 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - It's, safe for Brissa to visit tile 26 10 1 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (26 10 1) 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 26 10 1 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=321. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 321 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BlockingDialog 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showBlockingDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,class QueryID,const int,bool,bool): text 'The Peasants, awed by the power of your forces, begin to scatter. Do you wish to pursue and engage them?', askID '145', soundID '0', selection '0', cancel '1'. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 145 - Blocking dialog query with 0 components - The Peasants, awed by the power of your forces, begin to scatter. Do you wish to pursue and engage them?. Total queries count: 1 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1170] - I'll answer the query 145 giving the choice 1 14:31:24 TRACE network [1170] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=322. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1170] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showBlockingDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,class QueryID,const int,bool,bool). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [1170] - Attempted answering query 145 - Blocking dialog query with 0 components - The Peasants, awed by the power of your forces, begin to scatter. Do you wish to pursue and engage them?. Request id=322. Waiting for results... 14:31:24 TRACE global [1170] - We'll wait till request 322 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Peasants #attached to# "Peasants" 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 7 of Peasants #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Peasants #attached to# "Peasants" 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 8 of Peasants #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int): reason '0'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=1. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStart 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Brissa #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [0]: 17 creatures of Pixies from slot 0 of armyobj=610 #attached to# Stack of 17 of Pixies 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 8 creatures of Peasants from slot 0 of armyobj=491 #attached to# Stack of 8 of Peasants 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Air Elementals from slot 1 of armyobj=610 #attached to# Stack of 4 of Air Elementals 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [3]: 7 creatures of Peasants from slot 1 of armyobj=491 #attached to# Stack of 7 of Peasants 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [4]: 8 creatures of Peasants from slot 2 of armyobj=491 #attached to# Stack of 8 of Peasants 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=2. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 14:31:24 INFO global [790] - Opening StupidAI 14:31:24 INFO global [790] - Loaded Stupid AI 0.1 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: created 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: init called, saving ptr to IBattleCallback 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleStart called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStart called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 145 - Blocking dialog query with 0 components - The Peasants, awed by the power of your forces, begin to scatter. Do you wish to pursue and engage them?. Total queries count: 0 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleNewRound called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE ai [534] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: activeStack called for Battle stack [0]: 17 creatures of Pixies from slot 0 of armyobj=610 14:31:24 TRACE network [534] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=323. 14:31:24 TRACE network [534] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: actionStarted called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: actionFinished called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE ai [d78] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: activeStack called for Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Air Elementals from slot 1 of armyobj=610 14:31:24 TRACE network [d78] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=324. 14:31:24 TRACE network [d78] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: actionStarted called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: actionFinished called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE ai [3e8] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 8 creatures of Peasants from slot 0 of armyobj=491 14:31:24 TRACE network [3e8] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=325. 14:31:24 TRACE network [3e8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: actionStarted called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: actionFinished called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE ai [12e4] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [3]: 7 creatures of Peasants from slot 1 of armyobj=491 14:31:24 TRACE network [12e4] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=326. 14:31:24 TRACE network [12e4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: actionStarted called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: actionFinished called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE ai [1274] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 8 creatures of Peasants from slot 2 of armyobj=491 14:31:24 TRACE network [1274] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=327. 14:31:24 TRACE network [1274] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: actionStarted called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: actionFinished called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleNewRound called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE ai [13f4] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: activeStack called for Battle stack [0]: 17 creatures of Pixies from slot 0 of armyobj=610 14:31:24 TRACE network [13f4] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=328. 14:31:24 TRACE network [13f4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: actionStarted called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleAttack called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: actionFinished called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE ai [10b4] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: activeStack called for Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Air Elementals from slot 1 of armyobj=610 14:31:24 TRACE network [10b4] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=329. 14:31:24 TRACE network [10b4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: actionStarted called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleAttack called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: actionFinished called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE ai [96c] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 8 creatures of Peasants from slot 2 of armyobj=491 14:31:24 TRACE network [96c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=330. 14:31:24 TRACE network [96c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: actionStarted called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: actionFinished called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleNewRound called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE ai [628] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: activeStack called for Battle stack [0]: 17 creatures of Pixies from slot 0 of armyobj=610 14:31:24 TRACE network [628] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=331. 14:31:24 TRACE network [628] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: actionStarted called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleAttack called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: actionFinished called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleResult 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=3. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [790] - Player 6: I won the Starting battle of Brissa attacking Lots of Peasants Threat: Effortless at 26 10 1! 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: battleEnd called 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A6E38]: destroyed 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleEnd called 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [0]: 17 creatures of Pixies from slot 0 of armyobj=610 #detached from# Stack of 17 of Pixies 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 0 creatures of Peasants from slot 0 of armyobj=491 #detached from# Stack of 8 of Peasants 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Air Elementals from slot 1 of armyobj=610 #detached from# Stack of 4 of Air Elementals 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [3]: 0 creatures of Peasants from slot 1 of armyobj=491 #detached from# Stack of 7 of Peasants 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [4]: 0 creatures of Peasants from slot 2 of armyobj=491 #detached from# Stack of 8 of Peasants 14:31:24 WARN bonus [790] - Warning: an orphaned child! 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Brissa #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EraseStack 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 8 of Peasants #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Peasants" 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EraseStack 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 7 of Peasants #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Peasants" 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EraseStack 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 8 of Peasants #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Peasants" 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '4', val '23'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleResultsApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::battleResultsApplied(void). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=0. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::battleResultsApplied(void). 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=332. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 332 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=491 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE ai [ec0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 27 10 1. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [ec0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Hero Brissa moved from 28 11 1 to 26 10 1. Returning 1. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=333. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 333 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (24 11 1) 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=334. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 334 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (24 11 1) 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 24 11 1 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=335. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 335 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=336. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 336 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '0', val '19'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=553 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE ai [ec0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 26 11 1. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [ec0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Hero Brissa moved from 26 10 1 to 25 11 1. Returning 1. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=337. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 337 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (25 9 1) 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=338. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 338 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (25 9 1) 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 25 9 1 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=339. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 339 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=340. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 340 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Player Teal 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '328'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE ai [ec0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Sawmill (Owned by teal player) at 26 9 1. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [ec0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Hero Brissa moved from 25 11 1 to 25 9 1. Returning 1. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=341. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 341 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 2 ms. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (29 16 1) 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=342. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 342 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (29 16 1) 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (29 16 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=343. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 343 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=344. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 344 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 2 ms. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (29 16 1) 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=345. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 345 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (29 16 1) 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 29 16 1 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=346. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 346 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=347. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 347 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=348. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 348 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=349. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 349 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=350. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 350 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=351. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 351 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=352. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 352 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=353. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 353 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=354. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 354 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=355. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 355 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE ai [ec0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 30 16 1. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [ec0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Hero Erdamon moved from 27 7 1 to 29 16 1. Returning 1. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=356. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 356 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (27 14 1) 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=357. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 357 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (27 14 1) 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (27 14 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Considering goal BUILD 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Looking into Lanting 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Looking into Valeska, MP=1560 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=358. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 358 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Of all 8 destinations, object oid=551 seems nice 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Valeska will try to visit Ore at (29 3 1) 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Moving hero Valeska to tile 29 3 1 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=359. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 359 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Valeska #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Valeska #attached to# Player Teal 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=360. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 360 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=361. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 361 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=362. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 362 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '2', val '15'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=551 14:31:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE ai [ec0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Valeska and object Valeska the Knight at 29 4 1. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [ec0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Hero Valeska moved from 25 4 1 to 28 4 1. Returning 1. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Of all 7 destinations, object oid=330 seems nice 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Valeska will try to visit Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Not visited) at (35 5 1) 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Moving hero Valeska to tile 35 5 1 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=363. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 363 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=364. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 364 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=365. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 365 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=366. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 366 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE ai [ec0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Valeska and object Valeska the Knight at 33 6 1. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [ec0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Hero Valeska moved from 28 4 1 to 32 6 1. Returning 0. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Hero Valeska apparently used all MPs (0 left) 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Player 6 ends turn 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - Player 6 ended his turn. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=367. 14:31:24 TRACE network [ec0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:31:24 TRACE global [ec0] - We'll wait till request 367 is answered. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 DEBUG ai [ec0] - Player 6 ended turn 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewTurn 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateMapEvents 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '2', val '16'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '0', val '21'. 14:31:24 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateArtHandlerLists 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SaveGame". It'll have an ID=368. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SaveGame 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=369. 14:31:24 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SaveGame 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:25 INFO global [790] - Saving lib part of game... 14:31:25 INFO global [790] - Saving header 14:31:25 INFO global [790] - Saving options 14:31:25 INFO global [790] - Saving handlers 14:31:25 INFO global [790] - Saving gamestate 14:31:25 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 0 interface. 14:31:25 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:25 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 1 interface. 14:31:25 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:25 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:25 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:25 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:25 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:25 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 5 interface. 14:31:25 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:25 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:25 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:25 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:25 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:25 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 6 interface. 14:31:25 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:25 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:25 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:25 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:25 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SystemMessage 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:25 ERROR network [790] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_3 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:25 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:25 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:31:25 TRACE global [10b8] - Loading music file music/AITheme2 14:31:25 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/AITheme2 14:31:26 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=370. 14:31:26 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:26 TRACE global [136c] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:31:26 TRACE global [136c] - Stoping music file music/AITheme2 14:31:26 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:26 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:26 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:26 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:26 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:26 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:26 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:26 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:26 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:26 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:26 TRACE global [136c] - Loading music file music/Dungeon 14:31:26 TRACE global [136c] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:31:26 TRACE global [136c] - Stoping music file music/AITheme2 14:31:27 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme2 14:31:27 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dungeon 14:31:27 TRACE global [136c] - You've clicked on 12 14:31:31 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=371. 14:31:31 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:31 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:33 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=372. 14:31:33 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:33 TRACE global [136c] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:31:33 TRACE global [136c] - Stoping music file music/Dungeon 14:31:33 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:33 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:33 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:33 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:33 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:33 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:33 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:33 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:33 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:33 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:34 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dungeon 14:31:34 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dirt 14:31:36 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:36 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:36 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:36 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 8 6 0 14:31:36 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=373. 14:31:36 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:36 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:31:36 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #attached to# Player Red 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:36 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:36 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 8 7 0 14:31:36 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=374. 14:31:36 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:36 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:36 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 7 8 0 14:31:36 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=375. 14:31:36 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:36 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:36 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 8 9 0 14:31:36 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=376. 14:31:36 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:36 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:36 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 9 9 0 14:31:36 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=377. 14:31:36 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:36 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:37 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:37 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 10 9 0 14:31:37 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=378. 14:31:37 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:37 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:37 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 11 9 0 14:31:37 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=379. 14:31:37 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:37 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:37 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 12 9 0 14:31:37 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=380. 14:31:37 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:37 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:37 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 13 10 0 14:31:37 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=381. 14:31:37 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:37 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:37 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:38 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:38 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:38 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:38 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 14 10 0 14:31:38 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=382. 14:31:38 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:38 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:38 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:38 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:38 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:38 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:38 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:38 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:38 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:38 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:38 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:38 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 15 10 0 14:31:38 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=383. 14:31:38 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:38 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:38 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:38 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:38 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:39 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:39 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 16 11 0 14:31:39 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=384. 14:31:39 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:39 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:39 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 17 12 0 14:31:39 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=385. 14:31:39 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:39 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE global [136c] - Player 0 ended his turn. 14:31:40 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=386. 14:31:40 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - Player 1 starting turn 14:31:40 TRACE network [f10] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=387. 14:31:40 TRACE network [f10] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [f10] - We'll wait till request 387 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - Considering goal WIN 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:31:40 TRACE network [f10] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=388. 14:31:40 TRACE network [f10] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [f10] - We'll wait till request 388 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - Considering goal BUILD 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - Looking into Wise Oak 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - Player 1 will build Citadel in town of Wise Oak at 6 29 0 14:31:40 TRACE network [f10] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=389. 14:31:40 TRACE network [f10] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:31:40 TRACE global [f10] - We'll wait till request 389 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - Looking into Coronius, MP=1500 14:31:40 TRACE network [f10] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=390. 14:31:40 TRACE network [f10] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [f10] - We'll wait till request 390 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - Nowhere more to go... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - Player 1 ends turn 14:31:40 TRACE global [f10] - Player 1 ended his turn. 14:31:40 TRACE network [f10] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=391. 14:31:40 TRACE network [f10] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:31:40 TRACE global [f10] - We'll wait till request 391 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [f10] - Player 1 ended turn 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file 14:31:40 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Player 5 starting turn 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=392. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 392 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=393. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 393 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Considering goal WIN 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=394. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 394 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=395. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 395 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=396. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 396 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (9 19 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=397. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 397 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (9 19 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 9 19 1 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=398. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 398 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 10 19 1. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Hero Aislinn moved from 8 18 1 to 9 19 1. Returning 1. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=399. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 399 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (10 20 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=400. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 400 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (10 20 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 10 20 1 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=401. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 401 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 11 20 1. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Hero Aislinn moved from 9 19 1 to 10 20 1. Returning 1. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=402. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 402 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (10 21 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=403. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 403 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (10 21 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 10 21 1 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=404. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 404 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 11 21 1. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Hero Aislinn moved from 10 20 1 to 10 21 1. Returning 1. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=405. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 405 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (11 22 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=406. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 406 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (11 22 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 11 22 1 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=407. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 407 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 12 22 1. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Hero Aislinn moved from 10 21 1 to 11 22 1. Returning 1. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=408. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 408 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (11 23 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=409. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 409 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (11 23 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 11 23 1 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=410. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 410 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 12 23 1. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Hero Aislinn moved from 11 22 1 to 11 23 1. Returning 1. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=411. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 411 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (10 24 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=412. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 412 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (10 24 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 10 24 1 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=413. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 413 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 11 24 1. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Hero Aislinn moved from 11 23 1 to 10 24 1. Returning 1. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=414. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 414 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (9 25 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=415. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 415 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (9 25 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 9 25 1 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=416. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 416 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 10 25 1. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Hero Aislinn moved from 10 24 1 to 9 25 1. Returning 1. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=417. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 417 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (7 23 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=418. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 418 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (7 23 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 7 23 1 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=419. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 419 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=420. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 420 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '1', val '8'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=575 14:31:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 9 24 1. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Hero Aislinn moved from 9 25 1 to 8 24 1. Returning 1. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=421. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 421 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (7 25 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=422. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 422 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (7 25 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 7 25 1 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=423. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 423 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 8 25 1. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Hero Aislinn moved from 8 24 1 to 7 25 1. Returning 1. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=424. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 424 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (6 26 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=425. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 425 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (6 26 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 6 26 1 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=426. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 426 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 7 26 1. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Hero Aislinn moved from 7 25 1 to 6 26 1. Returning 1. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=427. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 427 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=428. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 428 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (4 26 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Considering goal BUILD 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Looking into Blackquarter 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Looking into Straker, MP=1560 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=429. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 429 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=436 seems nice 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Straker will try to visit Windmill (Not visited) at (4 26 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Moving hero Straker to tile 4 26 1 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=430. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 430 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=431. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 431 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=432. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 432 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=433. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 433 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=434. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 434 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=435. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 435 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=436. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 436 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=437. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 437 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=438. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 438 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=439. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 439 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=440. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 440 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=441. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 441 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=442. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 442 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Straker and object Straker the Death Knight at 5 15 1. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [9f8] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Hero Straker moved from 8 2 1 to 4 15 1. Returning 0. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Hero Straker apparently used all MPs (0 left) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Player 5 ends turn 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - Player 5 ended his turn. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=443. 14:31:40 TRACE network [9f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:31:40 TRACE global [9f8] - We'll wait till request 443 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [9f8] - Player 5 ended turn 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file 14:31:40 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Player 6 starting turn 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=444. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 444 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=445. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 445 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=446. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 446 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (35 5 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (35 5 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (35 5 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=447. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 447 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (35 5 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Moving hero Valeska to tile 35 5 1 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=448. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 448 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=449. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 449 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=450. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 450 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '1', val '1'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '704'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE ai [62c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Valeska and object Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Visited) at 35 5 1. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [62c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Hero Valeska moved from 32 6 1 to 35 5 1. Returning 1. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Considering goal WIN 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=451. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 451 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=452. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 452 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=453. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 453 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 2 ms. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (32 19 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=454. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 454 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (32 19 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 32 19 1 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=455. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 455 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=456. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 456 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=457. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 457 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=458. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 458 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=459. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 459 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=460. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 460 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=461. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 461 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=462. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 462 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=463. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 463 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=464. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 464 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE ai [62c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 30 17 1. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [62c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Hero Brissa moved from 25 9 1 to 29 17 1. Returning 0. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=465. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 465 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (30 17 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=466. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 466 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (30 17 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (30 17 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=467. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 467 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=468. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 468 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (27 14 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=469. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 469 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (27 14 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 27 14 1 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=470. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 470 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=471. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 471 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '4', val '12'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=589 14:31:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE ai [62c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 29 15 1. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [62c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Hero Erdamon moved from 29 16 1 to 28 15 1. Returning 1. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=472. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 472 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (30 17 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=473. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 473 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (30 17 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 30 17 1 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=474. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 474 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=475. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 475 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BlockingDialog 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showBlockingDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,class QueryID,const int,bool,bool): text '{Chest} After scouring the area, you fall upon a hidden treasure cache. You may take the gold or distribute it to the peasants for experience. Which do you choose?', askID '231', soundID '171', selection '1', cancel '0'. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 231 - Blocking dialog query with 2 components - {Chest} After scouring the area, you fall upon a hidden treasure cache. You may take the gold or distribute it to the peasants for experience. Which do you choose?. Total queries count: 1 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [1048] - I'll answer the query 231 giving the choice 2 14:31:40 TRACE network [1048] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=476. 14:31:40 TRACE network [1048] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showBlockingDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,class QueryID,const int,bool,bool). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [1048] - Attempted answering query 231 - Blocking dialog query with 2 components - {Chest} After scouring the area, you fall upon a hidden treasure cache. You may take the gold or distribute it to the peasants for experience. Which do you choose?. Request id=476. Waiting for results... 14:31:40 TRACE global [1048] - We'll wait till request 476 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '4', val '500'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=583 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 231 - Blocking dialog query with 2 components - {Chest} After scouring the area, you fall upon a hidden treasure cache. You may take the gold or distribute it to the peasants for experience. Which do you choose?. Total queries count: 0 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE ai [62c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 30 16 1. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [62c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Hero Erdamon moved from 28 15 1 to 29 16 1. Returning 1. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=477. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 477 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (30 17 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=478. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 478 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (30 17 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 30 17 1 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=479. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 479 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE ai [62c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 31 17 1. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [62c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Hero Erdamon moved from 29 16 1 to 30 17 1. Returning 1. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=480. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 480 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (29 18 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=481. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 481 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (29 18 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 29 18 1 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=482. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 482 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE ai [62c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 30 18 1. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [62c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Hero Erdamon moved from 30 17 1 to 29 18 1. Returning 1. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=483. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 483 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (28 19 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=484. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 484 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (28 19 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 28 19 1 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=485. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 485 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=486. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 486 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '340'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '4', val '1000'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '2', val '1'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroLevelUp 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroGotLevel(const class CGHeroInstance *,enum PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill,class std::vector > &,class QueryID): queryID '237'. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 237 - Hero Erdamon got level 2. Total queries count: 1 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [e6c] - I'll answer the query 237 giving the choice 0 14:31:40 TRACE network [e6c] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=487. 14:31:40 TRACE network [e6c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroGotLevel(const class CGHeroInstance *,enum PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill,class std::vector > &,class QueryID). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [e6c] - Attempted answering query 237 - Hero Erdamon got level 2. Request id=487. Waiting for results... 14:31:40 TRACE global [e6c] - We'll wait till request 487 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSecSkill 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroSecondarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,int): which '19', val '1'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroSecondarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,int). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 237 - Hero Erdamon got level 2. Total queries count: 0 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE ai [62c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Learning Stone (+1000 experience once per hero) (Visited) at 28 19 1. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [62c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Hero Erdamon moved from 29 18 1 to 28 19 1. Returning 1. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=488. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 488 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (29 20 1) 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=489. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 489 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (29 20 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (29 20 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Considering goal BUILD 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Looking into Lanting 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Looking into Valeska, MP=1118 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=490. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 490 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Of all 4 destinations, object oid=327 seems nice 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Valeska will try to visit Star Axis (+1 spell power once per hero) (Not visited) at (33 8 1) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Moving hero Valeska to tile 33 8 1 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=491. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 491 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=492. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 492 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=493. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 493 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=494. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 494 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=495. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 495 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=496. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 496 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE ai [62c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Valeska and object Valeska the Knight at 32 9 1. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [62c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Hero Valeska moved from 35 5 1 to 31 9 1. Returning 0. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Hero Valeska apparently used all MPs (0 left) 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Player 6 ends turn 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - Player 6 ended his turn. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=497. 14:31:40 TRACE network [62c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:31:40 TRACE global [62c] - We'll wait till request 497 is answered. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 DEBUG ai [62c] - Player 6 ended turn 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewTurn 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateMapEvents 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '2', val '18'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '0', val '23'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateArtHandlerLists 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SaveGame". It'll have an ID=498. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SaveGame 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=499. 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SaveGame 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 INFO global [790] - Saving lib part of game... 14:31:40 INFO global [790] - Saving header 14:31:40 INFO global [790] - Saving options 14:31:40 INFO global [790] - Saving handlers 14:31:40 INFO global [790] - Saving gamestate 14:31:40 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 0 interface. 14:31:40 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:40 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 1 interface. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:40 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:40 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 5 interface. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:40 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:40 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 6 interface. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:40 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SystemMessage 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 ERROR network [790] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_4 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:41 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:31:41 TRACE global [10b8] - Loading music file music/AITheme1 14:31:41 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/AITheme1 14:31:41 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:41 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:41 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:41 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 17 13 0 14:31:41 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=500. 14:31:41 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:41 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:31:41 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme1 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:41 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:41 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 18 14 0 14:31:41 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=501. 14:31:41 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:41 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:31:41 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:31:41 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme1 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:41 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:41 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 18 15 0 14:31:41 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=502. 14:31:41 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:41 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:31:41 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:31:41 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme1 14:31:42 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:42 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:42 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:42 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:42 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:42 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:42 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:42 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 18 16 0 14:31:42 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=503. 14:31:42 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:42 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:42 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:42 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:42 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:42 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:31:42 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:31:42 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme1 14:31:42 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:42 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:42 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:42 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:42 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:42 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:42 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:42 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:42 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme1 14:31:42 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dirt 14:31:43 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:43 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:43 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:43 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 18 17 0 14:31:43 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=504. 14:31:43 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:43 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 18 18 0 14:31:43 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=505. 14:31:43 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:43 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 17 19 0 14:31:43 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=506. 14:31:43 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:43 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 16 19 0 14:31:43 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=507. 14:31:43 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct GiveBonus 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:43 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:43 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:45 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:45 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:45 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:45 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 17 19 0 14:31:45 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=508. 14:31:45 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:45 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:45 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:45 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:46 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 17 18 0 14:31:46 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=509. 14:31:46 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:46 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 17 17 0 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:46 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=510. 14:31:46 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:46 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 16 16 0 14:31:46 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=511. 14:31:46 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:46 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 15 16 0 14:31:46 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=512. 14:31:46 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:46 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 14 17 0 14:31:46 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=513. 14:31:46 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:46 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:48 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=514. 14:31:48 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:48 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:48 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:48 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:48 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:48 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:48 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:48 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:48 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:48 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:48 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:48 TRACE global [136c] - Loading music file music/Dungeon 14:31:48 TRACE global [136c] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:31:49 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:31:49 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dungeon 14:31:49 TRACE global [136c] - You've clicked on 13 14:31:53 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=515. 14:31:53 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:53 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:54 TRACE global [136c] - You've clicked on 33 14:31:55 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=516. 14:31:55 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct RecruitCreatures 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InsertNewStack 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:55 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 14:31:55 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Town (Dungeon) of Darkhold 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:56 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=517. 14:31:56 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:56 TRACE global [136c] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:31:56 TRACE global [136c] - Stoping music file music/Dungeon 14:31:56 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:56 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:56 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:56 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:56 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:56 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:56 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:56 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:56 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:56 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE global [136c] - Player 0 ended his turn. 14:31:57 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=518. 14:31:57 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:31:57 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dungeon 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - Player 1 starting turn 14:31:57 TRACE network [129c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=519. 14:31:57 TRACE network [129c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [129c] - We'll wait till request 519 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - Considering goal WIN 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:31:57 TRACE network [129c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=520. 14:31:57 TRACE network [129c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [129c] - We'll wait till request 520 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - Considering goal BUILD 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - Looking into Wise Oak 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - Looking into Coronius, MP=1500 14:31:57 TRACE network [129c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=521. 14:31:57 TRACE network [129c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [129c] - We'll wait till request 521 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - Nowhere more to go... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - Player 1 ends turn 14:31:57 TRACE global [129c] - Player 1 ended his turn. 14:31:57 TRACE network [129c] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=522. 14:31:57 TRACE network [129c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:31:57 TRACE global [129c] - We'll wait till request 522 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [129c] - Player 1 ended turn 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file 14:31:57 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dungeon 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Player 5 starting turn 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=523. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 523 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=524. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 524 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=525. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 525 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Moving hero Straker to tile 4 26 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=526. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 526 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=527. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 527 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=528. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 528 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=529. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 529 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=530. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 530 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=531. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 531 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=532. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 532 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=533. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 533 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=534. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 534 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=535. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 535 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=536. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 536 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=537. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 537 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Straker and object Straker the Death Knight at 8 25 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Hero Straker moved from 4 15 1 to 7 25 1. Returning 0. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=538. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 538 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (4 26 1) (greater goal type was VISIT TILE (4 26 1)), I will stop. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Considering goal WIN 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Considering goal RECRUIT HERO 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type RECRUIT HERO 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Attempting realizing goal with code RECRUIT HERO 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Trying to recruit a hero in Blackquarter at 2 6 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct HireHero". It'll have an ID=539. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct HireHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 539 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroRecruited 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Xsi #attached to# Player Purple 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Xsi #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Xsi #detached from# Player Purple 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Xsi #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroCreated(const class CGHeroInstance *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroCreated(const class CGHeroInstance *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroInGarrisonChange(const class CGTownInstance *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroInGarrisonChange(const class CGTownInstance *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero Ajit 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 4 of Beholders #detached from# Hero Ajit 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Beholders" 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 4 of Beholders #detached from# Hero Ajit 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Beholders" 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 1 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Ajit 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '6', val '1600'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeSpells 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Considering goal WIN 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=540. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 540 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=541. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 541 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=542. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 542 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (5 27 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=543. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 543 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (5 27 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 5 27 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=544. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 544 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 6 27 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 6 26 1 to 5 27 1. Returning 1. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=545. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 545 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (5 28 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=546. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 546 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (5 28 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 5 28 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=547. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 547 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 6 28 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 5 27 1 to 5 28 1. Returning 1. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=548. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 548 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (6 29 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=549. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 549 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (6 29 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 6 29 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=550. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 550 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 7 29 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 5 28 1 to 6 29 1. Returning 1. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=551. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 551 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 11 30 1 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (7 30 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=552. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 552 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (7 30 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 7 30 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=553. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 553 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 8 30 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 6 29 1 to 7 30 1. Returning 1. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=554. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 554 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 11 30 1 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (8 31 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=555. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 555 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (8 31 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 8 31 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=556. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 556 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 9 31 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 7 30 1 to 8 31 1. Returning 1. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=557. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 557 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 11 30 1 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (10 33 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=558. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 558 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (10 33 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 10 33 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=559. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 559 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=560. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 560 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '5', val '17'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=579 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 10 32 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 8 31 1 to 9 32 1. Returning 1. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=561. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 561 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 11 30 1 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (11 30 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=562. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 562 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - It's, safe for Aislinn to visit tile 11 30 1 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (11 30 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 11 30 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=563. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 563 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=564. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 564 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int): reason '0'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 WARN global [790] - Catapult doesn't have a base stack! 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStart 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Aislinn #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Town (Necropolis) of Haunt's Wind #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 17 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 #attached to# Stack of 17 of Skeletons 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [4]: 8 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=305 #attached to# Stack of 8 of Walking Dead 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 6 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 1 of armyobj=607 #attached to# Stack of 6 of Walking Dead 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [3]: 5 creatures of Wights from slot 2 of armyobj=607 #attached to# Stack of 5 of Wights 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [0]: 1 creatures of Catapults from slot 255 #attached to# Hero Aislinn 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [0]: 1 creatures of Catapults from slot 255 #attached to# "Catapults" 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=2. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 14:31:57 INFO global [790] - Opening StupidAI 14:31:57 INFO global [790] - Loaded Stupid AI 0.1 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: created 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: init called, saving ptr to IBattleCallback 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStart called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStart called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleNewRound called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct CatapultAttack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleCatapultAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleCatapultAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [12c8] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [3]: 5 creatures of Wights from slot 2 of armyobj=607 14:31:57 TRACE network [12c8] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=565. 14:31:57 TRACE network [12c8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [454] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [1]: 17 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 14:31:57 TRACE network [454] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=566. 14:31:57 TRACE network [454] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 17 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 receives a new bonus: +20 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 17 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 receives a new bonus: +0 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [126c] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 8 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=305 14:31:57 TRACE network [126c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=567. 14:31:57 TRACE network [126c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [780] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 6 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 1 of armyobj=607 14:31:57 TRACE network [780] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=568. 14:31:57 TRACE network [780] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 6 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 1 of armyobj=607 receives a new bonus: +20 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 6 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 1 of armyobj=607 receives a new bonus: +0 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleNewRound called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStacksRemoved 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksRemoved called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksRemoved called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct CatapultAttack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleCatapultAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleCatapultAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [a08] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [3]: 5 creatures of Wights from slot 2 of armyobj=607 14:31:57 TRACE network [a08] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=569. 14:31:57 TRACE network [a08] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [1084] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [1]: 17 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 14:31:57 TRACE network [1084] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=570. 14:31:57 TRACE network [1084] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 17 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 receives a new bonus: +20 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 17 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 receives a new bonus: +0 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [1350] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 7 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=305 14:31:57 TRACE network [1350] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=571. 14:31:57 TRACE network [1350] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [cc8] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 6 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 1 of armyobj=607 14:31:57 TRACE network [cc8] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=572. 14:31:57 TRACE network [cc8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 6 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 1 of armyobj=607 receives a new bonus: +20 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 6 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 1 of armyobj=607 receives a new bonus: +0 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleNewRound called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct CatapultAttack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleCatapultAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleCatapultAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleTriggerEffect 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [cbc] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [3]: 4 creatures of Wights from slot 2 of armyobj=607 14:31:57 TRACE network [cbc] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=573. 14:31:57 TRACE network [cbc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [11bc] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [1]: 17 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 14:31:57 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dungeon 14:31:57 TRACE global [10b8] - Loading music file music/AITheme0 14:31:57 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/AITheme0 14:31:57 TRACE network [11bc] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=574. 14:31:57 TRACE network [11bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 17 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 receives a new bonus: +20 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 17 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 receives a new bonus: +0 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [bf8] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 5 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=305 14:31:57 TRACE network [bf8] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=575. 14:31:57 TRACE network [bf8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [b18] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 6 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 1 of armyobj=607 14:31:57 TRACE network [b18] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=576. 14:31:57 TRACE network [b18] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 6 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 1 of armyobj=607 receives a new bonus: +20 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 6 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 1 of armyobj=607 receives a new bonus: +0 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleNewRound called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct CatapultAttack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleCatapultAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleCatapultAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleTriggerEffect 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [220] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [3]: 3 creatures of Wights from slot 2 of armyobj=607 14:31:57 TRACE network [220] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=577. 14:31:57 TRACE network [220] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [120c] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [1]: 17 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 14:31:57 TRACE network [120c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=578. 14:31:57 TRACE network [120c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 17 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 receives a new bonus: +20 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 17 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 receives a new bonus: +0 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [eac] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 3 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=305 14:31:57 TRACE network [eac] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=579. 14:31:57 TRACE network [eac] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [8bc] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 6 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 1 of armyobj=607 14:31:57 TRACE network [8bc] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=580. 14:31:57 TRACE network [8bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 6 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 1 of armyobj=607 receives a new bonus: +20 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 6 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 1 of armyobj=607 receives a new bonus: +0 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleNewRound called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStacksRemoved 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksRemoved called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksRemoved called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct CatapultAttack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleCatapultAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleCatapultAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleTriggerEffect 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [52c] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [3]: 3 creatures of Wights from slot 2 of armyobj=607 14:31:57 TRACE network [52c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=581. 14:31:57 TRACE network [52c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [1210] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [1]: 17 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 14:31:57 TRACE network [1210] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=582. 14:31:57 TRACE network [1210] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetStackEffect 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 17 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 receives a new bonus: +20 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 17 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 receives a new bonus: +0 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksEffectsSet called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [d90] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 1 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=305 14:31:57 TRACE network [d90] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=583. 14:31:57 TRACE network [d90] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleResult 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=3. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [790] - Player 5: I won the Starting battle of Aislinn attacking Haunt's Wind, Necropolis at 11 30 1! 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: battleEnd called 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072A63B8]: destroyed 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleEnd called 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 17 creatures of Skeletons from slot 0 of armyobj=607 #detached from# Stack of 17 of Skeletons 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [4]: 0 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 0 of armyobj=305 #detached from# Stack of 8 of Walking Dead 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 6 creatures of Walking Dead from slot 1 of armyobj=607 #detached from# Stack of 6 of Walking Dead 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [3]: 3 creatures of Wights from slot 2 of armyobj=607 #detached from# Stack of 5 of Wights 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [0]: 1 creatures of Catapults from slot 255 #detached from# Hero Aislinn 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [0]: 1 creatures of Catapults from slot 255 #detached from# "Catapults" 14:31:57 WARN bonus [790] - Warning: an orphaned child! 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Aislinn #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Town (Necropolis) of Haunt's Wind #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool): isAbsolute '1'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EraseStack 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 8 of Walking Dead #detached from# Town (Necropolis) of Haunt's Wind 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '4', val '120'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '770'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool): isAbsolute '0'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleResultsApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::battleResultsApplied(void). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=0. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::battleResultsApplied(void). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 11 31 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 9 32 1 to 10 31 1. Returning 1. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=584. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 584 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Global effects 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Purple 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (11 32 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=585. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 585 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (11 32 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 11 32 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=586. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 586 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 12 32 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 10 31 1 to 11 32 1. Returning 1. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=587. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 587 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (12 31 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=588. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 588 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (12 31 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 12 31 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=589. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 589 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 13 31 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 11 32 1 to 12 31 1. Returning 1. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=590. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 590 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (13 31 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=591. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 591 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (13 31 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (13 31 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=592. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 592 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=593. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 593 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (4 26 1) (greater goal type was VISIT TILE (4 26 1)), I will stop. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Considering goal BUILD 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Looking into Blackquarter 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Looking into Haunt's Wind 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Looking into Xsi, MP=1560 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=594. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 594 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Of all 2 destinations, object oid=315 seems nice 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Xsi will try to visit Fountain of Youth (Not visited) at (8 2 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Moving hero Xsi to tile 8 2 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=595. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 595 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Xsi #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Xsi #attached to# Player Purple 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=596. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 596 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=597. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 597 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=598. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 598 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=599. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 599 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=600. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 600 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=601. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 601 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=602. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 602 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct GiveBonus 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroBonusChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,const struct Bonus &,bool): gain '1'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroBonusChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,const struct Bonus &,bool). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetMovePoints 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMovePointsChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMovePointsChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '683'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Xsi and object Fountain of Youth (Visited) at 8 2 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Hero Xsi moved from 2 6 1 to 8 2 1. Returning 1. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=326 seems nice 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Xsi will try to visit Learning Stone (+1000 experience once per hero) (Not visited) at (4 33 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Moving hero Xsi to tile 4 33 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=603. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 603 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=604. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 604 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=605. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 605 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=606. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 606 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=607. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 607 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=608. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 608 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=609. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 609 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=610. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 610 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Xsi and object Xsi the Necromancer at 7 10 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [59c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Hero Xsi moved from 8 2 1 to 6 10 1. Returning 0. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Hero Xsi apparently used all MPs (0 left) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Player 5 ends turn 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - Player 5 ended his turn. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=611. 14:31:57 TRACE network [59c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:31:57 TRACE global [59c] - We'll wait till request 611 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [59c] - Player 5 ended turn 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Player 6 starting turn 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=612. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 612 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=613. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 613 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=614. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 614 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (33 8 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (33 8 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (33 8 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=615. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 615 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (33 8 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Moving hero Valeska to tile 33 8 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=616. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 616 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=617. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 617 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '2', val '1'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '340'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [424] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Valeska and object Star Axis (+1 spell power once per hero) (Visited) at 33 8 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [424] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Hero Valeska moved from 31 9 1 to 33 8 1. Returning 1. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Considering goal WIN 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=618. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 618 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=619. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 619 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=620. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 620 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 2 ms. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (34 19 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=621. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 621 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (34 19 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 34 19 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=622. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 622 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=623. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 623 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=624. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 624 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=625. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 625 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=626. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 626 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=627. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 627 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [424] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 35 19 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [424] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Hero Brissa moved from 29 17 1 to 34 19 1. Returning 1. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=628. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 628 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (33 20 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=629. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 629 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (33 20 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 33 20 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=630. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 630 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE ai [424] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 34 20 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [424] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Hero Brissa moved from 34 19 1 to 33 20 1. Returning 1. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=631. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 631 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (32 21 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=632. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 632 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (32 21 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 32 21 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=633. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 633 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [424] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 33 21 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [424] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Hero Brissa moved from 33 20 1 to 32 21 1. Returning 1. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=634. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 634 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (34 23 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=635. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 635 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (34 23 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 34 23 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=636. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 636 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=637. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 637 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '5', val '8'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=590 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [424] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 34 22 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [424] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Hero Brissa moved from 32 21 1 to 33 22 1. Returning 1. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=638. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 638 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (32 23 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=639. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 639 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (32 23 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (32 23 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=640. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 640 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=641. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 641 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (27 18 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=642. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 642 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (27 18 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 27 18 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=643. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 643 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=644. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 644 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=645. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 645 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [424] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 28 18 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [424] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Hero Erdamon moved from 28 19 1 to 27 18 1. Returning 1. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=646. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 646 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 2 ms. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (28 24 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=647. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 647 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (28 24 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 28 24 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=648. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 648 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=649. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 649 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=650. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 650 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=651. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 651 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=652. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 652 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=653. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 653 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [424] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 31 23 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [424] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Hero Erdamon moved from 27 18 1 to 30 23 1. Returning 0. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=654. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 654 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (28 24 1) 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=655. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 655 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (28 24 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (28 24 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Considering goal BUILD 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Looking into Lanting 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Player 6 will build Altar of Earth in town of Lanting at 27 4 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=656. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 656 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Looking into Valeska, MP=1268 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=657. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 657 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Of all 3 destinations, object oid=588 seems nice 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Valeska will try to visit Gems at (35 10 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Moving hero Valeska to tile 35 10 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=658. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 658 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=659. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 659 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '5', val '12'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=588 14:31:57 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE ai [424] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Valeska and object Valeska the Knight at 35 9 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [424] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Hero Valeska moved from 33 8 1 to 34 9 1. Returning 1. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Of all 2 destinations, object oid=324 seems nice 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Valeska will try to visit Water Wheel (Not visited) at (29 13 1) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Moving hero Valeska to tile 29 13 1 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=660. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 660 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=661. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 661 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=662. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 662 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=663. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 663 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE ai [424] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Valeska and object Valeska the Knight at 31 11 1. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [424] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Hero Valeska moved from 34 9 1 to 30 11 1. Returning 0. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Hero Valeska apparently used all MPs (0 left) 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Player 6 ends turn 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - Player 6 ended his turn. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=664. 14:31:57 TRACE network [424] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:31:57 TRACE global [424] - We'll wait till request 664 is answered. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 DEBUG ai [424] - Player 6 ended turn 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewTurn 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateMapEvents 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '2', val '20'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '0', val '25'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateArtHandlerLists 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SaveGame". It'll have an ID=665. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SaveGame 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=666. 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:31:57 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme0 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SaveGame 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 INFO global [790] - Saving lib part of game... 14:31:57 INFO global [790] - Saving header 14:31:57 INFO global [790] - Saving options 14:31:57 INFO global [790] - Saving handlers 14:31:57 INFO global [790] - Saving gamestate 14:31:57 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 0 interface. 14:31:57 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:57 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 1 interface. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:57 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:57 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 5 interface. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:57 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:57 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 6 interface. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:57 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:57 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SystemMessage 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 ERROR network [790] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_5 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:58 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:58 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:58 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:58 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 13 17 0 14:31:58 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=667. 14:31:58 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:58 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:31:58 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:31:58 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme0 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:58 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:58 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 12 18 0 14:31:58 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=668. 14:31:58 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:58 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:31:58 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:31:58 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme0 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:58 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:58 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 12 19 0 14:31:58 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=669. 14:31:58 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:58 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:31:58 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:31:58 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme0 14:31:58 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme0 14:31:58 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dirt 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:58 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:58 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 13 19 0 14:31:58 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=670. 14:31:58 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:58 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:31:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:31:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:31:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:31:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:31:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:31:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:31:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:31:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:01 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:01 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:01 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:01 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 12 19 0 14:32:01 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=671. 14:32:01 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:01 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:01 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 12 18 0 14:32:01 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=672. 14:32:01 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:01 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:01 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 13 17 0 14:32:01 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=673. 14:32:01 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:01 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:01 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 14 17 0 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:01 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=674. 14:32:01 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:01 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:02 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 15 16 0 14:32:02 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=675. 14:32:02 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:02 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 16 16 0 14:32:02 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=676. 14:32:02 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:02 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 17 16 0 14:32:02 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=677. 14:32:02 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:02 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 18 15 0 14:32:02 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=678. 14:32:02 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:02 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 19 14 0 14:32:02 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=679. 14:32:02 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:02 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:03 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:03 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:03 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:03 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:03 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:03 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:03 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:03 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:04 TRACE global [136c] - Player 0 ended his turn. 14:32:04 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=680. 14:32:04 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:32:04 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:04 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:04 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:04 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:04 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:04 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:32:04 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:04 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:04 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - Player 1 starting turn 14:32:05 TRACE network [aa8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=681. 14:32:05 TRACE network [aa8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [aa8] - We'll wait till request 681 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - Considering goal WIN 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:32:05 TRACE network [aa8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=682. 14:32:05 TRACE network [aa8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [aa8] - We'll wait till request 682 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - Considering goal BUILD 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - Looking into Wise Oak 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - Player 1 will build Upg. Dendroid Arches in town of Wise Oak at 6 29 0 14:32:05 TRACE network [aa8] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=683. 14:32:05 TRACE network [aa8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:32:05 TRACE global [aa8] - We'll wait till request 683 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - Looking into Coronius, MP=1500 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [aa8] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=684. 14:32:05 TRACE network [aa8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [aa8] - We'll wait till request 684 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - Player 1 ends turn 14:32:05 TRACE global [aa8] - Player 1 ended his turn. 14:32:05 TRACE network [aa8] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=685. 14:32:05 TRACE network [aa8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:32:05 TRACE global [aa8] - We'll wait till request 685 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [aa8] - Player 1 ended turn 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file 14:32:05 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Player 5 starting turn 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=686. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 686 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=687. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 687 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=688. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 688 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Moving hero Straker to tile 4 26 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=689. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 689 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=690. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 690 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=691. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 691 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '5', val '22'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '359'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Straker and object Windmill (Visited) at 5 26 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Hero Straker moved from 7 25 1 to 4 26 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=692. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 692 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=693. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 693 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Moving hero Xsi to tile 4 33 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=694. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 694 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=695. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 695 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=696. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 696 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=697. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 697 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=698. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 698 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=699. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 699 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=700. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 700 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=701. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 701 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=702. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 702 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=703. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 703 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=704. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 704 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=705. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 705 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Xsi and object Xsi the Necromancer at 12 22 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Hero Xsi moved from 6 10 1 to 11 22 1. Returning 0. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=706. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 706 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (4 33 1) (greater goal type was VISIT TILE (4 33 1)), I will stop. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Considering goal WIN 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=707. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 707 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=708. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 708 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=709. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 709 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (13 31 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=710. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 710 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (13 31 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 13 31 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=711. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 711 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 14 31 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 12 31 1 to 13 31 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=712. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 712 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (14 30 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=713. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 713 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (14 30 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 14 30 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=714. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 714 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 15 30 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 13 31 1 to 14 30 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=715. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 715 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (15 30 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=716. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 716 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (15 30 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 15 30 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=717. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 717 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 16 30 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 14 30 1 to 15 30 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=718. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 718 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (17 29 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=719. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 719 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (17 29 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 17 29 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=720. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 720 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=721. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 721 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '3', val '8'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=576 14:32:05 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 17 30 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 15 30 1 to 16 30 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=722. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 722 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (17 29 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=723. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 723 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (17 29 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 17 29 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=724. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 724 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 18 29 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 16 30 1 to 17 29 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=725. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 725 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (18 28 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=726. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 726 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (18 28 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 18 28 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=727. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 727 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 19 28 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 17 29 1 to 18 28 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=728. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 728 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (18 27 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=729. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 729 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (18 27 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 18 27 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=730. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 730 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 19 27 1. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 18 28 1 to 18 27 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=731. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 731 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (16 25 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=732. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 732 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (16 25 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 16 25 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=733. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 733 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=734. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 734 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '4', val '13'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=580 14:32:05 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 18 26 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 18 27 1 to 17 26 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=735. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 735 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (17 25 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=736. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 736 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (17 25 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 17 25 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=737. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 737 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 18 25 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 17 26 1 to 17 25 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=738. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 738 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (17 24 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=739. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 739 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (17 24 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 17 24 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=740. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 740 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 18 24 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Hero Aislinn moved from 17 25 1 to 17 24 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=741. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 741 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (16 23 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=742. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 742 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (16 23 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (16 23 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=743. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 743 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=744. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 744 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (4 33 1) (greater goal type was VISIT TILE (4 33 1)), I will stop. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Considering goal BUILD 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Looking into Blackquarter 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Player 5 will build Upg. Tomb of Souls in town of Blackquarter at 4 6 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=745. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 745 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Looking into Haunt's Wind 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Player 5 will build Town Hall in town of Haunt's Wind at 13 30 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=746. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 746 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Looking into Xsi, MP=0 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=747. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 747 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=326 seems nice 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Xsi will try to visit Learning Stone (+1000 experience once per hero) (Not visited) at (4 33 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Moving hero Xsi to tile 4 33 1 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Xsi and object Xsi the Necromancer at 12 22 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [e7c] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Cannot use this hero anymore, received exception: Invalid path found! 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Player 5 ends turn 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - Player 5 ended his turn. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=748. 14:32:05 TRACE network [e7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:32:05 TRACE global [e7c] - We'll wait till request 748 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [e7c] - Player 5 ended turn 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file 14:32:05 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Player 6 starting turn 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=749. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 749 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=750. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 750 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=751. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 751 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (29 13 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (29 13 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (29 13 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=752. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 752 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (29 13 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Moving hero Valeska to tile 29 13 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=753. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 753 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=754. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 754 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=755. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 755 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '6', val '4125'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '359'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Valeska and object Water Wheel (Visited) at 29 13 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Hero Valeska moved from 30 11 1 to 29 13 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Considering goal WIN 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=756. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 756 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=757. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 757 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=758. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 758 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 3 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (29 3 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=759. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 759 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (29 3 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 29 3 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=760. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 760 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=761. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 761 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=762. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 762 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=763. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 763 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=764. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 764 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=765. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 765 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=766. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 766 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=767. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 767 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=768. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 768 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 31 13 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Hero Brissa moved from 33 22 1 to 30 13 1. Returning 0. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=769. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 769 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 3 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (29 3 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=770. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 770 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (29 3 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (29 3 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=771. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 771 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=772. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 772 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (28 24 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=773. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 773 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (28 24 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 28 24 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=774. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 774 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=775. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 775 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '3', val '13'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=582 14:32:05 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 30 23 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Hero Erdamon moved from 30 23 1 to 29 23 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=776. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 776 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (28 24 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=777. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 777 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (28 24 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 28 24 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=778. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 778 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 29 24 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Hero Erdamon moved from 29 23 1 to 28 24 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=779. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 779 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (27 25 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=780. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 780 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (27 25 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 27 25 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=781. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 781 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 28 25 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Hero Erdamon moved from 28 24 1 to 27 25 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=782. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 782 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (26 26 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=783. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 783 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (26 26 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 26 26 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=784. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 784 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 27 26 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Hero Erdamon moved from 27 25 1 to 26 26 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=785. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 785 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (26 27 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=786. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 786 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (26 27 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 26 27 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=787. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 787 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 27 27 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Hero Erdamon moved from 26 26 1 to 26 27 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=788. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 788 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (25 28 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=789. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 789 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (25 28 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 25 28 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=790. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 790 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 26 28 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Hero Erdamon moved from 26 27 1 to 25 28 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=791. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 791 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (26 28 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=792. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 792 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (26 28 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 26 28 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=793. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 793 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 27 28 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Hero Erdamon moved from 25 28 1 to 26 28 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=794. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 794 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (27 28 1) 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=795. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 795 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (27 28 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (27 28 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Considering goal BUILD 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Looking into Lanting 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Player 6 will build Altar of Thought in town of Lanting at 27 4 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=796. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 796 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Looking into Valeska, MP=1180 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=797. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 797 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Of all 4 destinations, object oid=359 seems nice 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Valeska will try to visit Learning Stone (+1000 experience once per hero) (Not visited) at (28 19 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Moving hero Valeska to tile 28 19 1 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=798. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 798 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=799. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 799 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=800. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 800 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=801. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 801 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=802. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 802 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=803. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 803 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=804. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 804 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '340'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '4', val '1000'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '0', val '1'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroLevelUp 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroGotLevel(const class CGHeroInstance *,enum PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill,class std::vector > &,class QueryID): queryID '406'. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 406 - Hero Valeska got level 2. Total queries count: 1 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [bc4] - I'll answer the query 406 giving the choice 0 14:32:05 TRACE network [bc4] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=805. 14:32:05 TRACE network [bc4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroGotLevel(const class CGHeroInstance *,enum PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill,class std::vector > &,class QueryID). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [bc4] - Attempted answering query 406 - Hero Valeska got level 2. Request id=805. Waiting for results... 14:32:05 TRACE global [bc4] - We'll wait till request 805 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSecSkill 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroSecondarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,int): which '6', val '1'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroSecondarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 406 - Hero Valeska got level 2. Total queries count: 0 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Valeska and object Learning Stone (+1000 experience once per hero) (Visited) at 28 19 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Hero Valeska moved from 29 13 1 to 28 19 1. Returning 1. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Of all 3 destinations, object oid=347 seems nice 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Valeska will try to visit Fountain of Youth (Not visited) at (22 19 1) 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Moving hero Valeska to tile 22 19 1 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Valeska and object Learning Stone (+1000 experience once per hero) (Visited) at 28 19 1. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [768] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Cannot use this hero anymore, received exception: Invalid path found! 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Player 6 ends turn 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - Player 6 ended his turn. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=806. 14:32:05 TRACE network [768] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:32:05 TRACE global [768] - We'll wait till request 806 is answered. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 DEBUG ai [768] - Player 6 ended turn 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewTurn 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateMapEvents 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '2', val '22'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '0', val '22'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateArtHandlerLists 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SaveGame". It'll have an ID=807. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SaveGame 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=808. 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SaveGame 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 INFO global [790] - Saving lib part of game... 14:32:05 INFO global [790] - Saving header 14:32:05 INFO global [790] - Saving options 14:32:05 INFO global [790] - Saving handlers 14:32:05 INFO global [790] - Saving gamestate 14:32:05 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 0 interface. 14:32:05 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:05 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 1 interface. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:05 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:05 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 5 interface. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:05 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:05 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 6 interface. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:05 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:05 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SystemMessage 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 ERROR network [790] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_1 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:05 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:06 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:32:06 TRACE global [10b8] - Loading music file music/AITheme0 14:32:06 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/AITheme0 14:32:06 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:06 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:06 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:06 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 19 13 0 14:32:06 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=809. 14:32:06 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:06 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:32:06 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme0 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:06 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:06 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 19 12 0 14:32:06 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=810. 14:32:06 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:06 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:32:06 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:32:06 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme0 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:06 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:06 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 19 11 0 14:32:06 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=811. 14:32:06 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:06 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:32:06 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:32:06 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme0 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:06 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:06 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:07 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme0 14:32:07 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dirt 14:32:07 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:07 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:07 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:07 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 20 11 0 14:32:07 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=812. 14:32:07 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:07 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:07 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:07 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:08 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:08 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 21 11 0 14:32:08 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=813. 14:32:08 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:08 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:08 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 22 11 0 14:32:08 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=814. 14:32:08 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:08 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:08 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 23 11 0 14:32:08 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=815. 14:32:08 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:08 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:08 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 24 10 0 14:32:08 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=816. 14:32:08 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:08 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:08 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:12 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:12 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:12 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:12 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 23 10 0 14:32:12 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=817. 14:32:12 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:12 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:12 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:12 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:13 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 22 10 0 14:32:13 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=818. 14:32:13 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:13 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 21 11 0 14:32:13 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=819. 14:32:13 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:13 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 20 11 0 14:32:13 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=820. 14:32:13 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:13 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 19 11 0 14:32:13 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=821. 14:32:13 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:13 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 18 10 0 14:32:13 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=822. 14:32:13 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:13 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:14 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:14 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:14 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:14 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:14 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:14 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:14 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:14 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:15 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=823. 14:32:15 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:15 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:15 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:15 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:15 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:15 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:15 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:15 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:15 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:15 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:15 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:15 TRACE global [136c] - Loading music file music/Dungeon 14:32:15 TRACE global [136c] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:32:16 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:32:16 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dungeon 14:32:16 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=824. 14:32:16 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:16 TRACE global [136c] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:32:16 TRACE global [136c] - Stoping music file music/Dungeon 14:32:16 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:16 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:16 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:16 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:16 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:16 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:16 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:16 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:16 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:16 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE global [136c] - Player 0 ended his turn. 14:32:17 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=825. 14:32:17 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:32:17 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dungeon 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Player 1 starting turn 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=826. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 826 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Considering goal WIN 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=827. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 827 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=828. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 828 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Striving to goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Choosing abstract goal GATHER ARMY 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=829. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 829 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=830. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 830 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (5 30 0) 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=831. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 831 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (5 30 0) 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Moving hero Coronius to tile 5 30 0 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=832. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 832 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Coronius #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:32:17 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Coronius #attached to# Player Blue 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE ai [d64] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Coronius and object Coronius the Druid at 6 30 0. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [d64] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Hero Coronius moved from 4 29 0 to 5 30 0. Returning 1. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=833. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 833 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=834. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 834 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (4 29 0) 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=835. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 835 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (4 29 0) 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Moving hero Coronius to tile 4 29 0 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=836. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 836 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Coronius #detached from# Player Blue 14:32:17 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Coronius #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisitsTown(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGTownInstance *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisitsTown(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGTownInstance *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE ai [d64] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Coronius and object Wise Oak, Rampart at 6 29 0. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [d64] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Hero Coronius moved from 5 30 0 to 4 29 0. Returning 1. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=837. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 837 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=838. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 838 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (3 30 0) 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=839. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 839 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (3 30 0) 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Moving hero Coronius to tile 3 30 0 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=840. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 840 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Coronius #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:32:17 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Coronius #attached to# Player Blue 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE ai [d64] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Coronius and object Coronius the Druid at 4 30 0. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [d64] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Hero Coronius moved from 4 29 0 to 3 30 0. Returning 1. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=841. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 841 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=842. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 842 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 3 ms. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (9 33 0) 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=843. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 843 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (9 33 0) 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Moving hero Coronius to tile 9 33 0 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=844. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 844 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=845. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 845 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=846. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 846 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=847. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 847 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=848. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 848 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=849. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 849 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE ai [d64] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Coronius and object Coronius the Druid at 9 34 0. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [d64] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Hero Coronius moved from 3 30 0 to 8 34 0. Returning 0. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=850. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 850 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=851. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 851 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (9 33 0) 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=852. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 852 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (9 33 0) 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (9 33 0) (greater goal type was GATHER ARMY), I will stop. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Considering goal BUILD 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Looking into Wise Oak 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Player 1 will build Miners' Guild in town of Wise Oak at 6 29 0 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=853. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 853 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Player 1 ends turn 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - Player 1 ended his turn. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=854. 14:32:17 TRACE network [d64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:32:17 TRACE global [d64] - We'll wait till request 854 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [d64] - Player 1 ended turn 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file 14:32:17 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dungeon 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Player 5 starting turn 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=855. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 855 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=856. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 856 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=857. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 857 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=858. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 858 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Moving hero Xsi to tile 4 33 1 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=859. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 859 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=860. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 860 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=861. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 861 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=862. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 862 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=863. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 863 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=864. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 864 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=865. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 865 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=866. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 866 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=867. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 867 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=868. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 868 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=869. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 869 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=870. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 870 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=871. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 871 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE ai [f98] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Xsi and object Xsi the Necromancer at 8 35 1. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [f98] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Hero Xsi moved from 11 22 1 to 7 35 1. Returning 0. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=872. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 872 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (4 33 1) (greater goal type was VISIT TILE (4 33 1)), I will stop. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Considering goal WIN 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=873. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 873 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=874. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 874 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Striving to goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Choosing abstract goal GATHER ARMY 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=875. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 875 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=876. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 876 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=877. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 877 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=878. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 878 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=879. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 879 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 607 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=880. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 880 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 607 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Moving hero Straker to tile 17 24 1 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=881. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 881 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=882. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 882 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=883. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 883 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=884. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 884 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=885. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 885 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=886. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 886 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=887. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 887 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=888. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 888 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=889. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 889 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=890. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 890 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=891. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 891 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=892. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 892 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=893. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 893 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE ai [f98] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Straker and object Straker the Death Knight at 18 29 1. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [f98] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Hero Straker moved from 4 26 1 to 17 29 1. Returning 0. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=894. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 894 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=895. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 895 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=896. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 896 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=897. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 897 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=898. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 898 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 609 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=899. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 899 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 609 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 17 29 1 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=900. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 900 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=901. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 901 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=902. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 902 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=903. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 903 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=904. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 904 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ExchangeDialog 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 463 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 1 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [e54] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=905. 14:32:17 TRACE network [e54] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 14:32:17 TRACE global [e54] - We'll wait till request 905 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero Straker 14:32:17 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [e54] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=906. 14:32:17 TRACE network [e54] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 14:32:17 TRACE global [e54] - We'll wait till request 906 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero Aislinn 14:32:17 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [e54] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=907. 14:32:17 TRACE network [e54] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 14:32:17 TRACE global [e54] - We'll wait till request 907 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 18 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero Aislinn 14:32:17 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 18 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Straker 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [e54] - I'll answer the query 463 giving the choice 0 14:32:17 TRACE network [e54] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=908. 14:32:17 TRACE network [e54] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [e54] - Attempted answering query 463 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Request id=908. Waiting for results... 14:32:17 TRACE global [e54] - We'll wait till request 908 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 463 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 0 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE ai [f98] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 18 28 1. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [f98] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Hero Aislinn moved from 17 24 1 to 17 28 1. Returning 1. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=909. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 909 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=910. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 910 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=911. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 911 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=912. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 912 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=913. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 913 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 609 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=914. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 914 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 609 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 17 29 1 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=915. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 915 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ExchangeDialog 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 466 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 1 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [ed4] - I'll answer the query 466 giving the choice 0 14:32:17 TRACE network [ed4] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=916. 14:32:17 TRACE network [ed4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [ed4] - Attempted answering query 466 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Request id=916. Waiting for results... 14:32:17 TRACE global [ed4] - We'll wait till request 916 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 466 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 0 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE ai [f98] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 18 28 1. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [f98] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Hero Aislinn moved from 17 28 1 to 17 28 1. Returning 1. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=917. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 917 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=918. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 918 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=919. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 919 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=920. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 920 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=921. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 921 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 609 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=922. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 922 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 609 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 17 29 1 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=923. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 923 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ExchangeDialog 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 469 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 1 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [1160] - I'll answer the query 469 giving the choice 0 14:32:17 TRACE network [1160] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=924. 14:32:17 TRACE network [1160] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [1160] - Attempted answering query 469 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Request id=924. Waiting for results... 14:32:17 TRACE global [1160] - We'll wait till request 924 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 469 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 0 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE ai [f98] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 18 28 1. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [f98] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Hero Aislinn moved from 17 28 1 to 17 28 1. Returning 1. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=925. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 925 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=926. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 926 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=927. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 927 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=928. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 928 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=929. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 929 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 609 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=930. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 930 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 609 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 17 29 1 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=931. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 931 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ExchangeDialog 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 472 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 1 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [724] - I'll answer the query 472 giving the choice 0 14:32:17 TRACE network [724] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=932. 14:32:17 TRACE network [724] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [724] - Attempted answering query 472 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Request id=932. Waiting for results... 14:32:17 TRACE global [724] - We'll wait till request 932 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 472 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 0 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE ai [f98] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 18 28 1. 14:32:17 TRACE ai [f98] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Hero Aislinn moved from 17 28 1 to 17 28 1. Returning 1. 14:32:17 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=933. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 933 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=934. 14:32:17 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:17 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 934 is answered. 14:32:17 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=935. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 935 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=936. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 936 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=937. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 937 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dungeon 14:32:18 TRACE global [10b8] - Loading music file music/AITheme1 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/AITheme1 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 609 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=938. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 938 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 609 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 17 29 1 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=939. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 939 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ExchangeDialog 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 475 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 1 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [12c4] - I'll answer the query 475 giving the choice 0 14:32:18 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=940. 14:32:18 TRACE network [12c4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [12c4] - Attempted answering query 475 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Request id=940. Waiting for results... 14:32:18 TRACE global [12c4] - We'll wait till request 940 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 475 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 0 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE ai [f98] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 18 28 1. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [f98] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Hero Aislinn moved from 17 28 1 to 17 28 1. Returning 1. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=941. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 941 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=942. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 942 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=943. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 943 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=944. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 944 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=945. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 945 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 609 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=946. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 946 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 609 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 17 29 1 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=947. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 947 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ExchangeDialog 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 478 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 1 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [3c8] - I'll answer the query 478 giving the choice 0 14:32:18 TRACE network [3c8] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=948. 14:32:18 TRACE network [3c8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [3c8] - Attempted answering query 478 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Request id=948. Waiting for results... 14:32:18 TRACE global [3c8] - We'll wait till request 948 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 478 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 0 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE ai [f98] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 18 28 1. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [f98] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Hero Aislinn moved from 17 28 1 to 17 28 1. Returning 1. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=949. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 949 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=950. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 950 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=951. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 951 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=952. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 952 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=953. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 953 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 609 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=954. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 954 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 609 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 17 29 1 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=955. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 955 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ExchangeDialog 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 481 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 1 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [3ec] - I'll answer the query 481 giving the choice 0 14:32:18 TRACE network [3ec] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=956. 14:32:18 TRACE network [3ec] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [3ec] - Attempted answering query 481 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Request id=956. Waiting for results... 14:32:18 TRACE global [3ec] - We'll wait till request 956 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 481 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 0 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE ai [f98] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 18 28 1. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [f98] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Hero Aislinn moved from 17 28 1 to 17 28 1. Returning 1. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=957. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 957 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=958. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 958 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=959. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 959 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=960. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 960 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=961. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 961 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 609 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=962. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 962 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 609 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 17 29 1 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=963. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 963 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ExchangeDialog 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 484 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 1 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ccc] - I'll answer the query 484 giving the choice 0 14:32:18 TRACE network [ccc] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=964. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ccc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ccc] - Attempted answering query 484 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Request id=964. Waiting for results... 14:32:18 TRACE global [ccc] - We'll wait till request 964 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 484 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 0 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE ai [f98] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 18 28 1. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [f98] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Hero Aislinn moved from 17 28 1 to 17 28 1. Returning 1. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=965. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 965 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=966. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 966 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=967. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 967 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=968. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 968 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=969. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 969 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 609 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=970. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 970 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 609 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 17 29 1 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=971. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 971 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ExchangeDialog 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 487 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 1 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [11d0] - I'll answer the query 487 giving the choice 0 14:32:18 TRACE network [11d0] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=972. 14:32:18 TRACE network [11d0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [11d0] - Attempted answering query 487 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Request id=972. Waiting for results... 14:32:18 TRACE global [11d0] - We'll wait till request 972 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 487 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 0 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE ai [f98] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 18 28 1. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [f98] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Hero Aislinn moved from 17 28 1 to 17 28 1. Returning 1. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=973. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 973 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=974. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 974 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=975. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 975 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=976. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 976 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=977. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 977 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 609 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=978. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 978 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 609 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 17 29 1 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=979. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 979 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ExchangeDialog 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 490 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 1 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [b68] - I'll answer the query 490 giving the choice 0 14:32:18 TRACE network [b68] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=980. 14:32:18 TRACE network [b68] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [b68] - Attempted answering query 490 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Request id=980. Waiting for results... 14:32:18 TRACE global [b68] - We'll wait till request 980 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 490 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 0 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE ai [f98] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 18 28 1. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [f98] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Hero Aislinn moved from 17 28 1 to 17 28 1. Returning 1. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=981. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 981 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=982. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 982 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=983. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 983 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=984. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 984 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=985. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 985 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 609 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=986. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 986 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 609 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 17 29 1 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=987. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 987 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ExchangeDialog 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 493 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 1 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [1250] - I'll answer the query 493 giving the choice 0 14:32:18 TRACE network [1250] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=988. 14:32:18 TRACE network [1250] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [1250] - Attempted answering query 493 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Request id=988. Waiting for results... 14:32:18 TRACE global [1250] - We'll wait till request 988 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 493 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Straker. Total queries count: 0 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE ai [f98] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 18 28 1. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [f98] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Hero Aislinn moved from 17 28 1 to 17 28 1. Returning 1. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=989. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 989 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=990. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 990 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=991. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 991 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=992. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 992 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=993. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 993 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 607 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=994. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 994 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 607 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT HERO 607 (greater goal type was GATHER ARMY), I will stop. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=995. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 995 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=996. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 996 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (4 33 1) (greater goal type was VISIT TILE (4 33 1)), I will stop. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Considering goal BUILD 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Looking into Blackquarter 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Player 5 will build Necromancy Amplifier in town of Blackquarter at 4 6 1 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=997. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 997 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - #$# Necromancy Amplifier +10 #propagated to# Player Purple 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Looking into Haunt's Wind 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Player 5 will build Graveyard in town of Haunt's Wind at 13 30 1 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=998. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 998 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const class CGDwelling *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Looking into Xsi, MP=0 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=999. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 999 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=326 seems nice 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Xsi will try to visit Learning Stone (+1000 experience once per hero) (Not visited) at (4 33 1) 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Moving hero Xsi to tile 4 33 1 14:32:18 TRACE ai [f98] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Xsi and object Xsi the Necromancer at 8 35 1. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [f98] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Cannot use this hero anymore, received exception: Invalid path found! 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Player 5 ends turn 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - Player 5 ended his turn. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1000. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f98] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:32:18 TRACE global [f98] - We'll wait till request 1000 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f98] - Player 5 ended turn 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Player 6 starting turn 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1001. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1001 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1002. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1002 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1003. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1003 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Considering goal WIN 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1004. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1004 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1005. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1005 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1006. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1006 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 2 ms. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (22 19 1) 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1007. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1007 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (22 19 1) 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 22 19 1 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1008. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1008 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1009. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1009 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1010. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1010 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1011. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1011 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1012. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1012 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1013. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1013 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1014. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1014 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1015. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1015 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1016. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1016 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1017. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1017 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE ai [ab0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 31 23 1. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [ab0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Hero Brissa moved from 30 13 1 to 30 23 1. Returning 0. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1018. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1018 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 2 ms. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (22 19 1) 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1019. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1019 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (22 19 1) 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (22 19 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1020. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1020 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Striving to goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Choosing abstract goal GATHER ARMY 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1021. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1021 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1022. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1022 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1023. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1023 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1024. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1024 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1025. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1025 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 610 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1026. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1026 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 610 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 30 23 1 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1027. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1027 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1028. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1028 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1029. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1029 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1030. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1030 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1031. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1031 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1032. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1032 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ExchangeDialog 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 511 - Exchange between heroes Erdamon and Brissa. Total queries count: 1 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:18 TRACE network [f30] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1033. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f30] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE global [f30] - We'll wait till request 1033 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SwapStacks 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero Erdamon 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 23 of Pixies #detached from# Hero Erdamon 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Erdamon 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 23 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Erdamon 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [f30] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1034. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f30] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 14:32:18 TRACE global [f30] - We'll wait till request 1034 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero Brissa 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f30] - I'll answer the query 511 giving the choice 0 14:32:18 TRACE network [f30] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1035. 14:32:18 TRACE network [f30] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [f30] - Attempted answering query 511 - Exchange between heroes Erdamon and Brissa. Request id=1035. Waiting for results... 14:32:18 TRACE global [f30] - We'll wait till request 1035 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 511 - Exchange between heroes Erdamon and Brissa. Total queries count: 0 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE ai [ab0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 30 23 1. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [ab0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Hero Erdamon moved from 26 28 1 to 29 23 1. Returning 1. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1036. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1036 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1037. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1037 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1038. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1038 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1039. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1039 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 2 ms. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (22 19 1) 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1040. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1040 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (22 19 1) 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 22 19 1 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1041. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1041 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1042. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1042 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1043. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1043 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE ai [ab0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 27 24 1. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [ab0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Hero Erdamon moved from 29 23 1 to 26 24 1. Returning 0. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1044. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1044 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1045. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1045 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1046. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1046 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1047. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1047 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (25 23 1) 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1048. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1048 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (25 23 1) 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (25 23 1) (greater goal type was GATHER ARMY), I will stop. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Considering goal BUILD 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Looking into Lanting 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Looking into Valeska, MP=1630 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1049. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1049 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Nowhere more to go... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Player 6 ends turn 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - Player 6 ended his turn. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1050. 14:32:18 TRACE network [ab0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:32:18 TRACE global [ab0] - We'll wait till request 1050 is answered. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 DEBUG ai [ab0] - Player 6 ended turn 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 36 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero Malekith 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #detached from# Hero Malekith 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Malekith 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Malekith 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #detached from# Hero Gunnar 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Gunnar 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Gunnar 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 23 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Thorgrim 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero Thorgrim 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 20 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Thorgrim 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Thorgrim 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 12 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Aeris 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero Aeris 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 16 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Aeris 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Aeris 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 6 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Aeris 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 25 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero Clavius 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero Clavius 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 29 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Clavius 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Clavius 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Hero Clavius 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 14 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero Tazar 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero Tazar 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Tazar 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Tazar 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 25 of Pixies #detached from# Hero Grindan 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero Grindan 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 16 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Grindan 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Grindan 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Grindan 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 21 of Imps #detached from# Hero Ayden 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 25 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ayden 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 14:32:18 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Ayden 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewTurn 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '0'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '0'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '0'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateMapEvents 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '2', val '19'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '0', val '24'. 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateArtHandlerLists 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SaveGame". It'll have an ID=1051. 14:32:18 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SaveGame 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1052. 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:19 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:32:19 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme1 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SaveGame 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:19 INFO global [790] - Saving lib part of game... 14:32:19 INFO global [790] - Saving header 14:32:19 INFO global [790] - Saving options 14:32:19 INFO global [790] - Saving handlers 14:32:19 INFO global [790] - Saving gamestate 14:32:19 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 0 interface. 14:32:19 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:19 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 1 interface. 14:32:19 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:19 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:19 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:19 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:19 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:19 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 5 interface. 14:32:19 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:19 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:19 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:19 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:19 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:19 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 6 interface. 14:32:19 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:19 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:19 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:19 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:19 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SystemMessage 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:19 ERROR network [790] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_2 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:19 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:19 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:19 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:19 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 17 9 0 14:32:19 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1053. 14:32:19 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:19 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:32:19 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:32:19 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme1 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:19 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:19 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 17 8 0 14:32:19 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1054. 14:32:19 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:19 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:19 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:32:19 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:32:19 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme1 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:20 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 16 7 0 14:32:20 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1055. 14:32:20 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:20 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:32:20 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:32:20 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme1 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:20 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 15 7 0 14:32:20 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1056. 14:32:20 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:20 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:32:20 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:32:20 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/AITheme1 14:32:20 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme1 14:32:20 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dirt 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:20 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 14 6 0 14:32:20 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1057. 14:32:20 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:20 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 13 5 0 14:32:20 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1058. 14:32:20 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:20 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 12 5 0 14:32:20 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1059. 14:32:20 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:20 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:21 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 11 5 0 14:32:21 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1060. 14:32:21 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:21 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 10 6 0 14:32:21 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1061. 14:32:21 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:21 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 9 6 0 14:32:21 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1062. 14:32:21 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:21 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 8 5 0 14:32:21 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1063. 14:32:21 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #detached from# Player Red 14:32:21 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1064. 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:21 TRACE global [790] - Loading music file music/Dungeon 14:32:21 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:21 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:22 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:32:22 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dungeon 14:32:24 TRACE bonus [136c] - Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" 14:32:24 TRACE bonus [136c] - Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 14:32:24 TRACE bonus [136c] - Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 14:32:24 TRACE bonus [136c] - Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 14:32:24 TRACE bonus [136c] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Medusas" 14:32:24 TRACE bonus [136c] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Troglodytes" 14:32:24 TRACE bonus [136c] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Harpies" 14:32:24 TRACE bonus [136c] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Beholders" 14:32:24 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct GarrisonHeroSwap". It'll have an ID=1065. 14:32:24 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct GarrisonHeroSwap 14:32:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:32:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #detached from# Town (Dungeon) of Darkhold 14:32:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Hero Synca 14:32:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHeroesInTown 14:32:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:32:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #attached to# Player Red 14:32:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #detached from# Player Red 14:32:24 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #attached to# Town (Dungeon) of Darkhold 14:32:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:24 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:24 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:24 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:24 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:24 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:26 TRACE global [136c] - You've clicked on 9 14:32:27 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=1066. 14:32:27 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct RecruitCreatures 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:27 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:28 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=1067. 14:32:28 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct RecruitCreatures 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:28 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:29 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=1068. 14:32:29 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct RecruitCreatures 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:29 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:30 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=1069. 14:32:30 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct RecruitCreatures 14:32:30 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:32:31 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:31 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:31 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:31 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:31 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:32:31 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:31 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:31 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:31 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:31 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount 14:32:31 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:31 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:31 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:31 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:31 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:31 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:31 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:31 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:31 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:34 TRACE global [136c] - You've clicked on 13 14:32:37 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=1070. 14:32:37 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:37 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:39 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1071. 14:32:39 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:39 TRACE global [136c] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:32:39 TRACE global [136c] - Stoping music file music/Dungeon 14:32:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:39 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:39 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:39 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:39 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:39 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dungeon 14:32:40 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dirt 14:32:40 TRACE global [136c] - Player 0 ended his turn. 14:32:40 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1072. 14:32:40 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Player 1 starting turn 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1073. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1073 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Considering goal WIN 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Considering goal RECRUIT HERO 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type RECRUIT HERO 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Attempting realizing goal with code RECRUIT HERO 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Trying to recruit a hero in Wise Oak at 4 29 0 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct HireHero". It'll have an ID=1074. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct HireHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1074 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroRecruited 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Thorgrim #attached to# Player Blue 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Thorgrim #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Thorgrim #detached from# Player Blue 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Thorgrim #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroCreated(const class CGHeroInstance *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroCreated(const class CGHeroInstance *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroInGarrisonChange(const class CGTownInstance *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroInGarrisonChange(const class CGTownInstance *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 24 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Mephala 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 1 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Mephala 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '6', val '3200'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Considering goal WIN 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1075. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1075 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1076. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1076 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Striving to goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Choosing abstract goal GATHER ARMY 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1077. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1077 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1078. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1078 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1079. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1079 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1080. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1080 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 606 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1081. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1081 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 606 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Moving hero Thorgrim to tile 8 34 0 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1082. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1082 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Thorgrim #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Thorgrim #attached to# Player Blue 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1083. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1083 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1084. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1084 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1085. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1085 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1086. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1086 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1087. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1087 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1088. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1088 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ExchangeDialog 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 535 - Exchange between heroes Thorgrim and Coronius. Total queries count: 1 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:40 TRACE network [1398] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1089. 14:32:40 TRACE network [1398] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE global [1398] - We'll wait till request 1089 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SwapStacks 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 15 of Centaur Captains #detached from# Hero Coronius 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 20 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Thorgrim 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 15 of Centaur Captains #attached to# Hero Thorgrim 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 20 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Coronius 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [1398] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1090. 14:32:40 TRACE network [1398] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 14:32:40 TRACE global [1398] - We'll wait till request 1090 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SwapStacks 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 20 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Coronius 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero Thorgrim 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 20 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Thorgrim 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Coronius 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [1398] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1091. 14:32:40 TRACE network [1398] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 14:32:40 TRACE global [1398] - We'll wait till request 1091 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero Coronius 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Thorgrim 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [1398] - I'll answer the query 535 giving the choice 0 14:32:40 TRACE network [1398] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1092. 14:32:40 TRACE network [1398] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [1398] - Attempted answering query 535 - Exchange between heroes Thorgrim and Coronius. Request id=1092. Waiting for results... 14:32:40 TRACE global [1398] - We'll wait till request 1092 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 535 - Exchange between heroes Thorgrim and Coronius. Total queries count: 0 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE ai [12c0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Thorgrim and object Thorgrim the Ranger at 8 34 0. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [12c0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Hero Thorgrim moved from 4 29 0 to 7 34 0. Returning 1. 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1093. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1093 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1094. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1094 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1095. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1095 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1096. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1096 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 606 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1097. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1097 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 606 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Moving hero Thorgrim to tile 8 34 0 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1098. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1098 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ExchangeDialog 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 538 - Exchange between heroes Thorgrim and Coronius. Total queries count: 1 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:40 TRACE network [91c] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1099. 14:32:40 TRACE network [91c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE global [91c] - We'll wait till request 1099 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 15 of Centaur Captains #detached from# Hero Thorgrim 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 15 of Centaur Captains #attached to# Hero Coronius 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [91c] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1100. 14:32:40 TRACE network [91c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 14:32:40 TRACE global [91c] - We'll wait till request 1100 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SwapStacks 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 20 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Thorgrim 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero Coronius 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 20 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Coronius 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Thorgrim 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [91c] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1101. 14:32:40 TRACE network [91c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 14:32:40 TRACE global [91c] - We'll wait till request 1101 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero Thorgrim 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Coronius 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [91c] - I'll answer the query 538 giving the choice 0 14:32:40 TRACE network [91c] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1102. 14:32:40 TRACE network [91c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [91c] - Attempted answering query 538 - Exchange between heroes Thorgrim and Coronius. Request id=1102. Waiting for results... 14:32:40 TRACE global [91c] - We'll wait till request 1102 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 538 - Exchange between heroes Thorgrim and Coronius. Total queries count: 0 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE ai [12c0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Thorgrim and object Thorgrim the Ranger at 8 34 0. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [12c0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Hero Thorgrim moved from 7 34 0 to 7 34 0. Returning 1. 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1103. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1103 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1104. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1104 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1105. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1105 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (9 33 0) 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1106. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1106 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (9 33 0) 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Moving hero Coronius to tile 9 33 0 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1107. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1107 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct GiveBonus 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroBonusChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,const struct Bonus &,bool): gain '1'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroBonusChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,const struct Bonus &,bool). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '607'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE ai [12c0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Coronius and object Faerie Ring (Visited) at 10 33 0. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [12c0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Hero Coronius moved from 8 34 0 to 9 33 0. Returning 1. 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1108. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1108 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1109. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1109 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1110. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1110 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (11 35 0) 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1111. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1111 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (11 35 0) 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Moving hero Coronius to tile 11 35 0 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1112. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1112 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1113. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1113 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '1', val '8'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=278 14:32:40 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE ai [12c0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Coronius and object Coronius the Druid at 11 34 0. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [12c0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Hero Coronius moved from 9 33 0 to 10 34 0. Returning 1. 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1114. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1114 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1115. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1115 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1116. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1116 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 3 ms. 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Time of Evaluating exploration possibilities was 4 ms. 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (6 24 0) 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1117. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1117 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1118. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1118 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1119. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1119 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type CLEAR WAY TO (6 24 0) 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1120. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1120 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Goal CLEAR WAY TO (6 24 0) decomposition failed: Cannot find connection between sectors 3 and -1 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Considering goal BUILD 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Looking into Wise Oak 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Looking into Coronius, MP=972 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1121. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1121 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=5 seems nice 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Coronius will try to visit Wise Oak, Rampart at (4 29 0) 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Moving hero Coronius to tile 4 29 0 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1122. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1122 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1123. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1123 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1124. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1124 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1125. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1125 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1126. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1126 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1127. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1127 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE ai [12c0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Coronius and object Coronius the Druid at 5 32 0. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [12c0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Hero Coronius moved from 10 34 0 to 4 32 0. Returning 0. 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Hero Coronius apparently used all MPs (0 left) 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Looking into Thorgrim, MP=398 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1128. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1128 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=14 seems nice 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Thorgrim will try to visit Faerie Ring (Not visited) at (9 33 0) 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Moving hero Thorgrim to tile 9 33 0 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1129. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1129 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1130. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1130 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct GiveBonus 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroBonusChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,const struct Bonus &,bool): gain '1'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroBonusChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,const struct Bonus &,bool). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '607'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE ai [12c0] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Thorgrim and object Faerie Ring (Visited) at 10 33 0. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [12c0] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Hero Thorgrim moved from 7 34 0 to 9 33 0. Returning 1. 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Player 1 ends turn 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - Player 1 ended his turn. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1131. 14:32:40 TRACE network [12c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:32:40 TRACE global [12c0] - We'll wait till request 1131 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [12c0] - Player 1 ended turn 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file 14:32:40 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [614] - Player 5 starting turn 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1132. 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1132 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1133. 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1133 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1134. 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1134 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [614] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [614] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [614] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1135. 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1135 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [614] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [614] - Moving hero Xsi to tile 4 33 1 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1136. 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1136 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1137. 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1137 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1138. 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1138 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '340'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '4', val '1050'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '1', val '1'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroLevelUp 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroGotLevel(const class CGHeroInstance *,enum PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill,class std::vector > &,class QueryID): queryID '557'. 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 557 - Hero Xsi got level 2. Total queries count: 1 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [434] - I'll answer the query 557 giving the choice 0 14:32:40 TRACE network [434] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1139. 14:32:40 TRACE network [434] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroGotLevel(const class CGHeroInstance *,enum PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill,class std::vector > &,class QueryID). 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [434] - Attempted answering query 557 - Hero Xsi got level 2. Request id=1139. Waiting for results... 14:32:40 TRACE global [434] - We'll wait till request 1139 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSecSkill 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroSecondarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,int): which '21', val '1'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroSecondarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,int). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 557 - Hero Xsi got level 2. Total queries count: 0 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE ai [614] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Xsi and object Learning Stone (+1000 experience once per hero) (Visited) at 4 33 1. 14:32:40 TRACE ai [614] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [614] - Hero Xsi moved from 7 35 1 to 4 33 1. Returning 1. 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [614] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [614] - Considering goal WIN 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [614] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [614] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [614] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1140. 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1140 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [614] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [614] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [614] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1141. 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1141 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [614] - Striving to goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [614] - Choosing abstract goal GATHER ARMY 14:32:40 DEBUG ai [614] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1142. 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1142 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1143. 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1143 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1144. 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1144 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1145. 14:32:40 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:40 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1145 is answered. 14:32:40 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1146. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1146 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 607 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1147. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1147 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 607 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Moving hero Straker to tile 17 28 1 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1148. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1148 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ExchangeDialog 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 560 - Exchange between heroes Straker and Aislinn. Total queries count: 1 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:41 TRACE network [584] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1149. 14:32:41 TRACE network [584] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE global [584] - We'll wait till request 1149 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 16 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero Straker 14:32:41 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 16 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Aislinn 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [584] - I'll answer the query 560 giving the choice 0 14:32:41 TRACE network [584] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1150. 14:32:41 TRACE network [584] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [584] - Attempted answering query 560 - Exchange between heroes Straker and Aislinn. Request id=1150. Waiting for results... 14:32:41 TRACE global [584] - We'll wait till request 1150 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 560 - Exchange between heroes Straker and Aislinn. Total queries count: 0 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE ai [614] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Straker and object Straker the Death Knight at 18 29 1. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [614] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Hero Straker moved from 17 29 1 to 17 29 1. Returning 1. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1151. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1151 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1152. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1152 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1153. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1153 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1154. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1154 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1155. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1155 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 612 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1156. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1156 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 612 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 4 33 1 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1157. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1157 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1158. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1158 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1159. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1159 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1160. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1160 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1161. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1161 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1162. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1162 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1163. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1163 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1164. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1164 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1165. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1165 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1166. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1166 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1167. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1167 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1168. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1168 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1169. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1169 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ExchangeDialog 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 575 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Xsi. Total queries count: 1 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:41 TRACE network [794] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1170. 14:32:41 TRACE network [794] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE global [794] - We'll wait till request 1170 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SwapStacks 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 16 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero Aislinn 14:32:41 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 1 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero Xsi 14:32:41 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 16 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Xsi 14:32:41 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 1 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Aislinn 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [794] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1171. 14:32:41 TRACE network [794] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 14:32:41 TRACE global [794] - We'll wait till request 1171 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 3 of Wights #detached from# Hero Aislinn 14:32:41 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 3 of Wights #attached to# Hero Xsi 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [794] - I'll answer the query 575 giving the choice 0 14:32:41 TRACE network [794] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1172. 14:32:41 TRACE network [794] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [794] - Attempted answering query 575 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Xsi. Request id=1172. Waiting for results... 14:32:41 TRACE global [794] - We'll wait till request 1172 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 575 - Exchange between heroes Aislinn and Xsi. Total queries count: 0 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE ai [614] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 6 34 1. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [614] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Hero Aislinn moved from 17 28 1 to 5 34 1. Returning 1. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1173. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1173 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1174. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1174 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1175. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1175 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1176. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1176 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1177. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1177 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT HERO 607 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1178. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1178 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT HERO 607 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Moving hero Xsi to tile 5 34 1 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1179. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1179 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ExchangeDialog 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 578 - Exchange between heroes Xsi and Aislinn. Total queries count: 1 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(class ObjectInstanceID,class ObjectInstanceID,class QueryID). 14:32:41 TRACE network [120] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1180. 14:32:41 TRACE network [120] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE global [120] - We'll wait till request 1180 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SwapStacks 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 16 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero Xsi 14:32:41 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 1 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero Aislinn 14:32:41 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 16 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Aislinn 14:32:41 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 1 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Xsi 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksSwapped(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [120] - Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=1181. 14:32:41 TRACE network [120] - Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks 14:32:41 TRACE global [120] - We'll wait till request 1181 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 3 of Wights #detached from# Hero Xsi 14:32:41 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 3 of Wights #attached to# Hero Aislinn 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const struct StackLocation &,const struct StackLocation &,int). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [120] - I'll answer the query 578 giving the choice 0 14:32:41 TRACE network [120] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1182. 14:32:41 TRACE network [120] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [120] - Attempted answering query 578 - Exchange between heroes Xsi and Aislinn. Request id=1182. Waiting for results... 14:32:41 TRACE global [120] - We'll wait till request 1182 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 578 - Exchange between heroes Xsi and Aislinn. Total queries count: 0 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE ai [614] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Xsi and object Learning Stone (+1000 experience once per hero) (Visited) at 4 33 1. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [614] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Hero Xsi moved from 4 33 1 to 4 33 1. Returning 1. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1183. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1183 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1184. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1184 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1185. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1185 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1186. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1186 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 2 ms. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (1 22 1) 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1187. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1187 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (1 22 1) 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (1 22 1) (greater goal type was GATHER ARMY), I will stop. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Considering goal BUILD 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Looking into Blackquarter 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Player 5 will build Cover of Darkness in town of Blackquarter at 4 6 1 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=1188. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1188 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE bonus [790] - #$#Necromancy Amplifier +10 #is no longer propagated to# Player Purple 14:32:41 TRACE bonus [790] - #$# Necromancy Amplifier +10 #propagated to# Player Purple 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Looking into Haunt's Wind 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Player 5 will build Cover of Darkness in town of Haunt's Wind at 13 30 1 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=1189. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1189 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Looking into Straker, MP=1460 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1190. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1190 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Of all 6 destinations, object oid=310 seems nice 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Straker will try to visit Shipyard at (16 31 1) 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Moving hero Straker to tile 16 31 1 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1191. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1191 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1192. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1192 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1193. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1193 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1194. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1194 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1195. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1195 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct OpenWindow 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showShipyardDialog(const class IShipyard *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showShipyardDialog(const class IShipyard *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE ai [614] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Straker and object Shipyard at 17 31 1. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [614] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Hero Straker moved from 17 29 1 to 16 31 1. Returning 1. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Of all 5 destinations, object oid=305 seems nice 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Straker will try to visit Haunt's Wind, Necropolis at (11 30 1) 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Moving hero Straker to tile 11 30 1 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1196. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1196 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1197. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1197 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1198. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1198 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1199. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1199 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1200. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1200 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Straker #detached from# Player Purple 14:32:41 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Straker #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisitsTown(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGTownInstance *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisitsTown(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGTownInstance *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE ai [614] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Straker and object Haunt's Wind, Necropolis at 13 30 1. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [614] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Hero Straker moved from 16 31 1 to 11 30 1. Returning 1. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Looking into Xsi, MP=1037 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1201. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1201 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Of all 4 destinations, object oid=436 seems nice 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Xsi will try to visit Windmill (Not visited) at (4 26 1) 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Moving hero Xsi to tile 4 26 1 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1202. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1202 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1203. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1203 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1204. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1204 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1205. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1205 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1206. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1206 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1207. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1207 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1208. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1208 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1209. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1209 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1210. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1210 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE ai [614] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Xsi and object Xsi the Necromancer at 8 30 1. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [614] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Hero Xsi moved from 4 33 1 to 7 30 1. Returning 0. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Hero Xsi apparently used all MPs (0 left) 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Player 5 ends turn 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - Player 5 ended his turn. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1211. 14:32:41 TRACE network [614] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:32:41 TRACE global [614] - We'll wait till request 1211 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [614] - Player 5 ended turn 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file 14:32:41 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Player 6 starting turn 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1212. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1212 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1213. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1213 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1214. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1214 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Considering goal WIN 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1215. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1215 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1216. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1216 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1217. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1217 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 2 ms. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (22 19 1) 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1218. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1218 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (22 19 1) 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 22 19 1 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1219. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1219 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1220. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1220 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1221. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1221 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1222. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1222 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1223. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1223 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1224. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1224 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1225. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1225 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1226. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1226 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1227. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1227 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE ai [378] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 23 20 1. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [378] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Hero Brissa moved from 30 23 1 to 22 20 1. Returning 0. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1228. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1228 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (22 19 1) 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1229. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1229 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (22 19 1) 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (22 19 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1230. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1230 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Striving to goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Choosing abstract goal GATHER ARMY 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1231. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1231 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1232. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1232 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1233. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1233 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1234. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1234 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 2 ms. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (30 30 1) 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1235. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1235 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (30 30 1) 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 30 30 1 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1236. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1236 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1237. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1237 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1238. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1238 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1239. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1239 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1240. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1240 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1241. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1241 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE ai [378] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 31 30 1. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [378] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Hero Erdamon moved from 26 24 1 to 30 30 1. Returning 1. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1242. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1242 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1243. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1243 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1244. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1244 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1245. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1245 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (29 30 1) 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1246. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1246 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (29 30 1) 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 29 30 1 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1247. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1247 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE ai [378] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 30 30 1. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [378] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Hero Erdamon moved from 30 30 1 to 29 30 1. Returning 1. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1248. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1248 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1249. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1249 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1250. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1250 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1251. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1251 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (28 30 1) 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1252. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1252 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (28 30 1) 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 28 30 1 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1253. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1253 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE ai [378] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 29 30 1. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [378] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Hero Erdamon moved from 29 30 1 to 28 30 1. Returning 1. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1254. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1254 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1255. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1255 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1256. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1256 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1257. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1257 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (26 29 1) 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1258. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1258 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (26 29 1) 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 26 29 1 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1259. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1259 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE ai [378] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 28 30 1. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [378] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Hero Erdamon moved from 28 30 1 to 27 30 1. Returning 0. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1260. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1260 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1261. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1261 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1262. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1262 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1263. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1263 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 31 4 1 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - It's, safe for Erdamon to visit tile 32 4 1 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (26 29 1) 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1264. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1264 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (26 29 1) 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (26 29 1) (greater goal type was GATHER ARMY), I will stop. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Considering goal BUILD 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Looking into Lanting 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Looking into Valeska, MP=1630 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1265. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1265 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Of all 11 destinations, object oid=324 seems nice 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Valeska will try to visit Water Wheel (Not visited) at (29 13 1) 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Moving hero Valeska to tile 29 13 1 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1266. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1266 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1267. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1267 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1268. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1268 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1269. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1269 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1270. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1270 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1271. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1271 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1272. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1272 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '6', val '4375'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '359'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE ai [378] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Valeska and object Water Wheel (Visited) at 29 13 1. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [378] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Hero Valeska moved from 28 19 1 to 29 13 1. Returning 1. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Of all 10 destinations, object oid=319 seems nice 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Valeska will try to visit Lanting, Conflux at (25 4 1) 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Moving hero Valeska to tile 25 4 1 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1273. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1273 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1274. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1274 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1275. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1275 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE ai [378] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Valeska and object Valeska the Knight at 30 11 1. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [378] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Hero Valeska moved from 29 13 1 to 29 11 1. Returning 0. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Hero Valeska apparently used all MPs (0 left) 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Player 6 ends turn 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - Player 6 ended his turn. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1276. 14:32:41 TRACE network [378] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:32:41 TRACE global [378] - We'll wait till request 1276 is answered. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 DEBUG ai [378] - Player 6 ended turn 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileHidden(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileHidden(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileHidden(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 ERROR ai [790] - Flotsam at 22 12 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:41 ERROR ai [790] - Learning Stone (+1000 experience once per hero) (Not visited) at 28 19 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:41 ERROR ai [790] - Shipwreck (Not visited) at 20 27 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:41 ERROR ai [790] - Garden of Revelation (+1 knowledge once per hero) (Not visited) at 33 31 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileHidden(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileHidden(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileHidden(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileHidden(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 ERROR ai [790] - Gold at 19 3 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:41 ERROR ai [790] - Crystal at 21 0 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:41 ERROR ai [790] - Mercury at 20 1 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:41 ERROR ai [790] - Flotsam at 17 6 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:41 ERROR ai [790] - Sulfur at 19 1 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:41 ERROR ai [790] - Treasure Chest at 19 2 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:41 ERROR ai [790] - Flotsam at 19 10 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:41 ERROR ai [790] - Shipwreck (Not visited) at 17 3 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileHidden(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewTurn 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateMapEvents 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '2', val '21'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '0', val '26'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateArtHandlerLists 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SaveGame". It'll have an ID=1277. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SaveGame 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1278. 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SaveGame 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 INFO global [790] - Saving lib part of game... 14:32:41 INFO global [790] - Saving header 14:32:41 INFO global [790] - Saving options 14:32:41 INFO global [790] - Saving handlers 14:32:41 INFO global [790] - Saving gamestate 14:32:41 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 0 interface. 14:32:41 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:41 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 1 interface. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:41 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:41 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 5 interface. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:41 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:41 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 6 interface. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:41 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:41 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SystemMessage 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 ERROR network [790] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_3 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:41 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:41 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:32:41 TRACE global [10b8] - Loading music file music/AITheme2 14:32:41 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/AITheme2 14:32:44 TRACE global [136c] - Loading music file music/Dungeon 14:32:44 TRACE global [136c] - Stoping music file music/AITheme2 14:32:44 TRACE global [136c] - You've clicked on 13 14:32:45 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/AITheme2 14:32:45 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dungeon 14:32:46 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=1279. 14:32:46 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:46 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:47 ERROR global [136c] - Error: Failed to find file zvs/Lib1.res/E_CAST 14:32:47 ERROR global [136c] - Error: Failed to find file zvs/Lib1.res/E_SHOOT 14:32:47 ERROR global [136c] - Error: Failed to find file zvs/Lib1.res/E_MELEE 14:32:49 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct UpgradeCreature". It'll have an ID=1280. 14:32:49 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct UpgradeCreature 14:32:49 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:32:49 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:49 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:49 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:49 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:49 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetStackType 14:32:49 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:49 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 12 of Medusas #detached from# "Medusas" 14:32:49 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 12 of Medusa Queens #attached to# "Medusa Queens" 14:32:49 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:49 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:49 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:49 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:49 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:49 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:49 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:49 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:51 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct GarrisonHeroSwap". It'll have an ID=1281. 14:32:51 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct GarrisonHeroSwap 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHeroesInTown 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:51 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #detached from# Town (Dungeon) of Darkhold 14:32:51 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #attached to# Player Red 14:32:51 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #detached from# Player Red 14:32:51 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:51 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1282. 14:32:51 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:51 TRACE global [136c] - Loading music file music/Dirt 14:32:51 TRACE global [136c] - Stoping music file music/Dungeon 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:51 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:52 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dungeon 14:32:52 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/Dirt 14:32:53 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:53 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:53 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:53 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 9 6 0 14:32:53 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1283. 14:32:53 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:53 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:32:53 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:53 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:32:53 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Synca #attached to# Player Red 14:32:53 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:53 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:53 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:53 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:53 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:53 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:53 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:53 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:53 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:53 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:53 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:53 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:53 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:53 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 10 6 0 14:32:53 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1284. 14:32:53 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:53 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:53 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:53 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:53 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:54 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 11 6 0 14:32:54 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1285. 14:32:54 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:54 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 12 5 0 14:32:54 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1286. 14:32:54 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:54 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 13 5 0 14:32:54 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1287. 14:32:54 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:54 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 14 5 0 14:32:54 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1288. 14:32:54 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:54 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 15 5 0 14:32:54 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1289. 14:32:54 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:54 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 16 5 0 14:32:54 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1290. 14:32:54 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:54 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:55 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:55 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:55 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:55 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:55 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:55 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:56 TRACE global [136c] - CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:56 TRACE global [136c] - before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:56 TRACE global [136c] - after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:56 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 16 6 0 14:32:56 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1291. 14:32:56 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:56 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:56 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:56 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:57 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 16 7 0 14:32:57 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1292. 14:32:57 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:57 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 17 8 0 14:32:57 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1293. 14:32:57 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:57 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 17 9 0 14:32:57 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1294. 14:32:57 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:57 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 17 10 0 14:32:57 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1295. 14:32:57 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:57 TRACE global [136c] - Requesting hero movement to 18 11 0 14:32:57 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1296. 14:32:57 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:57 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE global [136c] - Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE global [136c] - Player 0 ended his turn. 14:32:58 TRACE network [136c] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1297. 14:32:58 TRACE network [136c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Player 1 starting turn 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1298. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1298 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (4 29 0) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (4 29 0) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (4 29 0) 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1299. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1299 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (4 29 0) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Moving hero Coronius to tile 4 29 0 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1300. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1300 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1301. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1301 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1302. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1302 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Coronius #detached from# Player Blue 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Coronius #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisitsTown(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGTownInstance *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisitsTown(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGTownInstance *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [b64] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Coronius and object Wise Oak, Rampart at 6 29 0. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [b64] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Hero Coronius moved from 4 32 0 to 4 29 0. Returning 1. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1303. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1303 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Considering goal WIN 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1304. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1304 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Considering goal BUILD 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Looking into Wise Oak 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct UpgradeCreature". It'll have an ID=1305. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct UpgradeCreature 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1305 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetStackType 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 20 of Centaurs #detached from# "Centaurs" 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 20 of Centaur Captains #attached to# "Centaur Captains" 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stackChangedType(const struct StackLocation &,const class CCreature &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stackChangedType(const struct StackLocation &,const class CCreature &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Looking into Coronius, MP=1125 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1306. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1306 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - It's, safe for Coronius to visit tile 7 32 0 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - It's, safe for Coronius to visit tile 8 33 0 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Of all 2 destinations, object oid=205 seems nice 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Coronius will try to visit Lots of Pikemen Threat: Weak at (7 32 0) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Moving hero Coronius to tile 7 32 0 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1307. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1307 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Coronius #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Coronius #attached to# Player Blue 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1308. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1308 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1309. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1309 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 12 of Pikemen #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetStackType 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #detached from# "Pikemen" 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 11 of Halberdiers #attached to# "Halberdiers" 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int): reason '0'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=1. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::playerBlocked(int). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStart 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Coronius #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [0]: 15 creatures of Centaur Captains from slot 0 of armyobj=606 #attached to# Stack of 15 of Centaur Captains 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [3]: 12 creatures of Pikemen from slot 0 of armyobj=205 #attached to# Stack of 12 of Pikemen 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 20 creatures of Centaur Captains from slot 1 of armyobj=606 #attached to# Stack of 20 of Centaur Captains 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [4]: 11 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 1 of armyobj=205 #attached to# Stack of 11 of Halberdiers 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 5 creatures of Dwarves from slot 2 of armyobj=606 #attached to# Stack of 5 of Dwarves 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [5]: 12 creatures of Pikemen from slot 2 of armyobj=205 #attached to# Stack of 12 of Pikemen 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=2. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 14:32:58 INFO global [790] - Opening StupidAI 14:32:58 INFO global [790] - Loaded Stupid AI 0.1 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: created 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: init called, saving ptr to IBattleCallback 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStart called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStart called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleNewRound called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [6bc] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: activeStack called for Battle stack [0]: 15 creatures of Centaur Captains from slot 0 of armyobj=606 14:32:58 TRACE network [6bc] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1310. 14:32:58 TRACE network [6bc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [10a0] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: activeStack called for Battle stack [1]: 20 creatures of Centaur Captains from slot 1 of armyobj=606 14:32:58 TRACE network [10a0] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1311. 14:32:58 TRACE network [10a0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [102c] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 11 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 1 of armyobj=205 14:32:58 TRACE network [102c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1312. 14:32:58 TRACE network [102c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [d7c] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [3]: 12 creatures of Pikemen from slot 0 of armyobj=205 14:32:58 TRACE network [d7c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1313. 14:32:58 TRACE network [d7c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [81c] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [5]: 12 creatures of Pikemen from slot 2 of armyobj=205 14:32:58 TRACE network [81c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1314. 14:32:58 TRACE network [81c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [10cc] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 5 creatures of Dwarves from slot 2 of armyobj=606 14:32:58 TRACE network [10cc] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1315. 14:32:58 TRACE network [10cc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleNewRound called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [46c] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: activeStack called for Battle stack [0]: 15 creatures of Centaur Captains from slot 0 of armyobj=606 14:32:58 TRACE network [46c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1316. 14:32:58 TRACE network [46c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [1140] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: activeStack called for Battle stack [1]: 20 creatures of Centaur Captains from slot 1 of armyobj=606 14:32:58 TRACE network [1140] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1317. 14:32:58 TRACE network [1140] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [13f8] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 11 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 1 of armyobj=205 14:32:58 TRACE network [13f8] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1318. 14:32:58 TRACE network [13f8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [139c] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [3]: 9 creatures of Pikemen from slot 0 of armyobj=205 14:32:58 TRACE network [139c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1319. 14:32:58 TRACE network [139c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [1030] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [5]: 7 creatures of Pikemen from slot 2 of armyobj=205 14:32:58 TRACE network [1030] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1320. 14:32:58 TRACE network [1030] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [84c] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 5 creatures of Dwarves from slot 2 of armyobj=606 14:32:58 TRACE network [84c] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1321. 14:32:58 TRACE network [84c] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleNewRound called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [ed0] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: activeStack called for Battle stack [0]: 9 creatures of Centaur Captains from slot 0 of armyobj=606 14:32:58 TRACE network [ed0] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1322. 14:32:58 TRACE network [ed0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [728] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: activeStack called for Battle stack [1]: 18 creatures of Centaur Captains from slot 1 of armyobj=606 14:32:58 TRACE network [728] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1323. 14:32:58 TRACE network [728] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [d18] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 9 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 1 of armyobj=205 14:32:58 TRACE network [d18] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1324. 14:32:58 TRACE network [d18] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [994] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [3]: 6 creatures of Pikemen from slot 0 of armyobj=205 14:32:58 TRACE network [994] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1325. 14:32:58 TRACE network [994] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [12fc] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 5 creatures of Dwarves from slot 2 of armyobj=606 14:32:58 TRACE network [12fc] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1326. 14:32:58 TRACE network [12fc] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleNewRound called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [f14] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: activeStack called for Battle stack [0]: 5 creatures of Centaur Captains from slot 0 of armyobj=606 14:32:58 TRACE network [f14] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1327. 14:32:58 TRACE network [f14] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [e20] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: activeStack called for Battle stack [1]: 18 creatures of Centaur Captains from slot 1 of armyobj=606 14:32:58 TRACE network [e20] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1328. 14:32:58 TRACE network [e20] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [948] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 7 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 1 of armyobj=205 14:32:58 TRACE network [948] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1329. 14:32:58 TRACE network [948] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [1138] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 5 creatures of Dwarves from slot 2 of armyobj=606 14:32:58 TRACE network [1138] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1330. 14:32:58 TRACE network [1138] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleNextRound 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleNewRound called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleNewRound called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [1340] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: activeStack called for Battle stack [0]: 3 creatures of Centaur Captains from slot 0 of armyobj=606 14:32:58 TRACE network [1340] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1331. 14:32:58 TRACE network [1340] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [3d8] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: activeStack called for Battle stack [1]: 18 creatures of Centaur Captains from slot 1 of armyobj=606 14:32:58 TRACE network [3d8] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1332. 14:32:58 TRACE network [3d8] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [1024] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [4]: 1 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 1 of armyobj=205 14:32:58 TRACE network [1024] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1333. 14:32:58 TRACE network [1024] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [1344] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 5 creatures of Dwarves from slot 2 of armyobj=606 14:32:58 TRACE network [1344] - Sending a request "struct MakeAction". It'll have an ID=1334. 14:32:58 TRACE network [1344] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct StartAction 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionStarted called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleStackMoved 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStackMoved called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleAttack 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleAttack called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleStacksAttacked called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EndAction 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: actionFinished called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleResult 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=3. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [790] - Player 1: I won the Starting battle of Coronius attacking Lots of Pikemen Threat: Weak at 7 32 0! 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: battleEnd called 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [0695BA70]: destroyed 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - CStupidAI [072904F8]: battleEnd called 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [0]: 1 creatures of Centaur Captains from slot 0 of armyobj=606 #detached from# Stack of 15 of Centaur Captains 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [3]: 0 creatures of Pikemen from slot 0 of armyobj=205 #detached from# Stack of 12 of Pikemen 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [1]: 18 creatures of Centaur Captains from slot 1 of armyobj=606 #detached from# Stack of 20 of Centaur Captains 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [4]: 0 creatures of Halberdiers from slot 1 of armyobj=205 #detached from# Stack of 11 of Halberdiers 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [2]: 5 creatures of Dwarves from slot 2 of armyobj=606 #detached from# Stack of 5 of Dwarves 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Battle stack [5]: 0 creatures of Pikemen from slot 2 of armyobj=205 #detached from# Stack of 12 of Pikemen 14:32:58 WARN bonus [790] - Warning: an orphaned child! 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Coronius #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool): isAbsolute '1'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool): isAbsolute '1'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::stackChagedCount(const struct StackLocation &,const int &,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EraseStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 12 of Pikemen #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EraseStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 11 of Halberdiers #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Halberdiers" 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct EraseStack 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Stack of 12 of Pikemen #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '4', val '350'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct BattleResultsApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::battleResultsApplied(void). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState): battle state=0. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall AIStatus::setBattle(enum BattleState). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::battleResultsApplied(void). 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1335. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1335 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=205 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [b64] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Coronius and object Coronius the Druid at 8 32 0. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [b64] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Hero Coronius moved from 4 29 0 to 7 32 0. Returning 1. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Of all 3 destinations, object oid=100 seems nice 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Coronius will try to visit Ore Pit at (7 31 0) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Moving hero Coronius to tile 7 31 0 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1336. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1336 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Player Blue 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '328'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [b64] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Coronius and object Ore Pit (Owned by blue player) at 8 31 0. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [b64] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Hero Coronius moved from 7 32 0 to 7 31 0. Returning 1. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Of all 3 destinations, object oid=276 seems nice 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Coronius will try to visit Ore at (9 31 0) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Moving hero Coronius to tile 9 31 0 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1337. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1337 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1338. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1338 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '2', val '11'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=276 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [b64] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Coronius and object Coronius the Druid at 9 32 0. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [b64] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Hero Coronius moved from 7 31 0 to 8 32 0. Returning 1. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Of all 2 destinations, object oid=277 seems nice 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Coronius will try to visit Ore at (8 33 0) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Moving hero Coronius to tile 8 33 0 14:32:58 TRACE ai [b64] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Coronius and object Coronius the Druid at 9 32 0. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [b64] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Cannot use this hero anymore, received exception: Invalid path found! 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Looking into Thorgrim, MP=1500 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1339. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1339 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=277 seems nice 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Thorgrim will try to visit Ore at (8 33 0) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Moving hero Thorgrim to tile 8 33 0 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1340. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1340 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '2', val '19'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct RemoveObject 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectRemoved(const class CGObjectInstance *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 DEBUG global [790] - removing object oid=277 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [b64] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Thorgrim and object Faerie Ring (Visited) at 10 33 0. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [b64] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Hero Thorgrim moved from 9 33 0 to 9 33 0. Returning 1. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=113 seems nice 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Thorgrim will try to visit Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Not visited) at (10 27 0) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Moving hero Thorgrim to tile 10 27 0 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1341. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1341 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1342. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1342 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1343. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1343 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1344. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1344 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1345. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1345 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1346. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1346 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1347. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1347 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '1', val '1'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '704'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE ai [b64] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Thorgrim and object Marletto Tower (+1 defense once per hero) (Visited) at 10 27 0. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [b64] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Hero Thorgrim moved from 9 33 0 to 10 27 0. Returning 1. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Of all 3 destinations, object oid=281 seems nice 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Thorgrim will try to visit Sulfur at (14 28 0) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Moving hero Thorgrim to tile 14 28 0 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1348. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1348 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1349. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1349 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE ai [b64] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Thorgrim and object Thorgrim the Ranger at 13 28 0. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [b64] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Hero Thorgrim moved from 10 27 0 to 12 28 0. Returning 0. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Hero Thorgrim apparently used all MPs (0 left) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Player 1 ends turn 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - Player 1 ended his turn. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1350. 14:32:58 TRACE network [b64] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:32:58 TRACE global [b64] - We'll wait till request 1350 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [b64] - Player 1 ended turn 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file 14:32:58 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Player 5 starting turn 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1351. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1351 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1352. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1352 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1353. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1353 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1354. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1354 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (4 26 1) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Moving hero Xsi to tile 4 26 1 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1355. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1355 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1356. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1356 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1357. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1357 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1358. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1358 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '4', val '19'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '359'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetHoverName 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE ai [fe4] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Xsi and object Windmill (Visited) at 5 26 1. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [fe4] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Hero Xsi moved from 7 30 1 to 4 26 1. Returning 1. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Considering goal WIN 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1359. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1359 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1360. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1360 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Striving to goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Choosing abstract goal GATHER ARMY 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1361. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1361 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1362. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1362 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1363. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1363 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1364. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1364 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1365. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1365 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (4 33 1) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 4 33 1 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1366. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1366 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '340'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '4', val '1000'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '2', val '1'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroLevelUp 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroGotLevel(const class CGHeroInstance *,enum PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill,class std::vector > &,class QueryID): queryID '677'. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 677 - Hero Aislinn got level 2. Total queries count: 1 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [10d0] - I'll answer the query 677 giving the choice 0 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroGotLevel(const class CGHeroInstance *,enum PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill,class std::vector > &,class QueryID). 14:32:58 TRACE network [10d0] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1367. 14:32:58 TRACE network [10d0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [10d0] - Attempted answering query 677 - Hero Aislinn got level 2. Request id=1367. Waiting for results... 14:32:58 TRACE global [10d0] - We'll wait till request 1367 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSecSkill 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroSecondarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,int): which '7', val '1'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroSecondarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,int). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 677 - Hero Aislinn got level 2. Total queries count: 0 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [fe4] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Learning Stone (+1000 experience once per hero) (Visited) at 4 33 1. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [fe4] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Hero Aislinn moved from 5 34 1 to 4 33 1. Returning 1. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1368. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1368 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1369. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1369 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1370. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1370 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1371. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1371 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 1 ms. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (1 22 1) 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1372. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1372 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (1 22 1) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Moving hero Aislinn to tile 1 22 1 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1373. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1373 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1374. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1374 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1375. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1375 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1376. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1376 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1377. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1377 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1378. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1378 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1379. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1379 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1380. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1380 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1381. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1381 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1382. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1382 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1383. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1383 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [fe4] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Aislinn and object Aislinn the Necromancer at 6 27 1. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [fe4] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Hero Aislinn moved from 4 33 1 to 5 27 1. Returning 0. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1384. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1384 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1385. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1385 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1386. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1386 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1387. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1387 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 2 ms. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (1 22 1) 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1388. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1388 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (1 22 1) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (1 22 1) (greater goal type was GATHER ARMY), I will stop. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Considering goal BUILD 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Looking into Blackquarter 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Player 5 will build Resource Silo in town of Blackquarter at 4 6 1 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=1389. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1389 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - #$#Necromancy Amplifier +10 #is no longer propagated to# Player Purple 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - #$# Necromancy Amplifier +10 #propagated to# Player Purple 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Looking into Haunt's Wind 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Looking into Straker, MP=1560 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1390. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1390 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Of all 4 destinations, object oid=326 seems nice 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Straker will try to visit Learning Stone (+1000 experience once per hero) (Not visited) at (4 33 1) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Moving hero Straker to tile 4 33 1 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1391. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1391 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Straker #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:32:58 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Straker #attached to# Player Purple 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1392. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1392 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1393. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1393 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1394. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1394 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1395. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1395 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1396. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1396 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1397. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1397 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1398. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1398 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '340'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '4', val '1000'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64): which '0', val '1'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,__int64). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroLevelUp 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroGotLevel(const class CGHeroInstance *,enum PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill,class std::vector > &,class QueryID): queryID '698'. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [790] - Adding query 698 - Hero Straker got level 2. Total queries count: 1 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [10c0] - I'll answer the query 698 giving the choice 0 14:32:58 TRACE network [10c0] - Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=1399. 14:32:58 TRACE network [10c0] - Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroGotLevel(const class CGHeroInstance *,enum PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill,class std::vector > &,class QueryID). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [10c0] - Attempted answering query 698 - Hero Straker got level 2. Request id=1399. Waiting for results... 14:32:58 TRACE global [10c0] - We'll wait till request 1399 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSecSkill 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroSecondarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,int): which '12', val '1'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroSecondarySkillChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,int,int). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [790] - Removing query 698 - Hero Straker got level 2. Total queries count: 0 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE ai [fe4] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Straker and object Learning Stone (+1000 experience once per hero) (Visited) at 4 33 1. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [fe4] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Hero Straker moved from 11 30 1 to 4 33 1. Returning 1. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Of all 3 destinations, object oid=578 seems nice 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Straker will try to visit Gold at (1 23 1) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Moving hero Straker to tile 1 23 1 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1400. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1400 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1401. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1401 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1402. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1402 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1403. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1403 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE ai [fe4] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Straker and object Straker the Death Knight at 9 34 1. 14:32:58 TRACE ai [fe4] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Hero Straker moved from 4 33 1 to 8 34 1. Returning 0. 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Hero Straker apparently used all MPs (0 left) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Looking into Xsi, MP=1037 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1404. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1404 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Of all 2 destinations, object oid=314 seems nice 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Xsi will try to visit Mystical Garden (Not visited) at (6 15 1) 14:32:58 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Moving hero Xsi to tile 6 15 1 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1405. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1405 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1406. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1406 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1407. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1407 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1408. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1408 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1409. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1409 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1410. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1410 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1411. 14:32:58 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1411 is answered. 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:58 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1412. 14:32:59 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1412 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1413. 14:32:59 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1413 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE ai [fe4] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Xsi and object Xsi the Necromancer at 11 21 1. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [fe4] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Hero Xsi moved from 4 26 1 to 10 21 1. Returning 0. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Hero Xsi apparently used all MPs (0 left) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [fe4] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Player 5 ends turn 14:32:59 TRACE global [fe4] - Player 5 ended his turn. 14:32:59 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1414. 14:32:59 TRACE network [fe4] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:32:59 TRACE global [fe4] - We'll wait till request 1414 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [fe4] - Player 5 ended turn 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE global [790] - Del-ing music file 14:32:59 TRACE global [790] - Stoping music file music/Dirt 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::yourTurn(void). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Player 6 starting turn 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1415. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1415 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1416. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1416 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1417. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1417 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Striving to goal of type VISIT TILE (25 4 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Considering goal VISIT TILE (25 4 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (25 4 1) 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1418. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1418 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (25 4 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Moving hero Valeska to tile 25 4 1 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1419. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1419 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1420. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1420 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1421. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1421 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1422. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1422 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1423. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1423 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1424. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1424 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1425. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1425 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Valeska #detached from# Player Teal 14:32:59 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Valeska #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisitsTown(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGTownInstance *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisitsTown(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGTownInstance *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Valeska and object Lanting, Conflux at 27 4 1. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct BuyArtifact". It'll have an ID=1426. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuyArtifact 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1426 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '6', val '5000'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewArtifact 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE bonus [790] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PutArtifact 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Valeska #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::artifactPut(const struct ArtifactLocation &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::artifactPut(const struct ArtifactLocation &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct ChangeSpells 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Hero Valeska moved from 29 11 1 to 25 4 1. Returning 1. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Striving to goal of type WIN 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Considering goal WIN 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type WIN 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Considering goal CONQUER 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type CONQUER 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1427. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1427 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code CONQUER 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Failed to realize subgoal of type CONQUER (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this! 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1428. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1428 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Striving to goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1429. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1429 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (22 19 1) 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1430. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1430 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (22 19 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 22 19 1 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1431. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1431 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct GiveBonus 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroBonusChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,const struct Bonus &,bool): gain '1'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroBonusChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,const struct Bonus &,bool). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetMovePoints 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMovePointsChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMovePointsChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '683'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Fountain of Youth (Visited) at 22 19 1. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Hero Brissa moved from 22 20 1 to 22 19 1. Returning 1. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1432. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1432 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 20 1) 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1433. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1433 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (23 20 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 23 20 1 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1434. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1434 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 24 20 1. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Hero Brissa moved from 22 19 1 to 23 20 1. Returning 1. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1435. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1435 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (22 21 1) 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1436. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1436 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (22 21 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 22 21 1 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1437. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1437 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 23 21 1. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Hero Brissa moved from 23 20 1 to 22 21 1. Returning 1. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1438. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1438 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (23 22 1) 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1439. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1439 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (23 22 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 23 22 1 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1440. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1440 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 24 22 1. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Hero Brissa moved from 22 21 1 to 23 22 1. Returning 1. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1441. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1441 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (24 23 1) 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1442. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1442 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (24 23 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 24 23 1 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1443. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1443 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 25 23 1. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Hero Brissa moved from 23 22 1 to 24 23 1. Returning 1. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1444. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1444 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (25 23 1) 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1445. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1445 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (25 23 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 25 23 1 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1446. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1446 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 26 23 1. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Hero Brissa moved from 24 23 1 to 25 23 1. Returning 1. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1447. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1447 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (26 24 1) 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1448. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1448 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (26 24 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 26 24 1 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1449. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1449 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 27 24 1. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Hero Brissa moved from 25 23 1 to 26 24 1. Returning 1. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1450. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1450 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (27 24 1) 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1451. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1451 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (27 24 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 27 24 1 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1452. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1452 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 28 24 1. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Hero Brissa moved from 26 24 1 to 27 24 1. Returning 1. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1453. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1453 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 2 ms. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (20 6 1) 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1454. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1454 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (20 6 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Moving hero Brissa to tile 20 6 1 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1455. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1455 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1456. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1456 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1457. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1457 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Brissa and object Brissa the Elementalist at 31 23 1. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Hero Brissa moved from 27 24 1 to 30 23 1. Returning 0. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1458. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1458 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Looking for an another place for exploration... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Time of looking for new exploration point was 2 ms. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (20 6 1) 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1459. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1459 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (20 6 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (20 6 1) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1460. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1460 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Striving to goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Choosing abstract goal GATHER ARMY 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1461. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1461 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1462. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1462 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1463. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1463 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1464. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1464 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (26 29 1) 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1465. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1465 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (26 29 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 26 29 1 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1466. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1466 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const struct SetObjectProperty *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct OpenWindow 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showShipyardDialog(const class IShipyard *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showShipyardDialog(const class IShipyard *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Shipyard at 27 29 1. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Hero Erdamon moved from 27 30 1 to 26 29 1. Returning 1. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1467. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1467 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1468. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1468 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1469. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1469 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1470. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1470 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (25 30 1) 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1471. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1471 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (25 30 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 25 30 1 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1472. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1472 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 26 30 1. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Hero Erdamon moved from 26 29 1 to 25 30 1. Returning 1. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1473. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1473 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1474. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1474 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1475. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1475 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1476. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1476 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (25 31 1) 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1477. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1477 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (25 31 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 25 31 1 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1478. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1478 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 26 31 1. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Hero Erdamon moved from 25 30 1 to 25 31 1. Returning 1. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1479. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1479 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1480. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1480 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1481. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1481 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1482. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1482 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (26 32 1) 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1483. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1483 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (26 32 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 26 32 1 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1484. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1484 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 27 32 1. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Hero Erdamon moved from 25 31 1 to 26 32 1. Returning 1. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1485. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1485 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1486. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1486 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1487. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1487 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1488. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1488 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (27 33 1) 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1489. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1489 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (27 33 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 27 33 1 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1490. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1490 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 28 33 1. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Hero Erdamon moved from 26 32 1 to 27 33 1. Returning 1. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1491. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1491 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1492. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1492 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1493. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1493 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1494. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1494 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (29 32 1) 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1495. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1495 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (29 32 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 29 32 1 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1496. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1496 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1497. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1497 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '1'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct GiveBonus 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroBonusChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,const struct Bonus &,bool): gain '1'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroBonusChanged(const class CGHeroInstance *,const struct Bonus &,bool). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct InfoWindow 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int): soundID '607'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::showInfoDialog(const class std::basic_string,class std::allocator > &,const class std::vector > &,int). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisit 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool): start '0'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroVisit(const class CGHeroInstance *,const class CGObjectInstance *,bool). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Fountain of Fortune (Visited) at 29 32 1. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Hero Erdamon moved from 27 33 1 to 29 32 1. Returning 1. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1498. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1498 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1499. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1499 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1500. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1500 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1501. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1501 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (29 33 1) 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1502. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1502 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (29 33 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Moving hero Erdamon to tile 29 33 1 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1503. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1503 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Erdamon and object Erdamon the Planeswalker at 30 33 1. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Hero Erdamon moved from 29 32 1 to 29 33 1. Returning 1. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type GATHER ARMY 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1504. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1504 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1505. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1505 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1506. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1506 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1507. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1507 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (31 33 1) 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1508. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1508 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (31 33 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (31 33 1) (greater goal type was GATHER ARMY), I will stop. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Striving to goal of type BUILD 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Considering goal BUILD 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Decomposing goal of type BUILD 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Looking into Lanting 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Player 6 will build City Hall in town of Lanting at 27 4 1 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=1509. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1509 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResources 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '-1', val '-1'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewStructures 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int): what '1'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::buildChanged(const class CGTownInstance *,class BuildingID,int). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Looking into Valeska, MP=332 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1510. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1510 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Of all 1 destinations, object oid=543 seems nice 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Valeska will try to visit Windmill (Not visited) at (22 5 1) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Moving hero Valeska to tile 22 5 1 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1511. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1511 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Valeska #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero 14:32:59 TRACE bonus [790] - Hero Valeska #attached to# Player Teal 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=1512. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1512 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct TryMoveHero 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileRevealed(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::heroMoved(const struct TryMoveHero &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr): Hero Valeska and object Valeska the Knight at 25 6 1. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [480] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const class CGObjectInstance *,struct HeroPtr). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Hero Valeska moved from 25 4 1 to 24 6 1. Returning 0. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Hero Valeska apparently used all MPs (0 left) 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Player 6 ends turn 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - Player 6 ended his turn. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=1513. 14:32:59 TRACE network [480] - Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn 14:32:59 TRACE global [480] - We'll wait till request 1513 is answered. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::requestRealized(struct PackageApplied *). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 DEBUG ai [480] - Player 6 ended turn 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileHidden(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileHidden(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileHidden(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 ERROR ai [790] - Subterranean Gate at 26 16 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:59 ERROR ai [790] - Lots of Dendroid Guards Threat: Overpowering at 25 17 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:59 ERROR ai [790] - Treasure Chest at 24 17 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:59 ERROR ai [790] - Fountain of Youth (Not visited) at 22 19 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:59 ERROR ai [790] - Flotsam at 22 25 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:59 ERROR ai [790] - Shipwreck Survivor at 22 28 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:59 ERROR ai [790] - Flotsam at 17 19 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:59 ERROR ai [790] - Flotsam at 20 15 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:59 ERROR ai [790] - Derelict Ship (Not visited) at 22 33 1 shouldn't be on list! 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileHidden(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateCastleEvents 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileHidden(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileHidden(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct FoWChange 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::tileHidden(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::tileHidden(const class boost::unordered::unordered_set,class std::allocator > &). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct NewTurn 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateMapEvents 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '2', val '21'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '2', val '19'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetResource 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int): type '0', val '28'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::receivedResource(int,int). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct UpdateArtHandlerLists 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct YourTurn 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SaveGame". It'll have an ID=1514. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SaveGame 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1515. 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SaveGame 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 INFO global [790] - Saving lib part of game... 14:32:59 INFO global [790] - Saving header 14:32:59 INFO global [790] - Saving options 14:32:59 INFO global [790] - Saving handlers 14:32:59 INFO global [790] - Saving gamestate 14:32:59 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 0 interface. 14:32:59 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:59 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 1 interface. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:59 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:59 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 5 interface. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:59 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:59 TRACE global [790] - Entering void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int): Saving player 6 interface. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Entering void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int): version '741'. 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CAdventureAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:59 TRACE ai [790] - Leaving void __thiscall VCAI::saveGame(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:59 TRACE global [790] - Leaving void __thiscall CClient::serialize>(class COSer &,const int). 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SystemMessage 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 ERROR network [790] - System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_4 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct SetSelection 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - received server message of type struct PackageApplied 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made first apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Applied on gs 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Made second apply on cl 14:32:59 TRACE network [790] - Listening... 14:32:59 TRACE global [10b8] - Del-ing music file music/Dirt 14:32:59 TRACE global [10b8] - Loading music file music/AITheme2 14:32:59 TRACE global [10b8] - Playing music file music/AITheme2 14:33:47 ERROR network [790] - Lost connection to server, ending listening thread!