Creating console and logfile: 820 Initialization: 113 Loading resource at GLOBAL/Config Resource loaded in 8 ms. Loading resource at LOCAL/Config Resource loaded in 7 ms. Loading resource at ALL/Data/H3ab_bmp.lod Resource loaded in 25 ms. Loading resource at ALL/Data/H3bitmap.lod Warning: unknown file type: Default.xmi Warning: unknown file type: H3Shad.ifr Resource loaded in 27 ms. Loading resource at ALL/Data Warning: unknown file type: MapEdPatch/Favorites/h3sprite.lf Warning: unknown file type: MapEdPatch/options.ini Resource loaded in 9 ms. Loading resource at ALL/Maps Warning: unknown file type: Tutorial.tut Resource loaded in 5 ms. Loading resource at ALL/Mods Warning: unknown file type: WoG/angel.dll Warning: unknown file type: 1 H2 Succession Wars0/sw settings.dat Warning: unknown file type: 1 H2 Succession Wars/desktop.ini Warning: unknown file type: 1 H2 Succession Wars/.dropbox Warning: unknown file type: 1 H2 Succession Wars0/Settings.dat Warning: unknown file type: 1 H2 Succession Wars0/sw settings1.dat Warning: unknown file type: 1 H2 Succession Wars/Settings.dat Warning: unknown file type: WoG/zvslib1.dll Resource loaded in 31 ms. Loading resource at ALL/Mp3 Resource loaded in 3 ms. Loading resource at LOCAL/Games Warning: unknown file type: Nikola10.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1armagedonsandrotest.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola11.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola12.CGM Warning: unknown file type: NE.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola13.CGM Warning: unknown file type: zadnja kampanja11nivo.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Unholy Alliance8.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Unholy Alliance9.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola9.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1tesko.CGM Warning: unknown file type: marija.GM1 Warning: unknown file type: 1uzas1112.CGM Warning: unknown file type: nikola5.GM1 Warning: unknown file type: nikola6.CGM Warning: unknown file type: nikola7.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola8.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola1.CGM Warning: unknown file type: milan11.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola2.GM1 Warning: unknown file type: milan12.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola3.GM1 Warning: unknown file type: Tomek.GM1 Warning: unknown file type: milan13.CGM Warning: unknown file type: nikola4.GM1 Warning: unknown file type: kraj od erathie.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1pareilibalista.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1uzas11122341.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola30armagedonsandro.CGM Warning: unknown file type: zadnja kampanja9nivo.CGM Warning: unknown file type: jovan i Nikolatitan.GM2 Warning: unknown file type: NEWGA1.CGM Warning: unknown file type: zadnja kampanja10nivo.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola25.CGM Warning: unknown file type: milan2n.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola24.CGM Warning: unknown file type: NEWGA.GM1 Warning: unknown file type: Nikola27.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola26.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Unholy Alliancechoose.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola29.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola28.CGM Warning: unknown file type: AUTOSAVE.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1uzas.CGM Warning: unknown file type: NEx.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola21.CGM Warning: unknown file type: nikolabhgjh.GM1 Warning: unknown file type: Nikola20.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1grindan.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Unholy Allianceend.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola23.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola30.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola22.CGM Warning: unknown file type: itgyfodfy6dfk.GM2 Warning: unknown file type: jovan i Nikola.GM3 Warning: unknown file type: sadro wins.CGM Warning: unknown file type: sandro-4nivo.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Sandro-kraj.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1grindan1.CGM Warning: unknown file type: jovan i nikola gusari3!.GM2 Warning: unknown file type: nikola.GM1 Warning: unknown file type: sandro-2nivo.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Hack and Slash2.CGM Warning: unknown file type: jovan i nikola gusari2!.GM2 Warning: unknown file type: Hack and Slash3.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola i Masha.GM2 Warning: unknown file type: Hack and Slash4.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1grindan win1.CGM Warning: unknown file type: sandrointeligenceearthfire.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1.CGM Warning: unknown file type: sandro-5nivo.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1uzasubiaisliin.CGM Warning: unknown file type: jovan i N.GM2 Warning: unknown file type: nikolavsmashajovan.GM3 Warning: unknown file type: Elixir of life2.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1uzas1112234.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Unholy Alliance11.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Unholy Alliance10.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Elixir of life3.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Elixir of life4.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1leee.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Unholy Alliance12.CGM Warning: unknown file type: sandroairwaterearth.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1grindan win.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1dailine.CGM Warning: unknown file type: New Begining3.CGM Warning: unknown file type: New Begining4.CGM Warning: unknown file type: New Begining2.CGM Warning: unknown file type: jovan i nikola gusari!.GM2 Warning: unknown file type: AUTOS.GM1 Warning: unknown file type: NEWGAME.GM2 Warning: unknown file type: 1superuzasizgub.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1uzas11122341super1.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Rise of the Necromancer3.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Rise of the Necromancer2.CGM Warning: unknown file type: milan111.CGM Warning: unknown file type: AUTOSA.GM1 Warning: unknown file type: Rise of the Necromancer4.CGM Warning: unknown file type: sandrowaterearth.CGM Warning: unknown file type: NEWG.GM2 Warning: unknown file type: AUTOSAVE7.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1uzas11.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 123pustiovo.CGM Warning: unknown file type: sandro-3nivo.CGM Warning: unknown file type: milan.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1_Red_End.GM1 Warning: unknown file type: NEWGAME123123123!!!.GM2 Warning: unknown file type: Unholy Alliance2.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1uzas111.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1uzas111223.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Unholy Alliance3.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1uzas111223412.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Unholy Alliance6.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Unholy Alliance7.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Birth of a Barbarian5.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Unholy Alliance4.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola14.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Birth of a Barbarian4.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Unholy Alliance5.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola15.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Birth of a Barbarian3.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola16.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Birth of a Barbarian2.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola17.CGM Warning: unknown file type: 1uzas11122341super.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola18.CGM Warning: unknown file type: Nikola19.CGM Warning: unknown file type: warlockcrash.GM2 Warning: unknown file type: 1uzas11122.CGM Resource loaded in 11 ms. Loading resource at ALL/Data/H3ab_ahd.snd Resource loaded in 15 ms. Loading resource at ALL/Data/Heroes3-cd2.snd Resource loaded in 0 ms. Loading resource at ALL/Data/Heroes3.snd Resource loaded in 10 ms. Loading resource at ALL/Data Resource loaded in 4 ms. Loading resource at ALL/Data/H3ab_spr.lod Resource loaded in 8 ms. Loading resource at ALL/Data/H3sprite.lod Resource loaded in 27 ms. Loading resource at ALL/Sprites Resource loaded in 3 ms. Loading resource at ALL/Data/H3ab_ahd.vid Resource loaded in 10 ms. Loading resource at ALL/Data/video.vid Resource loaded in 2 ms. Loading resource at ALL/Data/Video Resource loaded in 0 ms. Data loading: 426 Mod handler: 11 Directory 1 h2 succession wars does not contains VCMI mod Directory hota does not contains VCMI mod Directory 1 h2 succession wars0 does not contains VCMI mod Directory witchking-arts does not contains VCMI mod Directory yona does not contains VCMI mod Directory fast battle animation does not contains VCMI mod Directory secondary skills scrolling does not contains VCMI mod Loading resource at all/mods/wog/Data/hmm35wog.pac Resource loaded in 245 ms. Loading resource at all/mods/wog/Data Warning: unknown file type: zvs/Lib1.res/npc6.gif Warning: unknown file type: zvs/Lib1.res/npc7.gif Warning: unknown file type: zvs/Lib1.res/npc8.gif Warning: unknown file type: zvs/Lib1.res/npc0.gif Warning: unknown file type: zvs/Lib1.res/npc1.gif Warning: unknown file type: zvs/Lib1.res/npc2.gif Warning: unknown file type: zvs/Lib1.res/npc3.gif Warning: unknown file type: zvs/Lib1.res/npc4.gif Warning: unknown file type: zvs/Lib1.res/npc5.gif Warning: unknown file type: Buttons/example button.btn Warning: unknown file type: zvs/Lib1.res/zvslib1.ini Warning: unknown file type: zvs/Lib1.res/waitcur.cur Warning: unknown file type: zvs/Lib1.res/emerald.gif Warning: unknown file type: zvs/Lib1.res/mithril_price_list.gif Warning: unknown file type: s/emerald.gif Warning: unknown file type: s/mithril_price_list.gif Warning: unknown file type: zvs/Lib1.res/arrowcur.cur Resource loaded in 26 ms. Loading resource at all/mods/wog/Maps Warning: unknown file type: zutorial.tut Resource loaded in 3 ms. Loading resource at all/mods/wog/Mp3 Resource loaded in 3 ms. Loading resource at all/mods/wog/Data/wog - sounds.snd Resource loaded in 0 ms. Loading resource at all/mods/wog/Data/wog.snd Resource loaded in 12 ms. Loading resource at all/mods/wog/Data/hmm35wog.pac Resource loaded in 14 ms. Loading resource at all/mods/wog/Data/wog - animated objects.pac Resource loaded in 13 ms. Loading resource at all/mods/wog/Data/wog - animated trees.pac Resource loaded in 12 ms. Loading resource at all/mods/wog/Data/wog - battle decorations.pac Resource loaded in 11 ms. Loading resource at all/mods/wog/Data/wog - video.vid Resource loaded in 0 ms. Loading resource at all/mods/wog/Data/wog.vid Resource loaded in 12 ms. Loading resource at all/mods/cove-creatures/Content Resource loaded in 25 ms. Loading resource at all/mods/cove-heroes/Content Resource loaded in 47 ms. Loading resource at all/mods/vcmi/Data Warning: unknown file type: s/std.verm Resource loaded in 4 ms. Loading resource at all/mods/vcmi/Maps Resource loaded in 0 ms. Loading resource at all/mods/vcmi/Sprites Resource loaded in 3 ms. Loading resource at all/mods/loading screens/Content Resource loaded in 9 ms. Loading resource at all/mods/cove-town/Content Resource loaded in 36 ms. Loading resource at all/mods/new-menu/Content Resource loaded in 11 ms. Mod filesystems: 2657 Basic initialization: 3210 Loading settings: 3461 VCMI 0.91 (client) New screen flags: 0 Initializing screen: 686 Initializing video: 18 Initializing minors: 0 Initializing sound: 748 Initializing screen and sound handling: 750 General text handler: 903 Hero handler: 488 Artifact handler: 94 Reading config/cr_abils.json and ZCRTRAIT.TXT Reading creatures json configs Reading config/commanders.json Creature handler: 274 Added faction: castle Added faction: conflux Added faction: dungeon Added faction: fortress Added faction: inferno Added faction: necropolis Added faction: neutral Added faction: rampart Added faction: stronghold Added faction: tower Town handler: 146 Reading cregens Done loading cregens! Reading resources prices Done loading resource prices! Reading banks configs Done loading banks configs Object handler: 45 Def information handler: 2775 Spell handler: 234 Loading mod In The Wake of Gods Loading mod Cove creatures Added creature: ayssid Added creature: corsair Added creature: crewmate Added creature: haspid Added creature: nix Added creature: nixwarrior Added creature: nymph Added creature: oceanid Added creature: pirate Added creature: seadog Added creature: seaman Added creature: seaserpent Added creature: seawitch Added creature: sorceress Added creature: stormbird Loading mod Cove heroes Added hero class: captain Added hero class: navigator Added hero: andal Added hero: annabel Added hero: astra Added hero: bidley Added hero: casmetra Added hero: cassiopeia Added hero: dargem Added hero: derek Added hero: eovacius Added hero: illor Added hero: jeremy Added hero: korkes Added hero: leena Added hero: manonifed Added hero: miriam Added hero: spint Added hero: tark Added hero: zilar Loading mod VCMI essential files Loading mod loading screens Loading mod Cove town Added faction: cove Loading mod High-res Menu "Pikemen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Halberdiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Archers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Marksmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Royal Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Swordsmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Crusaders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Monks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Zealots" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Cavaliers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Champions" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Angels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Archangels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Centaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Centaur Captains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Battle Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Wood Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Grand Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Silver Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Dendroid Guards" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Dendroid Soldiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "War Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Green Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Gold Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Master Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Stone Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Obsidian Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Stone Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Iron Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Arch Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Master Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Nagas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Naga Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Giants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Titans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Imps" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Familiars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Gogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Magogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Hell Hounds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Cerberi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Horned Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Pit Fiends" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Pit Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Efreet" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Efreet Sultans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Arch Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Skeletons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Skeleton Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Walking Dead" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Zombies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Wights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Wraiths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Vampires" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Vampire Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Power Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Black Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Dread Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Bone Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Ghost Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Infernal Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Harpies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Harpy Hags" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Beholders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Evil Eyes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Medusas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Medusa Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Minotaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Minotaur Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Manticores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Scorpicores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Red Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Black Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Goblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Hobgoblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Wolf Riders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Wolf Raiders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Orcs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Orc Chieftains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Ogres" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Ogre Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Rocs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Thunderbirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Cyclopes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Cyclops Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Ancient Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Gnolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Gnoll Marauders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Lizardmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Lizard Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Mighty Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Serpent Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Dragon Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Greater Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Wyverns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Wyvern Monarchs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Chaos Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Air Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Earth Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Fire Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Water Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Gold Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Diamond Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Pixies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Sprites" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Psychic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Magic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "NOT USED (1)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Ice Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "NOT USED (2)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Magma Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "NOT USED (3)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Storm Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "NOT USED (4)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Energy Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Firebirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Phoenixes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Azure Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Crystal Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Faerie Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Rust Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Enchanters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Halflings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Peasants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Boars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Mummies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Nomads" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Rogues" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Trolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Catapults" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Ballistas" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "First Aid Tents" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Ammo Carts" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Arrow Towers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Supreme Archangels" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Diamond Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Lords of Thunder" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Hell Barons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Blood Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Darkness Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Ghost Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Hell Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Sacred Phoenixes" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Ghosts" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Emissaries of War" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Emissaries of Peace" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Emissaries of Mana" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Emissaries of Lore" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Fire Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Earth Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Air Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Water Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Gorynyches" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "War Zealots" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Arctic Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Lava Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Nightmares" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Santa Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Paladins" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Hierophants" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Temple Guardians" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Succubuses" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Soul Eaters" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Brutes" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Ogre Leaders" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Shamans" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Astral Spirits" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Paladins" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Hierophants" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Temple Guardians" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Succubuses" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Soul Eaters" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Brutes" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Ogre Leaders" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Shamans" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Astral Spirits" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Sylvan Centaurs" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Sorceresses" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Werewolves" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Hell Steeds" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Dracoliches" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Ayssids" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Corsairs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Crewmates" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Sea Serpents" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Nixes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Nix Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Nymphs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Oceanids" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Pirates" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Seadogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Seamen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Haspids" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Sea Witches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Sorceresses" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Stormbirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 Creatures of unnormalized tier #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 1 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 2 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 3 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 4 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 5 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 6 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 7 #attached to# All creatures Initializing VCMI_Lib: 5835 Screen handler: 10 Loading and transforming heroes' flags: 134 Main graphics: 319 Initializing game graphics: 2 Message handler: 38 Initialization of VCMI (together): 11936 Loading music file Music/MainMenu Playing music file Music/MainMenu Playing music file Music/MainMenu Playing music file Music/MainMenu Playing music file Music/MainMenu Playing music file Music/MainMenu Playing music file Music/MainMenu Playing music file Music/MainMenu Map MAPS/[HOTA] UPPER KINGDOM is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] DIVIDE ET IMPERA ALLIED is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] THE ALLIANCE is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] DIVIDE ET IMPERA is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] TERRA INCOGNITA is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] PASSAGE OF STORMS - SKIRMISH is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] PASSAGE OF STORMS - INVASION is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] DAYS OF GLORY is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] AFRAID OF DEMONS is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] IDEAL EQUALITY is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] BURNING ISLES is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] BAY OF BROKEN SHIPS is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] WHEN SEAS WERE DEEPER is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] WHIRLPOOL is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] PRISONER is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] PIRATE'S UTOPIA is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] FACE TO FACE is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] TRIAL is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] SCORCHED EARTH is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] TRIAL OF THE FIRE is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA]AFRAID OF DEMONS is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] SWAMP is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Tome of Earth Magic type #attached to# Artifact: Tome of Earth Magic Artifact instance of Tome of Fire Magic type #attached to# Artifact: Tome of Fire Magic Artifact instance of Pendant of Holiness type #attached to# Artifact: Pendant of Holiness Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero Straker #attached to# Artifact instance of Pendant of Holiness type Hero Straker #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Hero Straker #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Stack of 80 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" Stack of 80 of Hobgoblins #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 56 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# "Wolf Raiders" Stack of 56 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 50 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# "Orc Chieftains" Stack of 50 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 34 of Ogre Magi #attached to# "Ogre Magi" Stack of 34 of Ogre Magi #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 45 of Thunderbirds #attached to# "Thunderbirds" Stack of 45 of Thunderbirds #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 42 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# "Cyclops Kings" Stack of 42 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# Town (unknown) of Town (Stronghold) of Groa #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Stack of 80 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" Stack of 80 of Hobgoblins #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 56 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# "Wolf Raiders" Stack of 56 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 50 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# "Orc Chieftains" Stack of 50 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 34 of Ogre Magi #attached to# "Ogre Magi" Stack of 34 of Ogre Magi #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 45 of Thunderbirds #attached to# "Thunderbirds" Stack of 45 of Thunderbirds #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 44 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# "Cyclops Kings" Stack of 44 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 38 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 38 of Goblins #attached to# Town (unknown) of Town (Stronghold) of Groa #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Stack of 80 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" Stack of 80 of Hobgoblins #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 56 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# "Wolf Raiders" Stack of 56 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 50 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# "Orc Chieftains" Stack of 50 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 34 of Ogre Magi #attached to# "Ogre Magi" Stack of 34 of Ogre Magi #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 45 of Thunderbirds #attached to# "Thunderbirds" Stack of 45 of Thunderbirds #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 44 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# "Cyclops Kings" Stack of 44 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 38 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 38 of Goblins #attached to# Town (unknown) of Town (Stronghold) of Groa #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Stack of 80 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" Stack of 80 of Hobgoblins #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 56 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# "Wolf Raiders" Stack of 56 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 50 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# "Orc Chieftains" Stack of 50 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 34 of Ogre Magi #attached to# "Ogre Magi" Stack of 34 of Ogre Magi #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 45 of Thunderbirds #attached to# "Thunderbirds" Stack of 45 of Thunderbirds #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 44 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# "Cyclops Kings" Stack of 44 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 38 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 38 of Goblins #attached to# Town (unknown) of Town (Stronghold) of Groa #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Map MAPS/[HOTA] UPPER KINGDOM is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] DIVIDE ET IMPERA ALLIED is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] THE ALLIANCE is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] DIVIDE ET IMPERA is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] TERRA INCOGNITA is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] PASSAGE OF STORMS - SKIRMISH is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] PASSAGE OF STORMS - INVASION is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] DAYS OF GLORY is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] AFRAID OF DEMONS is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] IDEAL EQUALITY is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] BURNING ISLES is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] BAY OF BROKEN SHIPS is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] WHEN SEAS WERE DEEPER is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] WHIRLPOOL is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] PRISONER is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] PIRATE'S UTOPIA is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] FACE TO FACE is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] TRIAL is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] SCORCHED EARTH is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] TRIAL OF THE FIRE is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA]AFRAID OF DEMONS is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] SWAMP is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Playing music file Music/MainMenu Stoping music file Music/MainMenu Establishing connection... Found endpoints: 0: Trying connection to (0) Established connection with VCMI 0.91 (server) Gamestate: 3 Server opened map properly. Del-ing music file Music/MainMenu Sending/Getting info to/from the server: 738 Using random seed: 1360964838 Open map file: MAPS/BATTLE OF THE SEXES ALLIED Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 130 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Map loaded! Our checksum for the map: 3133714228 Initialization: Picking grail position Picking random factions for players Randomizing objects Creating player entries in gs Giving starting heroArtifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ignatius Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 19 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ignatius Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 25 of Imps #attached to# Hero Xarfax Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Xarfax Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero Valeska Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero Valeska Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 23 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ayden Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Ayden Replacing hero placeholders Setting up resources Setting up heroesArtifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 20 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Orrin Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero Orrin Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 17 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Edric Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 2 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Edric Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 15 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Sylvia Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero Sylvia Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 13 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Sorsha Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero Sorsha Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 14 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Christian Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista Hero Christian #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 19 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Tyris Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero Tyris Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 3 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Tyris Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 14 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Rion Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent Hero Rion #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 15 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Adela Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero Adela Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 3 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Adela Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 18 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Cuthbert Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero Cuthbert Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 3 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Cuthbert Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 18 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Adelaide Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero Adelaide Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 10 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Ingham Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero Ingham Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 20 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Sanya Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero Sanya Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 20 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Loynis Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero Loynis Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 2 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Loynis Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 16 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Caitlin Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero Caitlin Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 14 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Mephala Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Mephala Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Ufretin Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Ufretin Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 20 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Jenova Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Jenova Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 12 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Ryland Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Ryland Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 12 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Thorgrim Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Thorgrim Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" Stack of 3 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Thorgrim Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 17 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Ivor Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" Stack of 3 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Ivor Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" Stack of 5 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Ivor Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 13 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Clancy Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Clancy Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" Stack of 5 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Clancy Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 15 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Kyrre Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Kyrre Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" Stack of 5 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Kyrre Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 22 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Coronius Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 20 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Uland Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Uland Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 14 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Elleshar Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 21 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Gem Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent Hero Gem #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 19 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Malcom Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Malcom Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 15 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Melodia Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Melodia Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 13 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Alagar Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Alagar Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" Stack of 3 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Alagar Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 23 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Aeris Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Aeris Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Piquedram Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Piquedram Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Thane Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Thane Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 35 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Josephine Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero Josephine Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 35 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Neela Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Neela Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero Neela Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 33 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Torosar Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista Hero Torosar #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 36 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Fafner Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Fafner Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 32 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Rissa Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Rissa Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 35 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Iona Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Iona Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" Stack of 3 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero Iona Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 30 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Astral Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Astral Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" Stack of 3 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero Astral Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 37 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Halon Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Halon Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Serena Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Serena Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Daremyth Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Daremyth Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 30 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Theodorus Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Theodorus Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 30 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Solmyr Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Solmyr Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 40 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Cyra Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 33 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Aine Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Aine Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 25 of Imps #attached to# Hero Fiona Stack of 0 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" Stack of 4 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero Fiona Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 16 of Imps #attached to# Hero Rashka Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Rashka Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 21 of Imps #attached to# Hero Marius Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Marius Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 15 of Imps #attached to# Hero Octavia Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Octavia Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Calh Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Calh Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 16 of Imps #attached to# Hero Pyre Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista Hero Pyre #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 19 of Imps #attached to# Hero Nymus Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Nymus Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 21 of Imps #attached to# Hero Xyron Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Xyron Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 19 of Imps #attached to# Hero Axsis Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Axsis Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 15 of Imps #attached to# Hero Olema Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Olema Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 21 of Imps #attached to# Hero Calid Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Calid Stack of 0 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero Calid Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ash Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Ash Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 25 of Imps #attached to# Hero Zydar Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Zydar Stack of 0 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero Zydar Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Straker Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Straker Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 30 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Vokial Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Vokial Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" Stack of 6 of Wights #attached to# Hero Vokial Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 30 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Moandor Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Moandor Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 30 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Charna Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" Stack of 6 of Wights #attached to# Hero Charna Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" Stack of 6 of Wights #attached to# Hero Charna Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 28 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Tamika Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Tamika Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 29 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Isra Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Isra Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Clavius Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 26 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Galthran Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 28 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Galthran Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 21 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Septienna Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Septienna Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Aislinn Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Aislinn Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 28 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Sandro Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Sandro Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 24 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Nimbus Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Nimbus Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Thant Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Thant Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 29 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Xsi Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 25 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Vidomina Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Vidomina Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 26 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Nagash Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Nagash Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Lorelei Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Lorelei Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Arlach Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista Hero Arlach #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# Hero Arlach Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Dace Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Dace Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Ajit Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# Hero Ajit Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 36 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Damacon Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 37 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Gunnar Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Gunnar Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Synca Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Synca Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# Hero Synca Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 37 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Shakti Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Alamar Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Alamar Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Jaegar Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Jaegar Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 40 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Malekith Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Malekith Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 35 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Jeddite Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Jeddite Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" Stack of 4 of Beholders #attached to# Hero Jeddite Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 35 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Geon Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Geon Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# Hero Geon Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 31 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Deemer Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Deemer Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Sephinroth Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Sephinroth Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Darkstorn Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Darkstorn Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Yog Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Yog Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 25 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gurnisson Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista Hero Gurnisson #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 15 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Jabarkas Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Jabarkas Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 19 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Shiva Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Shiva Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 17 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gretchin Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 23 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gretchin Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 15 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Krellion Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Krellion Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Crag Hack Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Crag Hack Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" Stack of 5 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Crag Hack Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Tyraxor Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Tyraxor Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 18 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gird Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Gird Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Gird Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 23 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Vey Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Vey Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Dessa Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Dessa Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Terek Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Terek Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 25 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Zubin Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Zubin Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 22 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gundula Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Gundula Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 21 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Oris Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Oris Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" Stack of 6 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Oris Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 23 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Saurug Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 14 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Bron Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Bron Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Bron Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 19 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Drakon Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 17 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Drakon Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Wystan Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Wystan Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 16 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Tazar Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Tazar Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 16 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Alkin Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Alkin Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 11 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Korbac Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Korbac Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" Stack of 3 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Korbac Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Gerwulf Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista Hero Gerwulf #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Gerwulf Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 20 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Broghild Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Broghild Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Broghild Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 18 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Mirlanda Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Mirlanda Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" Stack of 3 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Mirlanda Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 17 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Rosic Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Rosic Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 14 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Voy Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Voy Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 20 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Verdish Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent Hero Verdish #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Verdish Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 16 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Merist Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Merist Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Styg Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Styg Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Andra Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Andra Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Tiva Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Tiva Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Tiva Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 23 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Андал Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pirates #attached to# "Pirates" Stack of 3 of Pirates #attached to# Hero Анабель Stack of 0 of Pirates #attached to# "Pirates" Stack of 5 of Pirates #attached to# Hero Анабель Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 16 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Астра Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 6 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Астра Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 22 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Касметра Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 5 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Касметра Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 20 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Кассиопея Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 19 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Кассиопея Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 19 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Даргем Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 6 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Даргем Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 4 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Дерек Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 6 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Дерек Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 20 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Эоваций Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 17 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Иллор Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 3 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Иллор Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 21 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Джереми Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 6 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Джереми Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 22 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Коркес Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 4 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Коркес Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 16 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Лина Stack of 0 of Pirates #attached to# "Pirates" Stack of 6 of Pirates #attached to# Hero Лина Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 23 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Манфред Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 7 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Манфред Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 16 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Мириам Stack of 0 of Pirates #attached to# "Pirates" Stack of 3 of Pirates #attached to# Hero Мириам Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 17 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Спинт Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 7 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Спинт Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 19 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Зилар Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 6 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Зилар Fog of war Starting bonusesArtifact instance of Ring of Conjuring type #attached to# Artifact: Ring of Conjuring Hero Xarfax #attached to# Artifact instance of Ring of Conjuring type Artifact instance of Bird of Perception type #attached to# Artifact: Bird of Perception Hero Ayden #attached to# Artifact instance of Bird of Perception type Towns Object initializationStack of 0 of Pit Fiends #attached to# "Pit Fiends" Stack of 9 of Pit Fiends #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Pit Fiends #attached to# "Pit Fiends" Stack of 9 of Pit Fiends #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Monks #attached to# "Monks" Stack of 9 of Monks #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Artifact instance of Armor of Wonder type #attached to# Artifact: Armor of Wonder Stack of 0 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" Stack of 0 of Crusaders #attached to# "Crusaders" Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" Stack of 0 of Rocs #attached to# "Rocs" Stack of 0 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# "Silver Pegasi" Stack of 0 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# "Silver Pegasi" Stack of 0 of Swordsmen #attached to# "Swordsmen" Stack of 0 of Vampire Lords #attached to# "Vampire Lords" Stack of 0 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# "Silver Pegasi" Stack of 0 of Fire Elementals #attached to# "Fire Elementals" Stack of 0 of Arch Magi #attached to# "Arch Magi" Stack of 0 of Greater Basilisks #attached to# "Greater Basilisks" Stack of 0 of Pit Fiends #attached to# "Pit Fiends" Stack of 0 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# "Silver Pegasi" Stack of 0 of Fire Elementals #attached to# "Fire Elementals" Stack of 0 of Swordsmen #attached to# "Swordsmen" Stack of 0 of Medusa Queens #attached to# "Medusa Queens" Stack of 0 of Earth Elementals #attached to# "Earth Elementals" Stack of 0 of Crusaders #attached to# "Crusaders" Stack of 0 of Stormbirds #attached to# "Stormbirds" Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 0 of Cavaliers #attached to# "Cavaliers" Stack of 0 of Enchanters #attached to# "Enchanters" Stack of 0 of Zealots #attached to# "Zealots" Stack of 0 of Rocs #attached to# "Rocs" Stack of 0 of Wyverns #attached to# "Wyverns" Stack of 0 of Psychic Elementals #attached to# "Psychic Elementals" Stack of 0 of Nix Warriors #attached to# "Nix Warriors" Stack of 0 of Nomads #attached to# "Nomads" Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" Stack of 0 of Corsairs #attached to# "Corsairs" Stack of 0 of Evil Eyes #attached to# "Evil Eyes" Stack of 0 of Skeleton Warriors #attached to# "Skeleton Warriors" Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 0 of Halflings #attached to# "Halflings" Stack of 0 of Sprites #attached to# "Sprites" Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Artifact instance of Buckler of the Gnoll King type #attached to# Artifact: Buckler of the Gnoll King Stack of 0 of Demons #attached to# "Demons" Stack of 0 of Demons #attached to# "Demons" Artifact instance of Crown of the Supreme Magi type #attached to# Artifact: Crown of the Supreme Magi Artifact instance of Boots of Speed type #attached to# Artifact: Boots of Speed Stack of 0 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# "Silver Pegasi" Stack of 0 of Monks #attached to# "Monks" Stack of 9 of Monks #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Ogres #attached to# "Ogres" Stack of 0 of Swordsmen #attached to# "Swordsmen" Stack of 0 of Sharpshooters #attached to# "Sharpshooters" Stack of 0 of Mighty Gorgons #attached to# "Mighty Gorgons" Stack of 0 of Pit Fiends #attached to# "Pit Fiends" Stack of 9 of Pit Fiends #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# "Cyclops Kings" Stack of 0 of Harpy Hags #attached to# "Harpy Hags" Stack of 0 of Pit Fiends #attached to# "Pit Fiends" Stack of 9 of Pit Fiends #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Ayssids #attached to# "Ayssids" Stack of 0 of Mummies #attached to# "Mummies" Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" Stack of 0 of Pit Fiends #attached to# "Pit Fiends" Stack of 9 of Pit Fiends #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 0 of Trolls #attached to# "Trolls" Stack of 0 of Royal Griffins #attached to# "Royal Griffins" Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 0 of Energy Elementals #attached to# "Energy Elementals" Stack of 0 of Fire Elementals #attached to# "Fire Elementals" Artifact instance of Head of Legion type #attached to# Artifact: Head of Legion Stack of 0 of Rogues #attached to# "Rogues" Stack of 0 of Magogs #attached to# "Magogs" Stack of 0 of Magma Elementals #attached to# "Magma Elementals" Artifact instance of Spellbinder's Hat type #attached to# Artifact: Spellbinder's Hat Artifact instance of Hellstorm Helmet type #attached to# Artifact: Hellstorm Helmet Stack of 0 of Genies #attached to# "Genies" Artifact instance of Statesman's Medal type #attached to# Artifact: Statesman's Medal Artifact instance of Greater Gnoll's Flail type #attached to# Artifact: Greater Gnoll's Flail Artifact instance of Dragon Wing Tabard type #attached to# Artifact: Dragon Wing Tabard Stack of 0 of Liches #attached to# "Liches" Stack of 0 of Pit Fiends #attached to# "Pit Fiends" Stack of 9 of Pit Fiends #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Pit Lords #attached to# "Pit Lords" Artifact instance of Angel Feather Arrows type #attached to# Artifact: Angel Feather Arrows Stack of 0 of Trolls #attached to# "Trolls" Stack of 0 of Vampires #attached to# "Vampires" Stack of 0 of Ogre Magi #attached to# "Ogre Magi" Stack of 0 of Energy Elementals #attached to# "Energy Elementals" Stack of 130 of Power Liches #attached to# "Power Liches" Hero Ignatius #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial Hero Xarfax #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial Hero Valeska #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial Hero Ayden #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects Player Red #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState Player Green #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects Player Blue #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState Player Tan #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Green Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Tan Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Blue Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Red Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGSeerHut #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGSeerHut #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGSeerHut #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGSeerHut #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node 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#attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of 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node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Hero Ignatius #attached to# Player Red Hero Xarfax #attached to# Player Blue Hero Valeska #attached to# Player Tan Hero Ayden #attached to# Player Green Town (Inferno) of Brimstone #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Town (Castle) of Whitestone #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Town (Inferno) of Firebrand #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Town (Inferno) of Abaddon #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Town (Inferno) of Ashcombe #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Town (Castle) of Dunwall #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Town (Inferno) of Firebrand #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Town (Inferno) of Styx #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Hero Ignatius #detached from# Player Red Hero Ignatius #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Hero Xarfax #detached from# Player Blue Hero Xarfax #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Hero Valeska #detached from# Player Tan Hero Valeska #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Hero Ayden #detached from# Player Green Hero Ayden #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Checking objectivesSeed after init is 507062854 (before was 1360964838) Initializing GameState (together): 746 Creating mapHandler: 2 Unpacking and handling defs: 1541 Preparing FoW, roads, rivers,borders: 75 Making object rects: 21 Initializing mapHandler (together): 1643 Opening VCAI Loaded VCAI Player 2 will be lead by VCAI Opening VCAI Loaded VCAI Player 3 will be lead by VCAI Opening StupidAI Loaded Stupid AI 0.1 CStupidAI [10AC0690]: created CStupidAI [10AC0690]: init called, saving ptr to IBattleCallback Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes Made first apply on cl Stack of 19 of Imps #detached from# Hero Nymus Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" Stack of 7 of Gogs #detached from# Hero Nymus Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gogs" Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 24 of Imps #attached to# Hero Nymus Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Nymus Stack of 39 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero Daremyth Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #detached from# Hero Daremyth Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 35 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Daremyth Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Daremyth Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes Made first apply on cl Stack of 16 of Imps #detached from# Hero Rashka Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" Stack of 7 of Gogs #detached from# Hero Rashka Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gogs" Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 23 of Imps #attached to# Hero Rashka Stack of 25 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero Vidomina Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero Vidomina Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 26 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Vidomina Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Vidomina Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct ChangeSpells Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes Made first apply on cl Stack of 20 of Pikemen #detached from# Hero Orrin Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pikemen" Stack of 6 of Archers #detached from# Hero Orrin Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Archers" Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 14 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Orrin Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero Orrin Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero Straker Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero Straker Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Straker Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Straker Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes Made first apply on cl Stack of 15 of Imps #detached from# Hero Octavia Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" Stack of 6 of Gogs #detached from# Hero Octavia Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gogs" Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Hero Octavia Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Octavia Stack of 15 of Goblins #detached from# Hero Krellion Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Goblins" Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #detached from# Hero Krellion Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Krellion Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Krellion Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" Stack of 6 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Krellion Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct ChangeSpells Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableArtifacts Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewTurn Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct InfoWindow Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct InfoWindow Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct InsertNewStack Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 15 of Imps #attached to# Town (Inferno) of Ashcombe Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct InsertNewStack Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 9 of Archers #attached to# Town (Castle) of Dunwall Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct InsertNewStack Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 8 of Gogs #attached to# Town (Inferno) of Firebrand Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 15 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 15 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 15 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 15 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Battle Dwarves #attached to# "Battle Dwarves" Stack of 15 of Battle Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" Stack of 4 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct InsertNewStack Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 15 of Imps #attached to# Town (Inferno) of Styx Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 30 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 30 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 30 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 30 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 30 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Green Dragons #attached to# "Green Dragons" Stack of 8 of Green Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Red Dragons #attached to# "Red Dragons" Stack of 6 of Red Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Gold Dragons #attached to# "Gold Dragons" Stack of 4 of Gold Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Black Dragons #attached to# "Black Dragons" Stack of 3 of Black Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableArtifacts Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" Stack of 12 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" Stack of 12 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" Stack of 12 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" Stack of 12 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" Stack of 12 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" Stack of 3 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Naga Queens #attached to# "Naga Queens" Stack of 3 of Naga Queens #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" Stack of 6 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" Stack of 6 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" Stack of 6 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" Stack of 6 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# "Cyclops Kings" Stack of 6 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 12 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" Stack of 10 of Zombies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 13 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" Stack of 20 of Zombies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" Stack of 10 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Vampires #attached to# "Vampires" Stack of 5 of Vampires #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 40 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 40 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 40 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 40 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 40 of Griffins #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" Stack of 6 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" Stack of 6 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" Stack of 6 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" Stack of 6 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" Stack of 6 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" Stack of 6 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" Stack of 6 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" Stack of 6 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" Stack of 6 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" Stack of 6 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" Stack of 20 of Zombies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" Stack of 10 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Vampires #attached to# "Vampires" Stack of 5 of Vampires #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" Stack of 20 of Zombies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" Stack of 10 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Vampires #attached to# "Vampires" Stack of 5 of Vampires #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct YourTurn Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Loading music file music/AITheme2 Playing music file music/AITheme2 Sending a request "struct SaveGame". It'll have an ID=0. Sending to server a pack of type struct SaveGame Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection Loading music file music/Dirt Stoping music file music/AITheme2 Del-ing music file music/AITheme2 Playing music file music/Dirt Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SaveGame Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SystemMessage Made first apply on cl Applied on gs System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Newgame_Autosave_1 Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=2. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Loading music file music/InfernoTown Stoping music file music/Dirt Del-ing music file music/Dirt Playing music file music/InfernoTown You've clicked on 5 Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Imps" Sending a request "struct GarrisonHeroSwap". It'll have an ID=3. Sending to server a pack of type struct GarrisonHeroSwap received server message of type struct SetHeroesInTown Made first apply on cl Hero Ignatius #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Hero Ignatius #attached to# Player Red Hero Ignatius #detached from# Player Red Hero Ignatius #attached to# Town (Inferno) of Abaddon Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... You've clicked on 5 Sending a request "struct HireHero". It'll have an ID=4. Sending to server a pack of type struct HireHero received server message of type struct HeroRecruited Made first apply on cl Hero Nymus #attached to# Player Red Hero Nymus #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial Hero Nymus #detached from# Player Red Hero Nymus #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes Made first apply on cl Stack of 20 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero Broghild Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero Broghild Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #detached from# Hero Broghild Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Serpent Flies" Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 1 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Broghild Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetResource Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... You've clicked on 5 Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=5. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection received server message of type struct SetSelection Loading music file music/Dirt Stoping music file music/InfernoTown Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Del-ing music file music/InfernoTown Playing music file music/Dirt CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 22 18 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=6. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle Made first apply on cl Hero Nymus #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Hero Nymus #attached to# Player Red Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 21 19 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=7. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Loading music file music/Grass Stoping music file music/Dirt Made second apply on cl Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHeroListening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Requesting hero movement to 21 20 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=8. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Loading music file music/Grass Del-ing music file music/Grass Stoping music file music/Dirt Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 20 21 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=9. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Del-ing music file music/Dirt Playing music file music/Grass Made second apply on cl Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHeroListening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 20 22 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=10. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 21 22 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=11. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct InfoWindow Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct RemoveObject Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 21 21 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=12. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 22 21 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=13. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 23 21 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=14. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 24 21 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=15. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 25 21 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=16. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetResource Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct RemoveObject Made first apply on cl Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Connection has been requested to be closed. Sending a request "struct CloseServer". It'll have an ID=17. Sending to server a pack of type struct CloseServer received server message of type struct PackageApplied Sent closing signal to the server Connection handler thread joined Our socket has been closed. Closed connection. Ending current game! Removed GUI. Warning: an orphaned child! Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGSeerHut #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGSeerHut #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGSeerHut #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGSeerHut #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class 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class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# 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type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# 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CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects 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CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Warning: an orphaned child! Player Blue #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode Player Tan #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode Warning: an orphaned child! Player Red #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode Player Green #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode Warning: an orphaned child! Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode Warning: an orphaned child! Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode Warning: an orphaned child! Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode Warning: an orphaned child! Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode Hero Nymus #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode Deleted mapHandler and gameState. Deleted playerInts. Client stopped. Server closed correctly Loading music file Music/MainMenu Stoping music file music/Grass Del-ing music file music/Grass Playing music file Music/MainMenu Map MAPS/[HOTA] UPPER KINGDOM is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] DIVIDE ET IMPERA ALLIED is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] THE ALLIANCE is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] DIVIDE ET IMPERA is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] TERRA INCOGNITA is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] PASSAGE OF STORMS - SKIRMISH is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] PASSAGE OF STORMS - INVASION is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] DAYS OF GLORY is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] AFRAID OF DEMONS is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] IDEAL EQUALITY is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] BURNING ISLES is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] BAY OF BROKEN SHIPS is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] WHEN SEAS WERE DEEPER is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] WHIRLPOOL is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] PRISONER is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] PIRATE'S UTOPIA is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] FACE TO FACE is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] TRIAL is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Map MAPS/[HOTA] SCORCHED EARTH is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] TRIAL OF THE FIRE is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA]AFRAID OF DEMONS is invalid. Message: Unknown map format Map MAPS/[HOTA] SWAMP is invalid. Message: Invalid map format! Stoping music file Music/MainMenu Establishing connection... Found endpoints: 0: Trying connection to (0) Established connection with VCMI 0.91 (server) Gamestate: 1 Server opened map properly. Sending/Getting info to/from the server: 595 Using random seed: 1360964941 Open map file: MAPS/GOLEMS APLENTY ALLIED Del-ing music file Music/MainMenu Stack of 12 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 12 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 12 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 12 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 40 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 25 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" Stack of 30 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 70 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 30 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 30 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" Stack of 30 of Stone Golems #attached to# Town (unknown) of Meckinize Stack of 40 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" Stack of 40 of Iron Golems #attached to# Town (unknown) of Meckinize Stack of 30 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 30 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Stack of 0 of [no type, idRand=-1] #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Map loaded! Our checksum for the map: 289784422 Initialization: Picking grail position Picking random factions for players Randomizing objects Creating player entries in gs Giving starting heroArtifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 18 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Джереми Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 6 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Джереми Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 24 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Kyrre Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Kyrre Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 14 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Rosic Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Rosic Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 21 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Кассиопея Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 15 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Кассиопея Replacing hero placeholders Setting up resources Setting up heroesArtifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 12 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Orrin Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero Orrin Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero Valeska Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero Valeska Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 18 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Edric Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 3 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Edric Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 2 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Edric Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 20 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Sylvia Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero Sylvia Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 2 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Sylvia Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 15 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Sorsha Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero Sorsha Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 3 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Sorsha Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 10 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Christian Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista Hero Christian #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 17 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Tyris Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 15 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Rion Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent Hero Rion #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Adela Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero Adela Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 16 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Cuthbert Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero Cuthbert Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 12 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Adelaide Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero Adelaide Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 16 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Ingham Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero Ingham Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 13 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Sanya Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero Sanya Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 2 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Sanya Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 16 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Loynis Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero Loynis Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 3 of Griffins #attached to# Hero Loynis Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" Stack of 20 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero Caitlin Stack of 0 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero Caitlin Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 12 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Mephala Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Mephala Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Ufretin Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Ufretin Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 15 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Jenova Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 22 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Ryland Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Ryland Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 21 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Thorgrim Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 13 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Ivor Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" Stack of 5 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Ivor Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 17 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Clancy Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Clancy Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 18 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Coronius Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Coronius Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 14 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Uland Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Uland Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 16 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Elleshar Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Elleshar Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 14 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Gem Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent Hero Gem #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 15 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Malcom Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 15 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Melodia Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Melodia Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" Stack of 4 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Melodia Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 24 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Alagar Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Alagar Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 19 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Aeris Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Aeris Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" Stack of 6 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero Aeris Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Piquedram Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Piquedram Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Piquedram Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 34 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Thane Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 40 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Josephine Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero Josephine Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 35 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Neela Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Neela Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 36 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Torosar Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista Hero Torosar #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 32 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Fafner Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Fafner Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 30 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Rissa Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Rissa Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 32 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Iona Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Iona Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 36 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Astral Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Astral Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 40 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Halon Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Halon Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 31 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Serena Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Serena Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 37 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Daremyth Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Daremyth Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Theodorus Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Theodorus Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 34 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Solmyr Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Solmyr Stack of 0 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero Solmyr Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 37 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Cyra Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Cyra Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 33 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Aine Stack of 0 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero Aine Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# Hero Fiona Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 24 of Imps #attached to# Hero Rashka Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Rashka Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# Hero Marius Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Marius Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 15 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ignatius Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 21 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ignatius Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Hero Octavia Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Octavia Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Calh Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Calh Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Calh Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 23 of Imps #attached to# Hero Pyre Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# Hero Nymus Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Nymus Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 22 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ayden Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 25 of Imps #attached to# Hero Xyron Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Xyron Stack of 0 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" Stack of 4 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero Xyron Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 25 of Imps #attached to# Hero Axsis Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Axsis Stack of 0 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" Stack of 4 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero Axsis Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 19 of Imps #attached to# Hero Olema Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Olema Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 23 of Imps #attached to# Hero Calid Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Calid Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 21 of Imps #attached to# Hero Ash Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 16 of Imps #attached to# Hero Zydar Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Zydar Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# Hero Xarfax Stack of 0 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero Xarfax Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Straker Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Straker Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 28 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Vokial Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Vokial Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" Stack of 4 of Wights #attached to# Hero Vokial Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Moandor Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Moandor Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 24 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Charna Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" Stack of 5 of Wights #attached to# Hero Charna Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" Stack of 4 of Wights #attached to# Hero Charna Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Tamika Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Tamika Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" Stack of 6 of Wights #attached to# Hero Tamika Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 26 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Isra Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Isra Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Clavius Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Clavius Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 28 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Galthran Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 25 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Galthran Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 21 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Septienna Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Septienna Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 30 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Aislinn Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Aislinn Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Sandro Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 29 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Nimbus Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Nimbus Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 28 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Thant Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Thant Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Xsi Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Xsi Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 29 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Vidomina Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Vidomina Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" Stack of 6 of Wights #attached to# Hero Vidomina Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Nagash Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Nagash Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" Stack of 6 of Wights #attached to# Hero Nagash Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Lorelei Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Lorelei Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Arlach Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista Hero Arlach #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 31 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Dace Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Dace Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 31 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Ajit Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" Stack of 4 of Beholders #attached to# Hero Ajit Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Damacon Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Damacon Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 36 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Gunnar Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Gunnar Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Synca Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Synca Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 40 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Shakti Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Shakti Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 37 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Alamar Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Alamar Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# Hero Alamar Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 40 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Jaegar Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Jaegar Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 33 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Malekith Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Malekith Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# Hero Malekith Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 33 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Jeddite Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Jeddite Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 35 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Geon Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Geon Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Deemer Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Deemer Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 32 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Sephinroth Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Sephinroth Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 40 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero Darkstorn Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero Darkstorn Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# Hero Darkstorn Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 20 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Yog Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Yog Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gurnisson Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista Hero Gurnisson #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 17 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Jabarkas Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 22 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Shiva Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Shiva Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Shiva Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 25 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gretchin Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gretchin Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gretchin Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 16 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Krellion Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Crag Hack Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Crag Hack Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Crag Hack Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Tyraxor Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Tyraxor Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Tyraxor Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 17 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gird Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Gird Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 21 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Vey Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Vey Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" Stack of 6 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Vey Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 22 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Dessa Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Dessa Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 21 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Terek Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Terek Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 18 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Zubin Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Zubin Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" Stack of 6 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Zubin Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 24 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Gundula Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Gundula Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 18 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Oris Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Oris Stack of 0 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" Stack of 5 of Orcs #attached to# Hero Oris Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" Stack of 22 of Goblins #attached to# Hero Saurug Stack of 0 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero Saurug Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 14 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Bron Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Bron Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 14 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Drakon Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 19 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Drakon Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 19 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Drakon Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Wystan Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Wystan Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 19 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Tazar Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Tazar Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" Stack of 3 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Tazar Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Alkin Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Alkin Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 18 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Korbac Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Korbac Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 10 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Gerwulf Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista Hero Gerwulf #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 10 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Broghild Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Broghild Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" Stack of 2 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Broghild Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 18 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Mirlanda Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Mirlanda Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 19 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Voy Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Voy Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 15 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Verdish Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent Hero Verdish #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 15 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Merist Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Merist Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Merist Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 19 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Styg Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 11 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Andra Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Andra Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 14 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Tiva Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Tiva Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Tiva Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" Stack of 21 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Pasis Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Pasis Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" Stack of 21 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Thunar Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Thunar Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" Stack of 16 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Ignissa Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Ignissa Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" Stack of 23 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Lacus Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" Stack of 3 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Lacus Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" Stack of 1 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Lacus Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" Stack of 22 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Monere Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Monere Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" Stack of 2 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Monere Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" Stack of 25 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Erdamon Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" Stack of 25 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Fiur Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Fiur Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" Stack of 16 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Kalt Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" Stack of 4 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Kalt Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" Stack of 23 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Luna Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Luna Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" Stack of 17 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Brissa Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Brissa Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" Stack of 24 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Ciele Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Ciele Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" Stack of 17 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Labetha Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Labetha Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" Stack of 19 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Inteus Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Inteus Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" Stack of 3 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero Inteus Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" Stack of 24 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Aenain Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Aenain Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" Stack of 19 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Gelare Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Gelare Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" Stack of 16 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Grindan Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Grindan Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 16 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Андал Stack of 0 of Pirates #attached to# "Pirates" Stack of 2 of Pirates #attached to# Hero Андал Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Pirates #attached to# "Pirates" Stack of 4 of Pirates #attached to# Hero Анабель Stack of 0 of Pirates #attached to# "Pirates" Stack of 3 of Pirates #attached to# Hero Анабель Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 15 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Астра Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 7 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Астра Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 16 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Касметра Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 7 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Касметра Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 17 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Даргем Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 7 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Даргем Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 5 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Дерек Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 3 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Дерек Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 17 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Эоваций Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 18 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Иллор Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 4 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Иллор Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 17 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Коркес Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 4 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Коркес Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 21 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Лина Stack of 0 of Pirates #attached to# "Pirates" Stack of 4 of Pirates #attached to# Hero Лина Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 23 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Манфред Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 4 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Манфред Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 16 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Мириам Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 17 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Спинт Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 4 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Спинт Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult Hero #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 19 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Зилар Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 4 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Зилар Fog of war Starting bonusesArtifact instance of Cape of Conjuring type #attached to# Artifact: Cape of Conjuring Hero Rosic #attached to# Artifact instance of Cape of Conjuring type Towns Object initializationStack of 12 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" Stack of 12 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" Stack of 12 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" Stack of 12 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" Stack of 0 of Scorpicores #attached to# "Scorpicores" Stack of 0 of Lizard Warriors #attached to# "Lizard Warriors" Stack of 0 of Corsairs #attached to# "Corsairs" Stack of 0 of Grand Elves #attached to# "Grand Elves" Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" Stack of 0 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 9 of Gold Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" Stack of 6 of Diamond Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 9 of Gold Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" Stack of 6 of Diamond Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" Stack of 0 of Rogues #attached to# "Rogues" Stack of 0 of Seadogs #attached to# "Seadogs" Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 9 of Gold Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" Stack of 6 of Diamond Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Halflings #attached to# "Halflings" Stack of 0 of Trolls #attached to# "Trolls" Artifact instance of Endless Bag of Gold type #attached to# Artifact: Endless Bag of Gold Stack of 0 of Stormbirds #attached to# "Stormbirds" Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 0 of Power Liches #attached to# "Power Liches" Stack of 0 of Stormbirds #attached to# "Stormbirds" Artifact instance of Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn type #attached to# Artifact: Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn Stack of 0 of Halflings #attached to# "Halflings" Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" Stack of 0 of Battle Dwarves #attached to# "Battle Dwarves" Stack of 0 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# "Orc Chieftains" Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Artifact instance of Sphere of Permanence type #attached to# Artifact: Sphere of Permanence Artifact instance of Dragon Scale Shield type #attached to# Artifact: Dragon Scale Shield Stack of 0 of Greater Basilisks #attached to# "Greater Basilisks" Stack of 0 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" Stack of 0 of Mummies #attached to# "Mummies" Stack of 0 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" Artifact instance of Buckler of the Gnoll King type #attached to# Artifact: Buckler of the Gnoll King Stack of 0 of Magogs #attached to# "Magogs" Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" Stack of 0 of Lizard Warriors #attached to# "Lizard Warriors" Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" Artifact instance of Orb of Driving Rain type #attached to# Artifact: Orb of Driving Rain Artifact instance of Surcoat of Counterpoise type #attached to# Artifact: Surcoat of Counterpoise Stack of 0 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" Artifact instance of Crest of Valor type #attached to# Artifact: Crest of Valor Stack of 0 of Swordsmen #attached to# "Swordsmen" Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" Stack of 0 of Mummies #attached to# "Mummies" Artifact instance of Skull Helmet type #attached to# Artifact: Skull Helmet Artifact instance of Quiet Eye of the Dragon type #attached to# Artifact: Quiet Eye of the Dragon Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 9 of Gold Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" Stack of 6 of Diamond Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 9 of Gold Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" Stack of 6 of Diamond Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 9 of Gold Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" Stack of 6 of Diamond Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 9 of Gold Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" Stack of 6 of Diamond Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 9 of Gold Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" Stack of 6 of Diamond Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 9 of Gold Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" Stack of 6 of Diamond Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 9 of Gold Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" Stack of 6 of Diamond Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 0 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" Stack of 0 of Pirates #attached to# "Pirates" Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 142 of Troglodytes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGMine Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 0 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" Artifact instance of Bowstring of the Unicorn's Mane type #attached to# Artifact: Bowstring of the Unicorn's Mane Artifact instance of Glyph of Gallantry type #attached to# Artifact: Glyph of Gallantry Artifact instance of Talisman of Mana type #attached to# Artifact: Talisman of Mana Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Artifact instance of Pendant of Holiness type #attached to# Artifact: Pendant of Holiness Artifact instance of Bird of Perception type #attached to# Artifact: Bird of Perception Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Artifact instance of Greater Gnoll's Flail type #attached to# Artifact: Greater Gnoll's Flail Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Artifact instance of Vial of Lifeblood type #attached to# Artifact: Vial of Lifeblood Stack of 0 of Mighty Gorgons #attached to# "Mighty Gorgons" Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 0 of Storm Elementals #attached to# "Storm Elementals" Artifact instance of Sword of Hellfire type #attached to# Artifact: Sword of Hellfire Stack of 0 of Pit Lords #attached to# "Pit Lords" Stack of 0 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" Stack of 0 of Wraiths #attached to# "Wraiths" Artifact instance of Tome of Air Magic type #attached to# Artifact: Tome of Air Magic Stack of 0 of Nixes #attached to# "Nixes" Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Artifact instance of Sandals of the Saint type #attached to# Artifact: Sandals of the Saint Stack of 0 of Enchanters #attached to# "Enchanters" Artifact instance of Shield of the Damned type #attached to# Artifact: Shield of the Damned Stack of 0 of Demons #attached to# "Demons" Stack of 0 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" Artifact instance of Torso of Legion type #attached to# Artifact: Torso of Legion Stack of 0 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" Stack of 0 of Oceanids #attached to# "Oceanids" Stack of 0 of Iron Golems #attached to# "Iron Golems" Stack of 0 of Master Gremlins #attached to# "Master Gremlins" Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 0 of Arch Magi #attached to# "Arch Magi" Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 0 of Halflings #attached to# "Halflings" Stack of 0 of Rogues #attached to# "Rogues" Stack of 0 of Demons #attached to# "Demons" Artifact instance of Shield of the Yawning Dead type #attached to# Artifact: Shield of the Yawning Dead Stack of 0 of Halberdiers #attached to# "Halberdiers" Artifact instance of Clover of Fortune type #attached to# Artifact: Clover of Fortune Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 9 of Gold Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" Stack of 6 of Diamond Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 9 of Gold Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" Stack of 6 of Diamond Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 9 of Gold Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" Stack of 6 of Diamond Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Crusaders #attached to# "Crusaders" Stack of 0 of Horned Demons #attached to# "Horned Demons" Stack of 0 of Horned Demons #attached to# "Horned Demons" Stack of 0 of Energy Elementals #attached to# "Energy Elementals" Artifact instance of Loins of Legion type #attached to# Artifact: Loins of Legion Stack of 0 of Boars #attached to# "Boars" Stack of 0 of Gold Golems #attached to# "Gold Golems" Stack of 9 of Gold Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Stack of 0 of Diamond Golems #attached to# "Diamond Golems" Stack of 6 of Diamond Golems #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling Artifact instance of Ring of Infinite Gems type #attached to# Artifact: Ring of Infinite Gems Stack of 0 of Thunderbirds #attached to# "Thunderbirds" Artifact instance of Dead Man's Boots type #attached to# Artifact: Dead Man's Boots Stack of 0 of Earth Elementals #attached to# "Earth Elementals" Stack of 0 of Swordsmen #attached to# "Swordsmen" Artifact instance of Boots of Speed type #attached to# Artifact: Boots of Speed Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Artifact instance of Emblem of Cognizance type #attached to# Artifact: Emblem of Cognizance Stack of 0 of Obsidian Gargoyles #attached to# "Obsidian Gargoyles" Stack of 0 of Ogre Magi #attached to# "Ogre Magi" Artifact instance of Blackshard of the Dead Knight type #attached to# Artifact: Blackshard of the Dead Knight Stack of 0 of Battle Dwarves #attached to# "Battle Dwarves" Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 121 of Troglodytes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGMine Stack of 0 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" Stack of 128 of Troglodytes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGMine Hero Джереми #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial Hero Джереми #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial Hero Kyrre #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial Hero Rosic #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial Hero Кассиопея #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial Hero Кассиопея #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct CGHeroInstance::HeroSpecial Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects Player Blue #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState Player Tan #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState Bonus system node of type struct TeamState #attached to# Global effects Player Red #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState Player Green #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct TeamState Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGEvent #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGEvent #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGEvent #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGEvent #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGEvent #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGEvent #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Tan Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Red Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Green Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Blue Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGResource #attached to# Global effects Hero Джереми #attached to# Player Red Hero Kyrre #attached to# Player Blue Hero Rosic #attached to# Player Tan Hero Кассиопея #attached to# Player Green Town (Tower) of Meckinize #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Town (Fortress) of Deadfall #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Town (Cove) of Ротонда #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Town (Rampart) of Wild Willow #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Town (Cove) of Левиндейл #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Hero Джереми #detached from# Player Red Hero Джереми #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Hero Kyrre #detached from# Player Blue Hero Kyrre #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Hero Rosic #detached from# Player Tan Hero Rosic #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Hero Кассиопея #detached from# Player Green Hero Кассиопея #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Checking objectivesSeed after init is 74929975 (before was 1360964941) Initializing GameState (together): 856 Creating mapHandler: 5 Unpacking and handling defs: 635 Preparing FoW, roads, rivers,borders: 68 Making object rects: 33 Initializing mapHandler (together): 741 Opening VCAI Loaded VCAI Player 1 will be lead by VCAI Opening VCAI Loaded VCAI Player 2 will be lead by VCAI Opening VCAI Loaded VCAI Player 3 will be lead by VCAI Opening StupidAI Loaded Stupid AI 0.1 CStupidAI [108406F0]: created CStupidAI [108406F0]: init called, saving ptr to IBattleCallback Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes Made first apply on cl Stack of 17 of Nymphs #detached from# Hero Даргем Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Nymphs" Stack of 7 of Crewmates #detached from# Hero Даргем Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Crewmates" Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 17 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Даргем Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 6 of Crewmates #attached to# Hero Даргем Stack of 19 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero Voy Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero Voy Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 18 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Voy Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes Made first apply on cl Stack of 24 of Centaurs #detached from# Hero Alagar Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Centaurs" Stack of 4 of Dwarves #detached from# Hero Alagar Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Dwarves" Stack of 0 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" Stack of 23 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero Alagar Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero Alagar Stack of 24 of Pixies #detached from# Hero Ciele Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pixies" Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #detached from# Hero Ciele Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Air Elementals" Stack of 0 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" Stack of 18 of Pixies #attached to# Hero Ciele Stack of 0 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero Ciele Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes Made first apply on cl Stack of 15 of Gnolls #detached from# Hero Merist Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gnolls" Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #detached from# Hero Merist Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Lizardmen" Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #detached from# Hero Merist Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Serpent Flies" Stack of 0 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" Stack of 14 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero Merist Stack of 0 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero Merist Stack of 0 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" Stack of 3 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero Merist Stack of 28 of Skeletons #detached from# Hero Thant Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Skeletons" Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #detached from# Hero Thant Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Walking Dead" Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 30 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero Thant Stack of 0 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero Thant Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableHeroes Made first apply on cl Stack of 16 of Nymphs #detached from# Hero Андал Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Nymphs" Stack of 2 of Pirates #detached from# Hero Андал Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Pirates" Stack of 0 of Nymphs #attached to# "Nymphs" Stack of 16 of Nymphs #attached to# Hero Андал Stack of 0 of Pirates #attached to# "Pirates" Stack of 2 of Pirates #attached to# Hero Андал Stack of 36 of Gremlins #detached from# Hero Torosar Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Gremlins" Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 35 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero Torosar Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableArtifacts Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewTurn Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct InfoWindow Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 15 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 15 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 15 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 15 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Battle Dwarves #attached to# "Battle Dwarves" Stack of 15 of Battle Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Zombies #attached to# "Zombies" Stack of 20 of Zombies #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" Stack of 10 of Wights #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Vampires #attached to# "Vampires" Stack of 10 of Vampires #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct ChangeStackCount Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct InsertNewStack Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" Stack of 16 of Gremlins #attached to# Town (Tower) of Meckinize Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Green Dragons #attached to# "Green Dragons" Stack of 8 of Green Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Red Dragons #attached to# "Red Dragons" Stack of 5 of Red Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Gold Dragons #attached to# "Gold Dragons" Stack of 2 of Gold Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Black Dragons #attached to# "Black Dragons" Stack of 1 of Black Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableArtifacts Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableArtifacts Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 20 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 20 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 20 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 20 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Battle Dwarves #attached to# "Battle Dwarves" Stack of 20 of Battle Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 20 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 20 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 20 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 20 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Battle Dwarves #attached to# "Battle Dwarves" Stack of 20 of Battle Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 10 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 10 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 10 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 10 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Battle Dwarves #attached to# "Battle Dwarves" Stack of 10 of Battle Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 10 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 10 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 10 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 10 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" Stack of 10 of Dwarves #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" Stack of 4 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" Stack of 4 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" Stack of 4 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" Stack of 4 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" Stack of 4 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" Stack of 4 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" Stack of 4 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" Stack of 4 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" Stack of 4 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Naga Queens #attached to# "Naga Queens" Stack of 4 of Naga Queens #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" Stack of 4 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" Stack of 4 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" Stack of 4 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" Stack of 4 of Cyclopes #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# "Cyclops Kings" Stack of 4 of Cyclops Kings #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" Stack of 6 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" Stack of 6 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" Stack of 6 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" Stack of 6 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Nagas #attached to# "Nagas" Stack of 6 of Nagas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" Stack of 8 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" Stack of 8 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" Stack of 8 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" Stack of 8 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Stack of 0 of Medusas #attached to# "Medusas" Stack of 8 of Medusas #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CBank Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct YourTurn Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Sending a request "struct SaveGame". It'll have an ID=18. Sending to server a pack of type struct SaveGame Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=19. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection Loading music file music/Grass Playing music file music/Grass Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SaveGame Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SystemMessage Made first apply on cl Applied on gs System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Newgame_Autosave_2 Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=20. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Loading music file music/cove/theme Stoping music file music/Grass You've clicked on 10 Del-ing music file music/Grass Playing music file music/cove/theme Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=21. Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetResources Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... You've clicked on 16 Sending a request "struct BuyArtifact". It'll have an ID=22. Sending to server a pack of type struct BuyArtifact received server message of type struct SetResource Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewArtifact Made first apply on cl Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PutArtifact Made first apply on cl Hero Джереми #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... You've clicked on 5 Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=23. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection Loading music file music/Grass received server message of type struct SetSelection Stoping music file music/cove/theme Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Del-ing music file music/cove/theme Playing music file music/Grass CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 13 11 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=24. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle Made first apply on cl Hero Джереми #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Hero Джереми #attached to# Player Red Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Resuming Listening... CPlayerInterface::moveHero received server message of type struct PackageApplied Requesting hero movement to Made first apply on cl 13 Applied on gs 12 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=25. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 13 13 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=26. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 13 14 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=27. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Cannot wait for dialogs in gui thread (deadlock risk)! CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 14 14 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=28. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct GiveBonus Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct InfoWindow Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 15 14 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=29. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHeroListening... Requesting hero movement to 15 13 0 received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=30. Applied on gs Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 16 12 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=31. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Resuming Listening... CPlayerInterface::moveHero received server message of type struct PackageAppliedRequesting hero movement to 17 Made first apply on cl 12 0 Applied on gs Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=32. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 18 12 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=33. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHeroListening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 18 13 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=34. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct BlockingDialog Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=35. Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetPrimSkill Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroLevelUp Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct RemoveObject Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=36. Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply received server message of type struct SetSecSkill Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 19 12 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=37. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 20 11 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=38. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 19 10 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=39. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Red Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct BlockingDialog Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero class int3 __thiscall CGameInfoCallback::guardingCreaturePosition(class int3) const: Tile is not visible! Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=40. Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply received server message of type struct OpenWindow Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=41. Sending to server a pack of type struct RecruitCreatures received server message of type struct SetResources Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct InsertNewStack Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Rogues #attached to# "Rogues" Stack of 8 of Rogues #attached to# Hero Джереми Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 20 11 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=42. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Player 0 ended his turn. Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=43. Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct YourTurn Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Stoping music file music/Grass Made second apply on cl Listening... Player 1 starting turn Striving to goal of type WIN Considering goal WIN Decomposing goal of type WIN Considering goal CONQUER Decomposing goal of type CONQUER Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=44. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 44 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Considering goal EXPLORE Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=45. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 45 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (55 11 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=46. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 46 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (55 11 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=47. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 47 is answered. received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle Made first apply on cl Hero Kyrre #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Hero Kyrre #attached to# Player Blue Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Kyrre moved from 56 10 0 to 55 11 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=48. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 48 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (56 10 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=49. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 49 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (56 10 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=50. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 50 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle Made first apply on cl Hero Kyrre #detached from# Player Blue Hero Kyrre #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Kyrre moved from 55 11 0 to 56 10 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=51. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 51 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (57 11 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=52. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 52 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (57 11 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=53. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 53 is answered. received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle Made first apply on cl Hero Kyrre #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Hero Kyrre #attached to# Player Blue Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Kyrre moved from 56 10 0 to 57 11 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=54. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 54 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (58 11 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=55. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 55 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (58 11 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=56. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 56 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Kyrre moved from 57 11 0 to 58 11 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=57. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 57 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (59 10 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=58. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 58 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (59 10 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=59. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 59 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Kyrre moved from 58 11 0 to 59 10 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=60. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 60 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (60 9 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=61. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 61 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (60 9 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=62. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 62 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Kyrre moved from 59 10 0 to 60 9 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=63. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 63 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (62 9 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=64. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 64 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (62 9 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=65. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 65 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=66. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 66 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type class CGDwelling #attached to# Player Blue Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct BlockingDialog Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Adding query 4 - Blocking dialog query with 0 components - {Nomad Tent} Would you like to recruit Nomads?. Total queries count: 1 Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl I'll answer the query 4 giving the choice 1 Sending a request "struct QueryReply". It'll have an ID=67. Sending to server a pack of type struct QueryReply Attempted answering query 4 - Blocking dialog query with 0 components - {Nomad Tent} Would you like to recruit Nomads?. Request id=67. Waiting for results... We'll wait till request 67 is answered. Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct OpenWindow Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Removing query 4 - Blocking dialog query with 0 components - {Nomad Tent} Would you like to recruit Nomads?. Total queries count: 0 Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Kyrre moved from 60 9 0 to 62 9 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=68. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 68 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 3 ms. Looking for an another place for exploration... Time of looking for new exploration point was 14 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (57 5 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=69. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 69 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (57 5 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=70. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 70 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=71. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 71 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=72. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 72 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=73. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 73 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Kyrre moved from 62 9 0 to 59 7 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=74. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 74 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (58 6 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=75. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 75 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (58 6 0) Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (58 6 0) (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=76. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 76 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Striving to goal of type EXPLORE Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=77. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 77 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (58 6 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=78. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 78 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (58 6 0) Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (58 6 0) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! Striving to goal of type BUILD Considering goal BUILD Decomposing goal of type BUILD Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD Looking into Wild Willow Player 1 will build Town Hall in town of Wild Willow at 58 10 0 Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=79. Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure We'll wait till request 79 is answered. received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetResources Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. Player 1 ends turn Player 1 ended his turn. Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=80. Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn We'll wait till request 80 is answered. received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct YourTurn Made first apply on cl Player 1 ended turn Applied on gs Del-ing music file Stoping music file music/Grass Made second apply on cl Listening... Player 2 starting turn Striving to goal of type WIN Considering goal WIN Decomposing goal of type WIN Considering goal CONQUER Decomposing goal of type CONQUER Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=81. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 81 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=82. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 82 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Considering goal EXPLORE Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=83. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 83 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (14 34 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=84. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 84 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (14 34 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=85. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 85 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetResource Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetResource Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct InfoWindow Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct RemoveObject Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Rosic moved from 13 33 0 to 13 33 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=86. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 86 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (12 34 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=87. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 87 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (12 34 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=88. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 88 is answered. received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle Made first apply on cl Hero Rosic #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Hero Rosic #attached to# Player Tan Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Rosic moved from 13 33 0 to 12 34 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=89. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 89 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (13 33 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=90. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 90 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (13 33 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=91. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 91 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle Made first apply on cl Hero Rosic #detached from# Player Tan Hero Rosic #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Rosic moved from 12 34 0 to 13 33 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=92. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 92 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (14 34 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=93. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 93 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (14 34 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=94. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 94 is answered. received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle Made first apply on cl Hero Rosic #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Hero Rosic #attached to# Player Tan Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Rosic moved from 13 33 0 to 14 34 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=95. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 95 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (15 35 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=96. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 96 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (15 35 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=97. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 97 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Rosic moved from 14 34 0 to 15 35 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=98. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 98 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (17 35 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=99. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 99 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (17 35 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=100. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 100 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=101. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 101 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetResource Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct RemoveObject Made first apply on cl Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Rosic moved from 15 35 0 to 16 36 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=102. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 102 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (18 34 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=103. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 103 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (18 34 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=104. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 104 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=105. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 105 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetResource Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct InfoWindow Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetHoverName Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Rosic moved from 16 36 0 to 18 34 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=106. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 106 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (18 35 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=107. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 107 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (18 35 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=108. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 108 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetResource Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct RemoveObject Made first apply on cl Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Rosic moved from 18 34 0 to 18 34 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=109. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 109 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (19 33 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=110. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 110 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (19 33 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=111. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 111 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Rosic moved from 18 34 0 to 17 35 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=112. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 112 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (18 36 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=113. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 113 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (18 36 0) Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (18 36 0) (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=114. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 114 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Striving to goal of type EXPLORE Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=115. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 115 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (18 36 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=116. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 116 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (18 36 0) Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (18 36 0) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! Striving to goal of type BUILD Considering goal BUILD Decomposing goal of type BUILD Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD Looking into Deadfall Del-ing music file music/Grass Loading music file music/AITheme2 Playing music file music/AITheme2 Player 2 will build Town Hall in town of Deadfall at 15 33 0 Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=117. Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure We'll wait till request 117 is answered. received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetResources Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. Player 2 ends turn Player 2 ended his turn. Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=118. Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn We'll wait till request 118 is answered. received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct YourTurn Made first apply on cl Player 2 ended turn Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Player 3 starting turn Striving to goal of type WIN Considering goal WIN Decomposing goal of type WIN Considering goal CONQUER Decomposing goal of type CONQUER Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=119. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 119 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=120. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 120 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=121. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 121 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Considering goal EXPLORE Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=122. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 122 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=123. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 123 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (54 35 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=124. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 124 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (54 35 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=125. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 125 is answered. received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle Made first apply on cl Hero Кассиопея #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Hero Кассиопея #attached to# Player Green Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Кассиопея moved from 55 34 0 to 54 35 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=126. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 126 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (55 34 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=127. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 127 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (55 34 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=128. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 128 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle Made first apply on cl Hero Кассиопея #detached from# Player Green Hero Кассиопея #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Кассиопея moved from 54 35 0 to 55 34 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=129. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 129 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (56 35 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=130. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 130 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (56 35 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=131. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 131 is answered. received server message of type struct HeroVisitCastle Made first apply on cl Hero Кассиопея #detached from# Bonus system node of type class CTownAndVisitingHero Hero Кассиопея #attached to# Player Green Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Кассиопея moved from 55 34 0 to 56 35 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=132. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 132 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (57 36 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=133. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 133 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (57 36 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=134. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 134 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Кассиопея moved from 56 35 0 to 57 36 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=135. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 135 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (58 37 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=136. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 136 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (58 37 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=137. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 137 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=138. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 138 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct GiveBonus Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct InfoWindow Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Кассиопея moved from 57 36 0 to 58 37 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=139. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 139 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (59 38 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=140. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 140 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (59 38 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=141. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 141 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Кассиопея moved from 58 37 0 to 59 38 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=142. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 142 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 1 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (60 38 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=143. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 143 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (60 38 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=144. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 144 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Кассиопея moved from 59 38 0 to 60 38 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=145. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 145 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Time of looking for best exploration neighbour was 0 ms. Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (61 38 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=146. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 146 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (61 38 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=147. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 147 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Кассиопея moved from 60 38 0 to 61 38 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=148. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 148 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (63 38 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=149. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 149 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (63 38 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=150. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 150 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=151. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 151 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetResource Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct RemoveObject Made first apply on cl Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Кассиопея moved from 61 38 0 to 62 39 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=152. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 152 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (64 38 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=153. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 153 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (64 38 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=154. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 154 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=155. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 155 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetResource Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct RemoveObject Made first apply on cl Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Кассиопея moved from 62 39 0 to 63 39 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=156. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 156 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (63 37 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=157. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 157 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (63 37 0) Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=158. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero We'll wait till request 158 is answered. received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Hero Кассиопея moved from 63 39 0 to 63 38 0 Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=159. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 159 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (63 37 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=160. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 160 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (63 37 0) Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (63 37 0) (greater goal type was WIN), I will stop. The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=161. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 161 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Striving to goal of type EXPLORE Choosing abstract goal EXPLORE Decomposing goal of type EXPLORE Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=162. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 162 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Decomposing goal of type VISIT TILE (63 37 0) Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=163. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection We'll wait till request 163 is answered. received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Attempting realizing goal with code VISIT TILE (63 37 0) Failed to realize subgoal of type VISIT TILE (63 37 0) (greater goal type was EXPLORE), I will stop. The error message was: Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs! Striving to goal of type BUILD Considering goal BUILD Decomposing goal of type BUILD Attempting realizing goal with code BUILD Looking into Левиндейл Player 3 will build Town Hall in town of Левиндейл at 57 34 0 Sending a request "struct BuildStructure". It'll have an ID=164. Sending to server a pack of type struct BuildStructure We'll wait till request 164 is answered. received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetResources Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Failed to realize subgoal of type BUILD (greater goal type was BUILD), I will stop. The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible. Player 3 ends turn Player 3 ended his turn. Sending a request "struct EndTurn". It'll have an ID=165. Sending to server a pack of type struct EndTurn We'll wait till request 165 is answered. received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewTurn Player 3 ended turn Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableArtifacts Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableArtifacts Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct YourTurn Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Sending a request "struct SaveGame". It'll have an ID=166. Sending to server a pack of type struct SaveGame Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=167. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection Loading music file music/Grass Stoping music file music/AITheme2 Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SaveGame Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Del-ing music file music/AITheme2 Playing music file music/Grass Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=168. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection Loading music file music/Dirt Stoping music file music/Grass received server message of type struct SystemMessage Loading music file music/cove/theme Del-ing music file music/Dirt Stoping music file music/Grass Made first apply on cl Applied on gs System message: Game has been saved as Saves/Autosave_6 Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Del-ing music file music/Grass Playing music file music/cove/theme Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=169. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection Loading music file music/Grass received server message of type struct SetSelection Stoping music file music/cove/theme Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Del-ing music file music/cove/theme Playing music file music/Grass CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 21 11 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=170. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 22 12 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=171. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Playing music file music/Grass Playing music file music/Grass CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 23 13 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=172. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 24 13 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=173. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Loading music file music/Dirt Stoping music file music/Grass Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 25 13 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=174. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Loading music file music/Dirt Del-ing music file music/Dirt Stoping music file music/Grass Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 26 14 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=175. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Loading music file music/Dirt Del-ing music file music/Dirt Stoping music file music/Grass Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetResource Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetResource Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct InfoWindow Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct RemoveObject Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Del-ing music file music/Grass Playing music file music/Dirt CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 25 14 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=176. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 26 15 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=177. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 27 16 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=178. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 28 17 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=179. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 29 18 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=180. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetResource Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct RemoveObject Made first apply on cl Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 29 18 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=181. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 30 18 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=182. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetResource Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct ShowInInfobox Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct RemoveObject Made first apply on cl Bonus system node of type class CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=183. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection Loading music file music/Grass received server message of type struct SetSelection Stoping music file music/Dirt Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Loading music file music/cove/theme Del-ing music file music/Grass Stoping music file music/Dirt Del-ing music file music/Dirt Playing music file music/cove/theme You've clicked on 5 You've clicked on 10 Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=184. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection Loading music file music/Grass received server message of type struct SetSelection Stoping music file music/cove/theme Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Del-ing music file music/cove/theme Playing music file music/Grass Sending a request "struct PlayerMessage". It'll have an ID=185. Sending to server a pack of type struct PlayerMessage received server message of type struct PlayerMessage Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Player 0 sends a message: vcmiarmenelos Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewStructures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct FoWChange Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SystemMessage Made first apply on cl Applied on gs System message: Cheater!!! Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... const struct TerrainTile *__thiscall CGameInfoCallback::getTile(class int3,bool) const: -1 -1 -1 is not visible! class std::vector > __thiscall CGameInfoCallback::getVisitableObjs(class int3,bool) const: -1 -1 -1 is not visible! Loading music file music/cove/theme Stoping music file music/Grass Del-ing music file music/Grass Playing music file music/cove/theme You've clicked on 26 Cannot wait for dialogs in gui thread (deadlock risk)! You've clicked on 43 You've clicked on 13 You've clicked on 9 You've clicked on 39 You've clicked on 9 Sending a request "struct RecruitCreatures". It'll have an ID=186. Sending to server a pack of type struct RecruitCreatures received server message of type struct SetResources Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetAvailableCreatures Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct InsertNewStack Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Sea Serpents #attached to# "Sea Serpents" Stack of 1 of Sea Serpents #attached to# Town (Cove) of Ротонда Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct ArrangeStacks". It'll have an ID=187. Sending to server a pack of type struct ArrangeStacks received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks Made first apply on cl Stack of 1 of Sea Serpents #detached from# Town (Cove) of Ротонда Stack of 1 of Sea Serpents #attached to# Town (Cove) of Ротонда Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=188. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection Loading music file music/Grass received server message of type struct SetSelection Stoping music file music/cove/theme Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Del-ing music file music/cove/theme Playing music file music/Grass Sending a request "struct SetSelection". It'll have an ID=189. Sending to server a pack of type struct SetSelection Loading music file music/Dirt received server message of type struct SetSelection Stoping music file music/Grass Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Del-ing music file music/Grass Playing music file music/Dirt Sending a request "struct PlayerMessage". It'll have an ID=190. Sending to server a pack of type struct PlayerMessage received server message of type struct PlayerMessage Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Player 0 sends a message: vcminahar Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetMovePoints Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SystemMessage Made first apply on cl Applied on gs System message: Cheater!!! Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct PlayerMessage". It'll have an ID=191. Sending to server a pack of type struct PlayerMessage received server message of type struct PlayerMessage Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Player 0 sends a message: vcmiistari Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct NewArtifact Made first apply on cl Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PutArtifact Made first apply on cl Hero Джереми #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct ChangeSpells Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetMana Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SystemMessage Made first apply on cl Applied on gs System message: Cheater!!! Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... CPlayerInterface::moveHero before [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero after [un]locks in CPlayerInterface::moveHero Requesting hero movement to 29 17 0 Sending a request "struct MoveHero". It'll have an ID=192. Sending to server a pack of type struct MoveHero received server message of type struct TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 4 of Crewmates #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 5 of Crewmates #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 5 of Crewmates #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 5 of Crewmates #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct RebalanceStacks Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Crewmates #attached to# "Crewmates" Stack of 5 of Crewmates #attached to# Bonus system node of type class CGCreature Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PlayerBlocked Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Resuming CPlayerInterface::moveHero Ballista doesn't have a base stack! received server message of type struct BattleStart Made first apply on cl Hero Джереми #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo Bonus system node of type class CGCreature #attached to# Bonus system node of type struct BattleInfo Battle stack [1]: 18 creatures of Nymphs from slot 0 of armyobj=2098 #attached to# Stack of 18 of Nymphs Battle stack [4]: 5 creatures of Crewmates from slot 0 of armyobj=377 #attached to# Stack of 5 of Crewmates Battle stack [2]: 6 creatures of Crewmates from slot 1 of armyobj=2098 #attached to# Stack of 6 of Crewmates Battle stack [5]: 4 creatures of Crewmates from slot 1 of armyobj=377 #attached to# Stack of 4 of Crewmates Battle stack [3]: 8 creatures of Rogues from slot 2 of armyobj=2098 #attached to# Stack of 8 of Rogues Battle stack [6]: 5 creatures of Crewmates from slot 2 of armyobj=377 #attached to# Stack of 5 of Crewmates Battle stack [7]: 5 creatures of Crewmates from slot 3 of armyobj=377 #attached to# Stack of 5 of Crewmates Battle stack [8]: 5 creatures of Crewmates from slot 4 of armyobj=377 #attached to# Stack of 5 of Crewmates Battle stack [9]: 5 creatures of Crewmates from slot 5 of armyobj=377 #attached to# Stack of 5 of Crewmates Battle stack [0]: 1 creatures of Ballistas from slot 255 #attached to# Hero Джереми Battle stack [0]: 1 creatures of Ballistas from slot 255 #attached to# "Ballistas" Applied on gs Stoping music file music/Dirt CStupidAI [108406F0]: battleStart called Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct BattleNextRound CStupidAI [108406F0]: battleNewRoundFirst called Made first apply on cl Applied on gs CStupidAI [108406F0]: battleNewRound called Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct BattleSetActiveStack Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 18 creatures of Nymphs from slot 0 of armyobj=2098 Del-ing music file music/Dirt Loading music file music/Combat04 Playing music file music/Combat04 Sending a request "struct MakeCustomAction". It'll have an ID=193. Sending to server a pack of type struct MakeCustomAction received server message of type struct StartAction CStupidAI [108406F0]: actionStarted called Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct BattleSpellCast Made first apply on cl Applied on gs CStupidAI [108406F0]: battleSpellCast called Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct EndAction Made first apply on cl Applied on gs CStupidAI [108406F0]: actionFinished called Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct PlayerMessage". It'll have an ID=194. Sending to server a pack of type struct PlayerMessage received server message of type struct PlayerMessage Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Player 0 sends a message: I cast ice bolt here, and now it's stuck Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "struct PlayerMessage". It'll have an ID=195. Sending to server a pack of type struct PlayerMessage received server message of type struct PlayerMessage Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Player 0 sends a message: Hello, VCMI team, this is a bug Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type struct PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Lost connection to server, ending listening thread!