Creating console and logfile: 0 Loading settings: 10 VCMI 0.89 (client) Note: SDL suggests to use 32 bpp instead of24 bpp New screen flags: 0 Initializing screen: 110 Initializing video: 0 Initializing minors: 0 Initializing sound: 30 Initializing screen and sound handling: 30 Loading .lod files: 100 Reading OBJNAMES Reading ADVEVENT Reading XTRAINFO Reading MINENAME Reading MINEEVNT Reading RESTYPES Reading TERRNAME Reading RANDSIGN Reading ZCRGN1 Reading CRGN4 General text handler: 40 Hero handler: 30 Artifact handler: 10 Reading config/cr_abils.json and ZCRTRAIT.TXT Reading config/creatures.json "Копейщики" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Алебардщики" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Арбалетчики" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Тяжелые Арбалетчики" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Грифоны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Королевские Грифоны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Мечники" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Крестоносцы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Монахи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Фанатики" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Кавалеристы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Чемпионы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Ангелы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Архангелы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Кентавры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Капитаны Кентавров" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Гномы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Боевые Гномы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Лесные Эльфы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Благородные Эльфы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Пегасы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Серебряные Пегасы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Дендроиды Охранники" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Дендроиды Солдаты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Единороги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Боевые Единороги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Зеленые Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Золотые Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Гремлины" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Мастер-Гремлины" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Каменные Горгульи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Обсидиановые Горгульи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Каменные Големы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Стальные Големы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Маги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Архи-Маги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Джинны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Мастер-Джинны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Наги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Королевы Наги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Гиганты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Титаны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Бесы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Черти" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Гоги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Магоги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Адские Гончие" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Церберы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Демоны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Рогатые Демоны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Порождения Зла" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Адские Отродья" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Ифриты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Султаны Ифритов" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Дьяволы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Архидьяволы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Скелеты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Воины Скелеты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Живые Мертвецы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Зомби" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Стражи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Привидения" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Вампиры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Вампиры Лорды" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Личи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Могущественные Личи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Черные Рыцари" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Рыцари Смерти" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Костяные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Драконы Привидения" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Троглодиты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Адские Троглодиты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Гарпии" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Гарпии-Ведьмы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Бехолдеры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Злые Глаза" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Медузы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Королевы Медуз" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Минотавры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Короли Минотавров" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Мантикоры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Скорпикоры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Красные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Черные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Гоблины" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Хобгоблины" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Наездники на волках" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Налетчики" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Орки" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Орки-Вожди" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Огры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Огры-Шаманы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Птицы Рух" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Птицы-Гром" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Циклопы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Короли Циклопов" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Чудища" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Древние Чудища" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Гноллы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Гноллы-Мародеры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Ящеры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Ящеры-Воины" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Горгоны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Могучие Горгоны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Змии" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Змии-Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Василиски" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Великие Василиски" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Виверны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Виверны-Монархи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Гидры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Гидры Хаоса" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Воздушные Элементали" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Элементали Земли" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Огненные Элементали" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Элементали Воды" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Золотые Големы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Алмазные Големы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Маленькие Феи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Феи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Психические Элементали" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Магические Элементали" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "NOT USED (1)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Ледяные Элементали" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "NOT USED (2)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Элементали Магмы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "NOT USED (3)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Элементали Шторма" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "NOT USED (4)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Энергетические Элементали" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Огненные Птицы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Фениксы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Лазурные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Кристальные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Сказочные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Ржавые Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Чародеи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Снайперы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Хоббиты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Крестьяне" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Орки на кабанах" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Мумии" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Кочевники" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Воры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Тролли" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Катапульты" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Баллисты" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Палатки Первой Помощи" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Тележки с Боеприпасами" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Стрелковые Башни" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Верховные Архангелы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Алмазные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Громовержцы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Бароны Ада" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Кровавые Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Темные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Чудища-Привидения" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Кошмарные Гидры" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Духи Погребального Костра" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Привидения" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Эмиссары Войны" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Эмиссары Мира" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Эмиссары Чуда" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Эмиссары Знания" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Посланники Огня" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Посланники Земли" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Посланники Воздуха" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Посланники Воды" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Змеи Горынычи" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Фанатики Войны" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Арктические Снайперы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Закаленные Снайперы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Кошмары" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Санта-Гремлины" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Паладины" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Знахари" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Храмовницы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Суккубы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Пожиратели Душ" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Звери" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Вожди Людоедов" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Шаманы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Астральные Духи" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Паладины" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Знахари" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Храмовницы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Суккубы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Пожиратели Душ" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Звери" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Вожди Людоедов" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Шаманы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Астральные Духи" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Сильванские Кентавры" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Волшебницы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Оборотни" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Пожары" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Драколичи" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier Creatures of unnormalized tier #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 1 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 2 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 3 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 4 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 5 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 6 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 7 #attached to# All creatures Not parsed bonus L#64 Not parsed bonus L#125 Not parsed bonus L#125 Not parsed bonus wm Not parsed bonus r#100 Not parsed bonus wm Not parsed bonus r#100 Not parsed bonus s#55 Not parsed bonus s#55 Not parsed bonus wm Not parsed bonus wm Not parsed bonus wm Not parsed bonus fE Not parsed bonus fS Not parsed bonus s#27 Not parsed bonus wm Not parsed bonus s#44 Not parsed bonus r#100 Not parsed bonus w1 Not parsed bonus L#200 Not parsed bonus J#11 Not parsed bonus J#11 Not parsed bonus s#46 Not parsed bonus s#46 Not parsed bonus s#51 Not parsed bonus s#51 Not parsed bonus s#31 Not parsed bonus s#31 Not parsed bonus s#31 Not parsed bonus s#31 Not parsed bonus s#31 Not parsed bonus L#74 Not parsed bonus s#31 Not parsed bonus L#74 Not parsed bonus s#31 Not parsed bonus wm Not parsed bonus u#48 Not parsed bonus s#31 Not parsed bonus wm Not parsed bonus u#49 Not parsed bonus wm Not parsed bonus s#29 Not parsed bonus wm Not parsed bonus s#29 Not parsed bonus wm Not parsed bonus wm Not parsed bonus wm Not parsed bonus s#28 Not parsed bonus wP Not parsed bonus wp Not parsed bonus s#28 Not parsed bonus wP Not parsed bonus wp Not parsed bonus K#54 Not parsed bonus w1 Not parsed bonus w1 Not parsed bonus J#45 Not parsed bonus w1 Not parsed bonus w2 Not parsed bonus w1 Not parsed bonus w2 Not parsed bonus s#28 Not parsed bonus F= Not parsed bonus F= Not parsed bonus s#51 Not parsed bonus s#51 Not parsed bonus wm Not parsed bonus s#49 Not parsed bonus F+ Not parsed bonus L#74 Not parsed bonus L#74 Not parsed bonus r#100 Not parsed bonus r#100 Not parsed bonus F= Not parsed bonus F= Not parsed bonus F= Not parsed bonus s#49 Not parsed bonus s#49 Not parsed bonus F= Not parsed bonus F= Not parsed bonus L#49 Not parsed bonus w1 Not parsed bonus L#49 Not parsed bonus w1 Not parsed bonus L#49 Not parsed bonus s#29 Not parsed bonus w1 Not parsed bonus wL Not parsed bonus s#28 Not parsed bonus s#30 Not parsed bonus s#41 Not parsed bonus s#31 Not parsed bonus s#29 Not parsed bonus s#29 Not parsed bonus s#32 Not parsed bonus s#33 Not parsed bonus u#113 Not parsed bonus s#49 Not parsed bonus s#29 Not parsed bonus s#29 Not parsed bonus U#123 Not parsed bonus w4 Not parsed bonus w5 Not parsed bonus B= Not parsed bonus s#36 Not parsed bonus r#50 Not parsed bonus wm Not parsed bonus l#35 Not parsed bonus l#136 Not parsed bonus w1 Not parsed bonus w2 Not parsed bonus w3 Not parsed bonus w4 Not parsed bonus s#55 Not parsed bonus U#139 Not parsed bonus s#43 Not parsed bonus s#56 Not parsed bonus s#27 Not parsed bonus s#28 Not parsed bonus k#13 Not parsed bonus r#100 Not parsed bonus wm Not parsed bonus F= Not parsed bonus G% Not parsed bonus G= Not parsed bonus u#136 Not parsed bonus r#50 Not parsed bonus L140 Not parsed bonus wm Not parsed bonus r100 Not parsed bonus w3 Not parsed bonus s#29 Not parsed bonus U#48 Not parsed bonus F= Not parsed bonus s#43 Not parsed bonus B+ Not parsed bonus U#104 Not parsed bonus U#106 Not parsed bonus U#102 Not parsed bonus U#108 Not parsed bonus L140 Not parsed bonus wm Not parsed bonus r100 Not parsed bonus w3 Not parsed bonus s#29 Not parsed bonus U#48 Not parsed bonus F= Not parsed bonus s#43 Not parsed bonus B+ Not parsed bonus U#104 Not parsed bonus U#106 Not parsed bonus U#102 Not parsed bonus U#108 Not parsed bonus k#71 Reading config/commanders.json Creature handler: 50 Town handler: 30 Reading cregens Done loading cregens! Reading resources prices Done loading resource prices! Reading banks configs Done loading banks configs Object handler: 0 Def information handler: 60 Building handler: 0 Spell handler: 10 Reading config/cr_sounds.json Initializing VCMI_Lib: 340 Screen handler: 0 Loading and transforming heroes' flags: 340 Main graphics: 460 Initializing game graphics: 0 Message handler: 10 Initialization of VCMI (together): 960 Loading music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/MAINMENU.MP3 Playing music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/MAINMENU.MP3 Loading procedure started! Reading save signature: 0 "Копейщики" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Алебардщики" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Арбалетчики" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Тяжелые Арбалетчики" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Грифоны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Королевские Грифоны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Мечники" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Крестоносцы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Монахи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Фанатики" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Кавалеристы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Чемпионы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Ангелы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Архангелы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Кентавры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Капитаны Кентавров" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Гномы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Боевые Гномы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Лесные Эльфы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Благородные Эльфы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Пегасы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Серебряные Пегасы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Дендроиды Охранники" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Дендроиды Солдаты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Единороги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Боевые Единороги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Зеленые Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Золотые Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Гремлины" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Мастер-Гремлины" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Каменные Горгульи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Обсидиановые Горгульи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Каменные Големы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Стальные Големы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Маги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Архи-Маги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Джинны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Мастер-Джинны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Наги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Королевы Наги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Гиганты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Титаны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Бесы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Черти" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Гоги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Магоги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Адские Гончие" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Церберы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Демоны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Рогатые Демоны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Порождения Зла" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Адские Отродья" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Ифриты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Султаны Ифритов" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Дьяволы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Архидьяволы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Скелеты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Воины Скелеты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Живые Мертвецы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Зомби" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Стражи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Привидения" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Вампиры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Вампиры Лорды" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Личи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Могущественные Личи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Черные Рыцари" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Рыцари Смерти" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Костяные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Драконы Привидения" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Троглодиты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Адские Троглодиты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Гарпии" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Гарпии-Ведьмы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Бехолдеры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Злые Глаза" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Медузы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Королевы Медуз" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Минотавры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Короли Минотавров" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Мантикоры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Скорпикоры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Красные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Черные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Гоблины" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Хобгоблины" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Наездники на волках" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Налетчики" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Орки" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Орки-Вожди" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Огры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Огры-Шаманы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Птицы Рух" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Птицы-Гром" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Циклопы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Короли Циклопов" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Чудища" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Древние Чудища" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Гноллы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Гноллы-Мародеры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Ящеры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Ящеры-Воины" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Горгоны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Могучие Горгоны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Змии" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Змии-Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Василиски" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Великие Василиски" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Виверны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Виверны-Монархи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Гидры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Гидры Хаоса" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Воздушные Элементали" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Элементали Земли" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Огненные Элементали" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Элементали Воды" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Золотые Големы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Алмазные Големы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Маленькие Феи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Феи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Психические Элементали" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Магические Элементали" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "NOT USED (1)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Ледяные Элементали" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "NOT USED (2)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Элементали Магмы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "NOT USED (3)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Элементали Шторма" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "NOT USED (4)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Энергетические Элементали" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Огненные Птицы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Фениксы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Лазурные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Кристальные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Сказочные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Ржавые Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Чародеи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Снайперы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Хоббиты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Крестьяне" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Орки на кабанах" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Мумии" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Кочевники" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Воры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Тролли" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Катапульты" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Баллисты" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Палатки Первой Помощи" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Тележки с Боеприпасами" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Стрелковые Башни" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Верховные Архангелы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Алмазные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Громовержцы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Бароны Ада" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Кровавые Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Темные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Чудища-Привидения" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Кошмарные Гидры" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Духи Погребального Костра" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Привидения" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Эмиссары Войны" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Эмиссары Мира" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Эмиссары Чуда" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Эмиссары Знания" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Посланники Огня" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Посланники Земли" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Посланники Воздуха" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Посланники Воды" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Змеи Горынычи" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Фанатики Войны" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Арктические Снайперы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Закаленные Снайперы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Кошмары" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Санта-Гремлины" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Паладины" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Знахари" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Храмовницы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Суккубы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Пожиратели Душ" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Звери" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Вожди Людоедов" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Шаманы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Астральные Духи" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Паладины" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Знахари" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Храмовницы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Суккубы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Пожиратели Душ" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Звери" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Вожди Людоедов" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Шаманы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Астральные Духи" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Сильванские Кентавры" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Волшебницы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Оборотни" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Пожары" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Драколичи" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier Creatures of unnormalized tier #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 1 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 2 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 3 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 4 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 5 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 6 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 7 #attached to# All creatures Reading OBJNAMES Reading ADVEVENT Reading XTRAINFO Reading MINENAME Reading MINEEVNT Reading RESTYPES Reading TERRNAME Reading RANDSIGN Reading ZCRGN1 Reading CRGN4 Reading handlers: 120 Artifact instance of Неиссякаемая Склянка Ртути type #attached to# Artifact: Неиссякаемая Склянка Ртути Artifact instance of Вечное Кольцо Серы type #attached to# Artifact: Вечное Кольцо Серы Artifact instance of Плащ Бесконечных Кристаллов type #attached to# Artifact: Плащ Бесконечных Кристаллов Artifact instance of Кольцо Драгоценных Камней type #attached to# Artifact: Кольцо Драгоценных Камней Artifact instance of Подзорная Труба type #attached to# Artifact: Подзорная Труба Artifact instance of Щит Гномьих Героев type #attached to# Artifact: Щит Гномьих Героев Artifact instance of Священный Брелок type #attached to# Artifact: Священный Брелок Artifact instance of Магическое Кольцо type #attached to# Artifact: Магическое Кольцо Artifact instance of Колдовская Подвеска type #attached to# Artifact: Колдовская Подвеска Artifact instance of Неиссякаемая Мошна Золота type #attached to# Artifact: Неиссякаемая Мошна Золота Artifact instance of Щит Тоскующих Мертвецов type #attached to# Artifact: Щит Тоскующих Мертвецов Artifact instance of Шлем Хаоса type #attached to# Artifact: Шлем Хаоса Artifact instance of Санитарная Палатка type #attached to# Artifact: Санитарная Палатка Artifact instance of Брелок Жизни type #attached to# Artifact: Брелок Жизни Artifact instance of Нагрудник из Окаменелого Дерева type #attached to# Artifact: Нагрудник из Окаменелого Дерева Town (Цитадель) of Рокварен #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero Town (Цитадель) of Драгобрич #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero Town (Крепость) of Эджвотэр #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero Town (Крепость) of Силт #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero Stack of 12 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 12 of Скелеты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Зомби #attached to# "Зомби" Stack of 10 of Зомби #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Зомби #attached to# "Зомби" Stack of 10 of Зомби #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 13 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 13 of Скелеты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 10 of Скелеты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Зомби #attached to# "Зомби" Stack of 10 of Зомби #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 10 of Скелеты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Зомби #attached to# "Зомби" Stack of 10 of Зомби #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 10 of Скелеты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Town (Замок) of Уитстон #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero Town (Инферно) of Кандент #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero Town (Инферно) of Кандент #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero Stack of 20 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 20 of Скелеты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Зомби #attached to# "Зомби" Stack of 20 of Зомби #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 10 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Вампиры #attached to# "Вампиры" Stack of 10 of Вампиры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 84 of Алебардщики #attached to# "Алебардщики" Stack of 84 of Алебардщики #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 54 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 54 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 42 of Грифоны #attached to# "Грифоны" Stack of 42 of Грифоны #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 24 of Мечники #attached to# "Мечники" Stack of 24 of Мечники #attached to# Town (unknown) of Stack of 18 of Монахи #attached to# "Монахи" Stack of 18 of Монахи #attached to# Town (unknown) of Town (Замок) of Клэкстон #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 18 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 18 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Сауруг Hero Сауруг #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Сауруг #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero Сауруг #attached to# Artifact instance of Подзорная Труба type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 268 of Хобгоблины #attached to# "Хобгоблины" Stack of 268 of Хобгоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 190 of Налетчики #attached to# "Налетчики" Stack of 190 of Налетчики #attached to# Hero Stack of 25 of Птицы-Гром #attached to# "Птицы-Гром" Stack of 25 of Птицы-Гром #attached to# Hero Stack of 155 of Орки-Вожди #attached to# "Орки-Вожди" Stack of 155 of Орки-Вожди #attached to# Hero Stack of 21 of Птицы-Гром #attached to# "Птицы-Гром" Stack of 21 of Птицы-Гром #attached to# Hero Stack of 16 of Чудища #attached to# "Чудища" Stack of 16 of Чудища #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Гундула Hero Гундула #attached to# Artifact instance of Шлем Хаоса type Hero Гундула #attached to# Artifact instance of Плащ Бесконечных Кристаллов type Hero Гундула #attached to# Artifact instance of Священный Брелок type Hero Гундула #attached to# Artifact instance of Щит Гномьих Героев type Hero Гундула #attached to# Artifact instance of Нагрудник из Окаменелого Дерева type Hero Гундула #attached to# Artifact instance of Магическое Кольцо type Hero Гундула #attached to# Artifact instance of Вечное Кольцо Серы type Hero Гундула #attached to# Artifact instance of Неиссякаемая Мошна Золота type Hero Гундула #attached to# Artifact instance of Санитарная Палатка type Hero Гундула #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Гундула #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero Гундула #attached to# Artifact instance of Неиссякаемая Склянка Ртути type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 2 of Чудища #attached to# "Чудища" Stack of 2 of Чудища #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Птицы Рух #attached to# "Птицы Рух" Stack of 6 of Птицы Рух #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 4 of Циклопы #attached to# Hero Stack of 14 of Орки #attached to# "Орки" Stack of 14 of Орки #attached to# Hero Stack of 14 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 14 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Stack of 18 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 18 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Stack of 30 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 30 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Креллион Hero Креллион #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Stack of 27 of Грифоны #attached to# "Грифоны" Stack of 27 of Грифоны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 16 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 16 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 6 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Десса Hero Десса #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Десса #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 8 of Чудища #attached to# "Чудища" Stack of 8 of Чудища #attached to# Hero Stack of 18 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 18 of Циклопы #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Stack of 24 of Птицы Рух #attached to# "Птицы Рух" Stack of 24 of Птицы Рух #attached to# Hero Stack of 56 of Орки #attached to# "Орки" Stack of 56 of Орки #attached to# Hero Stack of 72 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 72 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Stack of 120 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 120 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Терек Hero Терек #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Терек #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 1 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 1 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Мелодиа Hero Мелодиа #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Мелодиа #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 1 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 1 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Сепхинороф Hero Сепхинороф #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Сепхинороф #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 1 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 1 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Ивор Hero Ивор #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 24 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 7 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 7 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Орки #attached to# "Орки" Stack of 5 of Орки #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Вей Hero Вей #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Вей #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 39 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 39 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Гуннар Hero Гуннар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 19 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 19 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 4 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 4 of Змии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Алкин Hero Алкин #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 24 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Stack of 1 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 1 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Баллиста type #attached to# Artifact: Баллиста Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Пир Hero Пир #attached to# Artifact instance of Баллиста type Hero Пир #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 12 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 12 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Каитлин Hero Каитлин #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 25 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 25 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 5 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Лакус Hero Лакус #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 17 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Мариус Hero Мариус #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 40 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 40 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Синка Hero Синка #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 19 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 19 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 4 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Оррин Hero Оррин #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Валеска Hero Валеска #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 16 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 16 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Грифоны #attached to# "Грифоны" Stack of 3 of Грифоны #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Эдрик Hero Эдрик #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 1 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 1 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Сильвия Hero Сильвия #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Сорша Hero Сорша #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 10 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 10 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Грифоны #attached to# "Грифоны" Stack of 3 of Грифоны #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Баллиста type #attached to# Artifact: Баллиста Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Кристиан Hero Кристиан #attached to# Artifact instance of Баллиста type Hero Кристиан #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 17 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 4 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Турис Hero Турис #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 1 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 1 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Санитарная Палатка type #attached to# Artifact: Санитарная Палатка Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Рион Hero Рион #attached to# Artifact instance of Санитарная Палатка type Hero Рион #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 12 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 12 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Адель Hero Адель #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 12 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 12 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Катберт Hero Катберт #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Катберт #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Аделаида Hero Аделаида #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 13 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 13 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Stack of 2 of Грифоны #attached to# "Грифоны" Stack of 2 of Грифоны #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Инхам Hero Инхам #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Инхам #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 16 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 16 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 7 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 7 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Stack of 2 of Грифоны #attached to# "Грифоны" Stack of 2 of Грифоны #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Саня Hero Саня #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Саня #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Лоинс Hero Лоинс #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 18 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 18 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# "Лесные Эльфы" Stack of 6 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Мепхала Hero Мепхала #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 1 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 1 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Уфретин Hero Уфретин #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 18 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 18 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# "Лесные Эльфы" Stack of 6 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Енова Hero Енова #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 23 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 23 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 4 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# "Лесные Эльфы" Stack of 4 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Роланд Hero Роланд #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 13 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 13 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 5 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Торгрим Hero Торгрим #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 22 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 22 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Кланси Hero Кланси #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 24 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 4 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# "Лесные Эльфы" Stack of 6 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Киррь Hero Киррь #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 18 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 18 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Корониус Hero Корониус #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Корониус #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 24 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# "Лесные Эльфы" Stack of 3 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Уланд Hero Уланд #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Уланд #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 23 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 23 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 5 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Эллезар Hero Эллезар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Эллезар #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 24 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Санитарная Палатка type #attached to# Artifact: Санитарная Палатка Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Джем Hero Джем #attached to# Artifact instance of Санитарная Палатка type Hero Джем #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Джем #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Мальком Hero Мальком #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 1 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 1 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Алагар Hero Алагар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Алагар #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 14 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 14 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 5 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Аерис Hero Аерис #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Аерис #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 5 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Пигуедрам Hero Пигуедрам #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Пигуедрам #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Тан Hero Тан #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 31 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 31 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 2 of Каменные Големы #attached to# "Каменные Големы" Stack of 2 of Каменные Големы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Жосефина Hero Жосефина #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Жосефина #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 35 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 35 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 4 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Нелла Hero Нелла #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Нелла #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 33 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 33 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Баллиста type #attached to# Artifact: Баллиста Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Торосар Hero Торосар #attached to# Artifact instance of Баллиста type Hero Торосар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Торосар #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 31 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 31 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Фафнер Hero Фафнер #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Фафнер #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 1 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 1 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Ризза Hero Ризза #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Ризза #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 36 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 36 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 5 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Иона Hero Иона #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Иона #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 38 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 38 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Астрал Hero Астрал #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Астрал #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 34 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 34 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Халон Hero Халон #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Халон #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 32 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 32 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 4 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Серена Hero Серена #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Серена #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Даремиф Hero Даремиф #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Теодор Hero Теодор #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 33 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 33 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 5 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Солмир Hero Солмир #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Солмир #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 32 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 32 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Каменные Големы #attached to# "Каменные Големы" Stack of 3 of Каменные Големы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Кира Hero Кира #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Кира #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 34 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 34 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 5 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Аин Hero Аин #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Аин #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 20 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 20 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Адские Гончие #attached to# "Адские Гончие" Stack of 4 of Адские Гончие #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Фиона Hero Фиона #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 18 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 18 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Гоги #attached to# "Гоги" Stack of 5 of Гоги #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Рашка Hero Рашка #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 23 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 23 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Stack of 17 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 17 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Игнат Hero Игнат #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 18 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 18 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Гоги #attached to# "Гоги" Stack of 6 of Гоги #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Октавия Hero Октавия #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Калх Hero Калх #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 17 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Нимус Hero Нимус #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 25 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 25 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Гоги #attached to# "Гоги" Stack of 5 of Гоги #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Айден Hero Айден #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Айден #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 17 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Ксирон Hero Ксирон #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Ксирон #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 23 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 23 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Гоги #attached to# "Гоги" Stack of 6 of Гоги #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Аксис Hero Аксис #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Аксис #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Олема Hero Олема #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 24 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Гоги #attached to# "Гоги" Stack of 4 of Гоги #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Калид Hero Калид #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Аш Hero Аш #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Зидар Hero Зидар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Ксарфакс Hero Ксарфакс #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Стракер Hero Стракер #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 1 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 1 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Вокиал Hero Вокиал #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Вокиал #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 23 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 23 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 5 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Моандор Hero Моандор #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Моандор #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 22 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 22 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 4 of Стражи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Чарна Hero Чарна #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Чарна #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 29 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 29 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Тамика Hero Тамика #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Тамика #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 25 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 25 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 4 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Исра Hero Исра #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Исра #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 30 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 30 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Клавиус Hero Клавиус #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Клавиус #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 26 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 26 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 27 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 27 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 25 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 25 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Галтран Hero Галтран #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Галтран #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 20 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 20 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 5 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Септиенна Hero Септиенна #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Септиенна #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 30 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 30 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Аислин Hero Аислин #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Аислин #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 30 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 30 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Сандро Hero Сандро #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Сандро #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 30 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 30 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Нимбус Hero Нимбус #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Нимбус #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 20 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 20 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 4 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Тант Hero Тант #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Тант #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 20 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 20 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 4 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Кси Hero Кси #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Кси #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 1 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 1 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Видомина Hero Видомина #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Видомина #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 26 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 26 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Нагаш Hero Нагаш #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Нагаш #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 4 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Лорелей Hero Лорелей #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 31 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 31 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Баллиста type #attached to# Artifact: Баллиста Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Арлаш Hero Арлаш #attached to# Artifact instance of Баллиста type Hero Арлаш #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 34 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 34 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Дас Hero Дас #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 36 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 36 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Бехолдеры #attached to# "Бехолдеры" Stack of 3 of Бехолдеры #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Бехолдеры #attached to# "Бехолдеры" Stack of 4 of Бехолдеры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Аджит Hero Аджит #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 30 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 30 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 4 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Дамакон Hero Дамакон #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 35 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 35 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 32 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 32 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 34 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 34 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Шакти Hero Шакти #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 1 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 1 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Аламар Hero Аламар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Аламар #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 39 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 39 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 4 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Жаегар Hero Жаегар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Жаегар #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 40 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 40 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Малекит Hero Малекит #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Малекит #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 32 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 32 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Жеддит Hero Жеддит #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Жеддит #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 40 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 40 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Геон Hero Геон #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Геон #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 37 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 37 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Бехолдеры #attached to# "Бехолдеры" Stack of 3 of Бехолдеры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Деемер Hero Деемер #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Деемер #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 33 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 33 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Бехолдеры #attached to# "Бехолдеры" Stack of 4 of Бехолдеры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Дарксторн Hero Дарксторн #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Дарксторн #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Йог Hero Йог #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 24 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 1 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 1 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Орки #attached to# "Орки" Stack of 5 of Орки #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Баллиста type #attached to# Artifact: Баллиста Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Гурниссон Hero Гурниссон #attached to# Artifact instance of Баллиста type Hero Гурниссон #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 16 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 16 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Орки #attached to# "Орки" Stack of 4 of Орки #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Жабаркас Hero Жабаркас #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 16 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 16 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 6 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Шива Hero Шива #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 24 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 25 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 25 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Гретчин Hero Гретчин #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 24 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 6 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Крэг Хэк Hero Крэг Хэк #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 6 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 6 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 6 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 5 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Тираксор Hero Тираксор #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 24 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 7 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 7 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Орки #attached to# "Орки" Stack of 5 of Орки #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Гирд Hero Гирд #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Гирд #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 24 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 5 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Зубин Hero Зубин #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Зубин #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 19 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 19 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 7 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 7 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Орис Hero Орис #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Орис #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 1 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 1 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Брон Hero Брон #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 1 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 1 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Дракон Hero Дракон #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 5 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 5 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 4 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 6 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Вистан Hero Вистан #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 13 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 13 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 6 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Тазар Hero Тазар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 20 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 20 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 2 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 2 of Змии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Корбак Hero Корбак #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Artifact instance of Баллиста type #attached to# Artifact: Баллиста Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Гервульф Hero Гервульф #attached to# Artifact instance of Баллиста type Hero Гервульф #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 19 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 19 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 4 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 4 of Змии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Брохильд Hero Брохильд #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 13 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 13 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 6 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Stack of 2 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 2 of Змии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Мирланда Hero Мирланда #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 19 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 19 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 4 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 4 of Змии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Розик Hero Розик #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Розик #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 11 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 11 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 6 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Вой Hero Вой #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Вой #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 20 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 20 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Санитарная Палатка type #attached to# Artifact: Санитарная Палатка Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Вердиш Hero Вердиш #attached to# Artifact instance of Санитарная Палатка type Hero Вердиш #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Вердиш #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 10 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 10 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 5 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Мерист Hero Мерист #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Мерист #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 10 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 10 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 5 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Стиг Hero Стиг #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Стиг #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 19 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 19 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 4 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 4 of Змии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Андра Hero Андра #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Андра #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 19 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 19 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 4 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 4 of Змии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Тива Hero Тива #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 17 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 3 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Stack of 2 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 2 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Пасис Hero Пасис #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 25 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 25 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 5 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Stack of 2 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 2 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Тунар Hero Тунар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 22 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 22 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 5 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Игнисса Hero Игнисса #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 18 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 18 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 5 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Монер Hero Монер #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Эрдамон Hero Эрдамон #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 17 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 4 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Фьюр Hero Фьюр #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 1 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 1 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Кальт Hero Кальт #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 17 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Луна Hero Луна #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Луна #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 25 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 25 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 5 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Брисса Hero Брисса #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Брисса #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 19 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 19 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 5 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Циэль Hero Циэль #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Циэль #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 18 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 18 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 3 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Лабета Hero Лабета #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Лабета #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 17 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 5 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Интеус Hero Интеус #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Интеус #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 19 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 19 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Аэнаин Hero Аэнаин #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Аэнаин #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 24 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 3 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Джелар Hero Джелар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Джелар #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 19 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 19 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 3 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Гриндан Hero Гриндан #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Гриндан #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 12 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 12 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Сэр Мюллих Hero Сэр Мюллих #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #attached to# Global effects Player Красный #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9TeamState Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #attached to# Global effects Player Синий #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9TeamState Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #attached to# Global effects Player Пурпурный #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9TeamState Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #attached to# Global effects Player Бирюзовый #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9TeamState Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Красный Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Красный Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Красный Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Красный Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Красный Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Красный Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Красный Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Красный Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Пурпурный Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Пурпурный Hero Сауруг #attached to# Player Красный Hero Гундула #attached to# Player Красный Hero Креллион #attached to# Player Красный Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Hero Десса #attached to# Player Красный Hero Терек #attached to# Town (Цитадель) of Рокварен Hero Мелодиа #attached to# Player Пурпурный Hero Сепхинороф #attached to# Player Пурпурный Hero Ивор #attached to# Player Пурпурный Reading gamestate: 100 Unpacking and handling defs: 110 Preparing FoW, roads, rivers,borders: 20 Making object rects: 0 Initing maphandler: 130 Establishing connection... Found endpoints: 0: Trying connection to (0) Established connection with VCMI 0.89 (server) Server opened savegame properly. Sent info to server: 10 Opening VCAI Loaded VCAI Opening VCAI Loaded VCAI Opening VCAI Loaded VCAI Opening StupidAI Loaded Stupid AI 0.1 CStupidAI [0x9b59208]: created CStupidAI [0x9b59208]: init called, saving ptr to IBattleCallback Listening... received server message of type 8YourTurn Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=0. Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection Loading music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/DIRT.MP3 Stoping music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/MAINMENU.MP3 Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 12SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 14PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Del-ing music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/MAINMENU.MP3 Playing music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/DIRT.MP3 Connection has been requested to be closed. Sending a request "11CloseServer". It'll have an ID=1. Sending to server a pack of type 11CloseServer Sent closing signal to the server received server message of type 14PackageApplied Connection handler thread joined Our socket has been closed. Closed connection. Ending current game! Removed GUI. Warning: an orphaned child! Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #detached from# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #detached from# Global effects Warning: an orphaned child! Player Бирюзовый #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Warning: an orphaned child! Player Пурпурный #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Warning: an orphaned child! Player Синий #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Warning: an orphaned child! Player Красный #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Warning: an orphaned child! Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Hero Мелодиа #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Hero Сепхинороф #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Hero Ивор #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Warning: an orphaned child! Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Hero Сауруг #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Hero Гундула #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Hero Креллион #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Hero Десса #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Deleted mapHandler and gameState. Deleted playerInts. Client stopped. Loading music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/MAINMENU.MP3 Stoping music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/DIRT.MP3 Loading music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/MAINMENU.MP3 Del-ing music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/MAINMENU.MP3 Stoping music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/DIRT.MP3 Server finished Del-ing music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/DIRT.MP3 Playing music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/MAINMENU.MP3 Loading procedure started! Reading save signature: 0 "Копейщики" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Алебардщики" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Арбалетчики" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Тяжелые Арбалетчики" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Грифоны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Королевские Грифоны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Мечники" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Крестоносцы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Монахи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Фанатики" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Кавалеристы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Чемпионы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Ангелы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Архангелы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Кентавры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Капитаны Кентавров" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Гномы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Боевые Гномы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Лесные Эльфы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Благородные Эльфы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Пегасы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Серебряные Пегасы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Дендроиды Охранники" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Дендроиды Солдаты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Единороги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Боевые Единороги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Зеленые Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Золотые Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Гремлины" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Мастер-Гремлины" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Каменные Горгульи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Обсидиановые Горгульи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Каменные Големы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Стальные Големы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Маги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Архи-Маги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Джинны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Мастер-Джинны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Наги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Королевы Наги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Гиганты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Титаны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Бесы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Черти" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Гоги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Магоги" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Адские Гончие" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Церберы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Демоны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Рогатые Демоны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Порождения Зла" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Адские Отродья" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Ифриты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Султаны Ифритов" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Дьяволы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Архидьяволы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Скелеты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Воины Скелеты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Живые Мертвецы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Зомби" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Стражи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Привидения" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Вампиры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Вампиры Лорды" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Личи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Могущественные Личи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Черные Рыцари" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Рыцари Смерти" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Костяные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Драконы Привидения" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Троглодиты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Адские Троглодиты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Гарпии" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Гарпии-Ведьмы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Бехолдеры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Злые Глаза" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Медузы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Королевы Медуз" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Минотавры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Короли Минотавров" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Мантикоры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Скорпикоры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Красные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Черные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Гоблины" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Хобгоблины" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Наездники на волках" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Налетчики" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Орки" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Орки-Вожди" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Огры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Огры-Шаманы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Птицы Рух" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Птицы-Гром" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Циклопы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Короли Циклопов" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Чудища" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Древние Чудища" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Гноллы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Гноллы-Мародеры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Ящеры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Ящеры-Воины" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Горгоны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Могучие Горгоны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Змии" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Змии-Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Василиски" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Великие Василиски" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Виверны" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Виверны-Монархи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Гидры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Гидры Хаоса" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Воздушные Элементали" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Элементали Земли" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Огненные Элементали" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Элементали Воды" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Золотые Големы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Алмазные Големы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Маленькие Феи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Феи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Психические Элементали" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Магические Элементали" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "NOT USED (1)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Ледяные Элементали" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "NOT USED (2)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Элементали Магмы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "NOT USED (3)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Элементали Шторма" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "NOT USED (4)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Энергетические Элементали" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Огненные Птицы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Фениксы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 "Лазурные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Кристальные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Сказочные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Ржавые Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Чародеи" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 "Снайперы" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 "Хоббиты" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Крестьяне" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 "Орки на кабанах" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Мумии" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Кочевники" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 "Воры" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 "Тролли" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 "Катапульты" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Баллисты" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Палатки Первой Помощи" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Тележки с Боеприпасами" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Стрелковые Башни" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Верховные Архангелы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Алмазные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Громовержцы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Бароны Ада" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Кровавые Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Темные Драконы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Чудища-Привидения" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Кошмарные Гидры" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Духи Погребального Костра" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Привидения" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Эмиссары Войны" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Эмиссары Мира" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Эмиссары Чуда" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Эмиссары Знания" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Посланники Огня" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Посланники Земли" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Посланники Воздуха" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Посланники Воды" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Змеи Горынычи" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Фанатики Войны" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Арктические Снайперы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Закаленные Снайперы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Кошмары" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Санта-Гремлины" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Паладины" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Знахари" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Храмовницы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Суккубы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Пожиратели Душ" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Звери" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Вожди Людоедов" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Шаманы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Астральные Духи" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Паладины" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Знахари" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Храмовницы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Суккубы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Пожиратели Душ" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Звери" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Вожди Людоедов" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Шаманы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Астральные Духи" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Сильванские Кентавры" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Волшебницы" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Оборотни" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Пожары" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier "Драколичи" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier Creatures of unnormalized tier #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 1 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 2 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 3 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 4 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 5 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 6 #attached to# All creatures Creatures of tier 7 #attached to# All creatures Reading OBJNAMES Reading ADVEVENT Reading XTRAINFO Reading MINENAME Reading MINEEVNT Reading RESTYPES Reading TERRNAME Reading RANDSIGN Reading ZCRGN1 Reading CRGN4 Reading handlers: 120 Artifact instance of Фолиант Магии Воды type #attached to# Artifact: Фолиант Магии Воды Artifact instance of Склянка Жизненной Силы type #attached to# Artifact: Склянка Жизненной Силы Artifact instance of Щит Яростного Огра type #attached to# Artifact: Щит Яростного Огра Artifact instance of Шлем-Череп type #attached to# Artifact: Шлем-Череп Artifact instance of Неиссякаемая Мошна Золота type #attached to# Artifact: Неиссякаемая Мошна Золота Artifact instance of Колье Неприступности type #attached to# Artifact: Колье Неприступности Artifact instance of Туловище Легиона type #attached to# Artifact: Туловище Легиона Artifact instance of Мантия Равновесия type #attached to# Artifact: Мантия Равновесия Artifact instance of Золотой Лук type #attached to# Artifact: Золотой Лук Artifact instance of Кольчуга Великого Василиска type #attached to# Artifact: Кольчуга Великого Василиска Artifact instance of Сапоги-Скороходы type #attached to# Artifact: Сапоги-Скороходы Artifact instance of Поясница Легиона type #attached to# Artifact: Поясница Легиона Artifact instance of Кольцо Странника type #attached to# Artifact: Кольцо Странника Artifact instance of Щит Короля Гноллов type #attached to# Artifact: Щит Короля Гноллов Artifact instance of Щит из Чешуи Дракона type #attached to# Artifact: Щит из Чешуи Дракона Artifact instance of Щит Тоскующих Мертвецов type #attached to# Artifact: Щит Тоскующих Мертвецов Artifact instance of Кольцо Силы type #attached to# Artifact: Кольцо Силы Artifact instance of Глаз Дракона type #attached to# Artifact: Глаз Дракона Artifact instance of Символ Знаний type #attached to# Artifact: Символ Знаний Artifact instance of Шлем Хаоса type #attached to# Artifact: Шлем Хаоса Artifact instance of Застывший Глаз Дракона type #attached to# Artifact: Застывший Глаз Дракона Artifact instance of Неистощимая Подвода с Рудой type #attached to# Artifact: Неистощимая Подвода с Рудой Artifact instance of Сила Монстра type #attached to# Artifact: Сила Монстра Artifact instance of Сила Монстра type #attached to# Artifact: Сила Монстра Artifact instance of Топор Сокрушения type #attached to# Artifact: Топор Сокрушения Artifact instance of Стрелы из Ангельских Перьев type #attached to# Artifact: Стрелы из Ангельских Перьев Artifact instance of Ожерелье Морского Проведения type #attached to# Artifact: Ожерелье Морского Проведения Artifact instance of Ожерелье Морского Проведения type #attached to# Artifact: Ожерелье Морского Проведения Artifact instance of Наколенники из Драконьей Кости type #attached to# Artifact: Наколенники из Драконьей Кости Artifact instance of Нагрудник из Окаменелого Дерева type #attached to# Artifact: Нагрудник из Окаменелого Дерева Artifact instance of Ожерелье из Зубов Дракона type #attached to# Artifact: Ожерелье из Зубов Дракона Artifact instance of Кольцо Дипломата type #attached to# Artifact: Кольцо Дипломата Artifact instance of Шлем Сатанинской Ярости type #attached to# Artifact: Шлем Сатанинской Ярости Artifact instance of Руки Легиона type #attached to# Artifact: Руки Легиона Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Artifact instance of Баллиста type #attached to# Artifact: Баллиста Artifact instance of Баллиста type #attached to# Artifact: Баллиста Artifact instance of Подзорная Труба type #attached to# Artifact: Подзорная Труба Artifact instance of Щит Гномьих Героев type #attached to# Artifact: Щит Гномьих Героев Artifact instance of Шар Постоянства type #attached to# Artifact: Шар Постоянства Artifact instance of Меч Правосудия type #attached to# Artifact: Меч Правосудия Artifact instance of Меч Правосудия type #attached to# Artifact: Меч Правосудия Artifact instance of Медаль Дипломата type #attached to# Artifact: Медаль Дипломата Artifact instance of Птица Познания type #attached to# Artifact: Птица Познания Artifact instance of Птица Познания type #attached to# Artifact: Птица Познания Artifact instance of Кольцо Драгоценных Камней type #attached to# Artifact: Кольцо Драгоценных Камней Artifact instance of Кольцо Жизненной Силы type #attached to# Artifact: Кольцо Жизненной Силы Artifact instance of Баллиста type #attached to# Artifact: Баллиста Artifact instance of Баллиста type #attached to# Artifact: Баллиста Artifact instance of Подвода с Боеприпасами type #attached to# Artifact: Подвода с Боеприпасами Artifact instance of Санитарная Палатка type #attached to# Artifact: Санитарная Палатка Artifact instance of Подвода с Боеприпасами type #attached to# Artifact: Подвода с Боеприпасами Artifact instance of Санитарная Палатка type #attached to# Artifact: Санитарная Палатка Artifact instance of Карающая Дубина Огра type #attached to# Artifact: Карающая Дубина Огра Artifact instance of Плащ Бесконечных Кристаллов type #attached to# Artifact: Плащ Бесконечных Кристаллов Artifact instance of Золотая Стрела type #attached to# Artifact: Золотая Стрела Artifact instance of Шляпа Морского Капитана type #attached to# Artifact: Шляпа Морского Капитана Artifact instance of Склянка Жизненной Силы type #attached to# Artifact: Склянка Жизненной Силы Artifact instance of Стрелы из Ангельских Перьев type #attached to# Artifact: Стрелы из Ангельских Перьев Artifact instance of Стрелы из Ангельских Перьев type #attached to# Artifact: Стрелы из Ангельских Перьев Artifact instance of Склянка Жизненной Силы type #attached to# Artifact: Склянка Жизненной Силы Artifact instance of Шляпа Морского Капитана type #attached to# Artifact: Шляпа Морского Капитана Artifact instance of Золотая Стрела type #attached to# Artifact: Золотая Стрела Artifact instance of Эльфийский Лук из Вишневого Дерева type #attached to# Artifact: Эльфийский Лук из Вишневого Дерева Stack of 20 of Эмиссары Войны #attached to# "Эмиссары Войны" Stack of 20 of Эмиссары Войны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Эмиссары Войны #attached to# "Эмиссары Войны" Stack of 20 of Эмиссары Войны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Эмиссары Войны #attached to# "Эмиссары Войны" Stack of 20 of Эмиссары Войны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Эмиссары Войны #attached to# "Эмиссары Войны" Stack of 20 of Эмиссары Войны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Чуда #attached to# "Эмиссары Чуда" Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Чуда #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Чуда #attached to# "Эмиссары Чуда" Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Чуда #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Чуда #attached to# "Эмиссары Чуда" Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Чуда #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Чуда #attached to# "Эмиссары Чуда" Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Чуда #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Змеи Горынычи #attached to# "Змеи Горынычи" Stack of 10 of Змеи Горынычи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 10 of Змеи Горынычи #attached to# "Змеи Горынычи" Stack of 10 of Змеи Горынычи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 20 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# "Эмиссары Мира" Stack of 20 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# "Эмиссары Мира" Stack of 20 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# "Эмиссары Мира" Stack of 20 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# "Эмиссары Мира" Stack of 20 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Знания #attached to# "Эмиссары Знания" Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Знания #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Знания #attached to# "Эмиссары Знания" Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Знания #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Знания #attached to# "Эмиссары Знания" Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Знания #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Знания #attached to# "Эмиссары Знания" Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Знания #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 8 of Зеленые Драконы #attached to# "Зеленые Драконы" Stack of 8 of Зеленые Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Красные Драконы #attached to# "Красные Драконы" Stack of 6 of Красные Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Золотые Драконы #attached to# "Золотые Драконы" Stack of 4 of Золотые Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Черные Драконы #attached to# "Черные Драконы" Stack of 3 of Черные Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 7 of Темные Драконы #attached to# "Темные Драконы" Stack of 7 of Темные Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 8 of Зеленые Драконы #attached to# "Зеленые Драконы" Stack of 8 of Зеленые Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Красные Драконы #attached to# "Красные Драконы" Stack of 6 of Красные Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Золотые Драконы #attached to# "Золотые Драконы" Stack of 3 of Золотые Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Черные Драконы #attached to# "Черные Драконы" Stack of 2 of Черные Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 7 of Темные Драконы #attached to# "Темные Драконы" Stack of 7 of Темные Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Town (Замок) of Армитаг #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero Stack of 20 of Кошмары #attached to# "Кошмары" Stack of 20 of Кошмары #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 20 of Кошмары #attached to# "Кошмары" Stack of 20 of Кошмары #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Town (Некрополис) of Гоствинд #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero Stack of 21 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 21 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 40 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 40 of Троглодиты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 22 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 22 of Копейщики #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 48 of Хоббиты #attached to# "Хоббиты" Stack of 48 of Хоббиты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 14 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 14 of Троглодиты #attached to# Town (unknown) of Town (Темница) of Шадэ #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 30 of Хоббиты #attached to# "Хоббиты" Stack of 30 of Хоббиты #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Вой Hero Вой #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Вой #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 30 of Хоббиты #attached to# "Хоббиты" Stack of 30 of Хоббиты #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Сильвия Hero Сильвия #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Stack of 8 of Короли Минотавров #attached to# "Короли Минотавров" Stack of 8 of Короли Минотавров #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 14 of Горгоны #attached to# "Горгоны" Stack of 14 of Горгоны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 1 of Духи Погребального Костра #attached to# "Духи Погребального Костра" Stack of 1 of Духи Погребального Костра #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 1 of Духи Погребального Костра #attached to# "Духи Погребального Костра" Stack of 1 of Духи Погребального Костра #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 1 of Кровавые Драконы #attached to# "Кровавые Драконы" Stack of 1 of Кровавые Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 1 of Кровавые Драконы #attached to# "Кровавые Драконы" Stack of 1 of Кровавые Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 18 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 18 of Гарпии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 22 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 22 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 25 of Воры #attached to# "Воры" Stack of 25 of Воры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 19 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 19 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 20 of Магоги #attached to# "Магоги" Stack of 20 of Магоги #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 20 of Ящеры-Воины #attached to# "Ящеры-Воины" Stack of 20 of Ящеры-Воины #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 16 of Ящеры-Воины #attached to# "Ящеры-Воины" Stack of 16 of Ящеры-Воины #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 11 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 11 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 17 of Благородные Эльфы #attached to# "Благородные Эльфы" Stack of 17 of Благородные Эльфы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 19 of Ледяные Элементали #attached to# "Ледяные Элементали" Stack of 19 of Ледяные Элементали #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 24 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 24 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 15 of Церберы #attached to# "Церберы" Stack of 15 of Церберы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 16 of Орки #attached to# "Орки" Stack of 16 of Орки #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 15 of Злые Глаза #attached to# "Злые Глаза" Stack of 15 of Злые Глаза #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 14 of Стальные Големы #attached to# "Стальные Големы" Stack of 14 of Стальные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 20 of Бехолдеры #attached to# "Бехолдеры" Stack of 20 of Бехолдеры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 3 of Костяные Драконы #attached to# "Костяные Драконы" Stack of 3 of Костяные Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling Stack of 10 of Фанатики Войны #attached to# "Фанатики Войны" Stack of 10 of Фанатики Войны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 10 of Фанатики Войны #attached to# "Фанатики Войны" Stack of 10 of Фанатики Войны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 9 of Посланники Земли #attached to# "Посланники Земли" Stack of 9 of Посланники Земли #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 9 of Посланники Земли #attached to# "Посланники Земли" Stack of 9 of Посланники Земли #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 20 of Арктические Снайперы #attached to# "Арктические Снайперы" Stack of 20 of Арктические Снайперы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 20 of Арктические Снайперы #attached to# "Арктические Снайперы" Stack of 20 of Арктические Снайперы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 13 of Крестоносцы #attached to# "Крестоносцы" Stack of 13 of Крестоносцы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 10 of Вампиры #attached to# "Вампиры" Stack of 10 of Вампиры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 8 of Каменные Големы #attached to# "Каменные Големы" Stack of 8 of Каменные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 50 of Мастер-Гремлины #attached to# "Мастер-Гремлины" Stack of 50 of Мастер-Гремлины #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 8 of Каменные Големы #attached to# "Каменные Големы" Stack of 8 of Каменные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 50 of Мастер-Гремлины #attached to# "Мастер-Гремлины" Stack of 50 of Мастер-Гремлины #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Бехолдеры #attached to# "Бехолдеры" Stack of 5 of Бехолдеры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Бехолдеры #attached to# "Бехолдеры" Stack of 5 of Бехолдеры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Каменные Големы #attached to# "Каменные Големы" Stack of 6 of Каменные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 30 of Мастер-Гремлины #attached to# "Мастер-Гремлины" Stack of 30 of Мастер-Гремлины #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Каменные Големы #attached to# "Каменные Големы" Stack of 6 of Каменные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 30 of Мастер-Гремлины #attached to# "Мастер-Гремлины" Stack of 30 of Мастер-Гремлины #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Бехолдеры #attached to# "Бехолдеры" Stack of 5 of Бехолдеры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Бехолдеры #attached to# "Бехолдеры" Stack of 5 of Бехолдеры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Наги #attached to# "Наги" Stack of 2 of Наги #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Наги #attached to# "Наги" Stack of 2 of Наги #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Наги #attached to# "Наги" Stack of 2 of Наги #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Наги #attached to# "Наги" Stack of 2 of Наги #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Королевы Наги #attached to# "Королевы Наги" Stack of 2 of Королевы Наги #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Медузы #attached to# "Медузы" Stack of 10 of Медузы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Медузы #attached to# "Медузы" Stack of 10 of Медузы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Медузы #attached to# "Медузы" Stack of 10 of Медузы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Медузы #attached to# "Медузы" Stack of 10 of Медузы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Королевы Медуз #attached to# "Королевы Медуз" Stack of 10 of Королевы Медуз #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Вампиры #attached to# "Вампиры" Stack of 4 of Вампиры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Вампиры #attached to# "Вампиры" Stack of 4 of Вампиры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Вампиры #attached to# "Вампиры" Stack of 4 of Вампиры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Вампиры #attached to# "Вампиры" Stack of 4 of Вампиры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Вампиры Лорды #attached to# "Вампиры Лорды" Stack of 4 of Вампиры Лорды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Вампиры #attached to# "Вампиры" Stack of 2 of Вампиры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Вампиры #attached to# "Вампиры" Stack of 2 of Вампиры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Вампиры #attached to# "Вампиры" Stack of 2 of Вампиры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Вампиры #attached to# "Вампиры" Stack of 2 of Вампиры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Вампиры #attached to# "Вампиры" Stack of 2 of Вампиры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Кочевники #attached to# "Кочевники" Stack of 20 of Кочевники #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 17 of Кочевники #attached to# "Кочевники" Stack of 17 of Кочевники #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Обсидиановые Горгульи #attached to# "Обсидиановые Горгульи" Stack of 20 of Обсидиановые Горгульи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 34 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 34 of Скелеты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 38 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 38 of Троглодиты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 13 of Огненные Птицы #attached to# "Огненные Птицы" Stack of 13 of Огненные Птицы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 13 of Фениксы #attached to# "Фениксы" Stack of 13 of Фениксы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 6 of Короли Циклопов #attached to# "Короли Циклопов" Stack of 6 of Короли Циклопов #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 6 of Виверны-Монархи #attached to# "Виверны-Монархи" Stack of 6 of Виверны-Монархи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 75 of Чародеи #attached to# "Чародеи" Stack of 75 of Чародеи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 75 of Чародеи #attached to# "Чародеи" Stack of 75 of Чародеи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 11 of Магические Элементали #attached to# "Магические Элементали" Stack of 11 of Магические Элементали #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 10 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 10 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 27 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 27 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 17 of Гарпии-Ведьмы #attached to# "Гарпии-Ведьмы" Stack of 17 of Гарпии-Ведьмы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 8 of Посланники Земли #attached to# "Посланники Земли" Stack of 8 of Посланники Земли #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 5 of Черные Драконы #attached to# "Черные Драконы" Stack of 5 of Черные Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 22 of Ящеры-Воины #attached to# "Ящеры-Воины" Stack of 22 of Ящеры-Воины #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 7 of Мантикоры #attached to# "Мантикоры" Stack of 7 of Мантикоры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 7 of Волшебницы #attached to# "Волшебницы" Stack of 7 of Волшебницы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 44 of Крестьяне #attached to# "Крестьяне" Stack of 44 of Крестьяне #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 12 of Птицы Рух #attached to# "Птицы Рух" Stack of 12 of Птицы Рух #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 16 of Грифоны #attached to# "Грифоны" Stack of 16 of Грифоны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 10 of Рогатые Демоны #attached to# "Рогатые Демоны" Stack of 10 of Рогатые Демоны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 9 of Снайперы #attached to# "Снайперы" Stack of 9 of Снайперы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 13 of Минотавры #attached to# "Минотавры" Stack of 13 of Минотавры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 44 of Крестьяне #attached to# "Крестьяне" Stack of 44 of Крестьяне #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 17 of Благородные Эльфы #attached to# "Благородные Эльфы" Stack of 17 of Благородные Эльфы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 20 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 20 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 3 of Дендроиды Охранники #attached to# "Дендроиды Охранники" Stack of 3 of Дендроиды Охранники #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# "Лесные Эльфы" Stack of 4 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Дендроиды Охранники #attached to# "Дендроиды Охранники" Stack of 3 of Дендроиды Охранники #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# "Лесные Эльфы" Stack of 4 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Каменные Големы #attached to# "Каменные Големы" Stack of 20 of Каменные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 19 of Кочевники #attached to# "Кочевники" Stack of 19 of Кочевники #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 24 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 24 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 20 of Налетчики #attached to# "Налетчики" Stack of 20 of Налетчики #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 13 of Серебряные Пегасы #attached to# "Серебряные Пегасы" Stack of 13 of Серебряные Пегасы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 14 of Личи #attached to# "Личи" Stack of 14 of Личи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 15 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 15 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 15 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 15 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 15 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 15 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 15 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 15 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 15 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 15 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 11 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 11 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 10 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 10 of Скелеты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Зомби #attached to# "Зомби" Stack of 10 of Зомби #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 10 of Скелеты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Зомби #attached to# "Зомби" Stack of 10 of Зомби #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 10 of Скелеты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 10 of Скелеты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Зомби #attached to# "Зомби" Stack of 10 of Зомби #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 10 of Скелеты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Зомби #attached to# "Зомби" Stack of 10 of Зомби #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 10 of Скелеты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 20 of Скелеты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Зомби #attached to# "Зомби" Stack of 20 of Зомби #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 10 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Вампиры #attached to# "Вампиры" Stack of 5 of Вампиры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 20 of Скелеты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Зомби #attached to# "Зомби" Stack of 20 of Зомби #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 10 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Вампиры #attached to# "Вампиры" Stack of 5 of Вампиры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Кристальные Драконы #attached to# "Кристальные Драконы" Stack of 3 of Кристальные Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling Stack of 30 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 30 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 30 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 30 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 30 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 30 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 30 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 30 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 30 of Боевые Гномы #attached to# "Боевые Гномы" Stack of 30 of Боевые Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 20 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 20 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 20 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 20 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 20 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 4 of Циклопы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 4 of Циклопы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 4 of Циклопы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 4 of Циклопы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 4 of Циклопы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 7 of Кровавые Драконы #attached to# "Кровавые Драконы" Stack of 7 of Кровавые Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 1 of Лазурные Драконы #attached to# "Лазурные Драконы" Stack of 1 of Лазурные Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 12CGPandoraBox Stack of 1 of Лазурные Драконы #attached to# "Лазурные Драконы" Stack of 1 of Лазурные Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 12CGPandoraBox Stack of 7 of Кровавые Драконы #attached to# "Кровавые Драконы" Stack of 7 of Кровавые Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 12 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 12 of Змии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 12 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 12 of Змии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 12 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 12 of Змии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 12 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 12 of Змии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 12 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 12 of Змии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Алмазные Драконы #attached to# "Алмазные Драконы" Stack of 5 of Алмазные Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 5 of Алмазные Драконы #attached to# "Алмазные Драконы" Stack of 5 of Алмазные Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 12 of Крестоносцы #attached to# "Крестоносцы" Stack of 12 of Крестоносцы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 3 of Наги #attached to# "Наги" Stack of 3 of Наги #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Наги #attached to# "Наги" Stack of 3 of Наги #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Наги #attached to# "Наги" Stack of 3 of Наги #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Наги #attached to# "Наги" Stack of 3 of Наги #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Наги #attached to# "Наги" Stack of 3 of Наги #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 15 of Магические Элементали #attached to# "Магические Элементали" Stack of 15 of Магические Элементали #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 4 of Медузы #attached to# "Медузы" Stack of 4 of Медузы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Медузы #attached to# "Медузы" Stack of 4 of Медузы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Медузы #attached to# "Медузы" Stack of 4 of Медузы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Медузы #attached to# "Медузы" Stack of 4 of Медузы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Медузы #attached to# "Медузы" Stack of 4 of Медузы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 15 of Наги #attached to# "Наги" Stack of 15 of Наги #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 15 of Крестоносцы #attached to# "Крестоносцы" Stack of 15 of Крестоносцы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 3 of Дендроиды Охранники #attached to# "Дендроиды Охранники" Stack of 3 of Дендроиды Охранники #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# "Лесные Эльфы" Stack of 4 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Дендроиды Охранники #attached to# "Дендроиды Охранники" Stack of 3 of Дендроиды Охранники #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# "Лесные Эльфы" Stack of 4 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 9 of Великие Василиски #attached to# "Великие Василиски" Stack of 9 of Великие Василиски #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 3 of Ангелы #attached to# "Ангелы" Stack of 3 of Ангелы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling Stack of 30 of Верховные Архангелы #attached to# "Верховные Архангелы" Stack of 30 of Верховные Архангелы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 24 of Мумии #attached to# "Мумии" Stack of 24 of Мумии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 13 of Благородные Эльфы #attached to# "Благородные Эльфы" Stack of 13 of Благородные Эльфы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 20 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 20 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 20 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 20 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 20 of Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Боевые Гномы #attached to# "Боевые Гномы" Stack of 20 of Боевые Гномы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Чудища-Привидения #attached to# "Чудища-Привидения" Stack of 10 of Чудища-Привидения #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 23 of Тяжелые Арбалетчики #attached to# "Тяжелые Арбалетчики" Stack of 23 of Тяжелые Арбалетчики #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 24 of Орки на кабанах #attached to# "Орки на кабанах" Stack of 24 of Орки на кабанах #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 5 of Чудища #attached to# "Чудища" Stack of 5 of Чудища #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 8 of Дьяволы #attached to# "Дьяволы" Stack of 8 of Дьяволы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 50 of Бехолдеры #attached to# "Бехолдеры" Stack of 50 of Бехолдеры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 50 of Церберы #attached to# "Церберы" Stack of 50 of Церберы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 14 of Крестоносцы #attached to# "Крестоносцы" Stack of 14 of Крестоносцы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 15 of Кошмары #attached to# "Кошмары" Stack of 15 of Кошмары #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 15 of Кошмары #attached to# "Кошмары" Stack of 15 of Кошмары #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 50 of Фанатики Войны #attached to# "Фанатики Войны" Stack of 50 of Фанатики Войны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 50 of Фанатики Войны #attached to# "Фанатики Войны" Stack of 50 of Фанатики Войны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 9 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 9 of Змии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 9 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 9 of Змии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 9 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 9 of Змии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 9 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 9 of Змии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 9 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 9 of Змии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 17 of Церберы #attached to# "Церберы" Stack of 17 of Церберы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 3 of Кристальные Драконы #attached to# "Кристальные Драконы" Stack of 3 of Кристальные Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling Stack of 10 of Чудища-Привидения #attached to# "Чудища-Привидения" Stack of 10 of Чудища-Привидения #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# "Циклопы" Stack of 6 of Циклопы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Короли Циклопов #attached to# "Короли Циклопов" Stack of 6 of Короли Циклопов #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 75 of Закаленные Снайперы #attached to# "Закаленные Снайперы" Stack of 75 of Закаленные Снайперы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 75 of Закаленные Снайперы #attached to# "Закаленные Снайперы" Stack of 75 of Закаленные Снайперы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 9 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 9 of Ящеры #attached to# Town (unknown) of Town (Крепость) of Мидшир #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero Stack of 14 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 14 of Копейщики #attached to# Town (unknown) of Town (Замок) of Александретта #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero Stack of 9 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 9 of Ящеры #attached to# Town (unknown) of Town (Крепость) of Дидвуд #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# "Воры" Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGResource Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# "Воры" Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGResource Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# "Воры" Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGResource Stack of 20 of Воры #attached to# "Воры" Stack of 20 of Воры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGResource Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# "Воры" Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGResource Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# "Воры" Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGResource Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# "Воры" Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGResource Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# "Воры" Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGResource Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# "Воры" Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGResource Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# "Воры" Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGResource Stack of 20 of Воры #attached to# "Воры" Stack of 20 of Воры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGResource Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# "Воры" Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGResource Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# "Воры" Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGResource Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# "Воры" Stack of 10 of Воры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGResource Stack of 10 of Бароны Ада #attached to# "Бароны Ада" Stack of 10 of Бароны Ада #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 8 of Зеленые Драконы #attached to# "Зеленые Драконы" Stack of 8 of Зеленые Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Красные Драконы #attached to# "Красные Драконы" Stack of 5 of Красные Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Золотые Драконы #attached to# "Золотые Драконы" Stack of 2 of Золотые Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 1 of Черные Драконы #attached to# "Черные Драконы" Stack of 1 of Черные Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Султаны Ифритов #attached to# "Султаны Ифритов" Stack of 5 of Султаны Ифритов #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 5 of Громовержцы #attached to# "Громовержцы" Stack of 5 of Громовержцы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 5 of Громовержцы #attached to# "Громовержцы" Stack of 5 of Громовержцы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 8 of Зеленые Драконы #attached to# "Зеленые Драконы" Stack of 8 of Зеленые Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Красные Драконы #attached to# "Красные Драконы" Stack of 6 of Красные Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Золотые Драконы #attached to# "Золотые Драконы" Stack of 4 of Золотые Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Черные Драконы #attached to# "Черные Драконы" Stack of 3 of Черные Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Бароны Ада #attached to# "Бароны Ада" Stack of 10 of Бароны Ада #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 5 of Султаны Ифритов #attached to# "Султаны Ифритов" Stack of 5 of Султаны Ифритов #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 6 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 8 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Мастер-Джинны #attached to# "Мастер-Джинны" Stack of 3 of Мастер-Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 3 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Мастер-Джинны #attached to# "Мастер-Джинны" Stack of 3 of Мастер-Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 12 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 12 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 12 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 12 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 12 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 12 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 12 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 12 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 12 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 12 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 2 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 3 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 5 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 4 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 4 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 4 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 4 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Мастер-Джинны #attached to# "Мастер-Джинны" Stack of 4 of Мастер-Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Рогатые Демоны #attached to# "Рогатые Демоны" Stack of 10 of Рогатые Демоны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 23 of Грифоны #attached to# "Грифоны" Stack of 23 of Грифоны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 16 of Зомби #attached to# "Зомби" Stack of 16 of Зомби #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 16 of Налетчики #attached to# "Налетчики" Stack of 16 of Налетчики #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 11 of Рогатые Демоны #attached to# "Рогатые Демоны" Stack of 11 of Рогатые Демоны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 15 of Серебряные Пегасы #attached to# "Серебряные Пегасы" Stack of 15 of Серебряные Пегасы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# "Золотые Големы" Stack of 20 of Золотые Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# "Алмазные Големы" Stack of 10 of Алмазные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid Stack of 18 of Демоны #attached to# "Демоны" Stack of 18 of Демоны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 6 of Элементали Шторма #attached to# "Элементали Шторма" Stack of 6 of Элементали Шторма #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 19 of Магоги #attached to# "Магоги" Stack of 19 of Магоги #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 9 of Посланники Воды #attached to# "Посланники Воды" Stack of 9 of Посланники Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 9 of Посланники Воды #attached to# "Посланники Воды" Stack of 9 of Посланники Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# "Эмиссары Мира" Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# "Эмиссары Мира" Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# "Эмиссары Мира" Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# "Эмиссары Мира" Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 16 of Посланники Земли #attached to# "Посланники Земли" Stack of 16 of Посланники Земли #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 16 of Посланники Земли #attached to# "Посланники Земли" Stack of 16 of Посланники Земли #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 10 of Тролли #attached to# "Тролли" Stack of 10 of Тролли #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 8 of Тролли #attached to# "Тролли" Stack of 8 of Тролли #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 9 of Посланники Огня #attached to# "Посланники Огня" Stack of 9 of Посланники Огня #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 8 of Посланники Огня #attached to# "Посланники Огня" Stack of 8 of Посланники Огня #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# "Эмиссары Мира" Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# "Эмиссары Мира" Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# "Эмиссары Мира" Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# "Эмиссары Мира" Stack of 10 of Эмиссары Мира #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 164 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 164 of Троглодиты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 6CGMine Stack of 198 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 198 of Троглодиты #attached to# Bonus system node of type 6CGMine Stack of 16 of Злые Глаза #attached to# "Злые Глаза" Stack of 16 of Злые Глаза #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 16 of Ледяные Элементали #attached to# "Ледяные Элементали" Stack of 16 of Ледяные Элементали #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 18 of Королевские Грифоны #attached to# "Королевские Грифоны" Stack of 18 of Королевские Грифоны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 17 of Злые Глаза #attached to# "Злые Глаза" Stack of 17 of Злые Глаза #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 17 of Королевские Грифоны #attached to# "Королевские Грифоны" Stack of 17 of Королевские Грифоны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 10 of Короли Минотавров #attached to# "Короли Минотавров" Stack of 10 of Короли Минотавров #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 11 of Мастер-Джинны #attached to# "Мастер-Джинны" Stack of 11 of Мастер-Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 3 of Дендроиды Охранники #attached to# "Дендроиды Охранники" Stack of 3 of Дендроиды Охранники #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# "Лесные Эльфы" Stack of 4 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Дендроиды Охранники #attached to# "Дендроиды Охранники" Stack of 3 of Дендроиды Охранники #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# "Лесные Эльфы" Stack of 4 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 3 of Гарпии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Бехолдеры #attached to# "Бехолдеры" Stack of 3 of Бехолдеры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 3 of Гарпии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Бехолдеры #attached to# "Бехолдеры" Stack of 3 of Бехолдеры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Каменные Големы #attached to# "Каменные Големы" Stack of 5 of Каменные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Мастер-Гремлины #attached to# "Мастер-Гремлины" Stack of 20 of Мастер-Гремлины #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 5 of Каменные Големы #attached to# "Каменные Големы" Stack of 5 of Каменные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 20 of Мастер-Гремлины #attached to# "Мастер-Гремлины" Stack of 20 of Мастер-Гремлины #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Каменные Големы #attached to# "Каменные Големы" Stack of 6 of Каменные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 30 of Мастер-Гремлины #attached to# "Мастер-Гремлины" Stack of 30 of Мастер-Гремлины #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Каменные Големы #attached to# "Каменные Големы" Stack of 6 of Каменные Големы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 30 of Мастер-Гремлины #attached to# "Мастер-Гремлины" Stack of 30 of Мастер-Гремлины #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 3 of Гарпии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Бехолдеры #attached to# "Бехолдеры" Stack of 3 of Бехолдеры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 3 of Гарпии #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 3 of Бехолдеры #attached to# "Бехолдеры" Stack of 3 of Бехолдеры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 40 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 40 of Бесы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 40 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 40 of Бесы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 40 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 40 of Бесы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 40 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 40 of Бесы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 40 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 40 of Бесы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 18 of Благородные Эльфы #attached to# "Благородные Эльфы" Stack of 18 of Благородные Эльфы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 17 of Кочевники #attached to# "Кочевники" Stack of 17 of Кочевники #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 19 of Чудища-Привидения #attached to# "Чудища-Привидения" Stack of 19 of Чудища-Привидения #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 19 of Кошмарные Гидры #attached to# "Кошмарные Гидры" Stack of 19 of Кошмарные Гидры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 16 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 16 of Ящеры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 2 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 2 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 2 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 2 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 2 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 2 of Джинны #attached to# "Джинны" Stack of 2 of Джинны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 4 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 1 of Кровавые Драконы #attached to# "Кровавые Драконы" Stack of 1 of Кровавые Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 8 of Элементали Шторма #attached to# "Элементали Шторма" Stack of 8 of Элементали Шторма #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 1 of Кровавые Драконы #attached to# "Кровавые Драконы" Stack of 1 of Кровавые Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 7 of Чародеи #attached to# "Чародеи" Stack of 7 of Чародеи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 4 of Алмазные Драконы #attached to# "Алмазные Драконы" Stack of 4 of Алмазные Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 26 of Элементали Земли #attached to# "Элементали Земли" Stack of 26 of Элементали Земли #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 6 of Королевы Наги #attached to# "Королевы Наги" Stack of 6 of Королевы Наги #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 4 of Кровавые Драконы #attached to# "Кровавые Драконы" Stack of 4 of Кровавые Драконы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 16 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# "Лесные Эльфы" Stack of 16 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 17 of Привидения #attached to# "Привидения" Stack of 17 of Привидения #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 16 of Адские Гончие #attached to# "Адские Гончие" Stack of 16 of Адские Гончие #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 4 of Огненные Птицы #attached to# "Огненные Птицы" Stack of 4 of Огненные Птицы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 12 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 12 of Стражи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 10 of Серебряные Пегасы #attached to# "Серебряные Пегасы" Stack of 10 of Серебряные Пегасы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 6 of Скорпикоры #attached to# "Скорпикоры" Stack of 6 of Скорпикоры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 19 of Грифоны #attached to# "Грифоны" Stack of 19 of Грифоны #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 10 of Могущественные Личи #attached to# "Могущественные Личи" Stack of 10 of Могущественные Личи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 6 of Чародеи #attached to# "Чародеи" Stack of 6 of Чародеи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 19 of Гоги #attached to# "Гоги" Stack of 19 of Гоги #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 1 of Чародеи #attached to# "Чародеи" Stack of 1 of Чародеи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 1 of Чародеи #attached to# "Чародеи" Stack of 1 of Чародеи #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Stack of 6 of Дендроиды Охранники #attached to# "Дендроиды Охранники" Stack of 6 of Дендроиды Охранники #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# "Лесные Эльфы" Stack of 10 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 6 of Дендроиды Охранники #attached to# "Дендроиды Охранники" Stack of 6 of Дендроиды Охранники #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 10 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# "Лесные Эльфы" Stack of 10 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 30 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 30 of Бесы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 30 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 30 of Бесы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 30 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 30 of Бесы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 30 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 30 of Бесы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Stack of 30 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 30 of Бесы #attached to# Bonus system node of type 5CBank Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 26 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 26 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 4 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Архангелы #attached to# "Архангелы" #$# +1 Архангелы #propagated to# Hero Stack of 5 of Архангелы #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Архангелы #attached to# "Архангелы" #$# +1 Архангелы #propagated to# Hero Stack of 5 of Архангелы #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Архангелы #attached to# "Архангелы" #$# +1 Архангелы #propagated to# Hero Stack of 5 of Архангелы #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Архангелы #attached to# "Архангелы" #$# +1 Архангелы #propagated to# Hero Stack of 5 of Архангелы #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Архангелы #attached to# "Архангелы" #$# +1 Архангелы #propagated to# Hero Stack of 5 of Архангелы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Тант Hero Тант #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Тант #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero Тант #attached to# Artifact instance of Эльфийский Лук из Вишневого Дерева type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 10 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 10 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 7 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 7 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Лорд Хаарт Hero Лорд Хаарт #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 30 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 30 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 5 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Лорд Хаарт Hero Лорд Хаарт #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Лорд Хаарт #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 31 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 31 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 5 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Халон Hero Халон #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Халон #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 10 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 10 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Stack of 2 of Грифоны #attached to# "Грифоны" Stack of 2 of Грифоны #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Оррин Hero Оррин #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 35 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 35 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Геон Hero Геон #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Геон #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 5 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 5 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 5 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Валеска Hero Валеска #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 17 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Грифоны #attached to# "Грифоны" Stack of 3 of Грифоны #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Эдрик Hero Эдрик #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 10 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 10 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 5 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Stack of 2 of Грифоны #attached to# "Грифоны" Stack of 2 of Грифоны #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Сорша Hero Сорша #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 12 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 12 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Баллиста type #attached to# Artifact: Баллиста Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Кристиан Hero Кристиан #attached to# Artifact instance of Баллиста type Hero Кристиан #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 15 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 15 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Турис Hero Турис #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 18 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 18 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Санитарная Палатка type #attached to# Artifact: Санитарная Палатка Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Рион Hero Рион #attached to# Artifact instance of Санитарная Палатка type Hero Рион #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Рион #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 10 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 10 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Stack of 2 of Грифоны #attached to# "Грифоны" Stack of 2 of Грифоны #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Адель Hero Адель #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Адель #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 11 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 11 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Катберт Hero Катберт #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Катберт #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 20 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 20 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Аделаида Hero Аделаида #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Аделаида #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 15 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 15 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 4 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Грифоны #attached to# "Грифоны" Stack of 3 of Грифоны #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Инхам Hero Инхам #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Инхам #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 17 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Саня Hero Саня #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Саня #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 19 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 19 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Лоинс Hero Лоинс #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Лоинс #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 20 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 20 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 4 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Каитлин Hero Каитлин #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Каитлин #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 17 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 4 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# "Лесные Эльфы" Stack of 3 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Мепхала Hero Мепхала #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Уфретин Hero Уфретин #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 17 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Енова Hero Енова #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 20 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 20 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 4 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Роланд Hero Роланд #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 19 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 19 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 4 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Торгрим Hero Торгрим #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 18 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 18 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# "Лесные Эльфы" Stack of 5 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# "Лесные Эльфы" Stack of 4 of Лесные Эльфы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Ивор Hero Ивор #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 17 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Кланси Hero Кланси #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 22 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 22 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Киррь Hero Киррь #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 18 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 18 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 5 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Корониус Hero Корониус #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Корониус #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 19 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 19 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 4 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Уланд Hero Уланд #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Уланд #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 21 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 21 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Эллезар Hero Эллезар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Эллезар #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 12 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 12 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Санитарная Палатка type #attached to# Artifact: Санитарная Палатка Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Джем Hero Джем #attached to# Artifact instance of Санитарная Палатка type Hero Джем #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Джем #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 14 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 14 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Мальком Hero Мальком #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Мальком #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 21 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 21 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 3 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Мелодиа Hero Мелодиа #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Мелодиа #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 24 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Гномы #attached to# "Гномы" Stack of 4 of Гномы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Алагар Hero Алагар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Алагар #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Кентавры #attached to# "Кентавры" Stack of 24 of Кентавры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# "Знахари" Stack of 1 of Знахари #attached to# Hero Аерис Hero Аерис #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Аерис #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 4 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 4 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Пигуедрам Hero Пигуедрам #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Пигуедрам #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 31 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 31 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 4 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Тан Hero Тан #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Тан #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 31 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 31 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 2 of Каменные Големы #attached to# "Каменные Големы" Stack of 2 of Каменные Големы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Жосефина Hero Жосефина #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Жосефина #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 37 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 37 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 4 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Нелла Hero Нелла #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Нелла #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 31 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 31 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Баллиста type #attached to# Artifact: Баллиста Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Торосар Hero Торосар #attached to# Artifact instance of Баллиста type Hero Торосар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Торосар #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 38 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 38 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Фафнер Hero Фафнер #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Фафнер #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 37 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 37 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Ризза Hero Ризза #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Ризза #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 34 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 34 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 5 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Каменные Големы #attached to# "Каменные Големы" Stack of 3 of Каменные Големы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Иона Hero Иона #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Иона #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 35 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 35 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Астрал Hero Астрал #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Астрал #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 30 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 30 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Серена Hero Серена #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Серена #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 33 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 33 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Даремиф Hero Даремиф #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Даремиф #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 31 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 31 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Теодор Hero Теодор #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Теодор #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 32 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 32 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 5 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Солмир Hero Солмир #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Солмир #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 34 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 34 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 3 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Кира Hero Кира #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Кира #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 39 of Гремлины #attached to# "Гремлины" Stack of 39 of Гремлины #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# "Каменные Горгульи" Stack of 4 of Каменные Горгульи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# "Храмовницы" Stack of 1 of Храмовницы #attached to# Hero Аин Hero Аин #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Аин #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 17 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Фиона Hero Фиона #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 22 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 22 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Гоги #attached to# "Гоги" Stack of 6 of Гоги #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Адские Гончие #attached to# "Адские Гончие" Stack of 3 of Адские Гончие #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Рашка Hero Рашка #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 23 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 23 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Гоги #attached to# "Гоги" Stack of 4 of Гоги #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Мариус Hero Мариус #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 21 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 21 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Stack of 21 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 21 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Игнат Hero Игнат #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 23 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 23 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Гоги #attached to# "Гоги" Stack of 5 of Гоги #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Октавия Hero Октавия #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 6 of Гоги #attached to# "Гоги" Stack of 6 of Гоги #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Гоги #attached to# "Гоги" Stack of 4 of Гоги #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Калх Hero Калх #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 21 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 21 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Баллиста type #attached to# Artifact: Баллиста Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Пир Hero Пир #attached to# Artifact instance of Баллиста type Hero Пир #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 17 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Гоги #attached to# "Гоги" Stack of 5 of Гоги #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Нимус Hero Нимус #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 16 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 16 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Гоги #attached to# "Гоги" Stack of 4 of Гоги #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Айден Hero Айден #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Айден #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 23 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 23 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Гоги #attached to# "Гоги" Stack of 4 of Гоги #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Ксирон Hero Ксирон #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Ксирон #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 19 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 19 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Гоги #attached to# "Гоги" Stack of 5 of Гоги #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Аксис Hero Аксис #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Аксис #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 23 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 23 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Гоги #attached to# "Гоги" Stack of 5 of Гоги #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Олема Hero Олема #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Олема #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 17 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Stack of 7 of Гоги #attached to# "Гоги" Stack of 7 of Гоги #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Калид Hero Калид #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Калид #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 24 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Аш Hero Аш #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Аш #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 18 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 18 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Гоги #attached to# "Гоги" Stack of 6 of Гоги #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Зидар Hero Зидар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Зидар #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 16 of Бесы #attached to# "Бесы" Stack of 16 of Бесы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Ксарфакс Hero Ксарфакс #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Ксарфакс #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 4 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 4 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 5 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Стракер Hero Стракер #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Стракер #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 25 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 25 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 4 of Стражи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Вокиал Hero Вокиал #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Вокиал #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 27 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 27 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 4 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Моандор Hero Моандор #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Моандор #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 23 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 23 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Чарна Hero Чарна #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Чарна #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 21 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 21 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 5 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 6 of Стражи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Тамика Hero Тамика #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Тамика #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 27 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 27 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 5 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Исра Hero Исра #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Исра #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 24 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Клавиус Hero Клавиус #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Клавиус #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 20 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 20 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 25 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 25 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 24 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 24 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Галтран Hero Галтран #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Галтран #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 28 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 28 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Септиенна Hero Септиенна #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Септиенна #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 25 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 25 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Стражи #attached to# "Стражи" Stack of 4 of Стражи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Аислин Hero Аислин #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Аислин #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 29 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 29 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Сандро Hero Сандро #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Сандро #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 29 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 29 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Нимбус Hero Нимбус #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Нимбус #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 26 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 26 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Кси Hero Кси #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Кси #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 25 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 25 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 5 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Видомина Hero Видомина #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Видомина #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 20 of Скелеты #attached to# "Скелеты" Stack of 20 of Скелеты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# "Живые Мертвецы" Stack of 6 of Живые Мертвецы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Stack of 1 of Пожиратели Душ #attached to# Hero Нагаш Hero Нагаш #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Нагаш #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 4 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 4 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 4 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Лорелей Hero Лорелей #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 38 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 38 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Баллиста type #attached to# Artifact: Баллиста Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Арлаш Hero Арлаш #attached to# Artifact instance of Баллиста type Hero Арлаш #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 31 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 31 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Бехолдеры #attached to# "Бехолдеры" Stack of 3 of Бехолдеры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Дас Hero Дас #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 32 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 32 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Бехолдеры #attached to# "Бехолдеры" Stack of 4 of Бехолдеры #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Бехолдеры #attached to# "Бехолдеры" Stack of 4 of Бехолдеры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Аджит Hero Аджит #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 35 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 35 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Дамакон Hero Дамакон #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 34 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 34 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Гуннар Hero Гуннар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 39 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 39 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Бехолдеры #attached to# "Бехолдеры" Stack of 3 of Бехолдеры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Синка Hero Синка #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 37 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 37 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 34 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 34 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Шакти Hero Шакти #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 36 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 36 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Бехолдеры #attached to# "Бехолдеры" Stack of 4 of Бехолдеры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Аламар Hero Аламар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Аламар #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 35 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 35 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Жаегар Hero Жаегар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Жаегар #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 39 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 39 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 6 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Малекит Hero Малекит #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Малекит #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 32 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 32 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Жеддит Hero Жеддит #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Жеддит #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 33 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 33 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 4 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Деемер Hero Деемер #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Деемер #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 35 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 35 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 4 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Сепхинороф Hero Сепхинороф #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Сепхинороф #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 32 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 32 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 4 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Дарксторн Hero Дарксторн #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Дарксторн #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 20 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 20 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 5 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Йог Hero Йог #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 19 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 19 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Баллиста type #attached to# Artifact: Баллиста Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Гурниссон Hero Гурниссон #attached to# Artifact instance of Баллиста type Hero Гурниссон #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 20 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 20 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Орки #attached to# "Орки" Stack of 5 of Орки #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Орки #attached to# "Орки" Stack of 5 of Орки #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Жабаркас Hero Жабаркас #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 24 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 5 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Шива Hero Шива #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 17 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 16 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 16 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 18 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 18 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Гретчин Hero Гретчин #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 15 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 15 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 5 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Орки #attached to# "Орки" Stack of 6 of Орки #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Креллион Hero Креллион #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 24 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 7 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 7 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Орки #attached to# "Орки" Stack of 4 of Орки #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Крэг Хэк Hero Крэг Хэк #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 7 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 7 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Тираксор Hero Тираксор #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 21 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 21 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 7 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 7 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Гирд Hero Гирд #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Гирд #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 19 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 19 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 6 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Орки #attached to# "Орки" Stack of 4 of Орки #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Вей Hero Вей #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Вей #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 20 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 20 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 6 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Орки #attached to# "Орки" Stack of 6 of Орки #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Десса Hero Десса #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Десса #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 22 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 22 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 7 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 7 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Терек Hero Терек #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Терек #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 20 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 20 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 5 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Зубин Hero Зубин #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Зубин #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 19 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 19 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Гундула Hero Гундула #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Гундула #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 20 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 20 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 6 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Орис Hero Орис #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Орис #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 22 of Гоблины #attached to# "Гоблины" Stack of 22 of Гоблины #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Наездники на волках #attached to# "Наездники на волках" Stack of 6 of Наездники на волках #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Сауруг Hero Сауруг #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Сауруг #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 10 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 10 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 6 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 3 of Змии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Брон Hero Брон #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 17 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 13 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 13 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Дракон Hero Дракон #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 7 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 7 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Вистан Hero Вистан #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 19 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 19 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 6 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Тазар Hero Тазар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 11 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 11 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 6 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Stack of 2 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 2 of Змии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Алкин Hero Алкин #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 13 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 13 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 2 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 2 of Змии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Корбак Hero Корбак #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 17 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Баллиста type #attached to# Artifact: Баллиста Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Гервульф Hero Гервульф #attached to# Artifact instance of Баллиста type Hero Гервульф #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 17 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 4 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Брохильд Hero Брохильд #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 12 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 12 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 7 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 7 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Stack of 2 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 2 of Змии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Мирланда Hero Мирланда #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Мирланда #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 12 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 12 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Розик Hero Розик #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Розик #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 16 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 16 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Санитарная Палатка type #attached to# Artifact: Санитарная Палатка Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Вердиш Hero Вердиш #attached to# Artifact instance of Санитарная Палатка type Hero Вердиш #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Вердиш #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 11 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 11 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 6 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Мерист Hero Мерист #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Мерист #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 19 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 19 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 6 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Stack of 2 of Змии #attached to# "Змии" Stack of 2 of Змии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Стиг Hero Стиг #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Стиг #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 12 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 12 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 7 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 7 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Андра Hero Андра #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Андра #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 16 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 16 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Ящеры #attached to# "Ящеры" Stack of 5 of Ящеры #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Тива Hero Тива #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Тива #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 23 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 23 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 4 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Пасис Hero Пасис #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 16 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 16 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 5 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 3 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Тунар Hero Тунар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 16 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 16 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Игнисса Hero Игнисса #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 20 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 20 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Лакус Hero Лакус #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 18 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 18 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 3 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Stack of 2 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 2 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Монер Hero Монер #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 16 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 16 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 4 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Эрдамон Hero Эрдамон #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 25 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 25 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 3 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 3 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Фьюр Hero Фьюр #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 20 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 20 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Кальт Hero Кальт #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 22 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 22 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 4 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 3 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Луна Hero Луна #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Луна #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 24 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 4 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Брисса Hero Брисса #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Брисса #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 17 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 17 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 5 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Stack of 2 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 2 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Циэль Hero Циэль #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Циэль #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 22 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 22 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 3 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Лабета Hero Лабета #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Лабета #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 25 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 25 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 3 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 3 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Stack of 2 of Элементали Воды #attached to# "Элементали Воды" Stack of 2 of Элементали Воды #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Интеус Hero Интеус #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Интеус #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 24 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 24 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 4 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Аэнаин Hero Аэнаин #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Аэнаин #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 15 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 15 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 4 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Джелар Hero Джелар #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Джелар #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 16 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# "Маленькие Феи" Stack of 16 of Маленькие Феи #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# "Воздушные Элементали" Stack of 5 of Воздушные Элементали #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# "Астральные Духи" Stack of 1 of Астральные Духи #attached to# Hero Гриндан Hero Гриндан #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Гриндан #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 18 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 18 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Сэр Мюллих Hero Сэр Мюллих #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 15 of Гноллы #attached to# "Гноллы" Stack of 15 of Гноллы #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 4 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# "Шаманы" Stack of 1 of Шаманы #attached to# Hero Адриэн Hero Адриэн #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Адриэн #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 11 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 11 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 6 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Катерина Hero Катерина #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 22 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 22 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 6 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 6 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Килгор Hero Килгор #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 32 of Троглодиты #attached to# "Троглодиты" Stack of 32 of Троглодиты #attached to# Hero Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# "Гарпии" Stack of 5 of Гарпии #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Мутаре Hero Мутаре #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Мутаре #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 20 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 20 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 7 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 7 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# "Паладины" Stack of 1 of Паладины #attached to# Hero Роланд Hero Роланд #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 18 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 18 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 4 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 4 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type #attached to# Artifact: Книга Заклинаний Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# "Звери" Stack of 1 of Звери #attached to# Hero Мутаре Дрэйк Hero Мутаре Дрэйк #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero Мутаре Дрэйк #attached to# Artifact instance of Книга Заклинаний type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 10 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 10 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Stack of 7 of Арбалетчики #attached to# "Арбалетчики" Stack of 7 of Арбалетчики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# "Вожди Людоедов" Stack of 1 of Вожди Людоедов #attached to# Hero Борагус Hero Борагус #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Hero #attached to# Bonus system node of type N14CGHeroInstance11HeroSpecialE Stack of 12 of Копейщики #attached to# "Копейщики" Stack of 12 of Копейщики #attached to# Hero Artifact instance of Катапульта type #attached to# Artifact: Катапульта Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# "Суккубы" Stack of 1 of Суккубы #attached to# Hero Ксерон Hero Ксерон #attached to# Artifact instance of Катапульта type Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #attached to# Global effects Player Красный #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9TeamState Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #attached to# Global effects Player Синий #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9TeamState Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Синий Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Красный Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects Hero Вой #attached to# Global effects Hero Сильвия #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global 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type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGSeerHut #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGSeerHut #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGSeerHut #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGSeerHut #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 12CGPandoraBox #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 12CGPandoraBox #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGSeerHut #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGSeerHut #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGSeerHut #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGSeerHut #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGSeerHut #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGSeerHut #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGSeerHut #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGPyramid #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 5CBank #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 9CGSeerHut #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Bonus system node of type 10CGDwelling #attached to# Global effects Hero Тант #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero Hero Лорд Хаарт #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero Reading gamestate: 200 Unpacking and handling defs: 190 Preparing FoW, roads, rivers,borders: 30 Making object rects: 10 Initing maphandler: 230 Establishing connection... Found endpoints: 0: Trying connection to (0) Established connection with VCMI 0.89 (server) Server opened savegame properly. Sent info to server: 0 Opening VCAI Loaded VCAI Opening StupidAI Loaded Stupid AI 0.1 CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: created CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: init called, saving ptr to IBattleCallback Listening... received server message of type 8YourTurn Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=2. Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection Loading music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/DIRT.MP3 Stoping music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/MAINMENU.MP3 Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 12SetSelection Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 14PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Del-ing music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/MAINMENU.MP3 Playing music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/DIRT.MP3 Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=3. Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero received server message of type 15HeroVisitCastle Made first apply on cl Hero Тант #detached from# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero Hero Тант #attached to# Player Красный Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 11TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 14PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=4. Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero received server message of type 11TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 14PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=5. Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero received server message of type 11TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 14PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=6. Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero received server message of type 11TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 14PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=7. Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero received server message of type 11TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 14PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=8. Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 11TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 14PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=9. Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero received server message of type 11TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 14PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=10. Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero received server message of type 11TryMoveHero Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 9HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 14BlockingDialog Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 9HeroVisit Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 14PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Sending a request "10QueryReply". It'll have an ID=11. Sending to server a pack of type 10QueryReply received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Воры #attached to# "Воры" Stack of 8 of Воры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks Made first apply on cl Stack of 0 of Воры #attached to# "Воры" Stack of 8 of Воры #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 14PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Пожиратель Душ doesn't have a base stack! received server message of type 11BattleStart Made first apply on cl Hero Тант #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo Battle stack [0]: 26 creatures of Скелеты from slot 0 of armyobj=2196 #attached to# Stack of 26 of Скелеты Battle stack [7]: 9 creatures of Воры from slot 0 of armyobj=210 #attached to# Stack of 9 of Воры Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Живые Мертвецы from slot 1 of armyobj=2196 #attached to# Stack of 4 of Живые Мертвецы Battle stack [8]: 8 creatures of Воры from slot 1 of armyobj=210 #attached to# Stack of 8 of Воры Battle stack [2]: 5 creatures of Архангелы from slot 2 of armyobj=2196 #attached to# Stack of 5 of Архангелы Battle stack [9]: 8 creatures of Воры from slot 2 of armyobj=210 #attached to# Stack of 8 of Воры Battle stack [3]: 5 creatures of Архангелы from slot 3 of armyobj=2196 #attached to# Stack of 5 of Архангелы Battle stack [4]: 5 creatures of Архангелы from slot 4 of armyobj=2196 #attached to# Stack of 5 of Архангелы Battle stack [5]: 5 creatures of Архангелы from slot 5 of armyobj=2196 #attached to# Stack of 5 of Архангелы Battle stack [6]: 5 creatures of Архангелы from slot 6 of armyobj=2196 #attached to# Stack of 5 of Архангелы Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Пожиратели Душ from slot 255 #attached to# Hero Тант Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Пожиратели Душ from slot 255 #attached to# "Пожиратели Душ" Applied on gs Stoping music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/DIRT.MP3 CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: battleStart called Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 15BattleNextRound CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: battleNewRoundFirst called Made first apply on cl Applied on gs CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: battleNewRound called Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Awaiting command for Battle stack [2]: 5 creatures of Архангелы from slot 2 of armyobj=2196 Del-ing music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/DIRT.MP3 Setting command for Battle stack [2]: 5 creatures of Архангелы from slot 2 of armyobj=2196 Giving command for Battle stack [2]: 5 creatures of Архангелы from slot 2 of armyobj=2196 Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=12. Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction received server message of type 11StartAction CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: actionStarted called Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: battleStackMoved called Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 12BattleAttack CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: battleAttack called Made first apply on cl Applied on gs CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: battleStacksAttacked called Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 9EndAction Made first apply on cl Applied on gs CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: actionFinished called Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 14PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Awaiting command for Battle stack [3]: 5 creatures of Архангелы from slot 3 of armyobj=2196 Setting command for Battle stack [3]: 5 creatures of Архангелы from slot 3 of armyobj=2196 Giving command for Battle stack [3]: 5 creatures of Архангелы from slot 3 of armyobj=2196 Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=13. Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction received server message of type 11StartAction CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: actionStarted called Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: battleStackMoved called Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 12BattleAttack CStupidAI []: 87e4240sic file ssage of t/usbattleAttack calledMBAT03.MP3 Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Playing music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/COMBAT03.MP3 CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: battleStacksAttacked called Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 9EndAction Made first apply on cl Applied on gs CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: actionFinished called Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 14PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... Awaiting command for Battle stack [4]: 5 creatures of Архангелы from slot 4 of armyobj=2196 Setting command for Battle stack [4]: 5 creatures of Архангелы from slot 4 of armyobj=2196 Giving command for Battle stack [4]: 5 creatures of Архангелы from slot 4 of armyobj=2196 Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=14. Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction received server message of type 11StartAction CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: actionStarted called Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: battleStackMoved called Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 12BattleAttack CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: battleAttack called Made first apply on cl Applied on gs CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: battleStacksAttacked called Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 9EndAction Made first apply on cl Applied on gs CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: actionFinished called Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 12BattleResult Loading music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/Win Battle.mp3 Stoping music file /usr/share/vcmi/Mp3/COMBAT03.MP3 CStupidAI [0xa87e4240]: battleEnd called Made first apply on cl Battle stack [0]: 26 creatures of Скелеты from slot 0 of armyobj=2196 #detached from# Stack of 26 of Скелеты Battle stack [7]: 0 creatures of Воры from slot 0 of armyobj=210 #detached from# Stack of 9 of Воры Battle stack [1]: 4 creatures of Живые Мертвецы from slot 1 of armyobj=2196 #detached from# Stack of 4 of Живые Мертвецы Battle stack [8]: 0 creatures of Воры from slot 1 of armyobj=210 #detached from# Stack of 8 of Воры Battle stack [2]: 5 creatures of Архангелы from slot 2 of armyobj=2196 #detached from# Stack of 5 of Архангелы Battle stack [9]: 0 creatures of Воры from slot 2 of armyobj=210 #detached from# Stack of 8 of Воры Battle stack [3]: 5 creatures of Архангелы from slot 3 of armyobj=2196 #detached from# Stack of 5 of Архангелы Battle stack [4]: 5 creatures of Архангелы from slot 4 of armyobj=2196 #detached from# Stack of 5 of Архангелы Battle stack [5]: 5 creatures of Архангелы from slot 5 of armyobj=2196 #detached from# Stack of 5 of Архангелы Battle stack [6]: 5 creatures of Архангелы from slot 6 of armyobj=2196 #detached from# Stack of 5 of Архангелы Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Пожиратели Душ from slot 255 #detached from# Hero Тант Battle stack [10]: 1 creatures of Пожиратели Душ from slot 255 #detached from# "Пожиратели Душ" Warning: an orphaned child! Hero Тант #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #detached from# Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 10EraseStack Made first apply on cl Stack of 9 of Воры #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Воры" Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 10EraseStack Made first apply on cl Stack of 8 of Воры #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Воры" Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 10EraseStack Made first apply on cl Stack of 8 of Воры #detached from# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# "Воры" Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 12SetPrimSkill Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 12RemoveObject Made first apply on cl Bonus system node of type 16CBonusSystemNode #detached from# Global effects Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 14PackageApplied Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 20SetCommanderProperty Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Made second apply on cl Listening... received server message of type 10InfoWindow Made first apply on cl Applied on gs Lost connection to server, ending listening thread! basic_string::replace Something wrong, lost connection while game is still ongoing...