MantisBT - VCMI
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0000555VCMISound, music, videospublic2010-07-27 21:302014-05-30 17:40
AMD 5600+WindowsXP SP3
0000555: Music Volume gets reset to minimum whenever we start a new game, after we just opened the application (+ saved sound settings)
Here's an overview of all situations:

1. (the only really buggy one) Music Volume is always resent to minimum on new game the first time we open one.

2. Going back to Main Menu to start a new game preserves whatever sound settings we currently have, so in this case we don't have any issue.

3. But this I'm not sure if I should consider bug or feature: If we load a saved game (application just opened, or going back to main menu for it), than the sound settings are those the game had when we saved it. IIRC H3 didn't preserve the sound settings on the saved games, but always preserved your last setting. The downside of this "feature" - if meant like this - is that if you want for example to play in silence (at work, at home while ppl are sleeping), but accidentally load at some point a game which was saved with high volume settings, you'll certainly break the silence around (if you were wise enough to leave the speakers on). ;) But perhaps there is also a certain added value on the other hand in preserving such settings on the saved game - I just don't happen to see it right now.
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related to 0000425closed Tow Problems with saving / saves / loading game 
related to 0000567closed Tow music volume setting in VCMI effects wav sounds in Windows 
Issue History
2010-07-27 21:30ZamolxisNew Issue
2010-07-28 00:44ZamolxisRelationship addedrelated to 0000425
2010-07-29 08:24ZamolxisRelationship addedrelated to 0000567
2011-08-29 12:09IvanNote Added: 0001942
2011-08-29 12:09IvanStatusnew => resolved
2011-08-29 12:09IvanFixed in Version => 0.89
2011-08-29 12:09IvanResolutionopen => fixed
2011-08-29 12:09IvanAssigned To => Ivan
2014-05-30 17:40beegeeStatusresolved => closed

2011-08-29 12:09   
Looks to be resolved with re-enabling of music player