MantisBT - VCMI
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0002761VCMIMechanics - Adventure Mappublic2017-08-03 21:122017-08-03 21:12
0002761: Teleporters: fair mechanics need to be applied when moving automatically
As known in H3 multi-exit monoliths choose next exit pseudo-randomly and that mean that unless you see every possible exit there always risk of teleport on top of enemy hero. Currently when hero automatically go through teleporter he can efficiently avoid enemy hero standing on the exits.

What we need is to warn players in two cases:
- When one exits is not visible to him.
- Or when there is actual enemy hero standing on one of exits.
Then if player agreed to take a risk teleporter logic should internally roll the dice as many times as needed and check whatever player got on top of enemy or no.
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Issue History
2017-08-03 21:12SXXNew Issue
2017-08-03 21:12SXXStatusnew => assigned
2017-08-03 21:12SXXAssigned To => SXX

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