21:48:54 INFO global [0x25c5910] - Creating console 0 21:48:54 INFO global [0x25c5910] - Initialization: 10 21:48:54 INFO global [0x25c5910] - Data loading: 130 21:48:54 INFO global [0x25c5910] - Mod handler: 0 21:48:54 INFO global [0x25c5910] - Mod filesystems: 60 21:48:54 INFO global [0x25c5910] - Basic initialization: 200 21:48:54 INFO global [0x25c5910] - Initialized logging system based on settings successfully. 21:48:54 INFO global [0x25c5910] - Loading settings: 200 21:48:54 INFO global [0x25c5910] - VCMI 0.93b (client) 21:48:55 WARN global [0x25c5910] - Note: SDL suggests to use 32 bpp instead of24 bpp 21:48:55 INFO global [0x25c5910] - New screen flags: 0 21:48:55 INFO global [0x25c5910] - Initializing screen: 50 21:48:55 INFO global [0x25c5910] - Initializing video: 0 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Initializing minors: 0 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Initializing sound: 0 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Initializing screen and sound handling: 0 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_ATTACK 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type AIR_IMMUNITY 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RETALIATION 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type CHARGE_IMMUNITY 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type DAEMON_SUMMONING 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type DARKNESS 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type DEATH_STARE 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type DEFENSIVE_STANCE 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type DRAGON_NATURE 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type EARTH_IMMUNITY 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTED 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTER 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type FEAR 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type FEARLESS 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_IMMUNITY 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_SHIELD 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type FLYING 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type FREE_SHOOTING 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type FULL_HP_REGENERATION 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type HATE 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type HEALER 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type HP_REGENERATION 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type JOUSTING 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type KING1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type KING2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type KING3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type LIFE_DRAIN 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_MIRROR 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_RESISTANCE 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type MANA_CHANNELING 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type MANA_DRAIN 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type MIND_IMMUNITY 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type NON_LIVING 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type NO_MELEE_PENALTY 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type NO_MORALE 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type NO_WALL_PENALTY 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type RANDOM_SPELLCASTER 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type REBIRTH 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type RECEPTIVE 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type SELF_LUCK 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type SELF_MORALE 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type SHOOTER 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type SPELLCASTER 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_IMMUNITY 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type THREE_HEADED_ATTACK 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type UNDEAD 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Loaded bonus type WATER_IMMUNITY 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Bonus type handler: 10 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - General text handler: 10 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Hero handler: 10 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Artifact handler: 0 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Creature handler: 0 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Town handler: 0 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Reading cregens 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Done loading cregens! 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Reading resources prices 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Done loading resource prices! 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Reading banks configs 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Done loading banks configs 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Object handler: 10 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Def information handler: 100 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Spell handler: 10 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Initializing handlers: 150 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Initializing content handler: 110 ms 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Parsing original game data: 50 ms 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - VCMI essential files 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - In The Wake of Gods 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Parsing mod data: 0 ms 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Loading original game data: 290 ms 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - VCMI essential files 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - In The Wake of Gods 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Loading mod data: 30ms 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus L#64 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus L#125 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus L#125 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus fE 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus fS 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus w1 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus L#200 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus L#74 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus L#74 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus u#48 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus u#49 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus wP 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus wp 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus wP 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus wp 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus w1 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus w1 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus w1 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus w2 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus w1 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus w2 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus L#74 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus L#74 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus L#49 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus w1 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus L#49 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus w1 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus L#49 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus w1 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus wL 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus u#113 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus U#123 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus w4 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus w5 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus B= 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus l#35 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus l#136 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus w1 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus w2 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus w3 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus w4 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus U#139 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus G% 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus G= 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus u#136 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus L140 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus w3 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus U#48 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus B+ 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus U#104 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus U#106 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus U#102 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus U#108 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus L140 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus w3 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus U#48 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus B+ 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus U#104 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus U#106 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus U#102 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2aefd00] - Not parsed bonus U#108 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Pikemen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Halberdiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Archers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Marksmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Royal Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Swordsmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Crusaders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Monks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Zealots" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Cavaliers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Champions" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Angels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Archangels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Centaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Centaur Captains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Battle Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Wood Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Grand Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Silver Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Dendroid Guards" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Dendroid Soldiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "War Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Green Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Gold Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Master Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Stone Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Obsidian Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Stone Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Iron Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Arch Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Master Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Nagas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Naga Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Giants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Titans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Imps" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Familiars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Gogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Magogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Hell Hounds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Cerberi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Horned Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Pit Fiends" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Pit Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Efreet" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Efreet Sultans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Arch Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Skeletons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Skeleton Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Walking Dead" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Zombies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Wights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Wraiths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Vampires" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Vampire Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Power Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Black Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Dread Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Bone Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Ghost Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Infernal Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Harpies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Harpy Hags" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Beholders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Evil Eyes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Medusas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Medusa Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Minotaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Minotaur Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Manticores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Scorpicores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Red Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Black Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Goblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Hobgoblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Wolf Riders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Wolf Raiders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Orcs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Orc Chieftains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Ogres" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Ogre Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Rocs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Thunderbirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Cyclopes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Cyclops Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Ancient Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Gnolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Gnoll Marauders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Lizardmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Lizard Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Mighty Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Serpent Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Dragon Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Greater Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Wyverns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Wyvern Monarchs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Chaos Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Air Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Earth Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Fire Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Water Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Gold Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Diamond Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Pixies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Sprites" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Psychic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Magic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "NOT USED (1)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Ice Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "NOT USED (2)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Magma Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "NOT USED (3)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Storm Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "NOT USED (4)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Energy Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Firebirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Phoenixes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Azure Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Crystal Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Faerie Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Rust Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Enchanters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Halflings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Peasants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Boars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Mummies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Nomads" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Rogues" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Trolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Catapults" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Ballistas" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "First Aid Tents" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Ammo Carts" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Arrow Towers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Supreme Archangels" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Diamond Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Lords of Thunder" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Hell Barons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Blood Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Darkness Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Ghost Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Hell Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Sacred Phoenixes" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Ghosts" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Emissaries of War" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Emissaries of Peace" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Emissaries of Mana" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Emissaries of Lore" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Fire Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Earth Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Air Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Water Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Gorynyches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "War Zealots" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Arctic Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Lava Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Nightmares" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Santa Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Paladins" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Hierophants" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Temple Guardians" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Succubuses" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Soul Eaters" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Brutes" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Ogre Leaders" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Shamans" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Astral Spirits" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Paladins" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Hierophants" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Temple Guardians" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Succubuses" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Soul Eaters" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Brutes" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Ogre Leaders" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Shamans" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Astral Spirits" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Sylvan Centaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Sorceresses" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Werewolves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Hell Steeds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - "Dracoliches" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Creatures of unnormalized tier #attached to# All creatures 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Creatures of tier 1 #attached to# All creatures 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Creatures of tier 2 #attached to# All creatures 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Creatures of tier 3 #attached to# All creatures 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Creatures of tier 4 #attached to# All creatures 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Creatures of tier 5 #attached to# All creatures 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Creatures of tier 6 #attached to# All creatures 21:48:55 TRACE bonus [0x2aefd00] - Creatures of tier 7 #attached to# All creatures 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Resolving identifiers: 50 ms 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - All game content loaded in 530 ms 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Initializing VCMI_Lib: 680 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2b1ad44c7720] - Loading and transforming heroes' flags: 220 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Screen handler: 220 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Main graphics: 290 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Initializing game graphics: 0 21:48:55 INFO global [0x2aefd00] - Message handler: 0 21:48:55 INFO global [0x25c5910] - Initialization of VCMI (together): 1220 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Loading music file Music/MainMenu 21:48:55 WARN global [0x2c6e130] - Warning: Cannot open Music/MainMenu: Module format not recognized 21:48:55 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Playing music file Music/MainMenu 21:48:55 ERROR global [0x2c6e130] - Unable to play music (music parameter was NULL) 21:52:24 INFO network [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loading procedure started! 21:52:24 INFO network [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Setting up thread calling server: 0 21:52:24 INFO global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loading lib part of game... 21:52:24 INFO global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Reading header 21:52:24 INFO global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Reading options 21:52:24 INFO global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Reading handlers 21:52:24 ERROR global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Desync found! Position: 338721 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Pikemen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Halberdiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Archers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Marksmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Royal Griffins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Swordsmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Crusaders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Monks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Zealots" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Cavaliers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Champions" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Angels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Archangels" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Centaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Centaur Captains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Battle Dwarves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Wood Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Grand Elves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Silver Pegasi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Dendroid Guards" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Dendroid Soldiers" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "War Unicorns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Green Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Gold Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Master Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Stone Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Obsidian Gargoyles" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Stone Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Iron Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Arch Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Master Genies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Nagas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Naga Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Giants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Titans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Imps" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Familiars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Gogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Magogs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Hell Hounds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Cerberi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Horned Demons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Pit Fiends" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Pit Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Efreet" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Efreet Sultans" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Arch Devils" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Skeletons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Skeleton Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Walking Dead" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Zombies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Wights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Wraiths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Vampires" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Vampire Lords" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Power Liches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Black Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Dread Knights" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Bone Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Ghost Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Infernal Troglodytes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Harpies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Harpy Hags" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Beholders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Evil Eyes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Medusas" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Medusa Queens" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Minotaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Minotaur Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Manticores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Scorpicores" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Red Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Black Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Goblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Hobgoblins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Wolf Riders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Wolf Raiders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Orcs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Orc Chieftains" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Ogres" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Ogre Magi" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Rocs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Thunderbirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Cyclopes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Cyclops Kings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Ancient Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Gnolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Gnoll Marauders" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Lizardmen" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Lizard Warriors" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Mighty Gorgons" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Serpent Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Dragon Flies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Greater Basilisks" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Wyverns" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Wyvern Monarchs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Chaos Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Air Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Earth Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Fire Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Water Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Gold Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Diamond Golems" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Pixies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Sprites" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Psychic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Magic Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "NOT USED (1)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Ice Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "NOT USED (2)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Magma Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "NOT USED (3)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Storm Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "NOT USED (4)" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Energy Elementals" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Firebirds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Phoenixes" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Azure Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Crystal Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Faerie Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Rust Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Enchanters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Halflings" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Peasants" #attached to# Creatures of tier 1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Boars" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Mummies" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Nomads" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Rogues" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Trolls" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Catapults" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Ballistas" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "First Aid Tents" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Ammo Carts" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Arrow Towers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Supreme Archangels" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Diamond Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Lords of Thunder" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Hell Barons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Blood Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Darkness Dragons" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Ghost Behemoths" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Hell Hydras" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Sacred Phoenixes" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Ghosts" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Emissaries of War" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Emissaries of Peace" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Emissaries of Mana" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Emissaries of Lore" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Fire Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Earth Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Air Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Water Messengers" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Gorynyches" #attached to# Creatures of tier 7 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "War Zealots" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Arctic Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Lava Sharpshooters" #attached to# Creatures of tier 5 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Nightmares" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Santa Gremlins" #attached to# Creatures of tier 2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Paladins" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Hierophants" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Temple Guardians" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Succubuses" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Soul Eaters" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Brutes" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Ogre Leaders" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Shamans" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Astral Spirits" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Paladins" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Hierophants" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Temple Guardians" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Succubuses" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Soul Eaters" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Brutes" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Ogre Leaders" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Shamans" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Astral Spirits" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Sylvan Centaurs" #attached to# Creatures of tier 3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Sorceresses" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Werewolves" #attached to# Creatures of tier 4 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Hell Steeds" #attached to# Creatures of tier 6 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - "Dracoliches" #attached to# Creatures of unnormalized tier 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Creatures of unnormalized tier #attached to# All creatures 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Creatures of tier 1 #attached to# All creatures 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Creatures of tier 2 #attached to# All creatures 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Creatures of tier 3 #attached to# All creatures 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Creatures of tier 4 #attached to# All creatures 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Creatures of tier 5 #attached to# All creatures 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Creatures of tier 6 #attached to# All creatures 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Creatures of tier 7 #attached to# All creatures 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Reading cregens 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Done loading cregens! 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Reading resources prices 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Done loading resource prices! 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Reading banks configs 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Done loading banks configs 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_ATTACK 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type AIR_IMMUNITY 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type BLOCKS_RETALIATION 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type CATAPULT 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type CHARGE_IMMUNITY 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type DAEMON_SUMMONING 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type DARKNESS 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type DEATH_STARE 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type DEFENSIVE_STANCE 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type DRAGON_NATURE 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type EARTH_IMMUNITY 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTED 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type ENCHANTER 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type FEAR 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type FEARLESS 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_IMMUNITY 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type FIRE_SHIELD 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type FLYING 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type FREE_SHOOTING 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type FULL_HP_REGENERATION 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type HATE 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type HEALER 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type HP_REGENERATION 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type JOUSTING 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type KING1 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type KING2 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type KING3 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type LIFE_DRAIN 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_MIRROR 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type MAGIC_RESISTANCE 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type MANA_CHANNELING 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type MANA_DRAIN 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type MIND_IMMUNITY 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type NON_LIVING 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type NO_MELEE_PENALTY 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type NO_MORALE 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type NO_WALL_PENALTY 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type RANDOM_SPELLCASTER 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type REBIRTH 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type RECEPTIVE 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type SELF_LUCK 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type SELF_MORALE 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type SHOOTER 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type SPELLCASTER 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_IMMUNITY 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type THREE_HEADED_ATTACK 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type UNDEAD 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded bonus type WATER_IMMUNITY 21:52:24 INFO global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Reading gamestate 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Tunic of the Cyclops King type #attached to# Artifact: Tunic of the Cyclops King 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Pendant of Courage type #attached to# Artifact: Pendant of Courage 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Sentinel's Shield type #attached to# Artifact: Sentinel's Shield 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Equestrian's Gloves type #attached to# Artifact: Equestrian's Gloves 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Dragon Wing Tabard type #attached to# Artifact: Dragon Wing Tabard 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Cards of Prophecy type #attached to# Artifact: Cards of Prophecy 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Glyph of Gallantry type #attached to# Artifact: Glyph of Gallantry 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Collar of Conjuring type #attached to# Artifact: Collar of Conjuring 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn type #attached to# Artifact: Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Crown of the Supreme Magi type #attached to# Artifact: Crown of the Supreme Magi 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Red Dragon Flame Tongue type #attached to# Artifact: Red Dragon Flame Tongue 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Bird of Perception type #attached to# Artifact: Bird of Perception 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Skull Helmet type #attached to# Artifact: Skull Helmet 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Hourglass of the Evil Hour type #attached to# Artifact: Hourglass of the Evil Hour 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Dragon Scale Armor type #attached to# Artifact: Dragon Scale Armor 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Cape of Conjuring type #attached to# Artifact: Cape of Conjuring 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Crest of Valor type #attached to# Artifact: Crest of Valor 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Pendant of Death type #attached to# Artifact: Pendant of Death 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Orrin 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Orrin #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Valeska 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Valeska #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 2 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 2 of Griffins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Edric 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Edric #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Sylvia 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Sylvia #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 14 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 14 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Sorsha 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Sorsha #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Christian 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Christian #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Christian #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Tyris 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Tyris #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 10 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 10 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Rion 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Rion #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Rion #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Rion #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 16 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 16 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Adela 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Adela #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Adela #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Royal Griffins #attached to# "Royal Griffins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Royal Griffins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Cuthbert 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Cuthbert #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Cuthbert #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Archers #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Adelaide 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Adelaide #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Adelaide #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 12 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 12 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Archers #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Griffins #attached to# "Griffins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Griffins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Ingham 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Ingham #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Ingham #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Archers #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Sanya 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Sanya #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Sanya #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Archangels #attached to# "Archangels" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - #$# +1 Archangels #propagated to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Archangels #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Loynis 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Loynis #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Loynis #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Loynis #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Pikemen #attached to# "Pikemen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Pikemen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# "Archers" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Archers #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# "Paladins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Paladins #attached to# Hero Caitlin 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Caitlin #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Caitlin #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Mephala 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Mephala #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Ufretin 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Ufretin #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Jenova 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Jenova #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Ryland 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Ryland #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 24 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 24 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Thorgrim 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Thorgrim #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 22 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 22 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Ivor 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Ivor #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Clancy 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Clancy #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Kyrre 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Kyrre #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Coronius 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Coronius #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Coronius #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 16 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 16 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Wood Elves #attached to# "Wood Elves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Wood Elves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Uland 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Uland #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Uland #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 24 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 24 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Elleshar 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Elleshar #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Elleshar #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type #attached to# Artifact: First Aid Tent 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Gem 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Gem #attached to# Artifact instance of First Aid Tent type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Gem #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Gem #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Malcom 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Malcom #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Malcom #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 14 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 14 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Melodia 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Melodia #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Melodia #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Alagar 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Alagar #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Alagar #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 24 of Centaurs #attached to# "Centaurs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 24 of Centaurs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# "Dwarves" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Dwarves #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# "Hierophants" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Hierophants #attached to# Hero Aeris 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Aeris #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Aeris #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Piquedram 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Piquedram #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Piquedram #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Thane 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Thane #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Thane #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 33 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 33 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Josephine 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Josephine #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Josephine #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 34 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 34 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Neela 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Neela #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Neela #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 31 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 31 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Torosar 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Torosar #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Torosar #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Torosar #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 33 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 33 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Fafner 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Fafner #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Fafner #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 37 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 37 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Rissa 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Rissa #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Rissa #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 32 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 32 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# "Stone Golems" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 2 of Stone Golems #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Iona 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Iona #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Iona #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Astral 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Astral #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Astral #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 30 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 30 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Halon 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Halon #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Halon #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Serena 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Serena #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Serena #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 35 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 35 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Daremyth 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Daremyth #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Daremyth #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Theodorus 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Theodorus #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Theodorus #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 39 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Solmyr 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Solmyr #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Solmyr #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 30 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 30 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# "Stone Gargoyles" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Stone Gargoyles #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Cyra 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Cyra #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Cyra #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 37 of Gremlins #attached to# "Gremlins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 37 of Gremlins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# "Temple Guardians" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Temple Guardians #attached to# Hero Aine 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Aine #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Aine #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Imps #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Fiona 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Fiona #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Rashka 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Rashka #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 21 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 21 of Imps #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Marius 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Marius #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 17 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 17 of Imps #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Ignatius 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Ignatius #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 21 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 21 of Imps #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Octavia 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Octavia #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Calh 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Calh #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Arch Devils #attached to# "Arch Devils" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Arch Devils #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 2 of Efreet Sultans #attached to# "Efreet Sultans" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 2 of Efreet Sultans #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Pit Lords #attached to# "Pit Lords" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Pit Lords #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 40 of Familiars #attached to# "Familiars" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 40 of Familiars #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Cerberi #attached to# "Cerberi" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Cerberi #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 8 of Magogs #attached to# "Magogs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 8 of Magogs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Horned Demons #attached to# "Horned Demons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Horned Demons #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Pyre 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Pyre #attached to# Artifact instance of Crown of the Supreme Magi type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Pyre #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Pyre #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Imps #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Nymus 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Nymus #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Imps #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Ayden 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Ayden #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Ayden #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 16 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 16 of Imps #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Xyron 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Xyron #attached to# Artifact instance of Cape of Conjuring type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Xyron #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Xyron #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Imps #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Axsis 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Axsis #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Axsis #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Imps #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Olema 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Olema #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Olema #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 22 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 22 of Imps #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Calid 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Calid #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Calid #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Imps #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Ash 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Ash #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Ash #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Imps #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #attached to# "Hell Hounds" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Hell Hounds #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Zydar 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Zydar #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Zydar #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 22 of Imps #attached to# "Imps" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 22 of Imps #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# "Gogs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Gogs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# "Succubuses" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Succubuses #attached to# Hero Xarfax 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Xarfax #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Xarfax #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Straker 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Straker #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Straker #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 28 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 28 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Vokial 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Vokial #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Vokial #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 25 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 25 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Moandor 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Moandor #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Moandor #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Charna 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Charna #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Charna #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 27 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 27 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Tamika 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Tamika #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Tamika #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 30 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 30 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Isra 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Isra #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Isra #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Clavius 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Clavius #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Clavius #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 22 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Galthran 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Galthran #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Galthran #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Septienna 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Septienna #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Septienna #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Aislinn 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Aislinn #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Aislinn #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Wights #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Sandro 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Sandro #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Sandro #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 25 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 25 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Nimbus 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Nimbus #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Nimbus #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 25 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 25 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Wights #attached to# "Wights" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Wights #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Thant 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Thant #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Thant #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Xsi 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Xsi #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Xsi #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Vidomina 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Vidomina #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Vidomina #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 27 of Skeletons #attached to# "Skeletons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 27 of Skeletons #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# "Walking Dead" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Walking Dead #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# "Soul Eaters" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Soul Eaters #attached to# Hero Nagash 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Nagash #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Nagash #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Lorelei 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Lorelei #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Arlach 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Arlach #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Arlach #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 32 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 32 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Dace 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Dace #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 33 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 33 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Ajit 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Ajit #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Damacon 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Damacon #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Gunnar 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Gunnar #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 39 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Synca 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Synca #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 33 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 33 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 40 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 40 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Shakti 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Shakti #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 40 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 40 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Alamar 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Alamar #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Alamar #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 38 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Jaegar 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Jaegar #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Jaegar #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 40 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 40 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Malekith 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Malekith #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Malekith #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 34 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Jeddite 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Jeddite #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Jeddite #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 31 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 31 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Geon 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Geon #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Geon #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 35 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 35 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Deemer 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Deemer #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Deemer #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 30 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Sephinroth 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Sephinroth #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Sephinroth #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 36 of Troglodytes #attached to# "Troglodytes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 36 of Troglodytes #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# "Harpies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Harpies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Beholders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# "Brutes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Brutes #attached to# Hero Darkstorn 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Darkstorn #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Darkstorn #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 79 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 79 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 99 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 99 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Yog 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Yog #attached to# Artifact instance of Pendant of Death type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Yog #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Yog #attached to# Artifact instance of Glyph of Gallantry type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Gurnisson 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Gurnisson #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Orcs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Jabarkas 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Jabarkas #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Shiva 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Shiva #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Gretchin 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Gretchin #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 21 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 21 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Orcs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Krellion 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Krellion #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Orcs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Crag Hack 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Crag Hack #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Tyraxor 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Tyraxor #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 22 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 22 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Gird 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Gird #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Gird #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# "Orcs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Orcs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Vey 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Vey #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Vey #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Dessa 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Dessa #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Dessa #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 25 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 25 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Terek 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Terek #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Terek #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Zubin 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Zubin #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Zubin #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Gundula 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Gundula #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Gundula #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 182 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 182 of Hobgoblins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Rocs #attached to# "Rocs" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Rocs #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Ogre Magi #attached to# "Ogre Magi" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Ogre Magi #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# "Wolf Raiders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Wolf Raiders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# "Orc Chieftains" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Orc Chieftains #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Hobgoblins #attached to# "Hobgoblins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Hobgoblins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Oris 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Oris #attached to# Artifact instance of Tunic of the Cyclops King type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Oris #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Oris #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Goblins #attached to# "Goblins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Goblins #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# "Wolf Riders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Wolf Riders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# "Ogre Leaders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Ogre Leaders #attached to# Hero Saurug 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Saurug #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Saurug #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Bron 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Bron #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Drakon 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Drakon #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Wystan 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Wystan #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Tazar 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Tazar #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Alkin 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Alkin #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 100 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 100 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 100 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 100 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Korbac 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Korbac #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Korbac #attached to# Artifact instance of Crest of Valor type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Ballista type #attached to# Artifact: Ballista 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Gerwulf 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Gerwulf #attached to# Artifact instance of Ballista type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Gerwulf #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Broghild 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Broghild #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Mirlanda 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Mirlanda #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Mirlanda #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Rosic 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Rosic #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Rosic #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Voy 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Voy #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Voy #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 196 of Gnoll Marauders #attached to# "Gnoll Marauders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 196 of Gnoll Marauders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Greater Basilisks #attached to# "Greater Basilisks" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Greater Basilisks #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Gorgons #attached to# "Gorgons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Gorgons #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 9 of Lizard Warriors #attached to# "Lizard Warriors" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 9 of Lizard Warriors #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 12 of Gnoll Marauders #attached to# "Gnoll Marauders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 12 of Gnoll Marauders #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Verdish 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Verdish #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Verdish #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 16 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 16 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Merist 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Merist #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Merist #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 17 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Styg 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Styg #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Styg #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Andra 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Andra #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Andra #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# "Gnolls" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 12 of Gnolls #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# "Lizardmen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Lizardmen #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #attached to# "Serpent Flies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Serpent Flies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# "Shamans" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Shamans #attached to# Hero Tiva 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Tiva #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Tiva #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Pasis 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Pasis #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Thunar 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Thunar #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 17 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 17 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Ignissa 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Ignissa #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Lacus 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Lacus #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Monere 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Monere #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Erdamon 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Erdamon #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Fiur 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Fiur #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Kalt 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Kalt #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Luna 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Luna #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Luna #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 18 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Brissa 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Brissa #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Brissa #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 17 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 17 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Ciele 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Ciele #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Ciele #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 24 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 24 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Labetha 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Labetha #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Labetha #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 20 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Inteus 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Inteus #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Inteus #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 19 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #attached to# "Water Elementals" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 2 of Water Elementals #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Aenain 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Aenain #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Aenain #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 23 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Gelare 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Gelare #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Gelare #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Pixies #attached to# "Pixies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Pixies #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# "Air Elementals" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 5 of Air Elementals #attached to# Hero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Catapult type #attached to# Artifact: Catapult 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Artifact instance of Spell Book type #attached to# Artifact: Spell Book 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# "Astral Spirits" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 1 of Astral Spirits #attached to# Hero Grindan 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Grindan #attached to# Artifact instance of Catapult type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Grindan #attached to# Artifact instance of Spell Book type 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Zealots #attached to# "Zealots" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 3 of Zealots #attached to# Town (unknown) of 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 2 of Champions #attached to# "Champions" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 2 of Champions #attached to# Town (unknown) of 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 44 of Halberdiers #attached to# "Halberdiers" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 44 of Halberdiers #attached to# Town (unknown) of 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Crusaders #attached to# "Crusaders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Crusaders #attached to# Town (unknown) of 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 8 of Royal Griffins #attached to# "Royal Griffins" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 8 of Royal Griffins #attached to# Town (unknown) of 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Marksmen #attached to# "Marksmen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Marksmen #attached to# Town (unknown) of 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Town (Castle) of Middleheim #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 12 of Vampire Lords #attached to# "Vampire Lords" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 12 of Vampire Lords #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 12 of Liches #attached to# "Liches" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 12 of Liches #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 2 of Cyclopes #attached to# "Cyclopes" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 2 of Cyclopes #attached to# Town (unknown) of 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Town (Stronghold) of Sandflash #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# "Silver Pegasi" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 17 of Energy Elementals #attached to# "Energy Elementals" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 17 of Energy Elementals #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Green Dragons #attached to# "Green Dragons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 4 of Green Dragons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Beholders #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Ogre Magi #attached to# "Ogre Magi" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Ogre Magi #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Horned Demons #attached to# "Horned Demons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Horned Demons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Dragon Flies #attached to# "Dragon Flies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Dragon Flies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# "Dendroid Soldiers" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 10 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# "Dendroid Soldiers" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 10 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Horned Demons #attached to# "Horned Demons" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Horned Demons #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 14 of Genies #attached to# "Genies" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 14 of Genies #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Vampire Lords #attached to# "Vampire Lords" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Vampire Lords #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Greater Basilisks #attached to# "Greater Basilisks" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Greater Basilisks #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Sorceresses #attached to# "Sorceresses" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Sorceresses #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Pit Fiends #attached to# "Pit Fiends" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Pit Fiends #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Crusaders #attached to# "Crusaders" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 15 of Crusaders #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 10 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# "Dendroid Soldiers" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 10 of Dendroid Soldiers #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Angels #attached to# "Angels" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 6 of Angels #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 10 of Basilisks #attached to# "Basilisks" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 10 of Basilisks #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 10 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# "Silver Pegasi" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 10 of Silver Pegasi #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Swordsmen #attached to# "Swordsmen" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 13 of Swordsmen #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Lava Sharpshooters #attached to# "Lava Sharpshooters" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Lava Sharpshooters #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 12 of Vampire Lords #attached to# "Vampire Lords" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 12 of Vampire Lords #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 2 of Wyverns #attached to# "Wyverns" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 2 of Wyverns #attached to# Town (unknown) of 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Town (Fortress) of Mosswood #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Town (Inferno) of Candent #attached to# Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Naga Queens #attached to# "Naga Queens" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 7 of Naga Queens #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Medusa Queens #attached to# "Medusa Queens" 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Stack of 11 of Medusa Queens #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Player Red #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9TeamState 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Player Blue #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9TeamState 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 9TeamState #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Player Green #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9TeamState 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Player Orange #attached to# Bonus system node of type 9TeamState 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - #$# Lighthouse +500 #propagated to# Player Red 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - #$# Colossus +2 #propagated to# Player Red 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Red 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Loynis #attached to# Player Red 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Blue 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Xyron #attached to# Player Blue 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Player Green 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGResource #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGArtifact #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 6CGMine #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Global effects 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Orange 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Bonus system node of type 20CTownAndVisitingHero #attached to# Player Green 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Yog #attached to# Player Orange 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Oris #attached to# Player Orange 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Korbac #attached to# Player Green 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Verdish #attached to# Player Green 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Cuthbert #attached to# Player Red 21:52:24 TRACE bonus [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Hero Pyre #attached to# Player Blue 21:52:24 INFO network [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded common part of save 560 21:52:24 INFO global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Unpacking and handling defs: 40 21:52:24 INFO global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Preparing FoW, roads, rivers,borders: 10 21:52:24 INFO global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Making object rects: 0 21:52:24 INFO network [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Initing maphandler: 50 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]: Loading player 0 interface. 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Human player interface for player 0 being constructed 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Initializing the interface for player 0 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Restored path for hero Hero Cuthbert leading to 3 5 0 with 7 nodes 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Restored path for hero Hero Loynis leading to 9 7 0 with 4 nodes 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]. 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]: Loading player 1 interface. 21:52:24 INFO global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Opening VCAI 21:52:24 INFO global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded VCAI 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Entering VCAI::VCAI(). 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Leaving VCAI::VCAI(). 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Initializing the interface for player 1 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Entering virtual void VCAI::init(std::shared_ptr). 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::init(std::shared_ptr). 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Entering virtual void VCAI::loadGame(CISer&, int): version '741'. 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::loadGame(CISer&, int): version '741'. 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::loadGame(CISer&, int). 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::loadGame(CISer&, int). 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]. 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]: Loading player 3 interface. 21:52:24 INFO global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Opening VCAI 21:52:24 INFO global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded VCAI 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Entering VCAI::VCAI(). 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Leaving VCAI::VCAI(). 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Initializing the interface for player 3 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Entering virtual void VCAI::init(std::shared_ptr). 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::init(std::shared_ptr). 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Entering virtual void VCAI::loadGame(CISer&, int): version '741'. 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::loadGame(CISer&, int): version '741'. 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::loadGame(CISer&, int). 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::loadGame(CISer&, int). 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]. 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Entering void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]: Loading player 4 interface. 21:52:24 INFO global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Opening VCAI 21:52:24 INFO global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded VCAI 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Entering VCAI::VCAI(). 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Leaving VCAI::VCAI(). 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Initializing the interface for player 4 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Entering virtual void VCAI::init(std::shared_ptr). 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::init(std::shared_ptr). 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Entering virtual void VCAI::loadGame(CISer&, int): version '741'. 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Entering virtual void CAdventureAI::loadGame(CISer&, int): version '741'. 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Leaving virtual void CAdventureAI::loadGame(CISer&, int). 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Leaving virtual void VCAI::loadGame(CISer&, int). 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Leaving void CClient::serialize(Handler&, int) [with Handler = CISer]. 21:52:24 INFO global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Opening StupidAI 21:52:24 INFO global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded Stupid AI 0.1 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: created 21:52:24 TRACE global [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Initializing the battle interface for player 255 21:52:24 TRACE ai [0x2b1ad44031c0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: init called, saving ptr to IBattleCallback 21:52:24 INFO network [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Loaded client part of save 60 21:52:25 INFO network [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Waiting for server: 10 21:52:25 INFO network [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Establishing connection... 21:52:25 INFO network [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Found endpoints: 21:52:25 INFO network [0x2b1ad44031c0] - 0: 21:52:25 INFO network [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Trying connection to (0) 21:52:25 INFO network [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Established connection with VCMI 0.93b (server) 21:52:25 INFO network [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Connecting to the server: 0 21:52:25 INFO network [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Server opened savegame properly. 21:52:25 INFO network [0x2b1ad44031c0] - Sent info to server: 10 21:52:25 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:52:25 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 8YourTurn 21:52:25 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:52:25 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:52:25 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=0. 21:52:25 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:52:25 TRACE global [0x2b1af000dad0] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:52:25 WARN global [0x2b1af000dad0] - Warning: Cannot open music/Grass: Module format not recognized 21:52:25 TRACE global [0x2b1af000dad0] - Del-ing music file Music/MainMenu 21:52:25 TRACE global [0x2b1af000dad0] - Playing music file music/Grass 21:52:25 ERROR global [0x2b1af000dad0] - Unable to play music (music parameter was NULL) 21:52:25 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:52:25 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:52:25 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:52:25 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:52:25 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:52:25 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:52:25 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:52:25 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:52:25 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:52:25 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:52:25 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:52:25 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:52:47 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=1. 21:52:47 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:52:47 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:52:47 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:52:47 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:52:47 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:52:47 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:52:47 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:52:47 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:52:47 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:52:47 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:52:47 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:52:47 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Loading music file music/CstleTown 21:52:47 WARN global [0x2c6e130] - Warning: Cannot open music/CstleTown: Module format not recognized 21:52:47 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:52:47 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Playing music file music/CstleTown 21:52:47 ERROR global [0x2c6e130] - Unable to play music (music parameter was NULL) 21:52:49 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - You've clicked on 3 21:52:54 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - You've clicked on 13 21:52:57 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=2. 21:52:57 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:52:57 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Loading music file music/Grass 21:52:57 WARN global [0x2c6e130] - Warning: Cannot open music/Grass: Module format not recognized 21:52:57 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Del-ing music file music/CstleTown 21:52:57 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Playing music file music/Grass 21:52:57 ERROR global [0x2c6e130] - Unable to play music (music parameter was NULL) 21:52:57 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:52:57 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:52:57 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:52:57 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:52:57 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:52:57 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:52:57 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:52:57 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:52:57 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:52:57 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:52:58 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=3. 21:52:58 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:52:58 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:52:58 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:52:58 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:52:58 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:52:58 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:52:58 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:52:58 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:52:58 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:52:58 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:52:58 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:52:59 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending a request "12SetSelection". It'll have an ID=4. 21:52:59 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending to server a pack of type 12SetSelection 21:52:59 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 12SetSelection 21:52:59 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:52:59 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:52:59 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:52:59 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:52:59 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:52:59 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:52:59 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:52:59 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:52:59 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:01 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - moveHero 21:53:01 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:53:01 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:53:01 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Requesting hero movement to 9 6 0 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=5. 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Resuming moveHero 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:01 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Requesting hero movement to 9 7 0 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=6. 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Resuming moveHero 21:53:01 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Requesting hero movement to 10 7 0 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=7. 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 9GiveBonus 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 10InfoWindow 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:01 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Resuming moveHero 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:01 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:04 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - moveHero 21:53:04 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - before [un]locks in moveHero 21:53:04 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - after [un]locks in moveHero 21:53:04 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Requesting hero movement to 10 8 0 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=8. 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Resuming moveHero 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:04 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Requesting hero movement to 10 9 0 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending a request "8MoveHero". It'll have an ID=9. 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending to server a pack of type 8MoveHero 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 11TryMoveHero 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 9HeroVisit 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 17SetObjectProperty 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE bonus [0x2b1af000dad0] - Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 21:53:04 TRACE bonus [0x2b1af000dad0] - Stack of 3 of Beholders #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE bonus [0x2b1af000dad0] - Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 21:53:04 TRACE bonus [0x2b1af000dad0] - Stack of 4 of Beholders #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 15RebalanceStacks 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE bonus [0x2b1af000dad0] - Stack of 0 of Beholders #attached to# "Beholders" 21:53:04 TRACE bonus [0x2b1af000dad0] - Stack of 4 of Beholders #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 13PlayerBlocked 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:04 WARN global [0x2b1af000dad0] - Ballista doesn't have a base stack! 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 11BattleStart 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE bonus [0x2b1af000dad0] - Hero Loynis #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 21:53:04 TRACE bonus [0x2b1af000dad0] - Bonus system node of type 10CGCreature #attached to# Bonus system node of type 10BattleInfo 21:53:04 TRACE bonus [0x2b1af000dad0] - Battle stack [6]: 1 creatures of Paladins from slot -2 of armyobj=1 #attached to# Stack of 1 of Paladins 21:53:04 TRACE bonus [0x2b1af000dad0] - Battle stack [2]: 4 creatures of Beholders from slot 0 of armyobj=184 #attached to# Stack of 4 of Beholders 21:53:04 TRACE bonus [0x2b1af000dad0] - Battle stack [3]: 3 creatures of Beholders from slot 1 of armyobj=184 #attached to# Stack of 3 of Beholders 21:53:04 TRACE bonus [0x2b1af000dad0] - Battle stack [4]: 4 creatures of Beholders from slot 2 of armyobj=184 #attached to# Stack of 4 of Beholders 21:53:04 TRACE bonus [0x2b1af000dad0] - Battle stack [1]: 1 creatures of Archangels from slot 3 of armyobj=1 #attached to# Stack of 1 of Archangels 21:53:04 TRACE bonus [0x2b1af000dad0] - Battle stack [5]: 4 creatures of Beholders from slot 3 of armyobj=184 #attached to# Stack of 4 of Beholders 21:53:04 TRACE bonus [0x2b1af000dad0] - Battle stack [0]: 1 creatures of Ballistas from slot 255 #attached to# Hero Loynis 21:53:04 TRACE bonus [0x2b1af000dad0] - Battle stack [0]: 1 creatures of Ballistas from slot 255 #attached to# "Ballistas" 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:04 TRACE ai [0x2b1af000dad0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: battleStart called 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 15BattleNextRound 21:53:04 TRACE ai [0x2b1af000dad0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: battleNewRoundFirst called 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:04 TRACE ai [0x2b1af000dad0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: battleNewRound called 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Resuming moveHero 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:04 TRACE global [0x2b1b14f0c380] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [1]: 1 creatures of Archangels from slot 3 of armyobj=1 21:53:04 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:10 TRACE global [0x2b1ae0000eb0] - Del-ing music file music/Grass 21:53:10 TRACE global [0x2b1ae0000eb0] - Loading music file music/Combat04 21:53:10 WARN global [0x2b1ae0000eb0] - Warning: Cannot open music/Combat04: Module format not recognized 21:53:10 TRACE global [0x2b1ae0000eb0] - Playing music file music/Combat04 21:53:10 ERROR global [0x2b1ae0000eb0] - Unable to play music (music parameter was NULL) 21:53:19 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Setting command for Battle stack [1]: 1 creatures of Archangels from slot 3 of armyobj=1 21:53:19 TRACE global [0x2b1b14f0c380] - Giving command for Battle stack [1]: 1 creatures of Archangels from slot 3 of armyobj=1 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1b14f0c380] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=10. 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1b14f0c380] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:53:19 TRACE animation [0x2b1af000dad0] - Animation #0 created 21:53:19 TRACE ai [0x2b1af000dad0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: actionStarted called 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 16BattleStackMoved 21:53:19 TRACE animation [0x2b1af000dad0] - Animation #1 created 21:53:19 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #0 ended, type is P16CBattleAnimation 21:53:19 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #0 deleted 21:53:19 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #1 ended, type is P16CBattleAnimation 21:53:19 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #2 created 21:53:19 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #1 deleted 21:53:19 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #2 ended, type is P16CBattleAnimation 21:53:19 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #2 deleted 21:53:19 TRACE ai [0x2b1af000dad0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: battleStackMoved called 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:53:19 TRACE animation [0x2b1af000dad0] - Animation #3 created 21:53:19 TRACE ai [0x2b1af000dad0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: battleAttack called 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:19 TRACE animation [0x2b1af000dad0] - Animation #4 created 21:53:19 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #3 ended, type is P16CBattleAnimation 21:53:19 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #3 deleted 21:53:19 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #4 ended, type is P16CBattleAnimation 21:53:19 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #4 deleted 21:53:19 TRACE ai [0x2b1af000dad0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:19 TRACE ai [0x2b1af000dad0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: actionFinished called 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:19 TRACE ai [0x2b1b14861580] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: activeStack called for Battle stack [2]: 4 creatures of Beholders from slot 0 of armyobj=184 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1b14861580] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=11. 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1b14861580] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:53:19 TRACE ai [0x2b1af000dad0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: actionStarted called 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:53:19 TRACE animation [0x2b1af000dad0] - Animation #5 created 21:53:19 TRACE ai [0x2b1af000dad0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: battleAttack called 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:19 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:19 TRACE animation [0x2b1af000dad0] - Animation #6 created 21:53:19 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #5 ended, type is P16CBattleAnimation 21:53:19 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #5 deleted 21:53:20 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #6 ended, type is P16CBattleAnimation 21:53:20 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #6 deleted 21:53:20 TRACE ai [0x2b1af000dad0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:53:20 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:20 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:20 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:53:20 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:20 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:20 TRACE ai [0x2b1af000dad0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: actionFinished called 21:53:20 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:20 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:20 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:53:20 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:20 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:20 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:20 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:20 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 20BattleSetActiveStack 21:53:20 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:20 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:20 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:20 TRACE global [0x2b1b14eb2f60] - Awaiting command for Battle stack [6]: 1 creatures of Paladins from slot -2 of armyobj=1 21:53:20 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:29 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending a request "16MakeCustomAction". It'll have an ID=12. 21:53:29 TRACE network [0x2c6e130] - Sending to server a pack of type 16MakeCustomAction 21:53:29 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:53:29 TRACE ai [0x2b1af000dad0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: actionStarted called 21:53:29 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:29 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:29 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:29 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:29 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 15BattleSpellCast 21:53:29 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:29 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:29 TRACE animation [0x2b1af000dad0] - Animation #7 created 21:53:30 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #7 ended, type is P16CBattleAnimation 21:53:30 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #7 deleted 21:53:30 TRACE ai [0x2b1af000dad0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: battleSpellCast called 21:53:30 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:30 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:30 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 13StacksInjured 21:53:30 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:30 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:30 TRACE animation [0x2b1af000dad0] - Animation #8 created 21:53:30 TRACE animation [0x2b1af000dad0] - Animation #9 created 21:53:30 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #8 ended, type is P16CBattleAnimation 21:53:30 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #8 deleted 21:53:30 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #9 ended, type is P16CBattleAnimation 21:53:30 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #9 deleted 21:53:30 TRACE ai [0x2b1af000dad0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: battleStacksAttacked called 21:53:30 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:30 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:30 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 9EndAction 21:53:30 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:30 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:30 TRACE ai [0x2b1af000dad0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: actionFinished called 21:53:30 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:30 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:30 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 14PackageApplied 21:53:30 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:30 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:30 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:30 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:33 TRACE global [0x2c6e130] - Setting command for Battle stack [6]: 1 creatures of Paladins from slot -2 of armyobj=1 21:53:33 TRACE global [0x2b1b14eb2f60] - Giving command for Battle stack [6]: 1 creatures of Paladins from slot -2 of armyobj=1 21:53:33 TRACE network [0x2b1b14eb2f60] - Sending a request "10MakeAction". It'll have an ID=13. 21:53:33 TRACE network [0x2b1b14eb2f60] - Sending to server a pack of type 10MakeAction 21:53:33 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 11StartAction 21:53:33 TRACE ai [0x2b1af000dad0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: actionStarted called 21:53:33 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:33 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:33 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made second apply on cl 21:53:33 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Listening... 21:53:33 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - received server message of type 12BattleAttack 21:53:33 TRACE animation [0x2b1af000dad0] - Animation #10 created 21:53:33 TRACE ai [0x2b1af000dad0] - CStupidAI [0x2b1af0ce0ad8]: battleAttack called 21:53:33 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Made first apply on cl 21:53:33 TRACE network [0x2b1af000dad0] - Applied on gs 21:53:33 TRACE animation [0x2b1af000dad0] - Animation #11 created 21:53:33 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #10 ended, type is P16CBattleAnimation 21:53:33 TRACE animation [0x2c6e130] - Animation #10 deleted