MantisBT - VCMI
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0000915VCMIMechanics - Otherpublic2012-03-31 11:382014-05-30 17:40
amd64Ubuntu12.04 beta2
0000915: Crash on autosave
Tested on r2500. Reproducible always on x86 Windows XP SP3 and amd64 Ubuntu 12.04. Attached file contain: save game and Clien+Server log files.
May be related to [^] and [^]
Console output:
Player 1 starting turn
    Striving to goal of type 0
        Considering goal WIN
        Considering goal CONQUER
        Considering goal EXPLORE
        Considering goal VISIT TILE
    Attempting realizing goal with code 14
    Hero Necrolord moved from 2 6 0 to 4 7 0
    Striving to goal of type 0
        Considering goal WIN
        Considering goal CONQUER
    Attempting realizing goal with code 2
    Failed to realize subgoal of type 2 (greater goal type was 0), I will stop.
    The error message was: I don't know how to fulfill this!
    Striving to goal of type 3
        Considering goal 3
    Attempting realizing goal with code 3
    Looking into Scorch
    Player 1 will build Town Hall in town of Scorch at 4 5 0
    Looking into Necrolord, MP=1138
        Necrolord will try to visit Lean To at (1 7 0)
        Hero Necrolord moved from 4 7 0 to 1 7 0
    Failed to realize subgoal of type 3 (greater goal type was 3), I will stop.
    The error message was: BUILD has been realized as much as possible.
Player 1 ends turn
Player 1 ended turn
Warning: empty path found...
Lost connection to server, ending listening thread!
Connection reset by peer
Something wrong, lost connection while game is still ongoing...
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::system::system_error> >'
  what(): Connection reset by peer
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Load save attached game q99. (Map "Knee Deep in the Dead").
And finish the day.
No tags attached.
7z vcmi.7z (85,169) 2012-03-31 11:38
Issue History
2012-03-31 11:38q4aNew Issue
2012-03-31 11:38q4aFile Added: vcmi.7z
2012-03-31 15:17TowNote Added: 0002325
2012-03-31 15:17TowAssigned To => Tow
2012-03-31 15:17TowStatusnew => feedback
2012-03-31 17:16q4aNote Added: 0002326
2012-03-31 17:16q4aStatusfeedback => assigned
2012-04-01 12:16TowNote Added: 0002327
2012-04-01 12:16TowStatusassigned => resolved
2012-04-01 12:16TowFixed in Version => 0.89
2012-04-01 12:16TowResolutionopen => fixed
2014-05-30 17:40beegeeStatusresolved => closed

2012-03-31 15:17   
I'm not able to reproduce crash on autosave using you save files, because game crashes earlier (during AI turn). However both crashes are likely caused by the same problem: duplicated entries in bonus list caused by bug in serialization. It likely affects all bonuses player gets from owned items, like Necromancy bonus from Necromancy Amplifier.

I've suppressed the bug in r2601, please check if it resolves your issue.
2012-03-31 17:16   
Thx, r2601 works fine.
2012-04-01 12:16   
Thanks for info, resolved then.