MantisBT - VCMI
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0000273VCMIMechanics - Battlespublic2009-12-01 23:172010-07-13 11:48
Tow dragon 
0000273: Catapult shot explodes somewhere in the air, before reaching the castle walls (which are not affected by its shot)
I don't remember exactly, but I think it worked better in the previous version.
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related to 0000272closed Tow dragon If we have Ballistics skill, we can aim at enemy creatures. If we try to shoot at enemy creatures with it, the game crashes 
Issue History
2009-12-01 23:17ZamolxisNew Issue
2009-12-01 23:17ZamolxisRelationship addedrelated to 0000272
2009-12-20 13:42Tow dragonNote Added: 0000408
2009-12-20 13:42Tow dragonStatusassigned => resolved
2009-12-20 13:42Tow dragonFixed in Version => 0.89
2009-12-20 13:42Tow dragonResolutionopen => fixed
2010-07-13 11:47ZamolxisNote Added: 0001082
2010-07-13 11:48ZamolxisStatusresolved => closed

Tow dragon   
2009-12-20 13:42   
I think I fixed this in rev 1396 (position of animation was really broken for non 800x600 resolutions).
2010-07-13 11:47   
Seems fixed indeed. Closing.