Initialization: 10  Data loading: 150  Mod handler: 10  Mod filesystems: 70 Basic initialization: 240 Initialized logging system based on settings successfully. Port 3030 will be used.  Bonus type handler: 10  General text handler: 0  Hero handler: 10  Artifact handler: 0  Creature handler: 0  Town handler: 0  Object handler: 10  Def information handler: 60  Spell handler: 20  Initializing handlers: 110  Initializing content handler: 90 ms  Parsing original game data: 40 ms  VCMI essential files  In The Wake of Gods  Parsing mod data: 10 ms  Loading original game data: 370 ms  VCMI essential files  In The Wake of Gods  Loading mod data: 40ms  Resolving identifiers: 60 ms  All game content loaded in 610 ms Listening for connections at port 3030 We've accepted someone... Established connection with VCMI 0.93b (client) Got connection! Loading lib part of game...  Reading header  Reading options  Reading handlers  Reading gamestate Connection 1 will handle 5 player: 0 1 3 4 255  Making action of type 6  Making action of type 7 FIXME: battleGetFightingHero wrong argument!  Making action of type 7